Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2012-03-06 23:35
We'd like to express our gratitude. Your calls to Washington DC expressing your opposition to VAWA are having an impact. THANK YOU.
Senator Leahy has not yet convinced enough senators to sign-on to VAWA to avoid a filibuster. Let's make sure he never does.
Today we're asking you to call Senator Olympia J. Snowe, a well-respected centrist from Maine. Known for being at the center of every policy debate in Washington, this is a senator who needs to hear from you.
You can call Sen. Snowe at her Washington DC office: (202) 224-5344.
Your voices are being heard. Keep using them!
Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments
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Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2012-03-06 20:43
Article here. Finally, somebody with enough balls to tell the truth and is trying to pass a law about it. There are thousands of studies and data to prove this without question - yet it will be political suicide for this guy to try and get this passed. Watch what happens. Excerpt:
'In Wisconsin, a state senator has introduced a bill aimed at penalizing single mothers by calling their unmarried status a contributing factor in child abuse and neglect.
Senate Bill 507, introduced by Republican Senator Glenn Grothman, moves to amend existing state law by "requiring the Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board to emphasize nonmarital parenthood as a contributing factor to child abuse and neglect."'
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2012-03-05 03:27
Article here. Again, the Feminist-PC Hooey Machine (I have now hybridized them into one joint acronym: "FPCHM") has no idea what to do when there isn't a man/father around either to blame or exploit. Excerpt:
'TALLAHASSEE, Florida (AP) — A custody battle in Florida between two lesbians could fuel the growing national debate over the definition of motherhood.
It also might force state lawmakers to reconsider a 19-year-old law regarding the rights of sperm and egg donors.
But the Brevard County couple separated two years later, and the birth mother eventually left Florida with the child without telling her former lover. The woman who donated the egg and calls herself the biological mother finally tracked them down in Australia with the help of a private detective.
"But it does solidify gay couples' right to retain a relationship with their child," she said. "If it goes the other way, parenthood could be subject to risk on the whim of the other partner."
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2012-03-03 18:24
Syndicated columnist Leonard Pitts, Jr. recently wrote this piece regarding the 'controversy' over the return of a gay US Marine and the reception he received, which included the kissing of his sweetheart, who in fact turned out to be a man. But what Mr. Pitts may not have known about was that a gay military couple had already done the same thing back in 2011 almost immediately after "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" was abolished. Only in that case, the couple was female, the reception was official, and there was not a peep of outrage or controversy over it.
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2012-03-02 23:00
Women Against VAWA Excess – WAVE – is dedicated to exposing how the Violence Against Women Act has veered away from its original intended purpose to stop domestic violence. Now, VAWA has come to embrace a radical ideology that marginalizes true victims, harms families, and betrays the ideals of equality feminism.
WAVE invites persons to visit its website, which features articles by Wendy McElroy, Anna Rittgers, and others:
WAVE also sponsors a Facebook page at We invite women to drop by and share your experiences and concerns about VAWA and with the domestic violence programs in your area.
For information on submitting an article, contact
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Submitted by GaryB on Fri, 2012-03-02 01:29
This article here from Australia beggars belief.
Apparently, a woman's 'right to choose' should include choosing to terminate a baby, after it is born, according to some philosophers. Apparently though, that's only the mother - fathers don't even get a mention.
I'd comment; but to be honest, I'm lost for words.... Quote:
'KILLING newborn babies should be allowed if the mother wishes, Australian philosophers have argued in a prestigious journal.
Their argument, that it is morally the same as abortion, has forced the British Medical Journal to defend its publication of their views.
In an article that has sparked outrage around the world and elicited death threats, Monash University's Alberto Giubilini and the University of Melbourne's Francesca Minerva say that a foetus and a newborn both lack a sense of life and aspiration.
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Submitted by the_captain on Thu, 2012-03-01 20:56
Article here. Excerpt:
'Breastfeeding activists in New Zealand raised so much of a stink over an ad featuring a dad bottle-feeding his baby that the New Zealand government actually decided to edit the image above out of the ad.
While the government's decision could be viewed as a victory for La Leche League, which protested the ad, some observers have concluded that the decision is a sad day for dads. If a father is going to be involved in the feeding of his new baby, it's only going to happen through a bottle. Even in many families where the baby is drinking breast milk exclusively, Mom is often pumping milk to allow others -- including Dad -- to feed the baby breast milk through a bottle. So, to state the obvious: An ad showing a dad bottle-feeding a baby doesn't mean that the child isn't drinking breast milk. (We won't get into the fact that parents should be allowed to make feeding choices without being judged.)'
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Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 2012-03-01 09:41
Article here. Although the number of boys circumcised in the UK is low by USA levels there is still much public anger at the practice. The reason for the vigil was that the B.M.A. was discussing ethics and once again the non-therapeutic cutting of boy’s genitals was not on the agenda. Excerpt:
'Men Do Complain held a vigil on Wednesday 22nd of February outside the B.M.A. Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9JP. We got there at 08:30 and stayed until the rain, cold and wind overcame us. The reason for the vigil was that the B.M.A. were discussing ethics and once again the non-therapeutic cutting of boy’s genitals was not on the agenda. The vigil went very well the public really are on our side. Several circumcised men approached us and quite openly said that they were glad someone was taking a stand. One surprise was the number of friendly car hoots and we didn’t even have a sign saying hoot if you agree.'
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2012-03-01 03:16
Senator Leahy and VAWA supporters are six co-sponsors short of avoiding a filibuster. They are close, but that doesn't mean they will succeed. Not if we get busy and make a few phone calls.
To see if your senators have co-sponsored the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) visit Enter bill number S.1925.
If your senators have not become co-sponsors, call and thank them. Let them know that you do NOT want them to become co-sponsors. If your senators have co-sponsored VAWA, call two who haven't.
Tell them not to listen to the "If you're pro-women you're pro-VAWA" line. Remind them that women's groups like the Independent Women's Forum and Concerned Women for America have come out in opposition to VAWA. Or suggest they visit the Women Against VAWA Excess website to see what women really think about VAWA.
Find your senators' phone numbers here:
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2012-03-01 02:26
Article here. Excerpt:
'The numbers bear it out. Since the advent of Title IX, according to the National Federation of State High School Associations, the number of girls playing high school sports has grown more than tenfold, from 294,000 in 1971 to nearly 3.2 million last year.
But this welcome transformation has come at a serious cost for many female athletes. Title IX has inflicted significant collateral damage, including increased health risks for the players, a drop in the number of women coaches, and increased exposure to sexual abuse.
Of special concern for girls is damage to their anterior cruciate ligament, or A.C.L., the tiny ligament in the knee that connects the two halves of the leg. Female athletes are four or five times more likely than male athletes to have A.C.L tears, says Dr. William Levine, the director of sports medicine at Columbia University and the head physician for its varsity teams.
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Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 2012-02-29 18:06
Story here. Excerpt:
'TEENAGE boys can continue to be prosecuted for underage sex while teen girls are exempt.
The 'Romeo and Juliet' law is constitutionally sound because it reflects a girl's risk of pregnancy after sex, the Supreme Court ruled yesterday.
The court also said that it was not always possible to apply the same treatment to everyone, especially when it came to different genders.
It stemmed from a 15-year-old boy being charged with having sex with a 14-year-old girl in Donegal on August 5, 2006.
The court unanimously ruled the law was constitutional, because lawmakers could take account of the danger of pregnancy for teenage girls in such cases.'
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Submitted by Minuteman on Wed, 2012-02-29 03:33
Link here. Excerpt:
'The mother of a newborn child who surrenders the child—
(a) into the physical custody of a prescribed person at a hospital or medical practice; or
(b) at a prescribed hospital in a place—
(i) specifically designed for the purpose; and
(ii) designated for the purpose by signs, in accordance with the regulations; or
(c) to some other person or at some other place in accordance
with the regulations, will not be liable to prosecution for an offence arising only from that act.
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Submitted by Minuteman on Wed, 2012-02-29 02:51
Link here. Excerpt:
'Network Ten's The Circle is facing a furious backlash from viewers after the hosts mocked war hero Corporal Ben Roberts-Smith, suggesting he was dim-witted and "not up to it in the sack".
The panel was discussing the Victoria Cross recipient after he appeared in a candid Sunday Night profile and aired a shot of him shirtless in a pool.
After one of the hosts commented on Corporal Roberts-Smith's physique, Yumi Stynes said: "He's going to dive down to the bottom of the pool and see if his brain is there".
Then as the shot of the war hero, who single-handedly stormed a machine-gun position in Afghanistan, was displayed again Stynes said "S-A-S" in a mocking voice.
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Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2012-02-28 21:01
Story here. Today, February 28th, 2012, a child´s right to both its parents and the right to know who the father is, is set to be abolished by the Swedish Government. Excerpt:
'The Centre Party, Liberals (Folkpartiet) and the Moderates want single women to have access to artificial insemination treatment, and are proposing a change to current laws despite opposition from coalition partners the Christian Democrats.
"The important thing is not that a child has a biological mother and father, but that children are surrounded by adults who take care of them and love them," she told Sveriges Radio (SR).
Although the Christian Democrats do not back the proposal, it is expected to win widespread support in parliament from the left-leaning opposition parties, which have made similar proposals in recent years'
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Submitted by rlaspari on Tue, 2012-02-28 18:34
Seen Huggies latest "Dad Test" campaign? Apparently, Huggies believes dads are bumbling idiots who are incompetent at parenting.
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