Israel: Feminist NGOs say drilling female-named gas fields demeans women

Article here. Excerpt:

"We regret that the people who picked the names 'Myra' and 'Sarah' imagined in their minds women when they thought of land for drilling. I am sorry to have to surprise you, but our names and our bodies are not for drilling, and the giving of such nicknames strengthens the perception of women as objects for penetration and drilling," said a group of women's organizations.
The organizations added, "The groups picking the names should immediately stop thinking about using women's names for drilling, and realize that, consciously or not, they are lending a hand to the kind of dialogue that objectifies and demeans women. We regret that the people engaged in critical issues like drilling for natural gas, we are forced to deal with hidden chauvinistic messages in these issues."

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Judge issues light sentence for female embezzler becasue she had "childhood issues"

Link here. Excerpt:

'Between September 2 and October 29 of 2010, Martin stole tens of thousands of dollars from the bank by purposely entering incorrect cheque details into the system.

The 24-year-old then spent the money on a breast enlargement, $2600 worth of dental work, liposuction, jewellery from Tiffany's and nights out where she would spend money on drinks and drugs.
When she was arrested, Martin claimed she had earned the thousands of dollars by working as an escort and being "a common prostitute".

Recorder Jeremy Wright jailed Martin for 52 weeks, taking into consideration she has been suffering "issues" since she was 11.

"Your activity has been aggravated, to some extent, by the fact that suspicion would automatically be thrown on others, even if no other investigation took place," he said.

"You are not [your son's] sole carer, you leave him in the care of your parents whenever you like. Considering the seriousness of the crime... it seems to me a mockery if I didn't send you to prison right away."'

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MN woman accused of making nephew ride in trunk to protect her Lexus' seats

Story here. Excerpt:

'We all know that water and leather don't mix, but we also know (or at least we should) that kids in trunks don't mix, either. A woman in Minnesota is in hot water after allegedly making her 11-year-old nephew ride home in the trunk of her Lexus after riding a water ride at a local amusement park.
The boy's grandmother, 14-year-old sister and another child passenger were also in the vehicle, and while the grandmother was "uneasy" about him riding in the trunk, she didn't want to question the aunt's decision.

According to reports, McCarty was charged with gross-misdemeanor child endangerment, and, if convicted, could face up to a year in prison and as much as $3,000 in fines.'

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F&F: Child Support Guidelines Make Fathers ATM

Article here. Excerpt:

'The formula for the Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines is excessive and flawed. I am a divorced mother of two daughters who mediated my child support with my ex-husband. We did it so that we had EQUAL income in order that we could provide EQUAL homes for our children. Why? Because it was the right and moral thing to do.

Massachusetts hides behind the premise that these guidelines are in the best interest of the children. The application of these guidelines does NOT follow its own principles, the main one being # 2 “to encourage joint parental responsibility for child support”. There’s nothing “joint” about these guidelines. If we had gone through the Child Support Guidelines, my children’s father would not have been able to provide a comfortable home for his children when they were with him and little money to entertain them. There is no way that my ex-husband and myself spend 30% of our income to support our children each year and my kids live pretty well.'

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New resource will try to help close state's college gender gap

Article here. Excerpt:

'SALT LAKE CITY — Education officials want to close the gap between male and female college degree earners in Utah and are hoping the Utah Women and Education Initiative and its newly launched website will provide a path to achievement.

The initiative's director, Mary Ann Holladay, said this step is a continuation of a task force convened by Gov. Gary Herbert in 2011, which looked at the barriers women encounter in pursuing college degrees.

Utah has the worst gender gap in the country for post-secondary degree earners, and officials say closing that gap is key to achieving Herbert's Prosperity 2020 goal of 66 percent of Utah's workforce holding a post-secondary degree or certification by the year 2020.'

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Australia: Woman jailed for torturing bed-wetting boy

Link here. Excerpt:

'A woman who tortured a six-year-old boy with lit matches and heated knives as punishment for wetting the bed has been sentenced to four years behind bars.

Mango Ahmed Adan, 22, also tied the child up and locked him inside a small garden shed, the Brisbane District Court heard on Thursday.
The court heard Adan put tape over the boy's mouth, held him down over some steps in her yard and asked his sister to hold a heated knife against his face; which she did.

Adan then took a heated knife and put it against his back.

On a separate occasion, Adan held lit matches to the boy's legs, the court heard.
Defence lawyer Debra Wardle told the court Adan, who grew up in Somalia, had been subject to similar forms of punishment from her grandmother.

"I'm told that she has scarring to her chest and belly area and back from knives," Ms Wardle said.'

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Some Religious Leaders See a Threat as Europe Grows More Secular

Article here. Excerpt:

'But the debate over ritual circumcision shows that the tensions extend even further.

Rabbi Goldberg does not seem especially worried. Anyone can file a complaint against anyone else in Germany, and he may never face formal charges. Rabbi Goldberg has not hired a lawyer and declined an offer from one who was willing to handle the case for free.

The more serious threat, in the eyes of Rabbi Goldberg and many Jews, Muslims and Christians in Europe, comes from what they see as an attack by secular society on religious ritual, on faith itself. A seemingly insignificant decision by a lower court in Cologne, against a doctor who circumcised a Muslim boy, has fed a rapidly spreading drive to criminalize a practice that is core to Jewish and Muslim belief.

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Father-daughter dances banned in R.I. as 'gender discrimination'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Father-daughter dances and mother-son ballgames -- those cherished hallmarks of Americana -- have been banned in a Rhode Island school district after they were targeted by the American Civil Liberties Union.

The ACLU, the self-proclaimed guardian of the nation's liberty, says such events violate the state's gender-discrimination law. The organization challenged their existence following a complaint from a single mom who said her daughter was prevented from attending a father-daughter dance in the Cranston Public Schools district.

The story has created a furor both online as well as in Cranston, a community located south of Providence and considered one of the safest places in America.'

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"Support System Down" available on DVD

Announcement here. Available on here and from their own store here.

'The documentary film Support? System Down is an eye-opening account into divorce and custody issues in America. The shocking documentary exposes the truth of the "divorce industry" and child support system in America while touching on subjects such as Parental Alienation, Shared Parenting and Parenting Plans.'

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SAVE: Tell Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, False Accusers Must be Held Accountable

The U.S. Department of Education (DED)'s 2011 sexual assault directive has resulted in a number of false allegations and wrongful convictions. High profile cases involve the University of Hawaii at Manoa, the University of North Dakota, Cornell University, the University of North Carolina, Brown University, Xavier University, Yale University, and the University of Montana.

Learn more at:

SAVE believes that holding false accusers accountable will result in a reduction of false allegations. Today, we're asking you to write to Secretary of Education Arne Duncan. Tell him, "False Accusers Must be Held Accountable!"

Secretary of Education Arne Duncan:

Oh behalf of every male student on campus, thank you!

Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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Circumcision as a Weapon Against HIV

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is supporting the wider use of circumcision its propagation and the World Health Organization is being urged to do the same, with critics arguing that any such campaign carries with it the real danger that societies in Africa, where the AIDS prevention efforts are mostly focused, will result in the large scale circumcising of infants who have no choice in the matter.

It should be noted that female circumcision has nothing to do with health. It is nothing more than the practice of female genital mutilation and is a gross insult to womanhood. It stems from male fears of women’s sexuality and usually involves cutting out the clitoris, which is enormously painful though milder versions which only involve trimming the labia may have no more effect on ability to be aroused than the male counterpart.'

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Title IX Hurt Men’s Sports at Olympics

Article here. Excerpt:

'Feminist-imposed gender quotas hurt us at the Olympics in events which our Nation once dominated. The systematic elimination of certain men’s sports from colleges has weakened our competitiveness. We won only four medals in all of men’s wrestling, less than half the total won by Iran, and only a fraction of the medals won by Russia in this masculine sport. Wrestling is an immensely popular and valuable sport; it’s inexpensive and safer than other sports. Wrestling develops discipline in boys. Many high-achievers, such as Donald Rumsfeld and pro-life attorney Phill Kline, developed their toughness as wrestlers.

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For S. Korean men, makeup a foundation for success

Article here. "Male-dominated country", indeed! If it's so "male-dominated", how come men and not women are forced to serve in the armed forces? Excerpt:

'SEOUL, South Korea -- Cho Won-hyuk stands in front of his bedroom mirror and spreads dollops of yellow-brown makeup over his forehead, nose, chin and cheeks until his skin is flawless. Then he goes to work with a black pencil, highlighting his eyebrows until they're thicker, bolder.
...This socially conservative, male-dominated country, with a mandatory two-year military conscription for men, has become the male makeup capital of the world....
Kim Jong-hoon, a 27-year-old tech industry worker in Paju, said the endless media exposure to famous men with perfect skin helped steer his progression from soap and water to an elaborate regime that includes as many as eight steps, from cleanser to eye cream and lotion to a small amount of makeup powder.'

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Some American Jews Think That Child Circumcision Should Be Against the Law

Article here. Excerpt:

'A growing number of Jews are in favor of banning child circumcision. These Jews recognize a minor's right to their own body, a right that supersedes the rights of a parent to harm the body of a child in the name of religion.
What follows is a collection of statements from Jews who question the ethics and legality of forced under-age circumcision. Jewish Americans Support Outlawing Child Circumcision

"I am a Jewish mother against circumcision and in support of passing Bill 1777. For years I was a certified childbirth educator and now a journalist and filmmaker. I continue to educate people that childbirth is a natural event rather than one filled with unnecessary drugs and other medical intervention, and circumcision is an unnatural event. These are two clear-cut examples of interfering with nature."

- Katherine Mora, Jewish Mother , Testimony before the Massachusetts Joint Committee on the Judiciary'

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IA: Tell the American Academy of Pediatrics: Shame on You!

Action item here. Excerpt:

'The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has just released a new Technical Report by its Task Force on Circumcision, claiming that the “benefits” of routine infant circumcision outweigh the risks. Hard to see how they might draw such a conclusion, because they acknowledge—over and over in the Report—that no good studies have been done on those risks! And the Report IGNORES the growing accounts in medical literature, in the mainstream press and on the internet, of botched circumcisions, sexual dysfunction, psychological impact, and—in at least 100 instances a year—death.

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