Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2012-02-03 21:51
Article here. Another Super Bowl myth supported by questionable data? Excerpt:
'Indiana lawmakers passed tough human trafficking legislation this week -- just in time to prevent an event where thousands of young girls could get bought and sold for sex.
“The Super Bowl is a huge human trafficking event,” said State Sen. Randy Head, (R-Logansport). “They’re running sophisticated rings -- trading girls from city to city.”
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2012-02-03 03:46
Via email from an activist:
As a result of all our efforts and the attached letter signed by 25, this morning all 8 GOP senators voted 'no' on Sen. Leahy's VAWA reauthorization bill. The aura of VAWA enjoying full bipartisan support has been broken. Now, passage is of VAWA is no longer a foregone conclusion.
Needless to say, NOW is fuming right now.
Although we still have a lot of work to do, CONGRATULATIONS AND THANKS TO ALL.
Click here (.pdf file) for the CWA letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee.
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Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2012-02-03 02:26
Story here. Excerpt:
'NEW YORK -- A woman has been charged with stalking and shaking down New York Yankees general manager Brian Cashman.
Louise Neathway was arraigned Thursday night in Manhattan Criminal Court. Prosecutors said she extorted $6,000 from Cashman, tried to squeeze $15,000 more and engaged in "a long-term effort to control and manipulate" him.
According to a statement from an investigator for the district attorney, starting in the fall of last year, Neathway allegedly asked for money for a medical procedure that would cost more than $15,000. She allegedly threatened to "contact the press and informant's family and assert facts that would subject the informant to ridicule and damage his personal relationships and professional reputation."
Judge Abraham Clott set bail at $300,000 bond or $200,000 cash, according to Joan Vollero, a spokeswoman for Manhattan district attorney Cyrus R. Vance, Jr.'
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Submitted by rlaspari on Fri, 2012-02-03 02:04
I don't know if this was posted already, but it's rare that the discrimination against dads gets any recognition in the mainstream press. Excerpt:
'The papers informed him his wife was filing for divorce. Worse, she had requested, and been granted, a temporary protection order based on allegations of domestic violence. The order—issued at a hearing that took place without Jim—took effect immediately. It required him to vacate his house and refrain from "any contact whatsoever" with either his wife or his 3-year-old son.
In it, his wife wrote that she felt like she had to "walk on eggshells" around Jim due to his unpredictable temper. He would scream to such an extent that "veins in his neck were bulging" and "spittle from his lips was hitting me in the face." She also described him yelling at their dogs, roughly handling their cat, and driving aggressively and recklessly.
But there's one thing she never claimed—that Jim had ever hit her or their son. Nor did she accuse Jim of threatening either of them.
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Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 2012-02-02 23:46
Article here. Excerpt:
'Now, five years later, the State Supreme Court has ruled that Fischer (the duped provider) can proceed with a lawsuit demanding that the girl's biological father pay him $190,000 — half the cost of raising her. She's now a young woman of 19.'
What is unfortunate is that the Supreme Court did not in some way require the mother, who knew all along the child was not her husband's, to pay 50% of that amount to Fischer. The mother remains unaccountable for the fraud she foisted upon her husband.
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2012-02-02 18:14
Article here. Excerpt:
'To kick off Super Bowl XLVI weekend, Verizon will participate in the 13th annual Super Bowl Gospel Celebration (SBGC) on Friday, Feb. 3, an NFL sanctioned event, where legendary NFL Pro Bowl players, Super Bowl Champions and MVPs come together on one stage with Grammy Award-winning artists, A-list entertainers and special guests. Salvation and Deliverance Church Choir, the winner of Verizon's 2011 "How Sweet the Sound" national choir competition, will perform during the 2012 SBGC taking place at Butler University in Indianapolis. HopeLine® from Verizon will also make a donation to a local domestic violence agency to help the organization increase awareness of domestic violence and further prevention efforts.'
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2012-02-02 18:12
Article here. Excerpt:
'In 1993, in advance of the Super Bowl games held in Pasadena, Calif., several local women's advocacy organizations came forward with anecdotal evidence that domestic violence shelters and emergency rooms saw a surge of battered women on Super Bowl Sunday. Experts appeared on national television, citing research proving a link between the game and violence against women. But a closer look at the initial research revealed that there was no clear association.
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2012-02-02 05:22
Article here. Excerpt:
'Most people associate Title IX with athletics as the main point as it states that men and women should be treated equally when it comes to athletics. It states that athletic participation should be proportional to the student enrollment. I understand where they were originally coming from and there is nothing wrong with women playing sports. It is great seeing the success and attendance of women's athletics, especially here at Iowa State with our basketball team.
The problem here, though, is with reverse discrimination. In order to be fair, basically the same number of players from each sex need to play. So sports such as basketball, soccer, track and gymnastics are fine because each sex can play them. Then you have the problem with football. Football is a male sport only. So in order to make it fair for the females, we either need to make a football team with the same number of females or cut smaller men's sports programs.
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2012-02-02 05:11
Article here. Excerpt:
'Nagging doesn’t come out of nowhere. It’s usually the woman doing the nagging and the man feeling nagged. And it happens because of a power imbalance in the relationship: men have more power to blow off what women say to them, in almost every sphere of their lives. I’ve found this especially exaggerated in relationships where one partner stays at home and the other works full time.
I put a stop to the nagging cycle in my own marriage a few years ago, doing it exactly the way Marcotte describes. My husband is a feminist. He cares deeply about gender bias. But he’s still a guy who was raised with male privilege, and it’s not always visible to him when gender dynamics are at the root of a problem.
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Submitted by mens_issues on Thu, 2012-02-02 04:04
I noticed a Psychology Today article titled "Are you with the Right Mate?" which portrays a woman married to a male chimpanzee. Kind of demeaning, huh? Read the article if you can stand it. Excerpt:
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2012-02-02 03:16
Tomorrow, Thursday Feb. 2, 2012, the Senate Judiciary Committee will be meeting to discuss Sen. Leahy's version of the Violence Against Women Act reauthorization. Leahy's VAWA bill contains many, many controversial provisions, and does nothing to assure real victims, and ALL victims - are helped.
At the meeting Sen. Charles Grassley will be proposing an amendment to bring the domestic violence industry to heel. The DV industry is certain to oppose these accountability measures. So please contact these members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and tell them that abuse victims are demanding that VAWA be made accountable to meet their needs.
Tell them to support Sen. Grassley's efforts to bring accountability to the Violence Against Women Act.
- Chuck Grassley: (202) 224-3744
- Orrin G. Hatch: (202) 224-5251
- Jon Kyl: (202) 224-4521
- Jeff Sessions: (202) 224-4124
- Lindsey Graham: (202) 224-5972
- John Cornyn: (202) 224-2934
- Michael S. Lee: (202) 224-5444
- Tom Coburn: (202) 224-5754
Time is of the essence...please make your calls now!
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Submitted by Minuteman on Thu, 2012-02-02 00:53
Link here. Excerpt:
'The Heart Truth campaign celebrates a decade of progress and continues to inspire heart health action during American Heart Month
As part of American Heart Month, on Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2012, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s (NHLBI’s) The Heart Truth campaign, with the support of the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (FNIH), will showcase its signature event, the Red Dress Collection 2012 at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in New York City. As part of its 10th anniversary this year, The Heart Truth has partnered with Million Hearts, a national initiative of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, to prevent one million heart attacks and strokes over the next five years.
National Wear Red Day: Friday, Feb. 3
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2012-02-01 23:15
Article here. Excerpt:
'MONTREAL — The male stereotype of the all-powerful protector and provider is doing a disservice to men -- pressuring them to conform and ultimately, leaving many powerless to face the challenges of modern society.
Synnott, who has been teaching a course on the sociology of men for 10 years, wrote the 2009 book, Redefining Men: Heroes, Victims and Villains, and currently writes a column on men for Psychology Today. He believes that the rallying cry of “male chauvinist pig” has ignored important realities that men face. “Men dominate at the top and also the bottom,” he points out. “The vast majority in prisons, victims of accidents, victims of work fatalities, 99 per cent of military fatalities — are all male.”
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2012-02-01 20:04
Article here. Excerpt:
'Here’s what we know: On Jan. 25, an unnamed woman accused Greg Kelly, the co-host of “Good Day New York” and the son of New York police commissioner Ray Kelly, of raping her in October 2011, after they had a few drinks together in a Manhattan bar. She is described as being 30 years old and in the legal profession. We know that the woman had a boyfriend, who publicly confronted both Kellys at a recent public event. That the woman claims she had too much to drink and that Kelly forced himself on her. She says Kelly got her pregnant, that she subsequently had an abortion, and that she reportedly decided to tell her story because Kelly’s father has encouraged crime victims to come forward. Kelly has not been formally charged with any crime.'
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2012-02-01 19:53
Article here. Excerpt:
'STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education has been a high priority in the recent efforts put toward education reform. One of President Obama’s priorities in his reform efforts has been making these classes and programs available to everyone regardless of race, socioeconomic status and gender with the hopes of preparing them for careers in those fields.
Recently, many are implementing programs that are focusing on introducing younger girls into these subjects. These programs range anywhere from national efforts like the National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) to local efforts like Techbridge, to even smaller efforts like clubs and classes specifically created with the intent of gaining girls’ interest in the subject.
At the Stuart Country Day School of the Sacred Heart in Princeton, N.J., a task force of top thinkers in these areas has been formed to come up with solutions to help close this “girl gap” in STEM fields.'
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