Author Claims Abortions Have Made Men’s Lives Better

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'Pro-choice women have long asked men to remain silent when it comes to the issue of abortion. The theory was that it’s a woman’s choice, and therefore no man should have a say in the matter.

And while Sara Robinson of AlterNet makes it clear that she doesn’t believe that men have the right to stop the killing of their own children, she does believe that men need to start speaking out in favor of abortion. In her post, “Abortions Have Made Life Better for Millions of Men: It’s About Time to Speak Up in Support,” Robinson reminds us all that “for every single woman who’s ever had an abortion, there’s a man somewhere in the story.” But it’s only those who supported the abortion who matter to Robinson. She writes:

But even as we’re getting an aggrieved earful from the full chorus of patriarchal bullies, our own pro-choice men have receded into the background of the conversation, to the point where they have no voice at all. Worse: these sweet guys think that by holding their tongues, they’re doing us a favor.'

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U.S. says Texas police department discriminated against women

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'A federal lawsuit filed on Tuesday accuses Corpus Christi, Texas of discriminating against female applicants to the city's police department by requiring them to pass a physical test that favored men.

The Justice Department said the female pass rate for the test, which was used between 2005 and 2011, was 80 percent lower than the male pass rate and that it excluded otherwise qualified applicants from consideration for hire as entry-level police officers based solely on their gender.

The test, which included push-ups, sit-ups, and a 300-meter and 1.5-mile run, had identical cut-off scores for men and women. But between 2005 and 2009, only 19 percent of the female applicants who took the test passed it, compared with 63 percent of the male applicants, according to the Justice Department.

It said the disparate results "constitute a pattern or practice of resistance to the full enjoyment by women of their rights to equal employment opportunities regardless of their sex."'

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Girls outperforming boys in "masculine" subjects

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'New figures show teenage girls are more likely to achieve good grades in practical courses designed to lead straight to a job in traditionally male-dominated industries.

They were almost twice as likely to score highly in vocational qualifications sat between the age of 14 and 16, while results were around a third higher in courses sat in the sixth-form. The disclosure – in data published by one of Britain’s biggest exam providers – comes amid continuing concerns over the gulf in standards between boys and girls.
According to figures, girls are already ahead in most disciplines by the age of five and the gap widens throughout compulsory education.

Last year, some 62 per cent of girls achieved five good GCSEs, compared with just 55 per cent of boys. Almost one-in-10 boys also failed to gain at least one C grade at the age of 16 – almost twice the failure rate of girls.'

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Young boys 'turned off books' by lack of male teachers

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'Large numbers of boys are failing to develop a love of reading during primary education because of a shortage of male teachers combined with an anti-book culture among many fathers, an inquiry has found.

Gavin Barwell, chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Literacy, said reading was not seen as a “masculine thing” by boys – leaving them lagging behind girls from the age of four onwards.

In many cases, schools failed to equip them with a selection of adventure and action novels by authors such as Enid Blyton, Roald Dahl and J.R.R Tolkien that are significantly more likely to appeal to boys at a young age, he suggested.

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SAVE Elert: Govt. Panel Says No Need to Screen Abused Men for IPV

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has just released its draft recommendations to screen for intimate partner violence (IPV) in healthcare settings. The panel says all women should be assessed for IPV:

But if you're an abused man.... you didn't make the cut.

There's hope: the Task Force recommendations are just a draft, so if enough persons complain, maybe they'll change them to include men.

Here's how to email your polite comments:

Take 5 minutes today - you may save an abused man's life.


Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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Teacher Avoids Jail Time For Hosting Student Alcohol-Fueled Sex Parties

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'Audrey Grabarkiewicz, a 46-year-old preschool teacher at Lake Bowen Baptist Church in Spartanburg, S.C., will not serve jail time despite being arrested for throwing alcohol and sex parties for teens last year, WSPA-TV reports.

According to CBS, the "sex parties" took place in the summer of of 2010, and Grabarkiewicz was charged with 10 counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

Late last week, Judge Larry B. Hyman Jr. sentenced the teacher to three years probation and 120 hours of community service, the Spartanburg Herald-Journal reports.'

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Protecting Adoption and Promoting Responsible Fatherhood Act of 2012

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'Today, Congresswoman Laura Richardson introduced the Protecting Adoption and Promoting Responsible Fatherhood Act of 2012. The legislation will create a National Responsible Father Registry, giving unwed fathers the chance to register and be notified of court proceedings involving the child and relieving birth mothers of the burden of notifying the birth fathers.

Congresswoman Richardson’s legislation has been endorsed by the National Council for Adoption and the American Academy of Adoption Attorneys.

“Too often, a child misses a critical window of opportunity to be adopted simply because there is a lengthy and cumbersome process of locating the father and adjudicating his parental rights,” said Congresswoman Richardson.

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Stand up for your son: Say ‘no’ to ritual circumcision

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'Even if criminalization is impractical, this week’s German court ruling against circumcision on children, except for medical purposes, sent a much-needed message.

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WashPost Promotes Feminist Study Demanding More Quotes From Women

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'Washington Post reporter Paul Farhi publicized the latest feminist lament that “a new analysis of campaign coverage found that women aren’t even the principal news source on a topic they would presumably know best: women’s issues.”

That apparently means sexual issues: “Major news outlets, print and TV, turn mainly to male sources for their take on abortion, birth control and Planned Parenthood, according to a study by 4th Estate, a research group that monitors campaign coverage.” Farhi turned to "women's groups" for comment -- just one kind of women.
What’s a little ridiculous is that this whole story on alleged media one-sidedness only consults the feminist spinners – from Michael Howe to Terry O’Neill of NOW to Julie Burton of the Women’s Media Center.'

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Elect more women to end gridlock

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'More than 300 women, a record high, have filed to run for Congress this year, which means a likely gain of female members come November. In addition to greater parity for women--who’ve been chronically underrepresented--more women in Congress could bring another benefit: Less gridlock.

Female senators have a markedly more bipartisan vote record than their male peers do. Moreover, studies in personality research find that women are more cooperative than men, more willing to compromise, more empathetic and, moreover, more polite.'

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Strip Club 'Tax' to Fund Rape Investigations in Houston

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'(NEWSER) – Want to help Houston foot the bill for its rape investigations? Visit a strip club. The city doesn't have the funds to quickly analyze evidence collected in rape kits, so the City Council passed an ordinance yesterday imposing a $5-per-visitor "pole tax" on strip joints and other clubs that host adult entertainment (think wet T-shirt contests). The money collected will go toward processing Houston's rape kits; an estimated 6,000 sit untested, the Wall Street Journal reports. With 30 clubs subject to the tax, as much as $3 million could be raised annually.

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Berlin hospital suspends circumcisions after court ruling

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'Berlin's Jewish Hospital will suspend circumcisions after a German court ruled this week that performing the procedure on religious grounds is unlawful, a hospital spokesman said Friday.

"We are suspending circumcisions until the legal position is clear," Gerhard Nerlich told AFP, citing head of internal medicine Kirstof Graf.

The hospital performs 300 circumcisions a year, a third of which are for religious reasons and the remainder due to medical concerns.

"We regularly performed circumcisions before this ruling but we don't have the legal freedom to do so any more," said Nerlich, adding that two procedures had already been cancelled.'

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German verdict's purpose is to delay circumcision, not ban it, jurist says

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'A widely criticized German court verdict on religious circumcision this week aims only to delay the act, not ban it, and is not directed against any faith, a jurist with a leading role in the legal debate said on Friday.

The operation does serious bodily harm and only males old enough to consent to it freely should undergo it, said Holm Putzke, law professor at Passau University in southern Germany.

Using arguments Putzke has published in recent years, a court in the western city of Cologne ruled on Tuesday that the circumcision there of a Muslim boy who suffered post-operative bleeding had violated a German law against causing bodily harm.

Jewish, Muslim, Catholic and Protestant leaders in Germany denounced the ruling as a serious intrusion on religious freedom. Even Germany's foreign minister spoke out, saying such faith traditions must be allowed in a tolerant modern society.'

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Unemployed Men Undesirable To Women, "It's Just Lunch" Survey Finds

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'It's not unusual for people looking for a relationship to keep a mental checklist of qualities they absolutely require in a a partner. But a recent survey by the dating service "It's Just Lunch" found that there's one box in particular that straight women want checked: they want the men they date to have jobs.

Of the 925 single women surveyed, 75 percent said they'd have a problem with dating someone without a job. Only 4 percent of respondents asked whether they would go out with an unemployed man answered "of course."

"Not having a job will definitely make it harder for men to date someone they don't already know," Irene LaCota, a spokesperson for It's Just Lunch, said in a press release. "This is the rare area, compared to other topics we've done surveys on, where women's old-fashioned beliefs about sex roles seem to apply."

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“Religion” is no excuse for mutilating your baby’s penis

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