UK: Women posed as boy to sexually assault girls

Link here. Excerpt:

'An English teen has been found out leading a double life — posing as three different boys in order to have sexual encounters with other girls she was attracted to.

Gemma Barker, 19, had relationships with two girls aged 15 and 16 who thought she was a male, despite going to the same school as her, Guildford Crown Court heard yesterday.

During their encounters Barker spoke like a boy and wore men's clothing — including baggy tops, hats and hoodies — to cover up her feminine physique.

She created three different alter egos — Aaron Lampard, Connor McCormack and Luke Jones — and had separate Facebook profiles for each of them.

The Middlesex resident now faces jail time after admitting to two counts of sexual assault and one count of fraud.'

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Department of State: Celebrating International Women’s Day by Investing in Women and Girls

Link here. Excerpt:

'Ambassador Eric Goosby serves as U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator, and Melanne Verveer serves as Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues.

As we observe Women's History Month throughout March, we celebrate the work pioneered by advocates, policymakers, and practitioners around the world to advance women's rights. Promoting the rights of women and addressing gender inequities and gender norms are essential steps to reducing HIV risk and increasing access to HIV prevention, care and treatment services -- for both women and men.

The Secretary's Office of Global Women's Issues (S/GWI) and the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) are committed to advancing the rights and health of women and girls around the world. Under the leadership of President Obama and Secretary Clinton, the United States has put women and girls front and center in the three pillars of our foreign policy -- diplomacy, development, and defense.

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F&F: Oregon Will Fine for False Reports of Child Abuse

Article here. Excerpt:

'In an effort to keep people from maliciously filing false reports of child abuse in the midst of divorce, custody fight, or other domestic conflict, the Oregon Legislature passed legislation making it a Class A violation resulting in a $750 fine.

One of our members, Gordon Hillesland, has tracked this legislation through the Oregon House and Senate. Ten years ago, his wife accused him of abusing his children when she was seeking a divorce. The accusations, even though he was never charged, ruined his life.'

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Exclusive: Banned Mohel Still Apparently Performing ‘Metzitzah’

Article here. Excerpt:

'A mohel who was ordered to stop the circumcision practice of metzitzah b’peh in 2007 by the New York State Department of Health is apparently still engaging in the controversial practice of “oral suction,” The Jewish Week has learned.
In 2005, it was reported that Rabbi Fischer had been linked to the infections of three infants, one of whom died, with the herpes simplex 1 virus. All three infants were circumcised by Rabbi Fischer in New York State. At the time, the city ordered Rabbi Fischer to stop practicing metzitzah b’peh temporarily while it investigated the matter.

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"Access Denied: Sex strike to hit the US"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Liberal Ladies Who Lunch, a women’s right group that says they strive to turn “America blue, one plate at a time,” is waging a sex strike starting next month that they hope will combat infringements on their personal liberties being waged by conservatives. With women’s rights issues being debated in the mainstream lately by the likes of lawmakers looking to deny the right to choose and commentators deeming pro-choice women as sluts, the strike scheduled for next month seems more than just well timed.

According to the group’s latest call to action, this protest won’t rely on picket signs and chants to get a message across. Instead, Liberal Ladies Who Lunch are asking women to wage a sex strike to “united against the war on women.”

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SAVE: Tell Senators Corker and Alexander, Vote No on VAWA

As we've mentioned before, the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is up for reauthorization. VAWA has many short-comings. Last week we told you about the lack of accountability and accreditation. Today we're focusing on VAWA's lack of equal protection.

VAWA provides legal assistance to accusers, but not to the accused. Read "My Son Had No Chance to Prove His Innocence" ( to see how VAWA is negatively impacting innocent families.

Senator Leahy is still trying to get enough co-sponsors to avoid a filibuster, but he hasn't succeeded yet. We need to make sure he doesn't get any more.

Today we're asking you to call senators Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander of TN. Call Sen. Corker at his Washington DC office: 202-224-3344, and call Sen. Alexander at his office: (202) 224-4944.

We're holding the line. Don't let go now!


Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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Is feminism sexist?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Does feminism discriminate against men? Tom Martin thinks so. Today, the former MSc student at the gender studies institute of the London School of Economics sued the university for misleading advertising and breach of equality legislation, on the basis that the course promotes a "sexist agenda".

Martin, who has raised £4,300 to fund his case at the central London county court, argues that feminism makes women think of themselves as victims, and that it promotes a discourse which "excludes mention of men" and the inequalities they face, such as increased risk of homelessness and subjection to hypergamy (gold-digging), which his website claims is "prevalent among most of the world's women".

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Unwed Fathers Receive Rights to Infant Children

By Jeffery M. Leving

Unwed biological fathers are often told they have no rights when it comes to their infant children when placed for adoption. The fact they fathered their child is not considered important when the mother decides, on her own, to give the infant child up for adoption in certain circumstances.

But, this gender disparity in equal protection and due process in parental rights is changing.

Recently, the State of Utah adopted House Bill 308 that is designed to safeguard unwed paternal rights in regards to children six months or younger from being adopted. This law would require unwed fathers to be issued official notification of the mother’s intention to give their infant child up for adoption in certain circumstances. Once received, the father would then have 30 days to assert his rights as a parent and petition the court for custody. This closes a loophole which had allowed mothers to circumvent notifying the biological father and thus committing the ultimate act of parental alienation – terminating the father-child relationship forever.

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Lisalyn Jacobs cops a plea


Lisalyn Jacobs, the woman who assaulted Daddy Justice, agreed to a plea deal.

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Florida parents force son to stand on corner with sign as punishment for bad grades

Story here. Excerpt:

'MIAMI – A Miami seventh-grader's parents are forcing their son to stand on a street corner with a sign describing his failures in school after he got bad grades, WSVN reports.

Michael Bell. Jr. will be spending his spring break on a street corner near his home after he came home with a report card containing three failing grades. His teachers also reported he was a "class clown."

In accordance with this report, the front of Michael's sign reads: "Hey, I want to be a class clown. Is it wrong?"

The back of the sign says: "I'm in the 7th grade and got 3 F's. Blow your horn if there's something wrong with that."'

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Media bashing of males damaging

Letter here. Excerpt:

'Madam -- I was concerned by some of the remarks made by Jody Corcoran (Sunday Independent, March 4, 2012).

"He is like men everywhere. They shout, they roar, they threaten. Eventually they may calm down but the damage is done. O Cuiv, like most men, will realise he should have listened to the voice of reason, which is usually the voice of a woman."

If a male journalist made negative generalisations about women, and implied that men were, on average, more reasonable than women, it is hard to believe that would be published on your front page.

Misandry in the media is prevalent and damaging. Our boys need to grow up feeling positive about their gender. Comments like Jody Corcoran's surreptitiously remove positive value from maleness.'

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The Southern Poverty Law Center Award for Men's Rights Advocacy

Via email, tongue-in-cheek for sure:

The Southern Poverty Law Center published a wonderful list of some of the most thought provoking and sympathetic websites that anyone with an interest in men's rights could hope to find. The sites that made this list:

Alcuin (has since been made private for only select viewers)


The Counter Feminist

The False Rape Society

In Mala Fide

MarkyMark’s Thoughts


Reddit: Mens Rights (a news aggregator rather than a blog proper)


SAVE Services

The Spearhead

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The Democrat War on Men – Contraception Mandate Obfuscation at Its Finest

Article here. Excerpt:

'COMMENTARY | The effort to turn the protest of employers with religious objections against bearing the expense of contraception coverage into a Republican war on women wasn't enough. A certain Democrat has now launched an official and quite blatant war against men.
Seriously -- now the liberals want men to provide "a notarized affidavit signed by a sexual partner affirming impotency" to get a prescription for Viagra?" How about we add a similar clause to the Obamacare contraception mandate that a woman must submit a notarized affidavit signed by a sex partner that she can achieve a measurable level of sexual arousal/pleasure before she can qualify for receiving birth control? Women have been faking orgasms since the dawn of man. Imagine having to prove you really "had one." How's that for an achievement of ultimate gender equality?

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'Abortion is not for women, it is for men' - Men to 'blame' for abortion?

Letter here. Excerpt:

'Jessica Valenti's op-ed "A war on women" (March 5) would have been better titled "A war on Republicans." Abortion is not for women, it is for men! Men who engage in sexual acts forced or consensual and take no responsibility for the intercourse that could result in pregnancy.

Abortion is not a choice, it is a consequence. The slogan "A woman's right to choose" is erroneous.

Many women do not show up at abortion clinics because they choose. Most women did not willingly plan an unwanted pregnancy, did they? No, it is a consequence of a sex act that resulted in "whoops" or a sex act they were forced to have unwillingly. In either case, the man is accountable, and it was his choice!

There are many men enjoying the pleasures of sex and loving the slogan "A woman's right to choose" because they reap the fruit of the pleasure of sex without the consequence and responsibility of caring for the woman or the unwanted pregnancy.'

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Article: "The Sorry Lives and Confusing Times of Today's Young Men"

Article here. The subtitle: "They don't have jobs. They're dropping out of college. They play video games all day and watch porn all night. Even their sperm counts are low. Why won't guys grow up?"

Discriminating against men and boys in employment and education, and then blaming them for being unemployed and uneducated, is like breaking someone's legs and then blaming them because they can't walk. Such is, unfortunately, the kind of treatment we have become accustomed to for the past forty years. As we may observe in this article and broader society, men are unique in that society regards their vulnerabilities as opportunities not to come to their aid, but to mock them for their very condition of being vulnerable. Note, however, the defiant comments in the article. Note the unity of their message. Note their passion, their choice of rhetoric, the targets of their scrutiny! No longer content to be the beasts of burden for a society that denies their suffering and mocks their existence, Men are Going Their Own Way, at last. Excerpt:

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