Woman given probation for false rape and abduction charges

Story here. Excerpt:

'ELYRIA — A Sheffield Township woman was sentenced to three years of probation for trying to frame a man for rape and abduction.

Gabrielle Bracken pleaded guilty in March to tampering with records, forgery and falsification in March.

Bracken and her husband, James Bracken, on Sept. 24, 2010, lured Joseph Melendez, 35, of Cleveland, to their Fleming Avenue home in Sheffield Township, according to the Lorain County Sheriff’s Office.

The Brackens initially claimed Melendez put a knife to Gabrielle Bracken and tried to rape her. Melendez was charged with rape, but the charges were dropped after Melendez passed a polygraph test and investigators spoke with a witness.'

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Circumcision bill dies in Colorado House

Article here. Excerpt:

'A bill that would have restored Medicaid funding for circumcisions in Colorado died Friday.

The measure squeaked through a hearing in the House Health and Environment Committee on Thursday, then died in Appropriations Friday morning.

Opponents, who included health professionals, budget hawks and anti-circumcision activists told health committee members on Thursday that circumcision is cosmetic and potentially harmful, and taxpayers should not fund it.

Proponents for the bill argued that funding for circumcision for babies on Medicaid is a social justice issue. In general, insurance companies pay for the procedure for insured Colorado babies even though the American Academy of Pediatrics does not deem circumcisions to be “medically necessary.” Meanwhile, low-income parents who want their babies circumcised are being put on waiting lists for the procedure until parents can prove they’ve paid in advance.'

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SAVE: Tell Congress: Vote YES on HR 4970

After careful examination of both House versions of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), we find HR 4970 the better choice.

HR 4970 puts victims first, with stronger fiscal accountability.

HR 4970 includes reform to curb VAWA immigration fraud.

HR 4970 is gender inclusive, (except Title IX, re: Indian women)

Please call the Capitol Hill Switchboard: 202.224.3121.

Tell the operator your zip code and ask to be connected to your Representative's office.

Or find their phone number here: http://www.house.gov/representatives/find

Tell your Representative to vote YES on HR 4970.

We're in the homestretch, folks! Let's give it our all!

Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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"Au revoir, Carla! The Rottweiler wants to be France's new First Lady"

Article here. Excerpt:

"The twice-divorced Trierweiler once slapped a colleague who said something she deemed sexist. When her own magazine put her on its cover under the headline 'Francois Hollande's charming asset', she tweeted: 'Bravo Paris Match for its sexism . . . my thoughts go out to all angry women.'"

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Video: Biden Recreates 911 Domestic Abuse Call: 'Oh My God, He's Coming'

Article here. Excerpt:

'"Last time I was down, I had them turn on one of the calls. And a young women, a young women was on the phone saying "I'm calling. Oh my god, oh my god. I see him, he's coming. I'm standing between Radioshack and Gap. I'm in the mall Please, please, oh god!" That's the reality. And I love these people who why don't these women have the courage to get up and leave. Can you imagine the courage it takes to pick up that phone and make the call. We should all have so much courage."'

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Colorado lawmaker jokes about reducing boys' sexual pleasure to prevent teen pregnancy

From Marc A.:

Imagine if a male lawmaker joked about reducing girls' sexual pleasure by removing their clitoral foreskins in order to combat teen pregnancy and "female irresponsibility." The media would be covering it and that lawmaker would have to publicly apologize. Well that is exactly what Colorado lawmaker Sue Schafer, D-Wheat Ridge (sue.schafer.house-at-state.co.us) publicly said about boys in a hearing on whether to reestablish MediCaid funding for male circumcision. The bill failed. But the laughter about reducing male sexual pleasure through male genital mutilation is sexist and unacceptable.

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The village can help, but children raised by a mum and dad do best

Article here. Excerpt:

'Those without children can help lift the load, but the burden still lies most heavily on the actual parents, of course. Fortunately, there’s a very efficient incubator in which to maximise successful child-rearing: the emotional bond between mothers and fathers. The heterosexual family.

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Mother 'made sex tape with her son, 16, and sent him naked photos of herself'

Story here. Excerpt:

'A mother has been charged with incest after she was found in hotel room with her teenage son along with videos of them having sex.

Police said the 16-year-old had videos on his cell phone that showed his mother Mistie Atkinson performing oral sex on him.

They also recovered nude photographs the 32-year-old had sent her son as she began the illicit relationship earlier this year.
The boy, who lives with his father who has sole custody, was aware Atkinson was his biological mother.

Court records do not reveal how much contact the teen had with his mother before they began their affair.

But investigators said Atkinson had no custody rights to the boy.

'Atkinson and the victim are aware they are biological mother and son,' investigators wrote in an arrest affidavit.'

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St Stephen's college principal moots 40 per cent reservation for men, teachers call idea 'absurd'

Story here. Excerpt:

'NEW DELHI: An unusual proposal to reserve 40 per cent of the seats for male students was introduced at the staff meeting of the St Stephen's college today, but was met with vehement disapproval from the teachers who said they were "taken aback" by the "absurd" idea.

College Principal Valson Thampu introduced the proposal before the college staff at a meeting held this morning.

The idea that has earlier been discussed by the Supreme Council of the college proposed a reservation of 40 per cent of the college seats for male students.
At present, there are 64 per cent women students at the prestigious college, making them a majority over their male counterparts.'

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"Obama Campaign: Women Are Helpless"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Today, the Obama campaigned launched its Dads Are Unnecessary, Single Women Are Helpless campaign, simply titled "Julia." It features a faceless composite, which seems to be the type of woman with which the campaign is most comfortable.

Julia decides to have a child. She doesn't need a father or husband because she has the Obama government! Fathers are unimportant in both the choice of procreation and the raising of children. Under Obamacare, Julia will have less access due to rationing and higher costs.
Obama is still president and now Julia's son Zachary is starting school? Where is Zachary's dad?

The government is his daddy.'

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BBC News - "Just who are men's rights activists?"

Via email from Marc A.:

BBC News is way ahead of CNN. They have covered the truth about domestic violence, covering the issue of battered men, the coverup of the actual research, discrimination against male DV victims, the myth about the "pay gap," and much more. Here, they briefly cover the men's rights movement and even list NCFM as a notable organization. It's amazing the difference between BBC News and CNN. BBC News looks more like 60 Minutes while CNN looks more like TMZ or Extra. This is progress, and there will be more, no matter how much feminist groups try to smear the men's rights movement. Discrimination against men is real, institutionalized, systematic, and susbstantial. And that will increasingly become known. We have made tremendous progress and will continue to. Good job everyone.


'An increasingly vocal men's movement argues that anti-male discrimination is rife. Who are the activists and what do they want?

Feminists have spent decades trying to get equal pay and rights for women.

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F&F: Will P&G Honor Fathers?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Proctor & Gamble has a heartwarming YouTube video showing mothers preparing their children for the London 2012 Olympic Games. It is touching. It is a wonderful tribute to everything mothers do for their children. It is timed beautifully to coincide with the Olympics and Mother’s Day. Fathers and Families applauds it.

What will P&G do for Father’s Day? We are curious. Please join us in asking P&G what it plans for Father’s Day. Log onto https://www.facebook.com/thankyoumom and post a message. Fathers and Families suggests you thank your Mom and ask Proctor & Gamble what to expect for Father’s Day. We are sure they are working an equally heartwarming tribute for fathers.'

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SAVE: Tell Congress: Require probable-cause evidence

Democrats and Republicans in the House have each introduced their own versions of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). While we applaud some improvements, there is still work to be done.

Persons accused of domestic violence deserve their due process. And they certainly don't get that with mandatory arrest. Unfortunately, it was not removed from VAWA, by either side.

One in six Americans know someone who has been falsely accused of domestic violence.

During a recent trip to Capitol Hill, I happened to meet three different legislative staffers who had a friend or loved one who had been falsely accused. They know...but they need to hear from you.

Call your Representatives in Congress and demand that VAWA require probable-cause evidence for domestic violence arrests.

Call the Capitol Hill Switchboard: 202-224-3121

Or Find your Representatives by zip code:

We have very little time to make a very big difference in the lives of the future falsely accused.

So get calling! Please!

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UK: 'False rape belittles victims'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Shock and fear hung over Carlisle. People felt shame for their city, held suspicions about their neighbours, were afraid to go out at night.
Two women have now been punished for the lies that blighted Carlisle. Two women have been convicted of fabricating stories of brutal sex assaults – untruths that seriously and directly impacted on the ordinary, routine day to day activities and peace of mind of thousands of their fellow citizens.
Not only did she waste valuable police time and contribute to bringing a climate of terror to Carlisle’s nightlife, her actions thoughtlessly belittled all women who, having been subjected genuinely and terrifyingly to rape, struggle to face the frightening ordeal of bringing charges and giving testimony.'

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India: Circumcision goes awry, two boys die

Story here. Excerpt:

'Two boys died in Bodhan town in the district late on Monday night due to over bleeding. A rural medical practitioner performed circumcision on the boys five days ago, which led to uncontrolled bleeding.

The deceased were identified as Arif, 4, and Azhar, ,3 of Rakasipet in Bodhan.

It is believed that the negligence of RMP led to the death of children. According to sources, parents got the two children circumcised five days ago at Masjid Colony in Rakasipet area.

After the surgery, the boys had suffered bleeding, but the RMP advised them not to worry and it could be cured with medicines.'

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