Grandfather Says Barnes & Noble Kicked Him Out For Shopping Alone In Children's Section

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Scottsdale man is claiming that a Barnes & Noble bookstore discriminated against him when an employee forced him out of the store because he was a male shopper alone in the children's area.

Omar Amin, 73, said store worker Todd Voris told him that a female shopper had complained about him being in the children's area May 4 in the store at Shea Boulevard and Loop 101 in Scottsdale.

Amin, who was alone at the time, said he was in Barnes & Noble to buy books for his two grandchildren who live in Wisconsin.

"Men alone cannot be by themselves in the children's area," Amin said he was told, adding that Voris said other bookstores had encountered problems with child molesters.'

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Woman to serve 15 months in psychiatric hospital for drowning sons

Link here. Excerpt:

'An Australian woman living in Canada who drowned her two young sons in a bathtub has been sentenced to six years in jail.

Allyson McConnell, 33, will serve about 15 months after being credited for the time she has already spent in custody, The Calgary Herald reports.
Court of Queens Bench Justice Michelle Crighton recommended McConnell serve her sentence at Alberta Hospital in Edmonton, where she has been in psychiatric care since the killings.

During her trial in March, the court heard the Australian had been going through a bitter divorce in late 2009 and early 2010. She was described as having been tired, stressed and depressed before the killings.'

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Hoping for clout with women, Obama urges Congress to pass ‘Paycheck Fairness Act’

Article here. Excerpt:

'President Barack Obama, his re-election fortunes heavily dependent on women, pushed Congress on Monday to "step up and do its job" by passing a bill designed to erase the wage gap between male and female workers doing the same job.

With Senate Republicans expected to block the Paycheck Fairness Act when it comes up for a vote on Tuesday, Obama urged supporters of the measure to make an 11th-hour push on behalf of the legislation.

"At a time when we're in a make-or-break moment for the middle class, Congress has to step up and do its job," the president said on a conference call. "But let's face it: Congress is not going to act because I said it's important; they're going to act because you guys are making your voices heard."

"So senators have to know you're holding them accountable. Everything that they're going to be hearing over the next 24 hours can make a difference in terms of how they vote," the president said.'

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"Swedish Feminists are so Bored they're Telling Men How to Sit on the Bus"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sweden has a reputation as having the most equal relations between the sexes in the world—it’s a place where male politicians are voted "woman of the year" by feminists, where young dads on paternity leave take toddlers for play dates while their wives work, where a preschool can casually ban gendered pronouns. A recent World Economic Forum report claimed Sweden is the most gender equal country in the world.

Yet some Swedish women apparently think that the image of the Nordic country as a feminist's paradise is just a veneer hiding deep-seated misogyny. Their evidence? Men slouching and taking up more than one seat on buses, trains, and subways.

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Sexual politics, Swedish style

Via email from a reader in Sweden:

I want to give you a tip about a book that gives a history of sexual politics in Sweden, and thus focuses a lot on the political radical feminism we have here, by simply giving a timeline of events, starting in the 50's and leading up to the Assange case. I don't think people outside Scandinavia understand how extreme the situation is here - this book explains it all. I would be really happy if you could spread the word about this book, perhaps you might be interested in it yourself, since I believe this information may deliver a serious blow to the extreme feminists we have here.

The book: A Brief History of Swedish Sex: How the Nation that Gave Us Free Love Redefined Rape and Declared War on Julian Assange

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Are the Recent Cries About Misogyny Warranted?

Article here. Excerpt:

'But not every crude and hateful slam at a woman is misogynist; sometimes, it's just crude and hateful. An anatomical epithet toward a woman is not automatically worse than the male equivalent. Calling a female politician a bitch is not automatically worse than calling a male politician a scumbag, an overwhelmingly male-directed slur. Rocker and right-wing activist Ted Nugent's invitation to Hillary Clinton to "ride one of these into the sunset" while brandishing two rifles at a 2007 concert was no more disgusting than his simultaneous invitation to Barack Obama to "suck on this" (and there's no reason to think that Nugent would have been kinder to a top Democratic presidential contender who was male and white).

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Fathers Day 2012: Three years after President Obama tells men to "step up"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Marilyn Frye, a leader in the feminist movement, often referred to a birdcage as a metaphor for the oppression of women. With a myopic focus we see only the individual wire and ponder why the bird does not simply fly around it. But with a macroscopic viewpoint we realize each wire has been systematically placed, creating a confine not unlike the solid walls of a dungeon.

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"Big Bad Dad": The Movie

Article here. Excerpt:

'If you're reading this, you no doubt know of a father whose life has been torn apart by the family legal system. Or maybe you are that man.

This was the impetus for the making of Big Bad Dad: the filmmakers realized they simply knew too many fathers who had the same horrific, turn-your-life-upside-down stories about their experiences.

We are Ruth van Vierzen and Patrick Hodgson, the filmmakers behind this project. We have been working on this film for 4 years and we are very anxious to get this film finished and out to the masses.'

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Utah Adoption Council president resigns amid fathers' rights controversy

Article here. Excerpt:

'SALT LAKE CITY — The president of the Utah Adoption Council resigned Tuesday amid controversy over claims the council is working to undermine the rights of birth fathers.

Wes Hutchins was to serve another month as president of the Ut ah Adoption Council (UAC) — a group consisting of adoption agencies, adoption attorneys, families, and birth mothers and fathers. Instead, he's founded a new nonprofit organization he says will work in the best interests of all parties in adoptions.

There was certainly friction in Tuesday's council meeting, as some representing adoption agencies accused Hutchins of having his own agenda. In turn, he pointed fingers at them for not acting ethically in administering adoptions.'

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Finnish Medical Association says male circumcision conflicts with medical ethics

From Marc A.:

The Finnish Medical Association said "child circumcisions are in conflict with medical ethics" and the Green League just voted to phase it out "either through advice or, if necessary, through legislation." Thank you Fins! Nice to see progress. :-)

They're certainly not alone. The Swedish Paediatric Society has called infant male circumcision an "assault on boys."

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SAVE: June is False Allegations Awareness Month

False allegations of abuse ruin reputations and careers, undermine the credibility of true victims, and upend basic notions of fairness and justice. The recent case of Brian Banks, exonerated on a charge of rape after spending 62 months in prison, highlights the criminal justice travesty.

According to a national telephone survey, one in 10 persons has been falsely accused of abuse:

In preparation for the month, SAVE has created a new webpage on false allegations of child abuse: In addition, we’ve added new information to our page on false allegations of sexual assault:

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UK children need more volunteer male befrienders

Article here. Excerpt:

'Many boys say they would prefer a male befriender according to early findings, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). Yet, less than a quarter of UK volunteer child befrienders are men.

"The shortage means many boys in need of a strong male presence in their lives are missing out on the adult male companionship they would like," states researcher Dr Sue Milne of the Centre for Research on Families and Relationships (CRFR) at the University of Edinburgh.

Many of the children referred to befriending services face difficulties at home or in school. Some have learning or behavioural problems; others have been affected by the death or imprisonment of a parent, or by parental substance/ alcohol abuse.

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On Child Support and Abortion

Article here. Excerpt:

'However, in Roe vs. Wade, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruled that the rights of the individual living mother outweighed the rights of the unborn child, and therefore made abortion legal. In doing so, and considering the arguments of both sides it attempted to address individual rights but the SCOTUS failed to take into the consideration the legal implications and the rights of the father.

A woman has complete and utter control over her own body—this much has been established by Roe vs. Wade and other rulings. Yet, what about the man? Does he not have any rights over his own body? Should a woman choose to bring to term a child that may not be wanted by his father, the father is nevertheless legally and financially bound by that decision. It is a well-established legal concept that a man must provide financial support for the child that was mutually conceived but solely brought to term by another person’s (the woman) decision.

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Female sex offenders protected by the criminal justice system

Article here. Excerpt:

'Los Angeles, CA (May 30, 2012) Female sex offenders receive lighter sentences for the same crimes than males says a study recently published in Feminist Criminology, a SAGE journal and the official journal of the Division on Women and Crime of the American Society of Criminology.

Embry and Lyons looked at the sentences that male and female sex offenders received for specific sex offenses and found that even after the implementation of sentencing guidelines to ensure equality in sentencing, on average male sentences were between 6% and 31% longer than female sentences for the same or similar crimes.

"It appears as if the criminal justice system actually treats women more leniently than men," wrote Randa Embry and Phillip M. Lyons, Jr., authors of the study.

The researchers explained this disparity by discussing the American idea that "women are weaker and, therefore, must be protected at all times regardless of their status as victims or offenders."'

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House defeats bill to ban gender-based abortions

Article here. It appears these lawmakers are more outraged about the prospect of aborting a girl. I would like to think anyone who considers themselves pro-life would be equally concerned about both genders. Excerpt:

'A bill that would ban sex-selective abortions failed to muster enough support to pass the House Thursday following a contentious debate.

The final vote was 246-168. Though a majority voted in favor of the bill, this particular proposal required a two-thirds majority to pass -- supporters of the bill fell 30 votes short.

The proposal would have made it a federal crime to carry out an abortion based on the gender of the fetus. The measure takes aim at the aborting of female fetuses, a practice more common to countries such India and China, where there is a strong preference for sons, but which is also thought to take place in the U.S.'

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