Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 2012-03-31 11:06
Article here. Interesting comments from the judge on the emotional ramifications for all involved including the victim's actual children. Excerpt:
'A mother who conned a former lover into thinking he was the father of her daughter for more than 13 years has been jailed.
The 47-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, swindled him out of at least £48,700 which went on private education and expensive gifts.
She admitted 15 offences of deception when she appeared at Caernarfon Crown Court, in north Wales, yesterday.
And despite a plea for leniency from her daughter, the judge told her he had no choice but to jail her for 20 months.'
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Submitted by Minuteman on Sat, 2012-03-31 10:41
Link here. Excerpt:
'A 12-year-old British girl dared a boy to rape her 11-year-old friend, laughed while it was happening and then yelled "no you're not finished," when he tried to stop, a court heard.
Leeds Crown Court heard the girl instigated the attack, which took place in her bedroom on October 2010, by suggesting a game of dare that quickly got out of hand, the Daily Mail reports.
Judge Geoffrey Marson sentenced the 12-year-old and the 14-year-old boy to 28 months detention in a young offender institution.
He said that after daring the boy to rape her friend, the 12-year-old pushed her onto the bed.
The boy stopped raping the 11-year-old when the victim told him to, prompting the bully to yell, "No you're not finished," but he ignored her.
Defender Richard Reed said the 12-year-old came from a troubled background and had difficulty empathising with the victim's situation.'
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Submitted by Broadsword on Sat, 2012-03-31 06:02
Article here. Excerpt:
The last four chief executives of IBM - a longtime corporate sponsor of the Masters - have been members of the exclusive golf club in Augusta. The latest CEO of the computer giant happens to be a woman. Virginia Rometty was appointed this year.
One problem - a woman has never worn a member's green jacket since Augusta National opened in 1933.
"I think they're both in a bind," Martha Burk said recently. Burk, who spearheaded an unsuccessful campaign 10 years ago for the club to admit a female member, told CNN on Friday that she fears Augusta and IBM will work out a "sham solution" to make the issue go away.
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Submitted by Broadsword on Sat, 2012-03-31 05:43
Article here. Excerpt:
'New research surprises by showing that vaginal injuries are just as common after regular intercourse as after a rape. The findings could have great implications for forensic investigations into rape cases.
When police officers around the world investigate rape cases, an important type of evidence is whether or not the woman has lesions in her vagina. If she does, it is regarded as a sign that there has been an assault. There have been cases where men have been convicted, based on vaginal injuries as the key evidence.
Now a Danish researcher has obtained solid evidence that injuries to a woman’s vagina can provide a totally misleading picture of whether or not a woman has been raped. An in-depth study of 39 rape victims on one side and 110 nursing students on the other reveals that voluntary sex causes vaginal injuries just as frequently as in rapes.'
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Submitted by Minuteman on Sat, 2012-03-31 00:46
Link here. Excerpt:
'As the Executive Director of the White House Council on Women and Girls, it is my honor to join Dr. Grant Colfax, Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy and Lynn Rosenthal, the White House Advisor on Violence Against Women, in announcing the next step in President Obama’s commitment to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS amongst women and girls. Please read on for more details.
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Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 2012-03-30 22:47
Article here. Excerpt:
'If I were going to describe the perfect contraceptive, it would go something like this: no babies, no latex, no daily pill to remember, no hormones to interfere with mood or sex drive, no negative health effects whatsoever, and 100 percent effectiveness. The funny thing is, something like that currently exists.
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Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 2012-03-30 13:06
Story here. She only got 29 months and 10 years' probation for drugging and raping a 13 year old boy. If a man had given a 13 year girl (well, nowadays any female of any age) alcohol and drugs then had sex with her, he would never see the light of day. Excerpt:
'Former Massachusetts teacher Christine McCallum was sentenced to 29 months in prison and 10 years probation for raping and drugging a 13-year-old student.
McCallum, 29, was arrested in January 2009 and convicted of raping the boy up to 300 times over a 21-month period. She pleaded guilty to 12 counts of child rape, one count of drugging a person for sex and one count of providing alcohol to a minor, according to Enterprise.
The former Abington elementary school educator started tutoring her victim and his 11-year-old brother in 2005, FOX 25 reported. After a 20-month period, the two boys started living with McCallum and her husband part-time.'
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2012-03-29 00:29
Article here. Excerpt:
'Andrea Yates, the Houston mom who in 2001 drowned her five young children one-by-one in the bathtub, might soon be allowed to leave the state psychiatric hospital where she is being treated for mental illness to attend church.
"She's been approved by a certain church to attend Sunday services, and I anticipate that that recommendation will be forthcoming from her doctors," Yates' attorney George Parnham told He would not name the church.
Parnham said he expects doctors at Kerrville State Hospital to file a letter to the state district court within 10 days recommending that Yates be granted a two-hour pass to attend church on Sundays, the first step toward a permanent release.'
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2012-03-29 00:27
Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2012-03-29 00:25
Letters here. Video here. Excerpt:
'Hamilton County has become the international focus of free speech activists, and rightly so. Magistrates and Judges have forced, under threat of jail, a citizen to speak what he otherwise would not. The man in question is involved in a contentious divorce. The wife claims domestic violence yet a criminal court found the man innocent. Subsequently the man makes innocuous statements without the threat of violence and his wife claims harassment even though she is barred from reading the statement.
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2012-03-29 00:20
For weeks the Domestic Violence industry has been promising that the Senate would vote on its version of the Violence Against Women Act, S. 1925, by March 23, or certainly no later than March 30.
But that promise came unraveled this week as Senate majority leader Harry Reid postponed a vote on VAWA until after April 16, when the Senate will come back into session after its Easter recess.
Some say the reason for the delay is the reluctance of Sen. Reid to compete with the publicity surrounding President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, which is being argued in the Supreme Court this week. But the more likely explanation is that Sen. Reid is having difficulty lining up the necessary 60 votes to secure passage of the VAWA reauthorization. It is known that some senators who are generally supportive of the bill are insisting that amendments be made before they will vote in favor of it.
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2012-03-28 01:59
In the last week, Senator Leahy (D-VT) gathered enough co-sponsors to avoid a filibuster, and the Senate is expected to vote on the Violence Against Women Act (S.1925) very soon.
This means time is running short to take action.
Let's make sure that every senator knows that without accountability, accreditation and equal protection, VAWA is a flawed bill. Let's make sure they know that we want them to vote NO.
Find your senators' phone numbers here:
Or call the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121, where an operator will connect you directly with the Senate office you request.
The vote could be this week, so please call right now.
Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2012-03-28 01:55
Video here.
Uploaded by girlwriteswhat:
'What has feminism done to shatter the patriarchal "women and children first" mentality, and elevate men to status as full human beings deserving of empathy and human rights? What has it done to reinforce and legally entrench the mentality that everyone, including men themselves, should put men last?'
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2012-03-28 00:37
Article here. Excerpt:
'The recent improvements in the job market have given us reason to hope the economy is finally on the mend.
But after five years of struggles, here’s a sobering reminder of how far we still have to go: Nearly two in 10 American men in the prime of their life still are not working.
Nearly 83 percent of men ages 25 to 54 – traditionally the core of the nation’s workforce – were working in February, according to the most recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Holzer said there has been some real progress for working men in recent months, but a look at long-term trends shows that we still have far to go. He’s particularly concerned about working-age men who do not have a higher education and have been hit hard by cuts in fields such as manufacturing and construction.
“They were having a hard time even before the recession hit, and they really got slammed by the recession,” he said. “That’s a problematic group that we need to think about more seriously.”'
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2012-03-27 18:57
Article here. Excerpt:
'Re: Circumcision tied to lower prostate cancer risk: study, March 12
I am continually baffled at the seemingly endless array of problems that routine infant circumcision is supposed to “cure” or “prevent.” First it was masturbation in the Victorian era, then cancer, then HIV (even though the U.S. with a high rate of circumcision has a much higher rate of HIV transmission than non-circumcising countries like Germany, Norway and Sweden, and infants are not sexually active anyway) and now cancer again, even though the data in this study is showing correlation and not causation — a common misconception.
The procedure itself does not treat any medical condition in infants and children and is therefore unethical as removing healthy, normal, functional tissue from an infant for no medical reason is a clear violation of the doctor’s oath to “do no harm.”
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