Probation for teacher in student sex case

Story here. Excerpt:

'A New York City schoolteacher from Bay Shore will be sentenced to probation and have to register as a sex offender after admitting Tuesday to having sexual relations with a 16-year-old male student a year ago, prosecutors said.

Tara Driscoll, 33, of 17 Anna St., pleaded guilty to misdemeanor sexual misconduct. She will be sentenced to six years' probation and must give up her teacher's license...'

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Portraying Men As Stupid to Undermine Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'It's a truism in feminist circles that no one hates men more than anti-feminists, and it's a truism two recent items from the notoriously anti-feminist conservative rag Daily Mail demonstrate neatly. The Daily Mail has a tendency to portray men as hapless dogs who, being more beast than human, can no more be expected to respect women's rights than Sparky can be taught to use the toilet. (Cats, on the other hand....) Unfortunately, other outlets tend to pick up the Daily Mail's man-bashing anti-feminism as if it's light-hearted fluff, and these two stories are no different.'

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‘The Richer Sex’: How Women Became the New Breadwinners

Article here. Excerpt:

'It’s a generational shift that’s been a long time coming. For a brief chapter in the history of gender relations—what’s rightly been called the Leave it to Beaver era—dapper, chipper men provided for their effervescent, vacuum-pushing wives in a suburban Elysium of sparkling appliances and gas-guzzling, American-made cars. That time has passed, and good riddance, many say. Perhaps the largest single engine of change in American culture over the last fifty years has been the liberation of women, and now, as another wave of educated, professional females enter the workforce, we’re bound for a whole new set of adjustments and anxieties.'

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Court throws out claim of anti-male bias at London School of Economics

Story here. Excerpt:

'A FORMER gender studies student at the London School of Economics (LSE) who had hoped to sue the institution for alleged sexism has had his case struck out.

Tom Martin, 39, who lives in Covent Garden, claimed he suffered “anti-male discrimination” while studying for a master’s degree in gender, media and culture at the world-famous university in Holborn.'

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New study confirms PSA screening saves lives

Article here. I should point out the Affordable Care Act provides women with free cervical cancer screening. Excerpt:

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Another college program cut due to Title IX-- despite alumni funding availability

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Millersville University grad offered $300,000 as part of an alumni proposal to run men's track and cross country for three years while the alumni look for permanent funding.

On Monday, alumni learned the university had rejected the proposal.

The would-be donor spoke on condition of anonymity. He didn't want recognition, he said, but rather to help a program that was meaningful and helped shape him.
Citing savings of about $200,000 a year, Title IX concerns and competitiveness, the university announced the cuts Feb. 14.

The women's running programs remain intact. The university isn't renewing the contract of Scott Weiser, who had been head men's and women's track coach. Instead, Andrew Young, the men's and women's head cross-country coach, will take over as women's track coach.'

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How the Gender Wars Became a Class War

Article here. Excerpt:

'When The Atlantic's article "The End of Men" came out over a year ago, I, like many women, was irritated. But it took me a long time to understand why I found the article so grating.

It makes good points. It's true that many jobs that were long dominated by men are on the decline. The statistics author Hanna Rosin cites are convincing: of the 15 job categories projected to grow in the next ten years, 13 are dominated by women; women earn some 60% of bachelor's degrees; the recession, as we all know, hit men the hardest. White working-class men have every reason to be worried about what the future holds.'

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The Violence Against Women Act Should Outrage Decent People

Article here. Excerpt:

'It is also a bureaucratic nightmare with billions of dollars spent to establish a vast expansion of government programs that are riddled with financial irregularities. Feminists like to repeat the mantra that there is a "war against women," but when women can routinely claim nebulous "psychological harm" and keep a man out of his home, away from his children, possibly losing his job and ruining his reputation, there is more of a war against men than against women. Intimate partner violence is mostly from boyfriends, rather than husbands (about 62 percent) and it is about equal between men and women (6.4 percent vs. 6.3 percent).

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'Feminism Won't Make A Victim Out Of Me'

Article here. Excerpt:

'If you take what you hear in the mainstream media as gospel, you probably believe that women are discriminated against, marginalized and held back unjustly in the workplace.

As a strong woman in the workplace myself, I am tired of being portrayed as the feeble minority encircled by the bloodthirsty men waiting to pounce on me at any given moment. Any such portrayal is a disingenuous attempt at victimization. I, for one, refuse to be a victim.

Debora Spar, president of Barnard College, alleged at a White House conference on urban economic development last month that women have "fallen into what I call the 16 percent ghetto, which is that if you look at any sector, be it aerospace engineering, Hollywood films, higher education, or Fortune 500 leading positions, women max out at roughly 16 percent... That is a crime."

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Dutch Roman Catholic Church 'castrated at least 10 boys'

Story here. Excerpt:

'Evidence of the castrations has emerged amid controversy that it was not included in the findings of an official investigation into sexual abuse within the church last year.

The NRC Handelsblad newspaper identified Henk Heithuis who was castrated in 1956, while a minor, after reporting priests to the police for abusing him in a Catholic boarding home.

Joep Dohmen, the investigative journalist who uncovered the Heithuis case, also found evidence of at least nine other castrations. "These cases are anonymous and can no longer be traced," he said. "There will be many more. But the question is whether those boys, now old men, will want to tell their story."

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Health reform provides woman-only benefits

Link here. Excerpt:

'Under the Affordable Care Act, 45.1 million women – including 20.4 million women with private health insurance and 24.7 million women with Medicare – can receive recommended preventive services with no cost-sharing, new data released today by Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius show.
The data highlighted in an issue brief by the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation show that Affordable Care Act provisions are already improving women’s health by making recommended preventive care services more accessible and increasing access to health insurance coverage.

“From increased health coverage to free preventive services and lower prescription drug costs, our mothers, grandmothers, daughters, friends and neighbors are already benefiting from this law and will continue to in the months and years to come,” said Secretary Sebelius.'

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Fathers 4 Justice Stage Naked Mumsnet Protest in Marks & Spencer Oxford Street

Story here. Excerpt:

'Members of Fathers 4 Justice (F4J) staged a naked protest in the flagship London branch of Marks & Spencer at Marble Arch, Oxford Street.

Group founder Matt O'Connor was arrested during the weekend protest, which criticised the high street store for its advertising on parenting blog site Mumsnet.

Along with four other members of the group, O'Connor took off his clothes in the store to draw attention to what F4J claimed was Mumsnet's "anti-male agenda".

He claimed that the protest was just the start of a series of attacks on M&S in order to draw attention to the "naked truth" that Mumsnet "promotes gender hatred".'

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What's Wrong with the Violence Against Women Act

Article here. Excerpt:

'As Senate Republicans resist renewing the 1994 Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), raising questions about immigration fraud and Indian tribal courts, and Democrats indignantly declare their support of it, civil libertarians should take a hard look at some of the Act's deceptively innocuous provisions. Section 304, which governs the treatment of sexual violence charges on college and university campuses, requires that cases involving allegations of violence or stalking provide for "prompt and equitable investigation and resolution."

What's worrisome about this language? Will Creeley of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) points out that "prompt and equitable" is a term of art under federal anti-discrimination law. It's construed by the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights to require a low standard of proof ("preponderance of the evidence") in sexual misconduct cases.

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Violence Against Women Act Poses Threat to Civil Rights, Group Charges

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last month, Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) proposed a reauthorization of VAWA, which passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee to the Senate floor. But for the first time in VAWA's history, the bill encountered strong opposition. Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), aware of VAWA many flaws, offered an alternative bill, but that bill did not pass out of committee.

SAVE report documents 10 fundamental rights and protections that are being harmed by the Violence Against Women Act:

"Indiscriminate restraining orders, unconstitutional standards of evidence, and arrests without probable cause have been ravaging this country since VAWA passage in 1994," SAVE spokesman Philip W. Cook notes. "The civil rights of African-Americans and other minorities have been especially hard-hit by strong-arm domestic violence policies."

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Asma Assad all in with her husband for violence and human rights abuses

Article here. Excerpt:

'DAMASCUS, Syria – The wife of Syrian president Bashar al Assad told a friend she was the "real dictator" in the family, leaked emails revealed Monday.

Asma al Assad, 36, apparently showed no remorse for the deaths of thousands of Syrians in the brutal crackdown on protests and backed her husband in a series of emails to aides, friends and family.

Around 3,000 messages were obtained by activists and then passed on to several media outlets including The (London) Daily Telegraph.

She also praised Assad for being "very strong, no more messing around," and in another email complained that ABC News had unfavorably edited an interview with him.

She said, "As for listening -- I am the REAL dictator, he has no choice..."

The mother of two, who was born in Britain and studied at a university in London, was forced to shop online using an alias after international sanctions were brought in over the bloodshed in Syria.'

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