Notes from the field: NCFM at Earth Day Festival in San Francisco, CA

From Marc Angelucci of NCFM:

Today I spoke on the panel at the Earth Day Festival in San Francisco (the largest Earth Day festival in the U.S.) on behalf of the National Coalition For Men (NCFM). The organizers invited us, along with the National Organization for Women (NOW), to be part of a panel on the topic, "What is Green." The idea was to engage the community from various viewpoints. There were about 6 panelists. Here is the link to the "Our Team" with my name and brief bio.:

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Philipines: Davao City addresses issue of abused husbands

Article here. Excerpt:

'DAVAO CITY, April 22 (PIA) -- The local government of Davao is the first local government to address the issue of abused husbands.

Says Rene Estorpe, barangay captain of Agdao Centro and president of the Mr. GAD (Gender and Development) Federation, a group of 15 barangays in the city where GAD for men are being piloted.

Estorpe said that aside from Violence Against Women and Children, Mr. GAD seeks to look into the plight of cuckolded husbands who are also victims of abuses committed by their spouses. “Pareho rin ang mga kaso, may physical violence and verbal abuse.” (It has the same cases there is physical violence and verbal abuse). The barangay chief say that in these cases, the roles are reversed as the husbands themselves are the victims.

Estorpe said that in his barangay they are handling two cases of abuses, where the husbands are asking for barangay protection against their wives. Estorpe added.'

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CNN Opinion: "Are men stupid?"

Article here. Excerpt:

'(CNN) -- Are men stupid? How else can we explain the endless parade of otherwise successful individuals, who by all appearances seem intelligent and competent, and yet risk destroying their careers and their personal lives over the chance to have a sexual escapade?

John Edwards crashing from the heights of promise to infamy, from presidential candidate to defendant in a trial after a secret affair; Secret Service agents ending their careers in disgrace over dalliances with prostitutes in Colombia, all join that long procession of men who managed to self-destruct, pulling a pin on the grenade of their careers and perhaps their personal lives for the sake of a little fun.

The pageant of legacy-killing misjudgment includes a president, several might-have-been presidents, a few governors, a World Bank director, a former Dutch prime minister, an Israeli president and one of the top golfers of all time. And that is only a partial list.'

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14-year-old boy charged with rape after consensual sex with 12-year-old

Article here. Excerpt:

'Springboro, OH (WKEF/CNN) - A 14-year-old boy faces rape charges after being accused of having sex with a 12-year-old girl at school.

The incident allegedly happened during school hours.

Both say it was consensual, but that doesn't matter under Ohio law.
These women say it's unbelievable that two students had sex at school.

The Warren County prosecutor says they were able to get out of class and hook up.

Now the boy is charged with rape because the girl is under the age of 13.

"I think it's a shame and if he's going to be charged she should be charged too because they both knew what they were doing," said Moore.'

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Letter: Women should not have the only voice in abortion decision

Letter here.

'Recently a letter to the editor suggested that men should not be part of the abortion debate.

I still can't quite process that.

It takes a man and a woman to create a child. With that in mind, if the pregnant woman, the mother, is considering abortion the man, that is, the father, should have a say in the consideration.

If the pregnant woman decides to bear the child, the man may be expected to pay child support for a number of years.

Today it is the pregnant woman, who decides whether the fetus is a human being; whether the fetus will live or die; and whether the father will be expected to pay child support if the woman decides to bear the child.

Something is wrong with this picture. I know I am not the only person to see that.'

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"Celebrity mohel mocks baby's manhood"

Article here. Excerpt:

'According to Zarki, the baby's parents asked him to look into the matter, and since he had already carried out three similar circumcisions, he agreed, even though he hadn't previously seen a penis as small in all his 24 years as a mohel.

"My goal (in tweeting the) tweet was to bring the matter to the public's attention, that you can carry out a halachic circumcision even when there is such a problem, which is complicated from a medical perspective, that was my message."

"Sometimes you see a baby that weighs four kilograms, where three of them are the penis and sometimes it's only a few grams. Medical literature recognizes the phenomenon of 'micro penises,' just like sometimes I also see macro (penises), but everyone knows that size doesn't matter," the rabbi added jokingly.

The rabbi's "humorous" tweet came on the same day that a different Brit ceremony carried out by a different mohel, ended in tragedy. An eight day old baby was rushed to hospital after a mohel cut off a third of his penis during a circumcision ceremony.'

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Women lag in life-expectancy gains

Article here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON - Women's life spans in the USA are improving at a slower pace than men's and are shorter in many U.S. counties than they were 20 years ago, according to a report released Thursday.

The trend is cause for alarm even though women are still expected to outlive men by four years, says the report by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, a health research center at the University of Washington. The study is based on mortality data by age, sex and county from 1989 to 2009.

Life expectancy for U.S. men improved by 4.6 years on average, but only by 2.7 years for women. Life spans county to county across the USA range on average from 66.1 to 81.6 years for men and 73.5 to 86 years for women.

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Canada: In the age of Internet porn, teaching boys to be good men

Article here. Excerpt:

'WiseGuyz, run by the Calgary Sexual Health Centre (which gave Mr. Spence his training), isn't just sex ed with an update. It's part of a new wave of initiatives to intervene in a young, male culture that is giving many adults cause for concern. Long-term, the aim is to combat the rates of domestic violence and sexually transmitted infections. Short-term, the goal is to tutor young men in healthy relations with women and non-destructive masculinity.
In many ways, these programs are a junior version of the Men Of Strength (MOST) Club: Now a decade old in the United States, the 22-week curriculum for 11-to-18-year-olds emphasizes “healthy, non-violent masculinity.” A college incarnation, Campus MOST, is now pushing bystander intervention in sexual assaults.

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Sex assaults catch colleges in Title IX legal trap

Story here. Excerpt:

"A closed- door encounter between two college acquaintances. Both have been drinking. One says she was raped; the other insists it was consensual. There are no other witnesses.

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Woman uses gasoline to burn husband

Story here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON, An Indian-origin woman in the US set her husband on fire and locked him in a bathroom, after promising him a hot oil massage, police said.

Shriya Biman Patel,25, has been arrested on charges of first-degree felony aggravated assault and arson and booked into the Travis County Jail in Austin, Texas.
The man, whose name has not been released, was airlifted to Brooke Army Medical Centre in San Antonio where he is said to be in a critical condition, suffering from second and third-degree burns to 70 percent of his body.'

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UK: Huge rise in IVF for single and gay mothers since law requiring father figure was removed

Article here. Excerpt:

'The number of single women and lesbian couples receiving fertility treatment has soared since the Government took the controversial decision to remove the legal requirement for any child conceived to have a father or father figure.

In 2007, before the change in the law, only 350 single women had IVF. But by 2010, the last year for available figures, that had leapt 448 per cent to 1,571. The number of lesbian couples given IVF more than doubled in the same period, from 178 to 417. But the number of heterosexual couples treated rose by only 18 per cent.

While the figures represent good news for women who have been able to become mothers because of the legal change, others are alarmed by the increase in ‘fatherless families’.'

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UK: Circumcision promoter caught with child porn videos

Link here. Excerpt:

'THE head of a pro-circumcision group who used to run a children's computer club was caught with a hoard of child porn.

Vernon Quaintance, from Upper Norwood, has avoided a jail term – despite having three video cassettes with nine-hours' worth of clips showing boys as young as 11 engaging in sex acts.

The 68-year-old is the head of the Gilgal Society, a group dedicated to promoting male circumcision.

The Old Bailey heard how police raided Quaintance's home in Henley Gardens, Upper Norwood, on April 11 last year after receiving a tip-off.

The movies seized included graphic footage of child abuse ranked at the second-highest level of severity.'

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Climate change is a 'feminist' issue, claims MEP

Article here. Excerpt:

'Members of the European Parliament will vote today on a report by a French Green party MEP who claims global warming “is not gender neutral”.

Nicole Kiil-Nielsen said women “consume more sustainably than men and show greater willingness to act to preserve the environment” as they tend to organise household consumption and childcare. She argued climate change policies needed to take gender discrimination into account, especially in the developing world.

Miss Kiil-Nielsen’s report - Women and Climate Change - calls for a 40 per cent female quota on all EU delegations involved in climate negotiations and on the committees that allocate climate aid from member states.

It also suggests the creation of new EU-funded initiatives to help women’s groups get involved in climate policies, and for the EU to start gathering data on the “gender sensitive” effects of climate change on women.'

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UK: Soccer player convicted of rape because sex partner was intoxicated

Article here. This is a travesty. The woman, not girl, was 19. Legally an adult, entitled to drink and to consent to sex. She was not a child. The judge said there had been no force involved and the complainant received no injuries. The complainant was not 'targeted' and the attack had not been 'premeditated'. Are adult women now legally designated children with no responsibility for their own behaviour? If so they should not be allowed to buy or consume alcohol and her parents should not have allowed her out late at night to consort with footballers.

"I sincerely hope that the guilty verdict will provide some closure on this horrendous ordeal..." Not nearly as horrendous an ordeal as that imposed upon this young man for her "buyer's remorse". More cases like this will occur and in future this feminist inspired misandrist legal travesty will be seen for what it is. Excerpt:

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False Statistics by Feminist Groups Lead to Hysteria, Misandry

Letter here. Excerpt:

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