Tiger's mistresses rewarded for cheating

I agree with this column about the culpability of Tiger's mistresses in his downfall. Famous men who cheat pay a price while the women with whom they cheat are often rewarded. Excerpts:

'This threesome of apparent adulterers apparently so cherished their time with the then-married golfer they decided to do a film tribute. I have not yet been able to screen "3 Mistresses: Notorious Tales of the World’s Greatest Golfer," but I am sure the Q&A about Tiger’s sexual tastes and demonstration portion of the video is not at all about cashing in on their role in ruining a marriage but, rather, just their fond memories of doing so.
This latest Tiger development reveals the hypocrisy. He is getting excoriated for cheating on Elin Woods, and his helpers are profiting from it."
Because this is now a business plan: Be hot, sleep with a famous rich guy, save the texts, call Allred and turn it into a 401(k).'

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AHRQ Statistical Briefs: Circumcisions Performed in U.S. Community Hospitals, 2009

Link here. Excerpt:

'Circumcision is the most commonly performed surgical procedure in newborns.1 Although circumcisions may be performed for cultural or religious reasons, there has been debate over the ethics and medical necessity of this procedure.1,2 As recently reported by the CDC, the percent of male newborn circumcisions declined over the past decade.3

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SAVE: $1.2 Million in Anti-Violence Funds Embezzled, Missing, or Misused

Contact: Teri Stoddard
Telephone: 301-801-0608

Email: tstoddard@saveservices.org

$1.2 Million in Anti-Violence Funds Embezzled, Missing, or Misused:

Fraud is Widespread, SAVE Charges

Washington, DC/April 4, 2012 – Following release of three reports by the Department of Justice, Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) is charging that many grants made under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) are plagued by fraud and waste. Such malfeasance shortchanges the vulnerable victims of partner abuse.

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) issued three reports in March highlighting the problem:

1. A March 28 press release announced the sentencing of Julie and Andrea Matau for embezzlement of funds from a VAWA grant.  From 2005 to 2007, the mother and daughter pair stole $159,763 in federal money from their American Samoa legal services corporation, which had received $1.2 million in VAWA-related grants. http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/2012/March/12-crm-386.html

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Contact DA in falsely-accused dad case

Just published this story. Are you as fed up with this kind of blatantly sexist injustice as I am? Time to make your feelings known. The DA who is declining to prosecute the daughter has a page here with a contact email (baurs-at-co.cowlitz.wa.us) listed here, which also lists a phone number of 360-577-3080. Please call or email her and POLITELY ask her to reconsider her decision. Let her know the eyes of the country (if not also the world-- I also encourage non-US-based activists to take action as well) are on her and these eyes are not happy with what they are seeing.

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Young Women Who Drink and Drive at Higher Risk of Fatal Accident

Link here. Excerpt:

'Young women who drink and drive in the United States are at increasing risk for being in a fatal accident, according to a new study.

Although men had roughly double the risk for a fatal crash as women with the same blood-alcohol level in 1996, that gender gap had closed by 2007, the researchers pointed out. And although reasons for that trend remain unclear, they said it may be because young women are taking more risks on the road.

"Young women who drink and drive may be behaving more like young men who drink and drive," said the study's lead researcher, Robert Voas, of the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation in Calverton, Md., in a news release from the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.
The researchers concluded drunk-driving and distracted-driving prevention education is needed for both boys and girls.'

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'Boys deserve respect'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Here is what my son learned in class the other day. A man's mind tends to be slightly less developed than a woman's.

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'That 70's show' actress Lisa Robin Kelly charged with domestic violence

Story here.

'LOS ANGELES, Calif. - The That 70’s Show actress who played Laurie Foreman, the promiscuous and antagonistic older sister of Eric Foreman, was arrested for domestic violence in Los Angeles over the weekend, E Online reports.

Lisa Robin Kelly was put behind bars for corporal injury upon a spouse on Saturday.

Kelly was on the hit series for five seasons before she was fired in 2003, according to TV Guide.

Kelly was previously arrested in 2010 for a DUI in North Carolina.

She remains locked up with bail set at $50,000.'

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"Even Seventh-Graders Are Hitting Their Girlfriends (And Boyfriends)"

Article here. Excerpt:

'There's a lot of data about high school dating violence, but not as much about younger kids. However, middle-schoolers are dating according to a team of researchers from the program Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships, who talked to seventh-graders from eight middle schools in four states. Seventy-five percent of those kids said they'd had a boyfriend or girlfriend at some point, while 37 percent of the kids said they'd been victims of psychological abuse (such as, being forbidden to hang out with their friends), and 15 percent said they'd suffered physical violence.

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Youth suicide in Canadian girls and problems 'traditionally associated with males'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The number of girls committing suicide in Canada has risen in the past 30 years, a troubling trend that’s prompting some experts to question the role played by social media.

In a study published Monday in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, researchers from the Public Health Agency of Canada report that on a whole, youth suicide rates have declined since 1980. But closer inspection reveals the decline is evident only in males, while female suicide rates rose from 1980 to 2008.
In 1980, a total of 249 males and 50 females between ages 10 to 19 committed suicide in Canada, according to the study. By 2008, that number had fallen to 156 for males but rose to 77 for females.
Dr. Manion says the trend could be explained in part by the fact more females are being affected by substance abuse or behavioural issues, problems traditionally associated with males.'

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'Aggressive' female board members take more risks than men, research shows

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women at board level are "less experienced", "more aggressive" and "more likely to take risks" with a bank's finances - a report by an all-male group of academics and bankers has found.

The Bundesbank’s Thomas Kick led the study, entitled Executive board composition and bank risk taking, that flies in the face of the theory that women in senior management take a more balanced, risk-averse approach.

The German central bank's research found that female board members were more likely to take risks with a bank's finances than their male counterparts.

It urges financial institutions to be cautious when re-addressing the gender balance: "Employing a higher proportion of female board members significantly increases risk taking."'

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Australia: $2000 fine over false rape claim

Article here. Excerpt:

'A woman who falsely accused two Victorian policemen of sexually assaulting her after they arrested her for being drunk outside a South Yarra nightclub has been convicted and fined $2000.

Karly Enid Jean Mitchel, 25, had formally complained after her release from custody that she had been "groped" on her breasts by the police and touched on her inner thighs and outside her crotch.

Melbourne Magistrates Court heard today Mitchel had been refused entry about 2am on August 6 last year to the Circus Nightclub and then spent 45 minutes abusing crowd controllers.'

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Op-Ed: The latest false rape round up

Article here. Excerpt:

'A woman gaoled for making false marital rape allegations has lost her appeal. Others had little appeal in the first place, including Christine Jordan, who had consensual sex with a man who couldn't even remember her name.

Pips Taylor was recently given space by the BBC to indict the men of Britain, plucking figures for unreported rape statistics out of thin air. Here, we concentrate on actual cases of false allegations. This short round up of recent proven fabrications is in no particular order. The first concerns marital rape, which is a fairly new development in English law.

Three years ago, the non-victim's husband was charged with six counts of rape - on her word alone - pleaded not guilty, and no evidence was offered against him when he appeared at Mold Crown Court, Wales. Then she admitted she had accused him falsely, and was charged with perverting the course of justice.'

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Dad freed after spending 9 years in jail on daughter’s false rape allegation

Article here. Excerpt:

'(Longview, Washington) In 2001, a disgruntled daughter, upset over her parents’ divorce and mad at her dad, told Washington State Police that her father raped her on several occasions back when she was 11-years-old. The dad, Thomas Edward Kennedy (now 43), denied the allegation at the time, but was convicted by a Washington jury and sentenced to more than 15 years in the slammer. Now 23-years-old, the daughter, Cassandra Ann Kennedy recanted her 2001 rape allegation – after her father spent more than 9 years behind bars.

According to tdn.com in Washington: “ … she made it all up. So after serving more than nine years in prison, her father was released last week and the charges against him were dismissed.”'

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Wife arrested for assault after marriage counseling session

Story here. She beat him up in bed after a marriage counseling session:

'Wife arrested for assault. On March 13, sheriff’s deputies were called to Swedish Southwest Emergency Room, 6196 S. Ammons Way, to investigate an assault. The man suffering from head and shoulder injuries said he had been beaten by his wife in bed after coming home from a session of marriage counseling at their church and arguing. The woman later agreed to meet the deputy at the Jefferson County Jail and was arrested for assault.'

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Father, grandmother of missing baby offered to take him from troubled mom

Story here. Disturbing because the baby is presumed dead and father and grandmother offered to take the child--but Social Services say mom has all the rights. Excerpt:

'The father of a 7-month-old Commerce City boy missing and presumed dead said he offered to take the child when the baby's mother expressed dissatisfaction with her baby.

Sharrieckia Trinette Page, 22, is being held in the medical unit of the Adams County Jail in lieu of a $100,000 bond on suspicion of child abuse resulting in death. She appeared in Adams County court for an initial advisement via a video link, said Krista Flanagan, an Adams County District Attorney's Office spokeswoman.

Torrey Brown Sr., the father of the child, said he visited Page's home on Wednesday, the day before the baby was last seen.
Brown said he offered to take the child but was denied."
"'She has more rights, she is the mother,' " Brown recalled of her conversation with a child welfare agent. "That is what I was told."'

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