Health experts: Routine PSA tests for prostate cancer not good for health

Article here. Excerpt:

'More than 33,000 American men die of prostate cancer each year. And, every year, 20 million get the PSA test to detect the disease early. The recommendation is already causing a lot of criticism. Dr. Jon LaPook reported on the issue.

For 20 years, the message has been the same: Get a PSA test every year or two, detect prostate cancer early -- and save your life. Dr. Michael Lefevre helped lead the panel that said the message was wrong.

"The problem is that in contrast to the small benefits, a significant number of men will be harmed by the test and treatments that follow prostate cancer screening," he said to CBS News.'

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Two men sue Royal Caribbean Cruise for imprisonment due to false rape claim

Story here. Excerpt:

'They’re lucky they didn’t get keelhauled.

Two pals who jetted from New York to Florida for a fun-filled cruise say they, instead, spent their weeklong vacation locked in the brig after a fellow passenger falsely accused them of rape.

Eviatar Mor — who was celebrating his 22nd birthday — and buddy David Amsalem, 26, sued Royal Caribbean Cruises yesterday over their grueling getaway in a “small, windowless cell” on one of the company’s luxury liners.

Their Manhattan federal-court filing seeks at least $100 million in damages each on grounds including false arrest and imprisonment, assault and battery, and “outrageous conduct causing emotional distress.”'

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Largest compilation of exonerations ever finds over 2,000 falsely convicted over past 23 years

Article here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON — More than 2,000 people who were falsely convicted of serious crimes have been exonerated in the United States in the past 23 years, according to a new archive compiled at two universities.
The database compiled and analyzed by the researchers contains information on 873 exonerations for which they have the most detailed evidence. The researchers are aware of nearly 1,200 other exonerations, for which they have less data.

They found that those 873 exonerated defendants spent a combined total of more than 10,000 years in prison, an average of more than 11 years each. Nine out of 10 of them are men and half are African-American.'

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Equal pay? Not if jobs aren’t really equal

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Equal Pay Act (EPA) says that men and women who perform jobs requiring equal skill, effort and responsibility should be paid the same. But that doesn’t mean everyone with the same title or similar job responsibilities falls into the same pay category.

Employers can, for example, pay a male employee who has greater financial responsibilities or who handles bigger budgets more than it does a woman who holds a similar position, but manages less money.

Just make sure you can justify the difference, based on the impact on the company’s bottom line.'

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Campbell Brown: "Obama: Stop Condescending to Women"

Article here. Excerpt:

'WHEN I listen to President Obama speak to and about women, he sometimes sounds too paternalistic for my taste. In numerous appearances over the years — most recently at the Barnard graduation — he has made reference to how women are smarter than men. It’s all so tired, the kind of fake praise showered upon those one views as easy to impress. As I listen, I am always bracing for the old go-to cliché: “Behind every great man is a great woman.”

Some women are smarter than men and some aren’t. But to suggest to women that they deserve dominance instead of equality is at best a cheap applause line.

My bigger concern is that in courting women, Mr. Obama’s campaign so far has seemed maddeningly off point. His message to the Barnard graduates was that they should fight for a “seat at the table” — the head seat, he made sure to add. He conceded that it’s a tough economy, but he told the grads, “I am convinced you are tougher” and “things will get better — they always do.”

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Man with 30 kids wants state help to pay his child support

Story here. This guy is no saint, but if we assume for the sake of argument that all or most of the eleven mothers receive government assistance, why shouldn't the father also receive government assistance to pay his support? Why do we give welfare to moms who can't or won't support their child and jail fathers who can't or won't support their children? Wouldn't helping the man in this case also help his children?

'A 33-year-old man who has fathered 30 kids is asking the state of Tennessee to give him a hand with his child support payments. Desmond Hatchett is having a tough time making ends meet while working a minimum wage job and seeing half of his paycheck get split up between his 11 baby mamas. Incidentally, his score and 10 kids is a record for Knox County, and some of his kids receive as little as $1.49 a month once the money is divvied up. Hatchett last appeared in court in May 2009, when he had a paltry 21 kids to his name and said he had no intention of having more. Somehow, he found a way to add nine more to his legacy, so we're guessing he probably isn't done at 30.'

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Married men and their traditional view of women are holding back equality in the office, claims study

Article here. Excerpt:

'Working men with stay-at-home wives are a 'pocket of resistance' to equality in the workplace, according to a new study.

After research with hundreds of husbands, the team found those with 'traditional' rather than modern marriages tended to 'view the presence of women in the workplace unfavourably'.

They also found that men with stay-at-home wives - or even 'neo-traditionalists' married to women who worked part-time - thought companies with more women worked 'less smoothly', and found organisations with female bosses 'relatively unattractive'.

And the research paper provides a possible explanation for the so-called 'marzipan layer' - which traps women just below senior jobs: such men 'deny more frequently, qualified female employees opportunities for promotion'.'

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Government study of arrestees' drug use ignores female arrestees

Article here. I have a hunch they'd find just as high numbers-- if they had bothered to check. Excerpt:

'More than 60 percent of males arrested last year for crimes – felonies and misdemeanors – tested positive for drug use, according to a White House study of arrest data from 10 large cities. For some cities, that surpassed 80 percent.
The range was from a low of 64 percent of arrestees who tested positive for drug use in Atlanta to 81 percent in Sacramento, Calif. That’s up slightly from 2010 when the range was from 52 percent in Washington to more than 80 percent in both Chicago and Sacramento. It did not evaluate female arrestees.'

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Edward Kruk is a new blogger-correspondent for Psychology Today

Blog here. Excerpt:

'It is often assumed, by legal and mental health professionals alike, that when divorcing parents are unable to come to an agreement in regard to parenting arrangements for their children, and remain locked in high conflict, shared parenting is contraindicated. The belief is that children will remain caught in the middle of their parents’ conflict, and exposure to ongoing conflict is extremely damaging to children’s well-being. In many jurisdictions, there is a legal presumption against shared parenting in high conflict cases. As a result, parents who seek a sole custody arrangement or wish to retain primary caregiving responsibility for their children after divorce often characterize their cases as high conflict. Parents may exaggerate the extent of conflict, or purposefully engage in conflict to resist a court order for shared parenting.

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Graphic film on female sex tourists cheered in Cannes

Article here. Filled with rationalizations for why certain women are doing what the film shows. Would a film about male sex tourism get such acclaim especially when there is a huge income and class disparity between buyers and sellers? Never, nor should it. So why is this one? You know the answer already. Excerpt:

'A graphic, unflinching look at the delicate interplay of desire, money and power among European women sex tourists and African gigolos hit the screen yesterday in the Cannes contender "Paradise: Love".

Austrian director Ulrich Seidl, who scandalised cinema's top international showcase five years ago with another take on rich and poor and the sex trade, "Import/Export", this time turns his camera on women as the consumers.

"Paradise: Love" stars Margarethe Tiesel as Teresa, a 50-year-old Viennese single mother of an insolent teenage daughter who needs a break from it all, in a breakout performance cheered by audiences here.'

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On YouTube: 'Feminism explained' (Funny)

Video here.

'A feminist accidentally explains her view of the world.'

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House Approves Violence Against Women Act: SAVE Applauds Long-Overdue Reform Measures

From SAVE:

WASHINGTON / May 17, 2012 - The House of Representatives has passed the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act by a 222-205 margin. Responding to public discontent, H.R. 4970 contains a number of measures designed to curb widespread waste and fraud in the domestic violence field.

A recent U.S. News poll found a strong majority of persons are opposed to the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) in its current form: Many women have questioned the effectiveness and fairness of the existing VAWA law:

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Male Student Suspended for Wearing a Skirt

Fine for girls to wear jeans and button-down shirts, but boys in skirts? Nah. Story here. Excerpt:

'A male student was suspended from a southern Maryland school for wearing girls’ clothing, and the incident has sparked a big controversy in Calvert County.

Warren Evans, an openly bisexual student at Calvert High School, was suspended for violating the school’s dress code by wearing a skirt.

Evans says the school is discriminating against him and does not believe he violated any dress code.'

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Child Support: Enslaving Black Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last week, on my facebook page, A Sister asked me if I am “for” or “against” child support. I posted a picture, of a Black woman holding a wheelbarrow full of money, and the words above the picture said “Child Support, Way Better Than A Dad”, then I proceeded to answer the question. What I am “for” is choosing wisely when deciding to reproduce and deciding who will reproduce you. What I am “for” is adults being mature if the relationship ends so that the child won’t suffer, become molded in the bitterness of its mother, and caught in an emotional tug of war. What I am “against” is women hustling their wombs SPECIFICALLY for the sole purpose of collecting a child support check. What I am “against” is child support being limited or perceived as just financial assistance. Child support means to support your child mentally, emotionally, spiritually, being there for events, listening to them, encouraging them, showing them love and teaching them lessons so they won’t have to learn lessons in the streets.

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House Approves Violence Against Women Act: SAVE Applauds Long-Overdue Reform Measures


Contact: Teri Stoddard

WASHINGTON / May 17, 2012 – The House of Representatives has passed the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act by a 222-205 margin. Responding to public discontent, H.R. 4970 contains a number of measures designed to curb widespread waste and fraud in the domestic violence field.

A recent U.S. News poll found a strong majority of persons are opposed to the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) in its current form: Many women have questioned the effectiveness and fairness of the existing VAWA law:

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