LePage’s domestic violence legislation focuses on abusers

Article here. Excerpt:

'The executive order signed by LePage on Wednesday would create a task force to study the viability of using technology such as electronic monitoring to better track abusers and keep victims safe. That task force would report back by the end of 2012.

LePage said the proposals announced on Wednesday would create additional deterrents for abusers but would not solve the problem.

He said all Mainers, and men in particular, need to do their part to make domestic violence socially unacceptable.

Cain agreed.

“The bills today are a starting point for the work that lies ahead. It is simply not enough to increase punishment for this kind of crime after it happens,” she said. “We must also work together on comprehensive domestic violence prevention resources and treatment for battered women and their families.”'

Relatedly, wonder if there will be focus on this woman, too?

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Men are doomed theory is off the mark

The diminishment of the Y chromosome happened early on, then leveled off, according to this study. Excerpt:

'But the latest study says the Y's shrinkage occurred in the very distant past and the chromosome has been wonderfully stable for millions of years.

The human genome has 22 pairs of chromosomes plus one pair that determine sex. If you are a female, you get two X chromosomes, and if you are male, it's an X and a Y, whose all-important sex-determining region accounts for the sperm and testes.'

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Female Georgia Democrats Seek Vasectomy Ban In Response To Abortion Bill

Article here. Excerpt:

'A group of female Democratic legislators in the Georgia House of Representatives has proposed a bill that would ban men from seeking vasectomies.

"Thousands of children are deprived of birth in this state every year because of the lack of state regulation over vasectomies," said bill author Yasmin Neal in a statement. "It is patently unfair that men can avoid unwanted fatherhood by presuming that their judgment over such matters is more valid than the judgment of the General Assembly, while women's ability to decide is constantly up for debate throughout the United States."

The proposed legislation is a response to HB 954, a bill sponsored by Republican Doug McKillips that seeks to ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Current legislation prohibits abortions after the second trimester, or approximately 24 weeks. The measure, which has been moving quickly through the House, is intended to prevent late-term abortions on fetuses that proponents say can already feel pain at 20 weeks.'

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Court Orders Man To Apologize To Estranged Wife On Facebook To Avoid 60-Day Sentence

Article here. Excerpt:

'CINCINNATI -- A Cincinnati man has been ordered to apologize to his estranged wife on Facebook after a post he wrote last year.

Court records indicate that Mark Byron was found guilty of civil domestic violence against Elizabeth Byron in June 2011, and Elizabeth Byron was granted a temporary protection order.

The records indicate that Mark Byron posted a comment to his Facebook wall in late November that stated "if you are an evil, vindictive woman who wants to ruin your husband's life and take your son's father away from him completely -- all you need to do is say that you're scared of your husband or domestic partner and they'll take him away!"
On Jan. 25, magistrate Paul Meyers ruled that Mark Byron violated the protection order and sentenced him to 60 days in jail and a $500 fine.
Meyers ruled that Byron could not shut down his page during those 30 days and had to grant friend status to his wife or someone of her choosing to monitor the page.'

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Australian Dept of Health & Aging - "Men's Shed Funding Boosts Support for Blokes"

Link here. Excerpt:

'The Minister with responsibility for Male Health, Warren Snowdon, has announced 31 Men’s Sheds across Australia will be helped to fit out their buildings, purchase tools or supplies and to run programs to spread health messages.

Mr Snowdon said the Australian Government is committed to improving the health of Australian males by finding ways to make the health system more responsive to the specific and unique needs of males.

“Sheds are playing a key role in strengthening communities and in promoting the physical and mental health of males, we have committed $3 million of our $16.7 million National Male Health Policy to the Australian Men’s Shed’s Association to help support sheds, and $250,000 each year for three years in direct financial assistance for Men’s Sheds around Australia.

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SAVE: Accusing U.: Come Visit our New Facebook Page

'This past Saturday SAVE launched our Accusing U. campaign at the International Students for Liberty Conference in Washington D.C. It was a complete success -- the room was filled to capacity, barely leaving room to stand. Several students volunteered to become Campus Coordinators.

If you received our last E-lert, you are aware of the government's effort to remove the presumption of innocence from persons accused of rape or sexual assault on college campuses.

SAVE is working tirelessly to expose and expel this new Directive -- and we invite you to get involved. We have just set up a new Facebook page for persons falsely accused of sexual assault: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Falsely-Accused-of-Sexual-Assault/349737661704751

Drop by, like a comment, join the conversation, recommend us to a friend! For more information, visit http://www.accusingu.org/


Tom Lemons, Director of Special Events
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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UK: Girls' Education Campaign Runs Street Ad Only Women Can See

Article here. Excerpt:

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Interview with Wendy McElroy on feminism in America

Article here. Excerpt:

'Consider academia. Every university has a women’s department; almost every one has PC policies such as campus codes that preclude sexual jokes and comments; professors are suspended or fired for expressing the wrong views of gender in class...the list of institutionalized ideology rolls on and on. One problem with institutionalizing an ideology or idea is that it lives on almost through inertia far, far longer than it could survive a free market process of open debate and analysis. Once a gender feminism professor gets tenure, for example, that position is occupied by her ideology for the next 20+ years. It doesn’t matter that her ideas have been discounted by the general public or the political tide has turned. She has tenure. And remember almost every professor within women’s departments, political science, etc. who has received tenure in the past 2 decades or so needed to toe a PC line. Thus the struggle goes on even though the battle has been won.'

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"Federal Judge Says Chicks Can Slam Cheating Exes on Web; Gloria Allred Declares 'Victory for Women's Rights'"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Gloria claims her clients -- and women at large -- should have the right to exercise their free speech however they like ... especially since there are laws in place that prevent them suing an unfaithful ex.

She's referring to what are called "Heart Balm" laws -- laws that abolish the ability of one to sue over breach of a promise to marry. And while the laws are gender-neutral, Gloria argues they unfairly protect men ... because men are more likely to cheat than women.

Gloria claims women should have the right to sue ... because they are disproportionately affected by a cheating man than vice versa -- insisting men typically occupy the power position in relationships ... with better jobs, more money, etc.'

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Clinton: 'Cultural Tradition' is No Excuse for Female Genital Mutilation

Article here. The comments challenge Hillary Clinton's hypocrisy when it comes to circumcision. Excerpt:

'U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Thursday that there is no cultural justification for female genital cutting, a practice that is sometimes referred to as female circumcision.

Secretary Clinton says governments and non-governmental organizations are making progress toward ending female genital mutilation, or FGM, by reaching out to those who still practice it.

In those societies, it is often justified as a way to protect a girl's purity and cleanliness. Although Clinton said many cultural differences must be respected, this is not one of them.

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Battered Kenyan men urged to boycott meals in their homes

Men in the Nyeri, Central Province of Kenya are being battered by their wives (and urged to boycott meals in their homes in protest) in this video posted on YouTube.

Apparently the women of the region are upset with their husbands as they are often the primary breadwinners and their unemployed husbands often turn to alcohol. Just look at some of the semi-literate misandrist comments on YouTube and you can see the rude and ignorant attitudes of many posting there. Would the reverse be acceptable with employed husbands battering their unemployed wives who drink?

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SAVE: Standing-Room Crowd Welcomes Launch of Accusing U. Project

Yesterday, Feb. 18, SAVE launched its long-awaited Accusing U. project, designed to raise awareness about the Department of Education’s Sexual Assault Directive, and stop false allegation of rape on campus.

The roll-out featured a panel presentation at the annual conference of International Students for Liberty, held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Washington DC. The session, “How the Government Plans to Regulate Your Sex Life,” featured presentations by attorney Ron Henry, author Philip Cook, and SAVE program director Teri Stoddard.

Ninety students attended the session, many asking candid questions during the Q and A period. Afterwards, panelists engaged in one-on-one conversations with audience members, with a number of students volunteering to become Accusing U. Campus Coordinators.

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Swedish docs in circumcision protest

Article here. Excerpt:

'"We consider it to be an assault on these boys," Staffan Janson, chairman of BLF's committee for ethical issues and childrens' rights, said to newspaper Göteborgs-Posten (GP).

Removing small boys' foreskin for reasons other than medical is controversial in Sweden.

After discussing the matter for several years BLF has now concluded that the procedure ought to be banned on the grounds that the children are unable to form a decision in the matter. According to BLF and Staffan Janson, circumcision is an attack on boys' integrity.

"It's such a complicated and difficult question, but even so, we've decided that this is a procedure to be done away with," Janson said.

"It's a mutilation of a child unable to decide for himself."'

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The Nerve's "Dispatches" section: 'How Insensitive' discusses circumcision

From back in 2007, still this is a very good, brief article describing how and why it is that men lose sensitivity (and, a lot of it) in their penises when they are circumcised. It also discusses the issue of HIV/STD transfer prevention and the jumbled results from the few studies done on the matter. And to recommend it further, it is brief and to the points. Excerpt:

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Caught on video: Horrific moment a father was shot by his mother-in-law as he picked up son, three from her house

Story here. A father goes to his mother-in-law's home to pick up his son and is shot twice by her. She then calls 911 and alleges that HE tried to shoot HER. Unbeknownst to his mother-in-law was the fact that the man had recorded the incident on his iPhone. Let us stress the importance of using personal surveillance devices in securing justice. Excerpt:

'A father recorded the moment he was shot by his mother-in-law as he went to pick up his three-year-old son from her house.

Salvatore Miglino, 39, was shot in the ribs and the shoulder by 66-year-old Cheryl Hepner.

Mr Miglino caught the attack in Florida on Wednesday on video - because he had set his iPhone to record in anticipation of an argument with Mrs Hepner.

After a brief exchange outside the granny's house in Tamarac, Florida near Fort Lauderdale, Hepner allegedly shot Mr Miglino in the shoulder and rib.

The exact discussion before the shooting is unclear, but it appears relatively calm.'

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