Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2012-05-15 23:08
Article here. Excerpt:
'The biggest goal of Keeling Pilaro's field hockey career happened far from an athletic field on Tuesday.
An athletics committee determined the 13-year-old boy can keep playing on the girls' varsity team at Southampton High School, at least for one more season. The decision at an appeals hearing Tuesday reverses earlier rulings that claimed Keeling's skills as a field hockey player, which he developed growing up in Dublin, Ireland, had developed to a level superior to those of girls.
"I was jumping up and down; I was so excited when I heard," the youngster said in a telephone interview about an hour after the decision was announced by an attorney for the athletics committee. "I can play!"
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2012-05-15 19:48
Article here. Excerpt:
'Marcell pointed to gaps in research, the absence of uniform clinical practice guidelines and care providers’ lack of knowledge as contributing factors to a health care environment in which male teens often don’t receive basic sexual and reproductive health care—services that he said should be standard in primary care settings. These include taking a sexual history, STI/HIV screening and testing, a sexual development physical assessment, including a genital exam, and discussion of the male role in contraception and STI/HIV prevention.
“I think the bottom line is there’s a major research gap,” said Marcell.'
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2012-05-15 19:36
Article here. Excerpt:
'The world-famous U.S. women's soccer player was in Sacramento on Monday with her Brazilian counterpart Sissi to be honored by the California Assembly as it recognized the 40th anniversary of Title IX.
The occasion prompted Assemblyman Chris Norby to reveal that he wasn't a fan of the 1972 federal law chiefly known for mandating gender equity in high school and collegiate sports. The Fullerton Republican said he thought Title IX had come at the expense of male athletes, particularly those who depend on sports scholarships.
"We need to be honest about the effects of what I believe are faulty court interpretations or federal enforcement of Title IX, because it has led to the abolition of many male sports across the board in UCs and Cal States," he said. "And that was never the intention of this, to have numerical equality. It was never the intention to attain equality by reducing opportunities for the men."'
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2012-05-15 19:30
Article here. Excerpt:
'Obviously, no sane person is "for" violence against women. But VAWA, originally passed in 1994, has always been about more than preventing violence and helping victims. Sponsored by then-Sen. Joseph Biden, the law was crafted largely by feminist groups and activists who viewed domestic violence and sexual assault as a male "war against women," an instrument for enforcing patriarchal oppression. While these activists are no doubt sincerely concerned with the welfare of women, this is a blinkered ideology that often creates more problems than solutions. Most research finds that substance abuse, mental illness and dysfunctional family dynamics are major factors in domestic violence—far more so than male dominance or sexist attitudes. Abuse is no less common among same-sex couples than among heterosexual ones.
Moreover, abusive relationships are often characterized by mutual violence, and in male-female relationships women are sole or primary aggressors much more often than is commonly believed.
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2012-05-15 16:55
Article here. Excerpt:
'A San Antonio woman who admitted to Child Protective Services investigators that she left her children unsupervised to go have sex with a 13-year-old neighbor was ordered Monday to serve deferred adjudication probation for aggravated sexual assault of a child.
Prosecutors had recommended prison for Amanda Ann Nabers, 26, who will have to register as a sex offender for life.
But she gave a full confession, she has already lost her children, her house and her job, and the victim's family was in favor of probation, defense attorney Carlos Martinez told state District Judge Juanita Vasquez-Gardner.
Had Nabers been a man, she would more than likely be prison bound, but the wishes of the victim and his family play a large roll in determining the sentence, the judge said.'
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2012-05-15 16:52
Story here. Excerpt:
'BEAUMONT — Evetta Wright said she was puzzled when she got a call early Monday from her son.
Not long before, around 11:30 p.m. Sunday, she'd dropped Clifton “JR” Barkin off at his house after taking him to Wal-Mart to buy flowers and a Mother's Day card for Paige Parkerson, the mother of Barkin's two small children.
When she answered the phone, she said Parkerson was on the line.
“Paige told me she killed JR, that he was dead,” Wright said through sobs.
Wright said she sped back over to her son's house, but it was too late.
Barkin, 22, died just after midnight Monday in the backyard of his yellow rental house, stabbed several times. Wright said she believes Parkerson expected a more expensive gift, such as jewelry.'
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Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2012-05-15 14:42
Article here. Excerpt:
'I've been noticing news items lately about how women are gaining in many ways. They now represent a majority of U.S. college students, and 60% of all graduate students. Their income levels are rising, although they still don't have parity with men. They are far less involved in violent crimes, and crime of all sorts. They are safer drivers. A child in a single-parent home is likely to be better off if the parent is a women. In the U.S. the odds are that 80% of the single parents will be women; having given birth, they stick around to raise children, while men are more likely to be missing.
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2012-05-15 14:26
Article here. Excerpt:
'It is time for rational American women to repudiate the propaganda and indoctrination by the fanatical feminist fringe in this country, who dictate policy to our anemic legislators in Washington. I resent these radical groups' claims that they represent the demands of the majority of American women. These groups are responsible for the wussification of America by demonizing the role of men in our society.
They have convinced too many women that fathers are not necessary to raise children, contrary to studies that show the overwhelming cause of poverty and incarceration of young men in the U.S. stems from so many families headed by single mothers. For at least three decades, we have heard the incessant claims that women are capable, intelligent, independent, stronger and better than men.
However, when promoting feminist issues, these groups revel in hypocrisy by then claiming that women are weak, vulnerable and exploited victims.'
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Submitted by Minuteman on Tue, 2012-05-15 04:55
Link here. Excerpt:
'Statement of Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases National Institutes of Health
There is a growing consensus that we can significantly curtail the HIV/AIDS pandemic by implementing scientifically proven HIV prevention strategies, such as voluntary medically supervised adult male circumcision, prevention of mother-to-child transmission and treatment as prevention. With 2.7 million new HIV infections in 2010 alone, however, it is likely that controlling and ultimately ending the HIV/AIDS pandemic will require an effective vaccine as well. This past year, there have been a number of encouraging findings on this front.'
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2012-05-15 03:39
Article here. Excerpt:
'Though their father risked his freedom to regain custody of them, two of his three children are poised to be advertised on Michigan's website for adoption.
The man, an undocumented Guatemalan immigrant, had returned to the U.S. after being deported from the country to fight for his family: a girl and two boys, all under the age of 10.
He's since lost them to the state of Michigan: His daughter is living with a foster family that intends to adopt her, and it is unknown when his sons will find a permanent home in the system.'
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2012-05-15 03:37
Article here. Excerpt:
'David Cameron and Nick Clegg promised “unprecedented support for parents” with a new Children and Families Bill, which also contained measures to make it easier to adopt, and more support for children with special needs.
Parents’ groups “cautiously welcomed” the proposals but business leaders warned that making parental leave more flexible would impose complex “burdens” on employers.
Officials said current rules on maternity and paternity leave were “outdated” because they presumed that women will do the “vast majority” of caring for infants.
A spokesman for the Department for Business said: "Parents should be able to choose their childcare arrangements for themselves.”'
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2012-05-15 03:32
Article here. Excerpt:
'A new, 20-year research project shows women still outlive men but that their life spans are increasing more slowly than men's. — The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation conducted a county-by-county estimate and comparison of U.S. life expectancies from 1989 to 2009.
Nationwide, life expectancy grew by 4.6 years for men and 2.7 years for women in those two decades.
"Men are catching up with them," said Dr. Ali Mokdad, head of the study's U.S. County Performance team. "Men and women should have exactly the same life expectancy (gains)."
Chipping away at women's life spans are preventable causes of death, including tobacco, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity and alcohol, researchers say.
"Their life spans are getting shorter because they are not able to control the risk factors," Mokdad said.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2012-05-15 00:36
Like I told you last week, in politics, some people will say anything to win. I know this, but I'm still floored by all of the misinformation being published about HR4970. Maybe they are blindly believing members of the domestic violence industry.
Recent fundraising emails from major VAWA-funded organizations are the worst offenders. Even though the GAO and the DOJ found misuse of funds and fraud, these organizations are fighting against accountability. And they're doing this by misrepresenting how HR4970 will affect the LGBT community.
What they don't say, is that HR4970 is the only VAWA that removes all discrimination, the only VAWA that allows service providers to open shelters for men who are abused (40% of all injured victims!). If we, as a society, are going to claim to want to help every victim, shouldn't that include heterosexual men?
Let's not let them get away with this smoke and mirrors trick.
So, whether you want abused men to have services, or whether you want your tax dollars spent correctly, please contact your Representative and ask them to vote YES on HR4970.
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2012-05-14 23:59
Article here. Excerpt:
'A student has been spared jail for a false rape claim which led to a man being arrested and detained for nine hours.
Hannah Byron, 20, invented the sex attack in an attempt to win back an ex-boyfriend, a court was told.
She was told by a judge that she avoided a jail sentence 'by a short whisker' for what police describe as a 'malicious report'.
Police strongly criticised Byron for putting the man through such an ordeal, for wasting their time, and possibly putting off genuine victims.'
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2012-05-14 23:58
Article here. Excerpt:
'PROBLEM: These days, American women receive 57 percent of all bachelor's and 60 percent of all master's degrees in college. Are there repercussions to having this gender imbalance on campus?
METHODOLOGY: Researchers led by University of Texas at San Antonio professor Kristina Durante examined historical data on the ratio of single men to single women in each U.S. state and Washington D.C. They also looked into the desire of hundreds of female college students to focus on career or family after they led them to believe that there were either more men or less men on campus by reading one of two news article about the student population.
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