Dodge: Are women being paid less for the same work?

Article here. Excerpt:

'I have become increasingly disturbed by the so-called "feminist" arguments made by some regarding the "War on Women." It seems we've reached an age of political discourse where women are receiving the deference of yesteryear, but not the respect of a rigorous examination of their argument — which, if true, would be grievous.

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New Zealand: All men have gone on strike

Article here. Excerpt:

'Now that all the naughty ladies have control of the earth, men are staging a revolt. They're doing this by not going to university, not marrying, and working in low-paid jobs. Some of them are refusing to work at all, in protest against the government's secret plan to give ALL the tax dollars to women.

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Prep Volleyball: Boys hope to get their spot on the court

Article here. Excerpt:

'ROCKTON — Matt DePauw is one of the best in his sport in the area, and he’s in the middle of his senior year.

But instead of being out on the court, DePauw spends all his time on the bench, watching.

“It’s been hard for him, because there aren’t a lot of opportunities around for boys who want to play volleyball,” Lori DePauw, his mom, says.

Matt is the manager for Hononegah’s varsity girls volleyball team. A club player for four years with Club Fusion in Marengo, he is one of the a few boys volleyball players in the area who was never given the opportunity to play for his school.'

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Violence: It's men's fault

A new "documentary" film is being premiered by Twin Cities Public Television this week. Given the fact that the promoter is a member of the Minnesota domestic violence network, the content will likely be long on political content and short on facts. Hopefully, true social scientists will view it and debunk it before it gets wider distribution. The promoter, Minnesota State legislator Michael Paymar, is well known for his efforts in characterizing fathers as being violent and preventing them from having custody following divorce or separation. Link here. Excerpt:

'Join tpt at a pre-broadcast screening of a new film that explores cultural and historic beliefs about manhood that allow men to exploit and hurt women – with impunity.

With Impunity: Men & Gender Violence engages the thinking of leading historians, sociologists and practitioners to examine our past, cultural realities and options for ending gender-based violence. This program is a tpt MN co-production with Education for Critical Thinking.

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Education Nation: Rural Arkansas Town Rethinks High School

Article here. Notice everyone is doing better, and the article mentions that men in particular respond to it. I only wish that I had gone to a high school like this one! Excerpt:

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Study: Castration Adds Years to Men's Lives

Article here. Excerpt:

'PROBLEM: It's suspected that there is a biological trade-off between reproduction and longevity, the theory being that our mechanisms of repairing damaged genetic material are limited and thus relegated to the most evolutionarily advantageous repair work. Propagating our genes, it would follow, trumps living to see/attempting to control the lives of proceeding generations. The male sex hormone is implicated in this theory, and taking into account that fact that women tend to live significantly longer than men, may be responsible for limiting men's lifespan.'

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AVFM Has a Forum

AVFM has put up a forum for the use of the MRM community; sign up and support them!

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Equality and empathy may curb domestic violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'MYTH: Domestic violence is not a serious problem in the U.S. or in Georgia.

FACT: Battering is the single largest cause of injury to women in the United States. It tops mugging, automobile accidents and rape, combined (NCADV 2003). In 2009, Georgia was rated the 10th highest state in the nation for the rate at which men kill women. In 2010, Georgia residents mourned at least 130 domestic violence related deaths.'

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More Americans now commit suicide than are killed in car crashes as miserable economy takes its toll

It takes a non-US news source to report this, too. And as already reported, we can be pretty sure the rise is attributable to male suicide. If it were females committing suicide more like this, you can be certain it'd be front-page news in the US MSM. Excerpt:

"Suicide is the cause of more deaths than car crashes, according to an alarming new study.

The number of people who commit suicide in the U.S. has drastically increased while deaths from car accidents have dropped, making suicide the leading cause of injury death.

Suicides via falls or poisoning have risen significantly and experts fear that there could be many more unaccounted for, particularly in cases of overdose.

'Suicides are terribly under-counted,' said Ian Rockett, author of the study, published on Thursday in the American Journal of Public Health.

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Parental Alienation Not A Mental Disorder, American Psychiatric Association Says

Article here. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK -- Rebuffing an intensive lobbying campaign, a task force of the American Psychiatric Association has decided not to list the disputed concept of parental alienation in the updated edition of its catalog of mental disorders.

The term conveys how a child's relationship with one estranged parent can be poisoned by the other parent, and there's broad agreement that it sometimes occurs in the context of divorces and child-custody disputes.
"The bottom line – it is not a disorder within one individual," said Dr. Darrel Regier, vice chair of the task force drafting the manual. "It's a relationship problem – parent-child or parent-parent. Relationship problems per se are not mental disorders."
Among those on the other side of the debate, which has flared since the 1980s, are feminists and advocates for battered women who consider "parental alienation syndrome" to be an unproven and potentially dangerous concept useful to men trying to deflect attention from their abusive behavior.'

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Deters: No charges against former Xavier player Dez Wells

Story here. Excerpt:

'One week after Xavier expelled sophomore Dez Wells for “a serious violation of the Code of Student Conduct,” Hamilton County prosecutor Joe Deters said no criminal charges would be filed against the basketball player.

A Hamilton County grand jury declined Tuesday to indict Wells on a charge of sexual assault.

Deters assigned senior assistant prosecutors to the case to review evidence and make a presentation to the grand jury, which they did Monday.
A Xavier University Conduct board made up of faculty, students and administrators determined that Wells was responsible for a serious violation of the code of conduct. The punishment for the violation, the school said in an Aug. 21 statement, is expulsion from the university.'

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The Inquisition Comes to College Campuses

Article here. Excerpt:

'Veteran Hamilton County, Ohio prosecutor Joe Deters called the process “fundamentally unfair” and “seriously flawed,” and he was right. What he didn’t say was that the process is also the law of the land.

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German upper house seeks women quota in boardrooms

Article here.

'BERLIN — The German Parliament's upper house is calling for a mandatory quota for women on companies' supervisory boards.

The house, which represents Germany's 16 states, voted Friday for a motion that would require large companies to have at least 20 percent of women on their supervisory boards - the equivalent of a U.S. board of directors - starting in 2018, and 40 percent five years later, German news agency dapd reported.

The motion now goes to Parliament's lower house, which Chancellor Angela Merkel's center-right coalition controls. The coalition is divided on the issue and it's unclear whether a quota could secure a majority there.

The quota was proposed in the upper house by center-left state governments. Two states led by Merkel's conservative party joined ranks with them on Friday.'

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Loss of 'breadwinner' role driving rise in suicide among middle aged men, Samaritans suggest

Article here. Excerpt:

Family breakdown, improved rights for women and the collapse of traditional male-dominated industries have combined to create a crisis of “masculine identity”, a panel of psychologists, economists and social scientists concluded.

Together with male traits such as an unwillingness to talk about personal problems and heavier use of drink and drugs, it means they are now at far greater risk of suicidal tendencies than anyone else, the study commissioned by the Samaritans found.

Men aged between 35 and 55 are more than four times as likely to take their own lives as women of the same age, and more than twice as likely as younger men, according to official figures.

And middle aged men from poor areas are up to 10 times more likely to commit suicide than other groups of people.

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Two female teachers from the same school district charged with having sex with students on same day

Story here. Excerpt:

'Two female teachers from the same school district have been arrested on the same day for having sex with teenage students.

Kristy Risell, 31, and Jean Kleckner, 47, were Berks County teachers when the alleged sexual relations took place.

English teacher Kristy Risel, 31, who worked at Daniel Boone Area High School, is accused of having sex with a 15-year-old boy between January and April this year.
Kleckner first abused the girl in 2008, after giving her alcohol on a camping trip and continued to abuse her on a regular basis into 2009, mostly in Kleckner's home, detectives said.

Police say the 47-year-old also became a field hockey coach this year.

Kleckner and Risell are the fourth and fifth Berks educators to be charged with sexually abusing students in the past year, Chief County Detective Michael J. Gombar said.'

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