Peru: woman severs cheating boyfriend's penis

Link here. Excerpt:

'A woman who discovered her boyfriend had been cheating on her sliced off his penis with a kitchen knife and tossed it down the toilet as he slept, local media has reported.

Julia Munoz Huaman, 41, confessed she emasculated her companion Ramon Arias, 46, in a jealous rage.
Security guards nabbed the woman and detained her as Arias wailed in pain.'

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A political war on women? No, a secret war on men

Article here. Excerpt:

'SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. (MarketWatch) — No war on women? But politicians and political pundits think so. They’re clueless. Women get it. But men are blind: In today’s America the real war is a war on men. Men against men. And they’re losing badly, getting hostile, lashing out, creating market uncertainty, unpredictability, volatility.

Yes, men are outnumbered, outwitted, and clueless, unaware they’re now their own worst enemy, sabotaging themselves, acting super macho, lashing out against strawmen and ghosts, fighting a war they cannot win. Follow me with a new mind-set: Put on a new pair of psychological glasses, think like a behavioral scientist, see with the eyes of a rational investor, tune out the political noise. You’ll see what’s really going on.

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'Penis-Sucking Mohels Fight City's "Evil Decree" To Inform Parents About Circumcision Ritual'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Despite the fact that at least 11 NYC boys have been infected with herpes from herpes-infested mohels who have insisted on performing the ancient circumcision ritual "metzitzah b’peh," ultra-Orthodox leaders are fighting the Health Department's “evil plans” to mandate parental-consent forms before performing the procedure. About 200 rabbis signed a proclamation claiming the city “printed and spread order to justify their evil decree. It is clear to us, that there is not even an iota of blame or danger in this ancient and holy custom,” the letter states. Except for those 11 boys with herpes. And the two who died from it.

"Metzitzah b’peh" is the practice of sucking the blood from a just snipped foreskin in traditional Jewish circumcisions. Most modern mohels use a sterile pipette to do so, but some Orthodox parents insist on the ancient tradition. The city will vote next week whether mohels will have to distribute consent waivers, detailing the herpes risk, before the ritual.'

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New Zealand: 'Men's Ministry' launched at Parliament

Article here. Excerpt:

'A new ministry was launched at Parliament this afternoon but it wasn’t sanctioned by the Government and few people turned up for the occasion.

Five pro-men’s rights activists launched the makeshift ‘Ministry of Men’s Affairs’ in a bid to raise awareness of a number of men-specific issues.

The group’s spokesperson Hans Laven says high male suicide rates and high employment deaths are not being addressed by the Government.

After hounding Members of Parliament about the issues and getting no response, Mr Laven says he decided to make his own unofficial Government department.'

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Eva Longoria Plans To Open Women-Only Steakhouse

Article here. Excerpt:

'Eva Longoria has reportedly decided to open up an upscale steakhouse in Las Vegas on New Year's Eve - but it's for ladies only.
The Desperate Housewives star is, according to folks at Perez Hilton, apparently geared up to open a women-only steakhouse in Las Vegas, so that women can give into their secret cravings for delicious meat WITHOUT the judging eyes of their male companions upon them.
Pardon? Is that genuinely a thing that women are worried about when tucking into a juicy plate of peppered steak?
The man-ban restaurant is set to focus on a 1920s theme, complete with sexy female performers a la Cirque du Soleil. Sounds classy!

What do you think of single-sex restaurants?'

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Op-ed: Follow Germany's lead on circumcision

Article here. Excerpt:

'About two months ago a German court ruled that circumcisions for religious reasons constitute illegal bodily harm to newborn babies and that the "fundamental right of the child to bodily integrity outweighed the fundamental rights of the parents."

Beyond the knee-jerk responses accusing the Germans of anti-Semitism, the latest developments obligate us to reexamine the bris (circumcision ritual).

It is time to replace the fear and ignorance surrounding the subject - due to its religious-traditional roots and due to the fact that it has become the norm – with educated dialogue that will bring about cultural progress.'

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Humanistic Judaism Increasingly Critical of Child Circumcision

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Humanistic Jewish movement is a quickly growing denomination in Judaism and the furthest from practicing circumcision. The movement contains over 30,000 members and has over 50 active synagogues in the United States and Israel. There are a variety of active Humanistic Jewish journals and a group of thriving associations and communities connected to the movement. The focus of Jewish Humanism is on Judaic culture and society while embracing Humanistic ethics.

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ICE chief of staff resigns amid misconduct claims

Story here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON - A senior Obama administration political appointee and longtime aide to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano resigned Saturday amid allegations of inappropriate sexual behavior lodged by at least three Immigration and Customs Enforcement employees.

Suzanne Barr, chief of staff to ICE Director John Morton, said in her resignation letter that the allegations against her are "unfounded." But she said she was stepping down anyway to end distractions within the agency. ICE, a division of the Homeland Security Department, confirmed Barr had resigned. The Associated Press obtained a copy of Barr's letter.

Barr is accused of sexually inappropriate behavior toward employees. The complaints are related to a sexual discrimination and retaliation lawsuit filed by a senior ICE agent in May.

In her letter to Morton, Barr said she has been the subject of "unfounded allegations designed to destroy my reputation" and is resigning "with great regret."'

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N.H. woman arrested 4 times in 26 hours for loud music, assault

Story here. Arrested and released three times in 24 hrs. Would a man be arrested and released three times in 24 hours? Finally after she shows herself to be physically dangerous to another person, they keep her in jail but instead of treating her like they would a male prisoner, they remand her for a psych evaluation. Tell me, do men get the same consideration under the same circumstances? Excerpt:

'Joyce Coffey of Epping, N.H., just didn't seem to get it -- or care -- when she was arrested four times in 26 hours earlier this week. The police run-ins stemmed from loud AC/DC and Guns N' Roses music police said could be heard blasting from her house as well as Coffey allegedly throwing a frying pan at her nephew.
Coffey was then released on $1,000 bail, but a mere four hours later, after yet another loud music complaint, the police returned at 1:10 a.m. Wednesday.

She was at this point arrested for a third time -- and released a short time later on $10,000 bail.

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Dependent feminism is bankrupting our country

Article here.

'As a woman who has managed businesses, when I look at Sandra Fluke and the Obama campaign railing against the so-called "Republican war on women," it reminds me of my naive college days.

Dependent feminists taught us to be empowered women, reject the family structure (marriage) and then demand that others pay for our birth control, abortions and child care. Government dependency would replace self-dependency or need of family/husbands. This "Julia" model has never worked and is bankrupting our society.

President Barack Obama has resorted to micro-pandering to different interest groups to cover up his incompetence in running an executive office. He has never held a job where he had to make payroll or balance a budget. He is just another man who promises big and doesn't deliver. According to polls, it is naive single women, falling for someone for the wrong reasons.

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Hanna Rosin dedicated her book 'The End of Men' to her son

Article here.

'Hanna Rosin wants you to know that her 9-year-old son, Jacob, questions the title of her book, too. "He sends me notes that say 'only bullies write books called The End of Men," Rosin says, ruefully. She's explained that she didn't actually choose that title--it was coined by an editor at The Atlantic when Rosin wrote a cover story two years ago about how women are gaining on men in almost everything. But while she tried to think of an alternative when that piece grew into a book, nothing else summed up this moment of transition nearly as well. So The End of Men and the Rise of Women is dedicated to Jacob, "with apologies."

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Nurse who stabbed her four-year-old girl to death is jailed for 12 years

Story here. Excerpt:

'A nurse who stabbed her four-year-old daughter to death before turning the knife on herself after being caught leaking patient details has been jailed for 12 years.

Dawn Makin, 35, who is now confined to a wheelchair by the injuries she inflicted on herself in the suicide attempt, was in a ‘spiral of descent into despair’ leading up to the killing, a court heard.

The nurse of 15 years had lost her job after being unmasked as a ‘mole’ for feeding confidential data about patients to her boyfriend who worked for a personal injuries company.'

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‘Intactivists’ furious at new AAP circumcision policy

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the days since the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a major new statement of support for circumcision, the response from opponents has reached a furious level. So angry are opponents to the procedure, sometimes called “intactivists,” that their response may be remembered as much as the pediatricians’ advice.

The AAP update of its formerly neutral stance concluded that new medical evidence suggests the procedure can be medically beneficial, especially in preventing future sexually transmitted diseases. It, however, stopped short of recommending the procedure, saying the decision should be left to individual parents.'

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Is Infant Circumcision a Violation of Human Rights?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Thus, the new academy statement stirs the waters in which already swim a variety of cultural practices, personal beliefs and religious arguments for circumcision, as well as a large number of anti-circumcision groups advocating the opposite position. Add to the mix the occasional lawsuit against doctors, hospitals and/or parents who circumcised an infant believing it was in the best interest of the child. A lawyer in Atlanta specializes in malpractice cases involving botched circumcisions (including the Kentucky man who woke up finding his entire penis removed), and doctors in several cities specialize in cosmetic adult circumcisions and even re-circumcisions.

The human rights issue emerges out of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations in 1948, which proclaims that everyone has certain basic rights that supersede local laws, religious practice and cultural traditions. These rights include the right to life, liberty and security of person.

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Today's version of "Let Them Eat Cake"

Read it here. Not to start a discussion regarding work ethics or class, or how one gets to where they are in life (though this particular little gem seemed to have inherited much of her wealth from, you guessed it, her dad). I am just pointing out that one of the assertions made by feminists in the 1970s was that when women controlled more wealth and made more decisions in business, etc., the world would inevitably become a fairer, more just and peaceful place. Has it? Has all the progress women have made in making and controlling wealth had this effect? Google the phrase "women control most of the wealth" and you'll see all manner of stats. This site asserts women in the US control a whopping 75% of the wealth. So are we a more equitable and socially just society than we were, say, 40 years ago? Excerpt:

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