Obama Honors Top Socialist/Feminist with Medal of Freedom

Article here. Excerpt:

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Dept of State: "African Women Entrepreneurship Program Kicks Off June 4"

Link here. Excerpt:

'The African Women Entrepreneurship Program is an outreach, education, and engagement initiative that works with African women entrepreneurs to promote business growth; increase trade both regionally and to U.S. markets through the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA); create better business environments; and empower African women entrepreneurs to become voices of change in their communities.

For three weeks, 47 African women entrepreneurs from 37 countries will engage in professional development training and networking opportunities with American counterparts from civil society, corporations, industry associations, non-profit organizations, and multilateral development organizations throughout the United States. The women will develop business partnerships, attend workshops on accessing capital and U.S. markets, and learn best business practices to build their women-owned small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in their home countries.

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UK: Plans for women's quotas on company boards dropped

Article here. Excerpt:

'The move to drop the “golden skirt” policy is a sign of ministers’ commitment to strip red tape from companies to get the economy moving.

Ministers said they were “standing up for British business” and were opposing the plans to impose more “burdensome regulation” on companies.
However ministers will say the Government is not going to implement the quotas, and instead will merely encourage firms to hire more women in executive positions.'

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Male-dominated boards will fall behind rivals, says report

Article here. Excerpt:

'Without women in senior posts, companies will lose touch with their customers and risk making “flawed decisions” as a result of “groupthink” by men, a report from the Department for Business said. In a separate study, the Equalities and Human Rights Commission suggested firms should appoint more women directors to help the economic recovery.
Women represent “around 70 per cent of consumer purchasing decisions” and “connecting better” with the female workforce will help businesses understand their customers, the report said. “Continually recruiting individuals who share the same backgrounds and experiences creates a 'groupthink’ mentality within the board, which runs the risk of making flawed decisions because there are no fresh or different perspectives. Ultimately, of course, such businesses will be unable to stay ahead of the game.”'

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Study: Women seek 'providers'

Article here. There isn't much new in terms of ideas in this article. I think it's been known for quite a long time. The main reason I am posting this is to point out the graphics that go along with the article. Seems not even a relatively even-handed (though decidedly sexist in all directions) report regarding relations between the sexes can't be delivered without some form of male-bashing. Anyway, here's an excerpt:

'Confident and cocky, alpha males might have you believe that they could win the heart of any woman they want.

But when it comes to finding a mate, women are actually hardwired to go for a meeker, less macho chap who is a good provider, a study suggests.

American researchers have looked into the reasons why humans developed the two-parent nuclear family.

Our primitive ancestors would have inherited the social structure of the apes – a sexual free-for-all with males fighting each other for mating rights.'

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SAVE: June is False Allegations Awareness Month - Make Your Plans Now

June is False Allegations Awareness Month.

Help us bring awareness to False Allegations of Abuse during the month of June. Here are some ideas to get you started. Like posting this link: http://www.saveservices.org/dvlp/campaigns/false-accusations-of-domestic-violence-by-the-numbers/ to your social media network, where your friends will learn that 700,000 persons are wrongfully arrested for domestic violence each year.

We hope you'll join us at the Connecting for Change false allegations awareness conference in Washington, DC on June 30. You can also join us as citizen lobbyists on Capitol Hill June 29. In order to lobby, you must attend a June 19 teleconference. Register for either or both events by sending an email to info-at-saveservices.org.

You've seen what happens when we all work together. Let's put this unity to work to end false allegations!


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Woman killed infant, ate part of brain, police say

Article here. Excerpt:

'SAN ANTONIO -- San Antonio police say a woman accused of beheading her 3-week-old infant son used a knife and two swords in the attack and ate some of the child's body parts.

San Antonio Police Chief William McManus told reporters Monday that Otty Sanchez's attack on her son, Scott Wesley Buchholtz-Sanchez, was "too heinous" to fully discuss.

But he says Sanchez ate part of the newborn's brain and bit off three of his toes before stabbing herself twice.

Police say the 33-year-old Sanchez told officers who were called to her house early Sunday that she killed her son at the devil's request.

Sanchez is charged with capital murder and is being held on $1 million bail. She is recovering from her wounds at a hospital.'

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Under Obama, Men Killed by Drones Are Presumed to Be Terrorists

Article here. Excerpt:

After interviewing dozens of current and former White House advisers, the New York Times breaks a lot of news in its story on President Obama's secret kill list, perhaps none of it more jaw-dropping than new details describing how the U.S. now calculates the number of innocents killed by our drones. What innovative method did our Nobel Peace Prize-winning president implement?

"It in effect counts all military-age males in a strike zone as combatants, according to several administration officials, unless there is explicit intelligence posthumously proving them innocent," the newspaper reports. "Counter-terrorism officials insist this approach is one of simple logic: people in an area of known terrorist activity, or found with a top Qaeda operative, are probably up to no good."

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Australian Department of Health & Ageing: "Young Men’s Mental Illness Costs us $3 Billion Annually"

Link here. Excerpt:

'A new report released today shows that young men’s mental illness in costing the Australian economy more than $3 billion each year in lost productivity.

Minister for Mental Health and Ageing, Mark Butler, today launched the landmark report, ‘Counting the Cost: The Impact of Young Men’s Mental Health on the Australian Economy’.

Commissioned by the Inspire Foundation and Ernst & Young, the Report highlights that mental illness in young men costs the economy $387,000 per hour and over 9 million working days lost per annum.'

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Zimbabwe still falsely claiming circumcision defeats HIV/AIDS

Article here. Excerpt:

'Zimbabwe is still falsely claiming that the surgical circumcision operation defeats the deadly HIV/AIDS virus.

This comes after more than 5 months of media coverage exposing the method’s weakness as a competent measure.

Several US medical practitioners have in the past few months warned third world countries upon whom the United Nations suggested the method, that they should not have their citizens deceive on circumcision and its supposed benefits.

The ministry of health is deceiving people by announcing to them that once they are circumcised, they become immune to HIV/AIDS effectively encouraging them to engage in promiscuity. Instead of reducing the risk, circumcision has been tested through behaviour change to actually be a protagonist of HIV transmission, critics state. One recent randomized controlled trial carried out in South Africa into male-to-female transmission actually demonstrated a 54% higher rate in the group where the men had been circumcised.'

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Male circumcision an assault - surgeon

Article here. Excerpt:

'Routine circumcision in male infants is a potentially dangerous and unnecessary procedure, according to a Dublin surgeon, who has dismissed the rationale for the procedure as unproven and without medical justification.

Dublin consultant plastic surgeon Mr Matt McHugh said circumcision was a form of genital mutilation that exposed patients to a number of health risks.

However, a representative of the Jewish community in Ireland has defended the procedure, stressing that it is safe when performed correctly.

Writing in the latest issue of Modern Medicine, the Irish journal of clinical medicine, Mr McHugh said: "There is no rationale for carrying out this extremely painful, traumatic and potentially dangerous procedure on male infants.

"While female genital mutilation (FGM) is banned in Ireland and regarded as a serious assault, circumcision, which is a form of male genital mutilation, is not illegal, with the procedure still undertaken by some doctors."'

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Chris Graham: Title IX for Males?

Article here. Excerpt:

'The good news: Title IX has worked, big time. In 1970, two years before the seminal federal education law mandating equal opportunities for females was passed and signed into law, there were 3 million women, 3 percent of the female population, attending college. Today, more than 10 million women, nearly 7 percent of the female population, is attending college.
You might notice a gap in the numbers there. Not only are young women attending college in greater numbers than young men, the growth in the Title IX era is close to figurative exponential in comparing the numbers.

Which makes me wonder aloud … is it time, maybe, for a Title IX for Males?

Could it be that we’re putting so much emphasis on pushing young girls into realizing their full potentials that we’re forgetting that young boys might need a similar push?'

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What Men Do To Outearn Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'In that, not much has changed between Peggy Olson’s 1967 job search and our own lateral moves today.

Simply put, we continue to accept unequal conditions in the workplace serving lesser clients for lower pay, fewer promotional opportunities and far less respect than our work product deserves.

Peggy, who worked her way up from secretary to copywriter with the mentorship and sponsorship of the fatally handsome and deeply flawed Don Draper, learned a few things in last night’s show that men in the workplace have known since they first gathered together to raid the next village.'

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Euro MPs back quotas to get more women into top jobs

Article here. Excerpt:

'The EU Commission wants the proportion of female board members at big companies to rise to 40% by 2020, from the current average of 12%.

The Commission has said it may legislate to make quotas compulsory.

The Euro MPs in Strasbourg also called for EU-wide measures to boost female representation in politics.

Last week the EU's Justice Commissioner, Viviane Reding, launched a public consultation to generate initiatives - including possible legislation - aimed at redressing the gender imbalance.

Belgium, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain are among the countries that have already introduced gender quotas for companies.'

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Wilmington man fights for child ex never told him he had

Article here. Excerpt:

'WILMINGTON, NC (WWAY) -- A Wilmington man is fighting for the right to raise his own child. A child he's never met. A child he never knew existed until the baby was several months old and already living with its potential adoptive parents. So far, trying to intervene has been a losing battle.
"I'm already a father," John said. "I'm just looking to be a daddy."

In April 2011, Johns discovered he had a six-month-old baby boy. A mutual acquaintance told Johns his ex-girlfriend had a baby and put it up for adoption. He confronted her and found out the truth.

"The emotions of anger, sadness, the joy of being a father... I had all that compacted into a five-minute conversation by her just saying, 'You have no rights.' I just kept thinking, 'What is she talking about? I'm the father,' John said.'

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