Short stint in jail for woman who killed partner by cutting off his penis

Story here. Excerpt:

'A WOMAN who chopped off her ex partner's penis to stop him impregnating other women will serve less than four years in jail.

Jian Chen was this morning sentenced to a minimum of three years and nine months in jail after pleading guilty to the manslaughter of her ex partner Xian Peng at her North Ryde home in February 2011.

The court accepted the guilty plea to the lesser charge, and withdrew the murder charge, because Chen was suffering from an "abnormality of the mind" due to mental illness and the belief Peng was going to take their child to China.'

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UK study: married women drink more because men are a bad influence on them

Article here. Excerpt:

'Far from encouraging men to patronise a local pub to escape from domestic duties, marriage actively reduces their alcohol intake, according to research being presented at the American Sociological Association today.
The researchers found that married women generally drink more heavily than single women, widows or divorcees.

By contrast, men who are happily married drink less than their bachelor friends and significantly less than divorced men.

The reason, the researchers conclude, is that while women can help keep their husbands’ drinking habits under control, men are simply a bad influence on their wives.'

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'Can single women swing the election?'

Article here. Excerpt:

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Deaf boy's sign name 'breaches school policy'

Link here. Excerpt:

'A deaf three-year-old boy has been told by school officials in the US to change the way he signs his name because the gesture resembles a shooting gun.

Hunter Spanjer uses hand shapes to communicate — a method known as Signing Exact English, which is meant to mimic spoken words.

Hunter signs his name by crossing his index finger and middle finger and then shaking his hands.
Mr Spanjer is disputing the school's ruling, saying the name sign is not threatening in any way.

The school has declined to discuss the matter publicly, saying only they were working with the parents on a compromise.'

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Ann Romney: Women have it harder

Ann Romney made a stirring speech tonight at the RNC Convention.  It was, overall, an effective speech.  But alas, it seems putting men down in some way just seems to be a requirement of political figures either in or aspiring to office, either directly or by proxy.  I have no doubt Mrs. Romney believes every word she spoke but also that her husband does too, or at least supports her saying it.

Just once in this modern era I'd like to hear a major political speech made and not have it pander to feminist sentiments and/or display out and out anti-male bigotry.  Can you just imagine a male politician making statements similar to those Ann Romney made tonight about women and it not being a sure-fire rocket-sled ride into electoral irrelevance?

Speech transcript here.  Excerpt:

"And if you listen carefully, you’ll hear the women sighing a little bit more than the men. It’s how it is, isn’t it?

It’s the moms who always have to work a little harder, to make everything right.

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SAVE: Help Stop False Allegations of Rape on Campus

Last December the University of Montana at Missoula was ranked as the "safest" university in Montana in terms of low rates of forcible rape and other violent crimes (1). But five months later the U.S. Dept. of Justice and Dept. of Education claimed the U. of Montana's failure to adequately address an alleged rash of sexual assaults was "very disturbing."

In March, quarterback Jordan Johnson was charged with rape, which former prosecutor Kirsten Pabst said was done just "to send a message." (2) And just this week, it was revealed that the U. of Montana has implemented mandatory training for students that talk about "rape-prone culture" and label false allegations of rape a "myth."(3)

Has the U. of Montana suddenly become a hotbed of sexual assault, or is the college simply terrifying everyone because of the DED's April 11 sexual assault directive?

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Marc Dutroux ex-wife Michelle Martin released from jail

Article here. A convent? Convent?? For a woman who was a willing accomplice to multiple counts of child rape and murder? Shouldn't she be in jail for life along with her unspeakably evil ex-husband? If this had been two men who had done this, with one being "only" an accomplice, you can be sure he would not ever see the light of day again, and rightly so. So why is this woman? The answer is of course in the last word of that question. Story here. Excerpt:

'The jailed ex-wife of child killer Marc Dutroux has been released from prison, after Belgium's highest court upheld her transfer to a convent.

The controversial move for Michelle Martin comes 16 years into her 30-year sentence.

Relatives of the pair's victims have expressed outrage over the decision, with one describing it as "absurd".

Earlier, a court in Brussels rejected two appeals against the ruling.

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Women-only art exhibition at Edinburgh Art Festival

Article here. Excerpt:

'At the exhibition, only work by women artists is displayed - and for the first month, only women were allowed in.

The organisers are now letting men in - but for most of the month of August they were turned away.

Sarah Wilson said: "It's kind of an experiment - it's a two-month exhibition and the first month has been solely for women - men are not allowed in.

"I don't have a police badge that means I can throw them out on the street but I wanted to create a space where women can work together with other women."'

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Circumcision wars: The other side weighs in

Article here. Excerpt:

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Doctors Opposing Circumcision: Commentary on American Academy of Pediatrics 2012 Circumcision Policy Statement

Commentary here (.pdf file). Excerpt:

'Male circumcision is a radical operation that irreversibly excises and amputates a healthy functional body part. The part removed is the foreskin or prepuce of the penis, which constitutes more than fifty percent of the skin and mucosa of the penis. The foreskin, which is a complex structure containing, smooth muscle, large vascular structures, and is highly innervated, has numerous protective, immunological, mechanical, sensory, and sexual physiological functions. The task force on circumcision, however, makes absolutely no mention of the nature or function of the foreskin, although this information is of great relevance to making a decision regarding circumcision.

Rights of the child

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Intact America Demands American Academy of Pediatrics Retract its New Technical Report

Press release here. Excerpt:

'Intact America demands that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) retract its Technical Report released today* extolling the benefits of neonatal male circumcision. According to Georganne Chapin, founding executive director of Intact America, the Report disregards pediatricians’ ethical obligations to their patients and promotes the benefits of circumcision through a selective and self-serving literature review. Further, by calling for public and private insurance payments for medically unnecessary circumcision, the Report promotes pediatricians’ self interest, at the cost of the safety and wellbeing of newborn baby boys and the men they will become. The Report, written by the AAP’s Task Force on Circumcision, is to go before the AAP membership at its October meeting in New Orleans. It stops short of recommending circumcision, even as it claims the surgery’s benefits outweigh the risks, and calls for parents to be the ultimate decision-makers.

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UK: Wife whose husband became secret sperm donor calls for change in the law to require partners' consent

Article here. Excerpt:

'A married woman whose husband donated sperm without her knowledge is calling for clinics to be forced to ask for a wife's consent.

The unnamed mother-of-one from Surrey said she feared that children fathered with the sperm – who would be half-brothers or sisters of her son – may one day 'disrupt' the family by getting in touch.

She has written to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority calling for guidelines on sperm donation to include the spouse's views – and says the sperm should be treated as a joint 'marital asset'.

A controversial ruling in 2005 meant all children born through sperm donation – up to ten families are allowed per donor – have the right to trace their biological father when they reach adulthood.

In her heartfelt letter to the fertility watchdog, she told how her husband had donated sperm against her wishes after suffering Post Traumatic Stress Disorder following the birth of their child.'

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Gender Gap: Obama Down 8 Among Men; Romney Down 8 Among Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'( - According to the Gallup tracking poll of the presidential race, there is a gender gap in the candidates' appeal: Men are more likely to favor Republican candidate Mitt Romney and women are more likely to favor Democratic candidate Barack Obama--by the exact same percentages.

In Gallup's tracking between July 30 and August 19, 50 percent of male registered voters said they supported Romney and 42 percent said they supported Obama. At the same time, 50 percent of female registered voters said they supported Obama and 42 percent said they supported Romney.

The Gallup poll showed a similar, but larger disparity, between married and unmarried registered votes. Among those who were married, Romney led Obama 55 to 37. Among those were not married, Obama led Romney, 57 to 34.'

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Texan wrongly convicted of rape freed after 24 years in prison

Story here. Excerpt:

'HOUSTON — In what’s becoming a familiar scenario in Texas, a man has been freed after spending years behind bars for a crime he did not commit.

David Lee Wiggins, 48, of Fort Worth was imprisoned in 1989 for rape, largely because the 14-year-old victim picked him out of photo and live lineups. His fingerprints did not match any at the crime scene. Still, he was sentenced to life in prison.

But this month DNA testing excluded Wiggins, and on Friday, State District Judge Louis Sturns in Fort Worth approved a motion overturning his conviction and freed him.

Before Wiggins is officially exonerated, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals must accept the judge's recommendation or the governor must grant a pardon.

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Usher held in contempt and wins primary custody of kids

Quite a week for Usher. Stories here and here. Excerpt:

'Usher‘s ex-wife Tameka Raymond just lost in the former couple’s bitter custody battle — TMZ has learned, a judge has awarded Usher primary custody of their two sons.

It’s a shocking development — considering both sides were trying to strip each other of custody. Tameka felt the singer was an absentee father who was too absorbed in his career to be a good dad. She also accused him of using drugs in front of the kids.

Usher argued Tameka was inattentive and irresponsible.'

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