Woman accused of having sex with 7-year-old

Story here. 'having sex with'... need I say more? Excerpt:

'A 20-year-old woman is accused of having sex with the 7-year-old son of her boyfriend.

Alicia Gaston of North Fairmount confessed to engaging in sexual intercourse with the child about 8 p.m. on April 10, 2011 in the 200 block of Craft Street in Winton Place, Cincinnati police said. She faces one count of rape.'

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'Miss New Hampshire USA' Nicole Houde Charged with Domestic Assault for Second Time

Story here. Excerpt:

'On June 30, Miss New Hampshire USA, 26-year-old Nicole Houde, was arrested for the second time for domestic violence after allegedly beating her new boyfriend.

On April 25, Houde was arrested for attacking her previous boyfriend, Scott Nickerson, who told RadarOnline.com that the beauty queen has a temper after she drinks.

The new boyfriend, who Houde allegedly attacked, was a man whom Nickerson claims she was cheating on him with.

Nickerson told RadarOnline.com: "The public only sees Nicole in her sober state for the most part, so most people she knows think she is an angel beauty queen when in fact she is nothing more than an out of control partier who turns violent and has cheated on me and previous boyfriends and no one realizes this."'

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Boys twice as likely to be diagnosed with special needs

Article here. Excerpt:

Young boys are almost twice as likely to be diagnosed with learning impairments, behaviour problems or communication difficulties as girls, it emerged. The disclosure – in data published by the Department for Education – will reignite concerns that schools are wrongly branding pupils with special needs as a cover for indiscipline or poor exam results.
Earlier this year, Jean Gross, a former Government adviser on speech, language and communication needs, insisted that problems were often “used as an explanation for failure” at school, particularly among boys.

She said: “One third of nine and 10-year-old boys have special educational needs. It’s at that age that schools start to think they are not going to get a [pass] on their SATs, so they get labelled as having special needs.

“This is not done out of malice – schools are just trying to explain themselves. It is a real incentive to do this when schools don’t hit their floor target.”'

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Africa: The Global Fund Should Actively Promote Male Circumcision

Article here. Excerpt:

'Male circumcision is a high-impact and cost-effective method of curbing the spread of HIV infection, Karanja Kinyanjui says. "It is time for a massive scale up of these programmes."

As the campaign for an AIDS-free generation by 2015 gains momentum, the Global Fund will play a crucial role in achieving this target because it is a major funder of health programmes globally. The Fund should actively promote the inclusion of male circumcision in programmes as it is a high impact and cost-effective method of curbing the spread of HIV infection.

Male circumcision as an effective anti-HIV strategy has already received support from influential leaders globally. In November last year, US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton said male circumcision was one of three interventions that could help achieve the goal of an AIDS-free generation, a policy that the US government would pursue. This political support is crucial for the male circumcision campaign to gain momentum.'

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University academic quits over 'extreme' feminism

Article here. Excerpt:

'JAMES Cook University is embroiled in an ugly battle of the sexes which has resulted in one academic resigning in protest at the lack of discipline of his "extreme" feminist colleague.

JCU School of Medicine adjunct senior lecturer Dr Greg Canning has quit his teaching job of 10 years, claiming the university failed to caution Adjuct Associate Professor Betty McLellan, who he has accused of publicly practicing sexual vilification.

Dr McLellan, from the School of Arts and Social Sciences, is a feminist ethicist and psychotherapist, with more than 20 years experience. She has written several books, and regularly contributes opinion pieces to radical feminism websites such as the Coalition for a Feminist Agenda.

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"Boiling Water Attack"?

Here's the headline for this story:

"Trial ordered for ex-wife in boiling water attack"

Here's what she did:

"A judge has ordered trial for a California woman charged with pouring boiling water on her sleeping ex-husband in a jealous rage over another woman. Prosecutors say 39-year-old Jesusa Tatad peeled back the sheets covering 36-year-old Ronnie Tatad and tossed a pot of boiling water on him. She then clubbed him with a baseball bat as he screamed in pain.

Although divorced, the couple shared a small Daly City apartment.

Ronnie Tatad died two weeks later."

The prosecution got it right: she's to be tried for torture and murder. But the headline makes it appear she just doused him with some boiling water. While unkind, that's about half the story. This was murder most foul, not a scalding.

And remember, guys: Only men commit domestic violence.

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Propecia May Have Long-Lasting, Possibly Permanent Sexual Side Effects

Article here. Excerpt:

'Kevin Malley was almost 30, and he was starting to lose his hair. He went to his doctor to see if there was a way to keep from going bald, and his doctor prescribed Propecia.

"I looked young for my age, so I wanted to hold off my hair loss for a little bit," Malley said. "I didn't plan on taking Propecia for more than a year."

Malley started taking the drug in May 2011, and by October he was completely impotent and had no sex drive whatsoever. His body changed, even his genitals shrank, and he slipped into a mental fog that he just couldn't clear. His doctor told him the side effects would go away if he stopped taking the drug, so he did. But nothing changed.

"I kept expecting the side effects to go away, but they did not, they only got worse," he said.'

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OED finally recognizes 'misandry' as a word


Definition of misandry
[mass noun]

the hatred of men (i.e. the male sex specifically).

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SAVE Applauds Justice Dept. Probe into Wrongful Convictions

Contact: Teri Stoddard
Email: tstoddard@saveservices.org

WASHINGTON / July 12, 2012 -- Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) welcomes the recent announcement that the Department of Justice and FBI are launching a probe of thousands of criminal cases to determine whether defendants were wrongly convicted. The news was highlighted in a recent Washington Post article: http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/crime/justice-dept-fbi-to-review-use-of-forensic-evidence-in-thousands-of-cases/2012/07/10/gJQAT6DlbW_story.html

Each year millions of dollars in prosecutorial resources are squandered on trivial and false cases of domestic violence, thus shortchanging real victims who deserve priority from the criminal justice system, SAVE believes.

One survey found that about two-thirds of prosecutors’ offices around the country have implemented so-called “no-drop” policies for domestic violence: http://www.saveservices.org/downloads/Unequal-Justice-in-the-Criminal-Justice-System . Such policies obviate the requirement of probable cause, and have resulted in innocent citizens being needlessly charged and wrongfully convicted.

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Obama Sinks to Historic Lows Among Blue-Collar Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'The new Quinnipiac University and ABC/Washington Post national surveys out this week converge on one key conclusion: as the election nears, President Obama is sinking to historic lows among the group most consistently hostile to him.

Throughout his career on the national stage, Obama has struggled among white men without a college education. But in these latest surveys, he has fallen to a level of support among them lower than any Democratic nominee has attracted in any election since 1980, according to an upcoming National Journal analysis of exit polls from presidential elections.

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Teaching Feminism: Summer Reading, Girls Vs. Boys

Article here. Excerpt:

'Many teachers and parents believe that we should select books that boys will be interested in because girls will read them no matter what. While I do believe this is true, it is dangerous to keep pushing male-oriented books on our young female students. Girls are already so overwhelmed with all of the classics written by (and for) dead, white men. They encounter important heros in literature such as Guy Montag, Holden Caulfield, and Jay Gatsby to name a few. They also encounter their helpless and often short-lived female counterparts who generally serve to inspire or otherwise drive the male hero of the story with no true agency themselves. While these books are important for students to read, if we don’t counter the images of women we show young female students in literature, we risk sending the message that women aren’t good for much besides inspiring men.'

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Let Boys Decide at 16

Article here. Excerpt:

'All human beings should be able to make their own decisions about whether their genitals are to be injured. All the more so if such a procedure is irreversible and not medically necessary.

In countries where daily personal hygiene is possible and routine, there are no, or at least only highly doubtful, verifiable medical advantages of circumcising a child. Even if the removal of the foreskin could minimize the man’s risk of contracting H.I.V. or reduce his female partners’ risk of developing cervical cancer, this does not justify the circumcision of children. Whatever risks might exist for an uncircumcised man and his partners, they would not become relevant until the man is sexually active. For young boys, there are no medical benefits. On the contrary, circumcision carries all the risks inherent in any surgery.'

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Boys Should Be Protected, as Girls Are

Article here. Excerpt:

'The recent court decision in Cologne that found ritual, medically unnecessary male circumcision to be a violation of the child's rights should not surprise scholars of American constitutional law. Two landmark cases have long held that U.S. law protects religious belief, but will not condone potentially harmful religious practice.

In 1878, in Reynolds v. U.S., the Supreme Court held that “laws are made for the government of actions, and while they cannot interfere with mere religious belief and opinions, they may with practices.”

Likewise, in 1944 in Prince v Massachusetts, the justices ruled: “The right to practice religion freely does not include liberty to expose the … child to ill health or death. … Parents may be free to become martyrs themselves. But they may not make martyrs of their children before they have reached the age of full and legal discretion when they can make that choice for themselves.”'

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Protecting Your Rights as an Unmarried Father in Georgia

Article here. Excerpt:

'July 11, 2012 /24-7PressRelease/ -- So you're about to become a dad -- congratulations! Getting ready for a new baby is a big job, but if you and the baby's mother are not married, there is one important task you need to take care of. You need to establish paternity and go through the process of legitimating your child. If you don't, you will have no legal rights regarding the care and custody of the child.

In Georgia, when a child is born outside of a marriage, the mother is the only person allowed to have legal or physical custody of the child. There are no automatic fathers' rights. This is true even if the mother and father live together or have been in a committed relationship for several years.
Paternity establishes a duty to pay child support. It does not give a father a right to seek visitation or custody of a child.

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Women voters want white guys out

Article here. Excerpt:

'Undecided women voters in key swing states have spoken: dads and other old white guys are out and mommy lawmakers are in, especially those with a little spine--or a pistol.

In a far-reaching Emily's List poll that showed President Obama beating Mitt Romney among the group 48 percent to 40 percent, the 950 women in 13 states rejected male politicians in Washington, blaming them for the fiscal crisis and being out of touch with the everyday woes of females.

The poll, which the progressive group is using to guide its Women Vote! project to back female Democratic candidates, put dads near the bottom of the list of appealing attributes women voters prefer, slightly above attorneys, stock brokers, lobbyists and current members of Congress.

At the top: Teachers, female police chiefs and moms. "Moms are more appealing than dads," said pollster Lisa Grove, because it's assumed that they understand what women want.'

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