F&F: It’s Your Story and We Want to Tell It

Article here. Excerpt:

'Can you tell your story one more time? Will you share your story about how the family courts have kept you from your children? From your grandchildren? From your parents? Will you speak out about how your rights, your children’s rights, or your parents’ rights have been trampled?

I am sure you have told your story many times; how the family courts have disrupted you and your family. You have told it many times to judges and the people in the systems that are supposed to be helping you and your family. You have told it to friends who still have trouble believing this happens in the United States.

This time, Fathers and Families has a reason for you to tell it. This time, we want to gather your voice with the voices of many other fathers, mothers, grandparents and children of divorced or separated parents. This time we want to tell our legislators what they are doing to our children and families.'

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Men´s Congress in Germany, September 21st - 22nd

"Men´s Congress in Germany, September 21st - 22nd: Divorce Hurts - Separation Through The Eyes Of The Fathers And The Children"

Translated page here. Excerpt:

'The Congress of 2012, the men in the sciences hitherto neglected consequences of separation and divorce for men and children - come to the fore - especially from the perspective of affected fathers and boys. Relations are of fundamental importance for all people. The quality of interaction between men and women as well as by parents and their children is of paramount importance. It affects personal health and quality of life as well as the social climate. Separations and goodbyes are inevitable biographical turning points on the one hand, they can also highlight the extent necessary maturation steps. However, relationships are separated by conflicting or even traumatic conditions that often leads to all stakeholders painful shock of their life structure.'

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China: 'Left Behind Boys'

Article here. Excerpt:

'As more boys struggle in schools, educators must address their special learning styles and challenges

Over half of China's primary and secondary educators are women, and female teachers account for an even larger proportion in primary and junior middle schools, according to a recent national survey on teaching staff of primary and secondary schools. The survey, conducted by researchers from Beijing Normal University, revealed that by the end of 2009, women had rose to 52.93 percent of all full-time teachers in primary and middle schools.

The survey report warned that the demographic change of teachers' body, with more females and fewer male teachers, would hamper the growth of male students and cause a loss of masculinity and self-confidence in them. Such a finding rekindles people's interest in the so-called "boys crisis": Boys are struggling more than girls in school while becoming intellectually and physically weaker. This topic has attracted extensive attention from the country's educational community for years.'

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Making men sit to pee: A new war on masculinity?

Article here. Excerpt:

'First you had to put the seat down. Now you have to sit?

A Taiwanese plan that would force men to urinate sitting down, like women, for the sake of “hygiene” is not going down well with the chaps.

Stephen Shen (yes, a man), minister of Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Administration, recently spearheaded a policy that requires men to sit down while they do the deed in government buildings.

“We want to learn from Japan and Sweden,” the administration’s director, Yuan Shaw-jing, told the BBC. “In Japan, we heard 30 per cent of the men sit.”

Earlier this year, Swedish politicians tabled a motion calling for genderless office washrooms with toilets only, nary a urinal in sight. They claim that sitting is cleaner but also helps men empty out their bladders more fully, which is good for the prostate.'

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'A boy among girls'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The ACLU, though, says that teaching kids differently on the basis of gender defies Title IX, a portion of the Education Amendments of 1972.

Title IX states: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance ...”

I’m going to have to side with the ACLU on this one.

You see, in the late 1970s, I became the first male student to attend an all girls boarding school, the Academy for Girls Too Smart to Study with Boys — an experience that haunts me still.

The school refused to admit me at first, so I filed suit. Since the school accepted public funds, the judge ruled that it had to let me in.

My female classmates harassed me from the beginning. They said I was a wimp. They printed up T-shirts: “152 debutantes and one dork!”

The school’s administrators were out to get me, too. They forced me to follow school regulations to a T.

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Preliminary Findings of ACLU: “Teach Kids, Not Stereotypes” Campaign

Report here. Excerpt:

'This report represents the initial findings from the ACLU’s multi-state “Teach Kids, Not Stereotypes” campaign. This initiative was launched in May 2012 to assess the growing trend in public education of separating boys and girls based on discredited science and gender stereotypes, such as the idea that boys are better than girls in math because boys’ brains receive several daily “surges” of testosterone, whereas girls can perform well on tests only a few days per month when they experience “increased estrogen during the menstrual cycle.”

Although our analysis of documents is ongoing with many more programs to be evaluated, our findings thus far demonstrate that many public school districts misapprehend the Department of Education’s 2006 regulations under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 relating to single-sex classes and have instituted programs based on sex-stereotyped instruction.

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The New York Times’ Most Idiotic Attack on Men Ever

Article here. Excerpt:

'What do intellectuals have against men?

Back in June 1999, American Psychologist printed “Deconstruction of the Essential Father,” asserting that kids don’t need a dad. The implication was that children stand just as good a chance of growing up healthy and well-adjusted if raised by one parent, or unmarried parents, or homosexuals, as if raised by their own biological dad and mom in a happy marriage.
But Professor Hampikian isn’t finished. He reduces the role of men not merely to our raw biological contribution to human reproduction, but even less: the weight of that contribution—in trillionths of grams. “[Y]our father’s 3.3 picograms of dna comes out to less than one pound of male contribution since the beginning of Homo sapiens 107 billion babies ago.”

Males’ combined contribution to humankind throughout history hasn’t even amounted one whole pound! Who needs them?

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The Dangerous Article for Boys

Article here. Excerpt:

'Boys now seek refuge in cheesy horror novels because the Cultural Authorities won't give them the adventure books that were once staples in every boy's life. It is to this I attribute the popularity of vampire novels (and movies and television shows). But even here a boy is destined for disappointment.
We have the mistaken impression that it was traditional children’s literature that was preachy. This is not only untrue, but it is almost the exact opposite of the truth. It is precisely the preachiness of politically correct modern literature that offends their innate sense of honesty and justice—a human instinct that we do our best to educate out of them.

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Short stint in jail for woman who killed partner by cutting off his penis

Story here. Excerpt:

'A WOMAN who chopped off her ex partner's penis to stop him impregnating other women will serve less than four years in jail.

Jian Chen was this morning sentenced to a minimum of three years and nine months in jail after pleading guilty to the manslaughter of her ex partner Xian Peng at her North Ryde home in February 2011.

The court accepted the guilty plea to the lesser charge, and withdrew the murder charge, because Chen was suffering from an "abnormality of the mind" due to mental illness and the belief Peng was going to take their child to China.'

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UK study: married women drink more because men are a bad influence on them

Article here. Excerpt:

'Far from encouraging men to patronise a local pub to escape from domestic duties, marriage actively reduces their alcohol intake, according to research being presented at the American Sociological Association today.
The researchers found that married women generally drink more heavily than single women, widows or divorcees.

By contrast, men who are happily married drink less than their bachelor friends and significantly less than divorced men.

The reason, the researchers conclude, is that while women can help keep their husbands’ drinking habits under control, men are simply a bad influence on their wives.'

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'Can single women swing the election?'

Article here. Excerpt:

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Deaf boy's sign name 'breaches school policy'

Link here. Excerpt:

'A deaf three-year-old boy has been told by school officials in the US to change the way he signs his name because the gesture resembles a shooting gun.

Hunter Spanjer uses hand shapes to communicate — a method known as Signing Exact English, which is meant to mimic spoken words.

Hunter signs his name by crossing his index finger and middle finger and then shaking his hands.
Mr Spanjer is disputing the school's ruling, saying the name sign is not threatening in any way.

The school has declined to discuss the matter publicly, saying only they were working with the parents on a compromise.'

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Ann Romney: Women have it harder

Ann Romney made a stirring speech tonight at the RNC Convention.  It was, overall, an effective speech.  But alas, it seems putting men down in some way just seems to be a requirement of political figures either in or aspiring to office, either directly or by proxy.  I have no doubt Mrs. Romney believes every word she spoke but also that her husband does too, or at least supports her saying it.

Just once in this modern era I'd like to hear a major political speech made and not have it pander to feminist sentiments and/or display out and out anti-male bigotry.  Can you just imagine a male politician making statements similar to those Ann Romney made tonight about women and it not being a sure-fire rocket-sled ride into electoral irrelevance?

Speech transcript here.  Excerpt:

"And if you listen carefully, you’ll hear the women sighing a little bit more than the men. It’s how it is, isn’t it?

It’s the moms who always have to work a little harder, to make everything right.

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SAVE: Help Stop False Allegations of Rape on Campus

Last December the University of Montana at Missoula was ranked as the "safest" university in Montana in terms of low rates of forcible rape and other violent crimes (1). But five months later the U.S. Dept. of Justice and Dept. of Education claimed the U. of Montana's failure to adequately address an alleged rash of sexual assaults was "very disturbing."

In March, quarterback Jordan Johnson was charged with rape, which former prosecutor Kirsten Pabst said was done just "to send a message." (2) And just this week, it was revealed that the U. of Montana has implemented mandatory training for students that talk about "rape-prone culture" and label false allegations of rape a "myth."(3)

Has the U. of Montana suddenly become a hotbed of sexual assault, or is the college simply terrifying everyone because of the DED's April 11 sexual assault directive?

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Marc Dutroux ex-wife Michelle Martin released from jail

Article here. A convent? Convent?? For a woman who was a willing accomplice to multiple counts of child rape and murder? Shouldn't she be in jail for life along with her unspeakably evil ex-husband? If this had been two men who had done this, with one being "only" an accomplice, you can be sure he would not ever see the light of day again, and rightly so. So why is this woman? The answer is of course in the last word of that question. Story here. Excerpt:

'The jailed ex-wife of child killer Marc Dutroux has been released from prison, after Belgium's highest court upheld her transfer to a convent.

The controversial move for Michelle Martin comes 16 years into her 30-year sentence.

Relatives of the pair's victims have expressed outrage over the decision, with one describing it as "absurd".

Earlier, a court in Brussels rejected two appeals against the ruling.

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