Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2012-03-16 03:27
Article here. Excerpt:
'It's been trending wildly on the internet, has spawned, outrage, online petitions and tearful mea culpas from Kimberly - Clark spokespeople. Their Huggies commercial is criticized as dad bashing. So I asked the dad I know best - my husband - for his thoughts. He's not just a dad - he's been calling out dad-bashing since authoring "Mack Daddy," a bestselling parenting book written from a decidedly male point of view.
Undoubtedly, some folks at Huggies' marketing department may now be wearing Depends - so fearful are they for their jobs. And I say... yippee. Squirm. Sweat. Have a full blown unemployment panic attack. You deserve it after the latest Huggies commercial.
Maybe this Huggies commercial debacle will serve as a clarion call to sitcom writers and ad copywriters around the globe. Find a fresh laughingstock for your formulaic jokes. They stink like dirty diapers.'
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Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2012-03-16 03:24
Article here. Excerpt:
'Baseball is included in that count. Wisconsin scrapped its program entirely, and Cal-Berkeley committed to discarding its program in 2010 before fundraising raised enough to keep it afloat.
“Women didn’t want to kill men’s sports, they just wanted it to be equal,” said former LSU athletic director and baseball coach Skip Bertman. “I think baseball is pretty much a victim of Title IX.”
The NCAA mandates a roster limit for each team, allowing only 35 players.
Just 27 are allowed to receive any sort of scholarship.
“You can’t even cover a full backup spot,” said former LSU first baseman Blake Dean. “You need at least a full 18 scholarships. … You could field two full teams with 18 scholarships. That would be a little more reasonable.”'
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2012-03-15 21:07
Article here. Excerpt:
'If a guy offers to carry a box for a female co-worker, help her with Google Analytics or compliments her for what a good mom she seems to be, she may be better off turning down the help and deflecting the compliments. These seemingly nice gestures and complimentary comments towards women may be a form of subtle sexism, experts say.
Chivalrous acts and compliments on female qualities, like mothering or nurturing, studies show, can be just as damaging to women as more blatant sexism and catcalls. Offering to assist women in traditionally male tasks, which experts call benevolent sexism, reinforces the notion that men are more competent than women, and women are weak and fragile.
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2012-03-15 21:02
Article here. Excerpt:
'Anyone who has ever taken to the streets as part of campaigns to stop violence against women (increasingly relevant after a new Alberta survey purports to reveal that one in 10 men think it's OK to hit a woman if she makes him angry), has probably come across the following argument: Where are all the campaigns to stop violence against men? For many who have yet to stumble upon the heated forums, blog rants, and protests that embellish the heart of this argument -- this may be your first foray into the men's rights movement.
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2012-03-15 20:55
Story here. Excerpt:
'The woman's husband was charged with six counts of rape in 2009 to which he pleaded not guilty, but she later said the allegations she had made were false.
The prosecution offered no evidence against him when he appeared at Mold Crown Court and not-guilty verdicts were entered.
Initially she was charged with perverting the course of justice on the basis of making a false complaint, but she later asserted that it was the retraction, rather than the allegation of rape, which was false.'
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2012-03-15 20:18
Article here. Excerpt:
'The Violence Against Women Act, passed in 1994, is up for its third reauthorization in Congress this spring. The legislation, which promotes stronger state policies combating domestic violence and sexual assault and secures federal funds for related programs, has always enjoyed bipartisan support. But no longer. While the 2012 bill is co-sponsored by Democrat Patrick Leahy of Vermont and Republican Mike Crapo of Idaho, the Senate Judiciary committee approved it last month on a 10-8 partisan vote, with not one Republican voting for it.
Republicans have lately been accused of waging a "war on women," which puts them in a bad position to demand a critical review of the law. And that's unfortunate, because it needs one.
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2012-03-15 18:17
Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2012-03-15 17:24
Story here. Excerpt:
'Miguel Morin was 8 months old when, police say, his baby sitter took him for what was supposed to be just one night in 2004. The sitter, Krystle Rochelle Tanner, was Miguel’s godmother and friends with his mother, police say.
Now, eight years after his disappearance, Miguel will be reunited with his mother, Auboni Champion-Morin of Houston, pending a DNA test, reported Wednesday. She says she never gave up hope that she would find her child.
"I prayed every night that he was safe, loved and he would come home one day," Champion-Morin told the Houston television station.'
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Submitted by Minuteman on Thu, 2012-03-15 09:54
Link here. Excerpt:
'An English teen has been found out leading a double life — posing as three different boys in order to have sexual encounters with other girls she was attracted to.
Gemma Barker, 19, had relationships with two girls aged 15 and 16 who thought she was a male, despite going to the same school as her, Guildford Crown Court heard yesterday.
During their encounters Barker spoke like a boy and wore men's clothing — including baggy tops, hats and hoodies — to cover up her feminine physique.
She created three different alter egos — Aaron Lampard, Connor McCormack and Luke Jones — and had separate Facebook profiles for each of them.
The Middlesex resident now faces jail time after admitting to two counts of sexual assault and one count of fraud.'
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Submitted by Minuteman on Thu, 2012-03-15 05:13
Link here. Excerpt:
'Ambassador Eric Goosby serves as U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator, and Melanne Verveer serves as Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues.
As we observe Women's History Month throughout March, we celebrate the work pioneered by advocates, policymakers, and practitioners around the world to advance women's rights. Promoting the rights of women and addressing gender inequities and gender norms are essential steps to reducing HIV risk and increasing access to HIV prevention, care and treatment services -- for both women and men.
The Secretary's Office of Global Women's Issues (S/GWI) and the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) are committed to advancing the rights and health of women and girls around the world. Under the leadership of President Obama and Secretary Clinton, the United States has put women and girls front and center in the three pillars of our foreign policy -- diplomacy, development, and defense.
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2012-03-15 01:24
Article here. Excerpt:
'In an effort to keep people from maliciously filing false reports of child abuse in the midst of divorce, custody fight, or other domestic conflict, the Oregon Legislature passed legislation making it a Class A violation resulting in a $750 fine.
One of our members, Gordon Hillesland, has tracked this legislation through the Oregon House and Senate. Ten years ago, his wife accused him of abusing his children when she was seeking a divorce. The accusations, even though he was never charged, ruined his life.'
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Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 2012-03-14 01:38
Article here. Excerpt:
'A mohel who was ordered to stop the circumcision practice of metzitzah b’peh in 2007 by the New York State Department of Health is apparently still engaging in the controversial practice of “oral suction,” The Jewish Week has learned.
In 2005, it was reported that Rabbi Fischer had been linked to the infections of three infants, one of whom died, with the herpes simplex 1 virus. All three infants were circumcised by Rabbi Fischer in New York State. At the time, the city ordered Rabbi Fischer to stop practicing metzitzah b’peh temporarily while it investigated the matter.
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Submitted by otomo on Wed, 2012-03-14 01:01
Article here. Excerpt:
'Liberal Ladies Who Lunch, a women’s right group that says they strive to turn “America blue, one plate at a time,” is waging a sex strike starting next month that they hope will combat infringements on their personal liberties being waged by conservatives. With women’s rights issues being debated in the mainstream lately by the likes of lawmakers looking to deny the right to choose and commentators deeming pro-choice women as sluts, the strike scheduled for next month seems more than just well timed.
According to the group’s latest call to action, this protest won’t rely on picket signs and chants to get a message across. Instead, Liberal Ladies Who Lunch are asking women to wage a sex strike to “united against the war on women.”
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2012-03-14 00:45
As we've mentioned before, the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is up for reauthorization. VAWA has many short-comings. Last week we told you about the lack of accountability and accreditation. Today we're focusing on VAWA's lack of equal protection.
VAWA provides legal assistance to accusers, but not to the accused. Read "My Son Had No Chance to Prove His Innocence" ( to see how VAWA is negatively impacting innocent families.
Senator Leahy is still trying to get enough co-sponsors to avoid a filibuster, but he hasn't succeeded yet. We need to make sure he doesn't get any more.
Today we're asking you to call senators Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander of TN. Call Sen. Corker at his Washington DC office: 202-224-3344, and call Sen. Alexander at his office: (202) 224-4944.
We're holding the line. Don't let go now!
Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2012-03-13 17:38
Article here. Excerpt:
'Does feminism discriminate against men? Tom Martin thinks so. Today, the former MSc student at the gender studies institute of the London School of Economics sued the university for misleading advertising and breach of equality legislation, on the basis that the course promotes a "sexist agenda".
Martin, who has raised £4,300 to fund his case at the central London county court, argues that feminism makes women think of themselves as victims, and that it promotes a discourse which "excludes mention of men" and the inequalities they face, such as increased risk of homelessness and subjection to hypergamy (gold-digging), which his website claims is "prevalent among most of the world's women".
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