West Virginia House of Delegates: Impeach Family Court Judge Lori B. Jackson

Petition here. Court order to gag the abuse of the judge signed by the judge here. Court investigation summary recommending the father have custody here. This has got to stop. Petition excerpt:

'In the case of the minor children of Lt. Col Joel Kirk and his wife, Tina Taylor Kirk, Judge Jackson had clear evidence that the children were being abused by their mother. This evidence included eyewitness testimony from outside the family, the testimony of the children, the report of the guardian Ad litem appointed by the court and court appointed psychologists.
Judge Jackson reviewed all this evidence and failed to contact child protective services, and subsequently ruled to deliver both children from that marriage into the custody of their abuser.

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Couples are more likely to divorce if the husband does half the domestic chores

Article here. I have my thoughts on this, too long for here, so it's in the first comment. Excerpt:

'Attention married men, here’s the perfect excuse to put your feet up – sharing housework can lead to divorce.

Research has suggested that the more chores a man does, the more likely the couple will split.

The survey of couples found that while most were happy to share childcare, the women still did the lion’s share of the housework most of the time.

And in 11 per cent of cases, the women did almost all of it.

When the man finally did do his bit, things seemed to go wrong.

The divorce rate among those who shared chores equally was about 50 per cent higher than among those where the woman did most of it, the study by the Norwegian government found.'

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Till Death, or 20 Years, Do Us Part

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last year, several lawmakers in Mexico City proposed the creation of short-term, renewable marriage contracts with terms as brief as two years. The idea was to own up to the reality that marriages fail about half the time.

Is marriage headed for an overhaul? A fundamental rethinking? Is it due for one?

When the Mexican legislators proposed their idea, which was not passed, the archdiocese there called it “absurd” and said it was anathema to the nature of marriage. I decided to put the questions to a different group: the people who study marriage and divorce. I was motivated not just by trend lines but, as a child of divorce, by ghosts.
Kenneth P. Altshuler, the president of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, the divorce-attorney trade group, said such contracts were neither so absurd nor impractical as they might sound. He thinks they could address some of the financial costs associated with divorce, which he estimates at hundreds of millions of dollars annually.

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Cops: Teen mom dumped 3-week-old baby on roadside, claimed abduction

Article here. Excerpt:

'A 19-year-old mother has been charged with dumping her 3-week-old daughter along a rural road for 12 hours and lying to police about the baby's whereabouts, prompting an Amber Alert.

Bond was set at $100,000 Friday for Kendra Meaker of Toulon, who was charged in Stark County Court with obstruction of justice and endangering the life or health of a child.
During the hearing, Sheriff Jimmie Dison told the court Kendra that showed up at his department Thursday morning to report that someone had snatched her 3-week-old baby, Mia Graci Thompson, out of the back seat of her car after she went inside the post office in Toulon, about 30 miles northwest of Peoria, to mail a package.'

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Anti-feminists are meeting in Zurich

Translated article here. Excerpt:

'The IG anti-feminism (IGAF) is gearing up for her third international meeting on 3 November. "There is a secret place in the Zurich region instead," IGAF-founder and Vice President René Kuhn tells Blick.ch. Where exactly will not reveal for fear of left-wing extremists.

"We have in the past received massive threats. Such a theater we want to avoid this time, "says Kuhn. The venue will be communicated to registered participants only. Nevertheless, the site will be police and a private security company to ensure peace.'

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European court to decide if a lesbian couple can sever a father’s ties to his son

Article here. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK, September 21, 2012, (C-FAM)—Europe’s highest court on human rights will decide if a lesbian can adopt her partner’s child, in this case stripping the father of his parental rights to his son.

The case is very simple according to Gregor Puppinck of the European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ). “The two female partners want to oust the father and, since the law does not allow them to do so, they claim it is discriminatory,” Gregor reported in Turtle Bay and Beyond, C-FAM’s blog.

The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights will hear the case X and others v. Austria on October 3. Its decision will apply to all 47 countries in the Council of Europe and cannot be appealed.

Austria’s attorney has pointed out that most European countries do not allow a child to have two mothers or two fathers. A homosexual rights attorney who brought the case argued that this is sexual discrimination.

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Jailed Texas group-sex teacher Brittni Colleps says, ‘I was victimized in that video’

Article here. Excerpt:

'The former Texas high school teacher jailed after being caught on tape having group sex with four of her own students — while a fifth filmed — now says that graphic video makes her a victim.

Brittni Colleps, a 28-year-old wife and mother of three, was convicted on 16 counts of having improper relationships with students in August and is currently serving a five-year jail term.

Her conviction came after a salacious round of courtroom testimony this summer, when jurors heard her student sex partners say they were “happy” to mess around in her home and that Colleps had once described herself as an “anything goes in sex kind of girl.”
"I felt like I was victimized in that video, because I did not, I never gave my consent for it,” Colleps said in a jailhouse interview with “20/20” airing Friday night.

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UK: Mothers & Prison: The alternatives

Article here. Excerpt:

'Similar projects are being pioneered in Bradford, Glasgow, Calderdale, Worcester and London to find more effective ways of stopping women from offending than the traditional prison system affords. At the centres, women undergo a detailed individual assessment and then are given help with a range of problems including drug and alcohol misuse, parenting and budgeting skills, debt, housing and employment problems, anger management, and mental and physical health problems.

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DA says no evidence of domestic violence in murder-for-hire case

Article here. Excerpt:

'BROWNVILLE, Maine — She talked about her husband being controlling, but police found nothing to suggest that murder-for-hire suspect Wendy S. Farley of Brownville suffered spousal abuse before she sought a hit man to kill her husband, the case’s prosecutor said Friday.

“The evidence that we have at this point doesn’t point to any domestic violence issues,” said Piscataquis County District Attorney R. Christopher Almy.

Farley’s husband, Luther “Rusty” Farley, should be considered a victim, not a perpetrator, Almy said.

The affidavit detailing the case against Farley, who remained Friday at the Piscataquis County Jail on $10,000 cash bail, details how police and the informant they wired, Michael Anderson of Milo, probed whether she or the Farleys’ 13 children were domestic violence victims even before she was arrested. The 46-year-old farmer’s wife was arrested and charged Tuesday with criminal solicitation for murder.'

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UK: Domestic autonomy takes another beating

Article here. Excerpt:

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New Zealand: Children most often killed by mothers

Article here. Excerpt:

'New Zealand mothers kill more children than any other group in society and men are victims of domestic violence as often as women, a police investigation has found.

The Family Violence Death Review, released today by police, found mothers were responsible for 45 per cent of children killed by domestic violence.

The review of 95 family violence deaths involving 101 victims between 2004 and 2011 revealed some "inconvenient truths", Family First national director Bob McCoskrie said.

He said the statistics debunked the misleading popular perception "that women and children need to be protected from men".

"This gender focus is misleading," Mr McCoskrie said.

"If we're really serious about reducing family violence, we need to talk about ... our violent culture and the role alcohol and drugs play in fuelling this environment."'

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UK: 'Domineering' men face domestic violence prosecutions

Article here. Excerpt:

'The move will mean that domineering men who torment their partners but do not assault them physically can be brought to justice for the first time.

Verbal insults, taking control of a spouse’s finances or isolating them from family and friends could all count as domestic abuse under the new definition.

Under-18s will also face prosecution for the crime, following concerns about the number of abusive teenage relationships.

However it will not mean the creation of a new criminal offence of domestic violence. Instead, bullying husbands could face trial if it was thought that their behaviour amounted to harassment.

The changes were first proposed last year and will be confirmed by Nick Clegg, the Deputy Prime Minister and Liberal Democrat leader, on Wednesday.
The definition will be widened to anyone aged 16 or over, and may even refer to perpetrators who are related to their victims, in order to cover so-called “honour” attacks and forced marriage.

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Guestwords: Rethink Domestic Violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'Our society has created an environment where beating women and children and violating their civil rights are acceptable. In fact, we have actually created an industry — the violence against women movement. This movement thrives on building “safe houses” and places of “retreat” to protect victims, as opposed to enforcing on-the-books laws against the men who abuse.

The 1970s ushered in the epitome of misogyny with the development of facilities to protect women from violent men. As well as brutalizing and maiming women, violent men in the United States kill three women each day. That’s more than we were losing in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq combined. Although we don’t acknowledge it, this is war.

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Why Do Men’s Activists Bring Up The Draft?

Article here. Excerpt:

'A while ago, I stumbled on a video from TheTruePooka attacking MRAs such as myself for “blaming feminists for the male-only draft.” This leads me to wonder if maybe there is a problem with people listening when a woman speaks.

Very few MRAs, myself especially, actually blame feminism for something that’s been happening throughout most of history, and we don’t even lay blame on feminism for being unable to change that situation. I certainly never have.

Feminists DO, however, get criticized by MRAs for their marginalization of the draft and their dismissal of it and other traditional male obligations when they are offensively speaking about so-called historical “male privilege” and “patriarchy.” So let me try to spell this out for everybody so we can clear the air a bit.'

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Busting Myths About Women in the Workplace

Article here. Excerpt:

'In her book Women’s Figures: An Illustrated Guide to the Economic Progress of Women, Furchtgott-Roth exposes these falsehoods and loose statements, asserting that women don’t need special treatment to be equally competitive in the American workforce. The myth that a woman makes 78 cents on a man’s dollar is a typical refrain used in mass media and a basis for affirmative action for women. Furchtgott-Roth explains, however, why this refrain as well as the “wage gap” and “glass ceiling” are in fact myths.

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