Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2012-02-28 03:01
Video here. You have to see it to believe it.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2012-02-28 02:56
Latest F&F newsletter here. Excerpt:
'Now is the time for the Massachusetts Legislature to appoint a Shared Parenting Task Force. On the heels of the resounding success of the Massachusetts Alimony Task Force, Fathers and Families wants the same for our children with a Shared Parenting Task Force.
Call your legislator today!
I am asking every Massachusetts Fathers and Families reader to advocate for the Shared Parenting Task Force that our legislative leaders promised. Please call your legislator and tell them or a member of their staff:
Now it is time to produce the single most important reform for the welfare of our children — shared parenting — in the family courts. The legislature used a task force to work out the solution for alimony, please use this same powerful tool for shared parenting for our children. Ask the Judiciary Committee’s Chairs to appoint a Shared Parenting Task Force: Senator Cynthia Stone Creem and Representative Eugene L. O’Flaherty.'
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Submitted by Minuteman on Mon, 2012-02-27 12:46
Link here. Excerpt:
'This document provides guidance on the study and evaluation of sex differences in medical device clinical trials, with a specific focus on addressing potential differences in study design, conduct, outcomes, and interpretation that should be considered to ensure sex-specific issues are adequately addressed in clinical trials.
The purpose of this guidance is to outline the Center for Devices and Radiological Health's (CDRH's) expectations regarding sex-specific patient enrollment, data analysis, and reporting of study information. The intent is to improve the quality and consistency of available data regarding the performance of medical devices in women.'
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Submitted by MR on Sun, 2012-02-26 17:17
A Canadian dad has been arrested and strip searched for his 4-year-old daughter's drawing of a terrible, horrible gun that reeks mayhem. After the bad man had been stripped naked, searched, then locked in a cage, they found the ominous, life threatening weapon that put terror in the heart of the poor little girl. It was a toy gun that shoots foam darts.
(sarcasm on) Thank goodness that we presently have Senator Patrick Leahy, and other feminist partisans, working very hard here in America to strengthen the Violence Against Women Act so we can get many more suspiciously male dads and men out of their homes and families and into jails where they all belong. :-/ Excerpt:
'A Canadian father was arrested and strip-searched Wednesday after his 4-year-old daughter drew a picture of a gun in her kindergarten class.
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Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 2012-02-26 09:01
Video here. ("Like"s and comments are very appreciated.) The Georgia House of Representatives is considering a bill to prohibit abortions after the time that the unborn child can feel pain. Some lawmakers have argued that a legislature composed mostly of males should not legislate on abortion, claiming that it is only a women's issue. (Some legislators have even proposed a tongue-in-cheek ban on vasectomies as a way to make this point.) On Friday, February 24, 2012, the House Judiciary Non-Civil Committee heard that many men do mourn the loss of their unborn children.
Reminding members that "it takes two to have a baby," attorney Charles Jones urged the Committee not to disregard men's views on abortion. Jones pointed out the feelings of men who did not have a voice in the abortion room, feelings of "grief," "powerlessness," and "anger," and urged the Committee to make sure that these men do have a voice when it comes to passing laws to protect their unborn children.
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2012-02-25 20:23
Sen. Chuck Grassley explains why 8 Republican senators voted to not support Sen. Leahy’s Violence Against Women Act reauthorization bill.
'To the Editor:
“Republicans Retreat on Domestic Violence” (editorial, Feb. 10) doesn’t recognize the reasons for the lack of support for the Judiciary Committee bill to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act. The bill fails to recognize the dire fiscal situation, fails to ensure that taxpayer dollars are spent wisely and adds unjustifiable controversial provisions.
My alternative bill provides more assistance for victims than the bill reported by the Judiciary Committee. The inspector general’s random audits of the act’s grant recipients repeatedly found irregularities and misconduct, including unauthorized and unallowable expenses in 21 of 22 grants. It’s only logical to change the committee’s bill to ensure that those funds go to help victims.
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2012-02-25 15:59
Story here. Excerpt:
'Three women identified by their lawyers as lesbians were arraigned yesterday on a hate crime charge for allegedly beating a gay man at the Forest Hills T station in an unusual case that experts say exposes the law’s flawed logic.
Prosecutors and the ACLU of Massachusetts said no matter the defendants’ sexual orientation, they can still face the crime of assault and battery with intent to intimidate, which carries up to a 10-year prison sentence, by using hateful language.
But Carolyn Euell, 38, mother of two of the defendants, Erika Stroud, 21, of Dorchester and Felicia Stroud, 18, West Roxbury, told reporters the alleged attack “can’t be hateful” because both her daughters are lesbians.
“The defendants’ particular orientation or alleged orientations have no bearing on our ability to prosecute for allegedly targeting a person who they believe to be different from them,” he said.'
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Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 2012-02-24 23:32
Video here.
200 Children are separated from their Fathers every day
in secret Family Courts.
In 2011 The Norgrove Report confirmed Dads have no right
in law to see their Children.
1 in 3 Children in the UK is growing up without a father.
4 Million Children have lost their Dads.
In The Name Of Our Children and
In The Name Of The Fathers
by Ulf Andersson
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Submitted by insdel2005 on Fri, 2012-02-24 06:37
Article here. The Florida legislature attempts to make a modest alimony reform, changing Florida alimony from a lifetime obligation to a "long term support" and feminists along with family law attorneys everywhere oppose it. How predictably revolting.
Feminists at the National Organization of Women are now hypocritically spouting two opposite and irreconcilable lines of attack at the same time, depending what the issue is. Politicians on the national stage have opened more combat roles to women. NOW claims that everyone should support this move because women are every bit as: tough, independent, fearless, and self reliant as men, an assessment I wholeheartedly agree with. But when a few Florida politicians consider ending lifetime alimony, the same organization starts simultaneously claiming that women are defenseless little prairie flowers and must be protected from taking responsibility for their own existence. I wish the National Organization of Women would make up its mind. If you're a Florida resident call your representatives. Excerpt:
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2012-02-24 03:05
Story here. Excerpt:
'ATTALLA, Ala. (AP) — Roger Simpson said he looked down the road and saw a little girl running outside her home but didn't give it another thought. Police, however, said the man witnessed a murder in progress.
Authorities say 9-year-old Savannah Hardin died after being forced to run for three hours as punishment for having lied to her grandmother about eating candy bars. Severely dehydrated, the girl had a seizure and died days later. Now, her grandmother and stepmother who police say meted out the punishment were taken to jail Wednesday and face murder charges.
Witnesses told deputies Savannah was told to run and not allowed to stop for three hours on Friday, an Etowah County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman said. The girl's stepmother, 27-year-old Jessica Mae Hardin, called police at 6:45 p.m., telling them Savannah was having a seizure and was unresponsive.'
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2012-02-24 02:07
Dear Brothers,
The latest Issue of WILL magazine has been uploaded to the website.
WILL Magazine Volume 1 Issue 6 has been given a makeover and contains articles by reputed members of society. The main focus of this issue is Female Literacy in India.
[Alternate download from here.]
We at TWF hope you find it an informative read.
Kindly let us know your feedback.
Thanks & regards,
Anwar H. Danish
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2012-02-23 21:10
Story here. Excerpt:
'A Concord woman who claimed that her boyfriend had died of medical problems pleaded no contest Wednesday to involuntary manslaughter for smothering him with a pillow, a killing her attorney portrayed as the act of a domestic violence victim.
Dava Alizabeth-Ann Steen, 47, was sentenced to six months in jail, which she can serve at home while under electronic monitoring, said her attorney, Public Defender Robin Lipetzky.
Steen was initially charged with murder. Judge Garrett Grant of Contra Costa County Superior Court sentenced her to six months at a hearing in Martinez on Wednesday as part of a plea deal.
Lipetzky said Steen wanted to "address the issues in her life that gave rise to this situation in the first place, which includes a long history of domestic violence in a relationship in which she was the victim and (Bennett) was the batterer."'
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2012-02-23 02:03
Tom Martin, the man suing Europe's largest Gender Studies department, at LSE, for sex discrimination in its taught Masters degrees (court date on March 13th), will be discussing the problem of sexist elements within feminism at a public debate at one of London's other elite universities, UCL, at 7:00 PM on Tuesday 28th February, 2012. The debate will take place in Room 309 of the Roberts Building, on UCL's campus. If you would like to attend, then you must email to book your place in advance.
Media practitioners interested in doing a news story or documentary, including filming events at the debate, and around the court case with Tom, should also email
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2012-02-23 01:56
Article here. Excerpt:
'In her annual State of the Judiciary address, Leigh I. Saufley announced that, effective immediately, bail commissioners may not set bail in domestic violence-related cases unless they have access to the defendant’s criminal history in Maine.
Bail commissioners sometimes don’t have that information because of varying legal interpretations, technological limitations, law enforcement staffing limitations and miscommunication, according to Saufley.
If a bail commissioner does not have a defendant’s criminal history, the defendant will have to remain in jail and appear before a judge within 48 hours, excluding weekends and holidays, Saufley said at a press conference after her speech.
The chief justice’s action raised concerns among criminal defense attorneys.
The president of the Maine Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers also expressed concern about Saufley’s directive.
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2012-02-23 01:00
Article here. Excerpt:
'Charles M. Blow aims to provide readers with a “teachable moment” regarding the suspension of the CNN commentator Roland Martin after a gay rights organization complained that his Super Bowl tweets advocated violence against gays (“Real Men and Pink Suits,” column, Feb. 11).
Noticeably absent from Mr. Blow’s and others’ commentary was any criticism of the numerous graphic acts of violence — slaps, head butts, kicks, punches — depicted against heterosexual males during the Super Bowl commercials in the interest of humor.
We should condemn all public endorsements or mockeries of violence. Our rebuke should not turn on whether the victim is heterosexual or homosexual, male or female, or a member of a group to which we belong, but whether there was an offense made against a person’s human dignity. Unless we, as a nation, hold ourselves to such a standard, we will only substitute one brand of social injustice and bias for another, and compromise our moral authority.'
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