Police: Boulder Woman Made Up Attack

This is the second time in a few weeks that a false report of sexual assualt was made in Boulder. Excerpt:

'BOULDER, Colo. -- For the second time in three weeks, Boulder police have cited a young woman for fabricating an assault story.

Boulder police on Wednesday said they have cited 18-year-old Allyson M. Manley with false reporting after she claimed that a man tried to sexually assault her in October.'

Ed. note: Also see here.

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New York won't recognize man's masculinity

Article here. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK, Feb. 9 (UPI) -- A former Marine's lawsuit against New York says a hospital mix-up listed him as female on his birth certificate and the city is refusing to correct the error.

David Hassan, 29, filed a lawsuit in city Supreme Court saying the mistake on his birth certificate was not noticed until 2003, when he was denied a new ID by a clerk who noticed the error, the New York Post reported Thursday.

"I am not, nor have I ever been, female," he said.'

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Wanted: An Honest Discussion About the Violence Against Women Act

Article here. Excerpt:

'But this year Republicans, previously feminist-pecked, are taking a harder than usual look at VAWA. Senator Charles Grassley, ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, has had the audacity to offer a counterpoint bill that, while not perfect, would introduce more stringent accounting policies and altogether eliminate the Department of Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women. Headed by Susan Carbon, this office administers VAWA, doling out grants nationwide for shelters, often staffed by feminist ideologues, and law enforcement training, often grounded in feminist theory.

The Office on Violence Against Women’s budget request this year is $454,898,000, and, while that is certainly less than was poured down a green rat hole on Solyndra, it should raise eye-brows in economically tough times.

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Children´s Rights Organization In Sweden Skews Boys' Suicide Statistics

From GenusNytt ("Gender News"), article here.

'Association BRIS - Children's Rights in Society http://www.bris.se/?pageID=61

Notice a statistical trick in the report they have recently sent out. It results in a clear prevalence of girls.

As you can see in their table below is the boys' percentage of young people with suicidal problems being 12.2 percent (while girls account for only 87.1 per cent).

Anyone who goes to the National Centre for Suicide Research and looks at their statistics on completed suicide - which is probably much worse than going into suicidal thoughts - get a totally different picture. Their statistics show that between the ages of 15-24 years is 74 percent of those who committed suicide boys-- that is about three boys to each girl.'

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Malawi: Episcopal Bishops Endorse Male Circumcision as HIV Prevention Measure

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM), a college of all catholic bishops in the country, has endorsed government’s proposal for the adaptation of medical male circumcision as a mean for HIV prevention.

However, ECM General Secretary Father George Buleya said the endorsement is on condition that Catholics should be accessing the service in catholic health facilities only.

“We have taken this stand on the understanding that circumcision contravenes no Biblical teachings” said Father Buleya. The cleric said while they have adopted male circumcision, the Catholic Church was still against the use of condoms as an HIV preventive measure. Various researches are agreeing that male circumcision can reduce HIV transmission by 60 percent, on top of reducing by 100 percent transmission of other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) such as gonorrhea and syphilis. Apart from that, it is also believed that male circumcision greatly reduces risk of cervical cancer in women.'

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Boys do better than girls when taught under traditional reading methods

Article here. Excerpt:

'The use of more traditional phonetics-based lessons helps boys catch up with girls - even doing better on some tests - and prevents some children from needing 'special' schooling, according to new research findings.

A study of synthetic phonics also found children from disadvantaged backgrounds do as well as those from better off homes.
They have been introduced after damning revelations that four in 10 children have failed to master the three Rs by the time they leave primary school.
Boys were 20 months ahead while girls were 14 months more advanced than expected.
"All children can get the most out of learning to read using synthetic phonics.
"Teachers told us they had fewer disciplinary problems and less trouble in the playground because boys were succeeding and had higher self esteem."'

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CDC Request for Information on Youth Violence (Deadline 21 Feb 2012)

Link here (click the PDF icon, 160kb). Excerpt:

'SUMMARY: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is seeking on behalf of the Department of Health and Human Services information for an anticipated Surgeon General response to the public health problem of youth violence.
Potential Areas of Focus: CDC is interested in receiving information on the following:

(1) What is the extent of the problem and its consequences.
(2) What are the differences in youth violence prevalence among subgroups and communities and how might they inform prevention approaches.
(3) What is the availability and adaptability of evidence-based prevention programs.

Purpose of Notice: The purpose of this notice is to provide individuals and organizations the opportunity to identify issues and areas of need for consideration as we gather information to inform the Surgeon General’s document on youth violence. All comments will receive careful consideration.'

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Boys falling behind girls in education, experts look for solutions

Article here. Excerpt:

'For the first time in U.S. History a generation of sons will have less education than their fathers while girls are graduating from college in record numbers. Women have also become a majority of the workforce.

Many believe the gap is beginning at a young age. Stereotypes, lack of support programs and education are several of many factors hindering boys' progression, experts say.
In the last three decades, hundreds of federal programs and initiatives have been created to help girls continue and finish their education. But no such programs exist for boys, according to Dr. Warren Farrell. He is part of the effort to change that, with the Proposal for a White House Council on Boys to Men. The commission identified five areas of problems at crisis level: education, emotional health, physical health, work and father involvement.

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New Zealand: Domestic abuse charity subverts Valentine’s Day messages of love

Article here. Excerpt;

'A domestic abuse charity in has turned the sentimentality of Valentine’s Day on its head with a campaign that highlights the darker side of love for some women.

New Zealand’s Women’s Refuge is placing Valentine’s Day cards with a traditional exterior and a sinister message inside in retailers in Auckland and Wellington.

According to Women’s Refuge, some regions of New Zealand saw a near 100% spike in the numbers of women seeking help over the Christmas period for violent abuse, with a 12% increase last year in the numbers of women and children using their safe houses.

“We designed the campaign to encourage conversations and help those suffering to make a change,” said Livia Esterhazy GM at Saatchi & Saatchi Wellington.'

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UK: Police in Valentine's Day domestic abuse warning

Article here. Excerpt:

'Det Sgt Chloe Webber said there were "many factors at this time" which may lead to a relationship becoming abusive.

Calls about domestic abuse last year fell 18.5% around Valentine's Day, but she said the warning was a "timely reminder".

Det Sgt Webber said: "Valentine's Day can be extremely special for some people but unfortunately for others this is not always the case.

"There are many factors at this time which affect relationships, such as high expectations, stress, and financial pressure which may lead to a relationship becoming abusive."
A spokeswoman said: "There is no statistical evidence which suggests Valentine's Day is a pinch point for people."

Det Sgt Webber said the drop in reports over Valentine's Day "may have been because of the awareness campaign in the last couple of years".

She said: "Three or four year ago we had anecdotal evidence from officers of an increase in domestic violence over the Valentine's Day period.'

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Obama's Valentine's Day advice

Article here. Excerpt:

'President Obama has a warning for America's men: don't forget today is February 14th.

"Let me start with a quick public service announcement to all the gentlemen out there: today is Valentine's Day. Do not forget," Obama said during remarks Tuesday. "I speak from experience here. It is important that you remember this."

"And go big. That's my advice," the president added.'

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SAVE's Accusing U. Project Set to Launch

Via email:

This week SAVE is introducing a new campaign to combat the Department of Education's Directive regarding rape and sexual assault on college campuses across the nation.

The DED has lowered its standard of what constitutes probable cause when an allegation of a sexual assault is reported. Here's an example; if you have a drink with a woman and then become intimate, you are now at risk of being charged with rape if she later regrets her decision.

Accusing U. is a new campaign developed by SAVE, aimed at reversing the government's directive and educating students across the country on this new assault on students' rights.

Please sign our petition, join the Accusing U. Facebook page, and pass along this information to any college students you know! Visit the Accusing U. webpage: www.accusingu.org


Tom Lemons, Director of Special Events
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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My Body, My Choice: Ban Non-Consensual Circumcision

Article here. Excerpt:

'Like countless men who have been circumcised, I’m angry about what was taken from me. If I could go back in time to the moment before this was done to me, I would use any means necessary to stop it. I wish there’d been a law against it. I’ve spent many nights ruminating in grief. I know other men like me who have sunk into deep depression while wrestling with the pain of this violation.
While circumcision may not reduce a man’s desire to make love to himself, it irrevocably reduces his capacity to experience sexual pleasure. ...
From where I sit, arguments like Goldstein’s sound like hate speech. If a man said he needed to cut off part of a woman’s genitals in order to make her “more like a man,” he’d rightly be ostracized. Why do we, as a progressive community, let this kind of dehumanization of men go unchallenged? Yes, male violence against women is a huge social problem and must be addressed. Inflicting irreversible harm onto our innocent sons’ genitals is not the answer.

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Articles list on Jewish intactivism

From the author of these articles:

Here are some new articles on Jewish Intactivism that I've published this year. Please like them on Facebook and Google+, and share and promote them on Tumbler, and your other social networks.


Peaceful parenting: The Intactivist Movement Within Judaism

Jewish Voices: The Current Judaic Movement to End Circumcision: Part 1

Jewish Voices: The Current Judaic Movement to End Circumcision: Part 2

Jewish Voices: The Current Judaic Movement to End Circumcision: Part 3

Jews Speak Out in Favor of Banning Circumcision on Minors

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F&F: Fathers and Families Welcomes New Leadership

Article here. Excerpt:

'It is with equal measures of regret and optimism that I announce Glenn Sacks’ decision to resign his post as Executive Director of Fathers and Families. Fathers and Families grew faster during the past three years under Glenn’s leadership than it has at any point since I helped found it 14 years ago. To my personal regret, Glenn has decided to move on. (see Glenn’s statement below).

Beginning five years ago, I sat with Glenn and his family in his California back yard, trying to cajole him into joining Fathers and Families. I knew I was talking to a special talent. As a journalist and blogger, Glenn had amassed the biggest audience in the world on gender-related issues as seen from the male point of view, including reform of the family courts. He wrote and spoke with precision, a solid grasp of the facts, balance, and with respect for both men and women.

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