Who needs Title IX now?

Article here. Excerpt:

'By numerous educational yardsticks, it is men, not women, who today lag far behind. In most academic fields — biology, communications, the arts, public administration, education, health care, psychology, English — women now earn a majority of bachelor’s degrees.

“It is young men, more than young women, who are at risk and facing serious educational and work-related challenges,” notes Perry. Those gender disparities carry over far beyond academics. Men are much more likely than women to end up with “a variety of measures of (a) behavioral and mental health outcomes, (b) alcoholism, drug addiction, and drug overdoses, (c) suicide, murder, violent crimes, and incarceration, and (d) homelessness.”

For all that, Perry writes, it is girls and women who are favored with “a disproportionate amount of attention, resources, and financial support” at all levels of education — such as after-school and summer programs for girls, female-only scholarships and fellowships, and hundreds of women’s centers and women’s commissions.

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Colleges, courts on collision course

Article here. Excerpt:

'You're accused of a serious offense. Determined to clear your name, you agree to an interview and give a voluntary statement. The evidence against you is secret, and there’s no right to face your accuser. Weeks later, the same person who informed you of the allegation decides your punishment.

That farcical facsimile of justice is better suited to a corrupt autocracy than a constitutional republic, but if Catherine Lhamon has her way, it will become the norm at American colleges and universities.

Lhamon, the U.S. Department of Education’s assistant secretary for civil rights, is the driving force behind new Title IX regulations currently in the notice-and-comment stage of federal rulemaking. When the proposed rules take effect, colleges will face pressure to adjudicate sexual assault and harassment claims without even a cursory pretense of fairness.'

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Hockey Canada Announces Plan To Address 'Toxic Behaviours' With Focus On Masculinity & Consent

Article here. Excerpt:

'Hockey Canada has released a new plan of action for tackling the "culture of silence," which includes a focus on "masculinity, consent and toxic behaviours."

The Action Plan — as the organization is calling it — has several key aspects aimed at a culture shift within Hockey.

These include adopting a new Universal Code of Conduct To Prevent and Address Maltreatment and creating a system for tracking and reporting complaints of mistreatment, abuse and harassment.
Hockey Canada will also be training its players, coaches, employees and volunteers about things such as consent and masculinity.

It will also be reviewing all existing training with an "independent specialist."'

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UK: Art company behind 'straight white men pass the power' posters given £3million of taxpayers' money

Article here. Excerpt:

'An art company which created posters telling straight white men to pass the power was given £3million in government funding.

The controversial posters went viral when author Douglas Murray posted a picture of one taken in Southwark, London, on Twitter.

Comments on the posters ranged from bemusement to fury at such a negative sentiment being plastered in a busy area of the capital.

One Twitter user commented: "London over years has become so detached from most of the country's sentiments, it is mental to have something like this be considered an acceptable messaging."'

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Dallas airport accused shooter has lengthy criminal record, claimed to be Chris Brown's wife, 'God's prophet'

Article here. If she were male, they wouldn't be reporting it like this. Excerpt:

'The accused female shooter at Dallas Love Field Airport has a lengthy criminal record and had previously told police that she was "God’s prophet" and was married to R&B singer-songwriter Chris Brown.

Over the past several years, 37-year-old Portia Odufuwa has faced charges including arson, robbery, criminal trespass and false reporting in cities across North Texas.

But in many of those incidents, judges deemed her incompetent to stand trial, she was referred to either or both inpatient or outpatient mental health services, and the cases were dismissed, The Dallas Morning News has reported. And as recently as last summer, a Dallas County judge ruled she was not a danger to others.

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A divorce case to watch

Article here. Excerpt:

'The woman who allegedly broke up Elon Musk and Sergey Brin's years-long friendship grew up in poverty in the San Francisco Bay Area before becoming a lawyer and dating some of the world's richest men.

Nicole Shanahan, 37, is said to have had a brief affair with Musk at Art Basel, a multi-day art event in Miami, in December of last year, which prompted her Google co-founder husband to file for divorce in January.

Brin, who is estimated to have a net worth of $95 billion, cited 'irreconcilable differences' as the reason, but The Wall Street Journal on Sunday reported that it was Musk's dalliance with Nicole that signaled the end of their marriage.

They were both in Miami for the art festival, at a time when Shanahan and Brin were reportedly already having marital problems due to the stress of COVID-19 and raising their 4-year-old daughter.

Musk, meanwhile, had just separated from girlfriend Grimes.

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LA’s radical gender-theory material will badly harm K-12 kids — while the adults keep getting their paychecks

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Los Angeles Unified School District has adopted a radical gender-theory curriculum encouraging teachers to work toward the “breakdown of the gender binary,” to experiment with gender pronouns such as “they,” “ze,” and “tree” and to adopt “trans-affirming” programming to make their classrooms “queer all school year.”

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'Male college crisis': Male high school graduates going to college at much lower rates than women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Nationally, it's being described as a "male college crisis," and Indiana is not immune to the trend. Male high school graduates are going to college at much lower rates than women, and that gap continues to widen.

Indiana higher education officials describe it as "a concerning gap ...This is the first time in recent history the male college-going rate has dropped to below half (46%),” in reference to the high school graduating class of 2020.

In contrast, the college going rate for Hoosier women in 2020 was 61%.

The report focused on the overall decline in college attendance, with just 53% of Indiana high school graduates going to college in 2020, a one-year decline described as “alarming” by Chris Lowery, Indiana’s new commissioner for higher education.

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The Freakonomics Podcast on the Future of College and Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'A May 2022 Freakonomics Radio Podcast, What is the Future of College — and Does it Have Room for Men?, dovetailed quite nicely with an article I wrote in November of 2021. In When Ame Embraced Wonder Woman and forgot G.I. Joe, I addressed different cultural ethos that led to a shift in the ways we treat our nation’s sons and daughters, particularly in the field of education and policy action in general.

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The Boys Are Doing Just Fine (A smaller share of college-goers are male. So what?)

Article here. Excerpt:

'I acknowledge that men’s college completion rates trail those of women. Racial and ethnic achievement gaps persist and were even exacerbated by the pandemic in some cases. These are complex issues tied to economic conditions and unjust social structures.

But so is — and has been — the story for women who only recently caught up to men in college-going numbers — and who have a long way to go in the work-force and leadership positions. Much like Ginger Rogers, today’s women are doing everything the men are doing but “backward and in heels,” to which I would add: “and for less pay.”

In Texas, we like to say that in order to succeed, you have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get to work. It seems as though women are doing just that, and yet, some characterize women’s enrollment outpacing men’s as a crisis. Maybe we should fan the flames of some real crises, like pay equity or the closure of women’s colleges. Relatively speaking, the boys are doing just fine.'

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Tel Aviv Allowing Women-only Film Screening Despite City Pledge to End Gender Segregation

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Tel Aviv municipality is limiting a public film screening solely to women on Wednesday based on religious considerations after pledging last year not to permit “gender segregation between women and men at events in public space.”

The municipality has recently publicized the showing of the film “Trapped in Iran” at a community center in the Neveh Ofer neighborhood of southern Tel Aviv as “for women and girls only.”'

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'Women do hard things better’ – HYDROVISION celebrates the sector’s influential leaders

Article here. Excerpt:

'During the Women with Hydro Vision lunch and awards programme that took place at the HYDROVISION International conference and exhibition in Denver, Colorado this week, attendees heard about the importance of women as leaders, emphasized by a powerful quote from Harvard Business Review: “Women do hard things better.”

Harvard Business Review also reported that women leaders have more engaged teams, drive better job performance and save their organisations millions of dollars as a result. If you distill the key traits of strong leaders, two come to the top: wisdom and compassion.'

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UK: Women's health: Plan to stop 'sexist' NHS treatment

Article here. Excerpt:

'Doctors in England will be given mandatory training to better treat female medical conditions under wider plans to improve women's health.

Free access to NHS fertility treatment will be expanded and there will be more funding for mobile breast cancer screening.

The government said the changes, part of its women's health strategy, were based on responses from 100,000 people.

But critics said more must be done to close the "gender gap" in NHS services.

The government opened a call for evidence in Spring 2021 to collect views on women's health from members of the public, academics, charities and campaigners.

Women in England live on average four years longer than men but spend more of their life in poor health, which can limit their ability to work and participate in day-to-day activities.'

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The military-industrial complex is now run by women

Video report here.

'The CEOs of four of the five biggest defense contractors are women. Watch Ali Velshi break down who is running Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Boeing’s defense wing, and weapons negotiations for the U.S.'

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Women more at risk from heatwaves than men, experts suggest

Article here. Excerpt:

'Females may be more vulnerable to extreme high temperatures such as the heatwave gripping the UK than males, experts have suggested.

The heatwave plan for England states that those at high risk include the over-75s, babies, young children, people with severe physical or mental illness and females.

The document does not explain why females are on the list, but the UK Health Security Agency pointed to a study in the Netherlands that looked at mortality after various heatwaves and found elderly women are at higher risk than men. The researchers said the results were not simply down to age.'

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