Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2012-09-28 19:15
Article here. I do not believe in paddling children but for some reason the outrage only exists towards male teachers paddling female students. Excerpt:
'About 75 percent of the state's school districts use corporal punishment, including Springtown, a town of about 2,700 located about 30 miles northwest of Fort Worth, according to People Opposed to Paddling Students, a group based in Houston. Some of the major districts, including Fort Worth, don't paddle students.
"It is never OK to hit a child. ... Men should not be padding teenage girls, because there is a sexual connotation with teen girls but also with teen boys," said Jimmy Dunne, president of People Opposed to Paddling Students.
State Rep. Alma Allen, D-Houston, thinks schools should never spank children, but her bill to abolish corporal punishment in Texas schools never passed. She said the compromised version of her bill, which did become law, was that parents could opt in.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2012-09-28 17:46
Article here. Excerpt:
'TRENTON — A state Assembly committee approved a bill Thursday that would allow some domestic violence victims to testify remotely on camera, despite questions over whether it’s constitutional.
Sandy Clark, executive director of the New Jersey Coalition for Battered Women, said the legislation might encourage some victims to participate in the prosecution of their attackers.
But some lawmakers questioned whether the law would violate the provision in the Constitution allowing suspects to confront their accusers. The Democrat-led panel voted to advance the bill while the constitutional question is researched.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2012-09-28 17:43
Article here. Excerpt:
'Tororo women are discouraging their husbands from undergoing circumcision, health authorities have disclosed.
Willy Mungoma, the district health educator, said most of the women think their husbands may take long to heal, thereby denying them sex.
"In our routine sensitisation programmes and radio tallkshows, women challenge us to explain how long their husbands would take to heal. This is because they think taking a long time to heal would make them miss sex," he said.
He urged parents to support the education of their children, saying this would eliminate early marriages and prevent them from engaging in sex before they are 18.
Participants recommended that health centres start encouraging the distribution of condoms to pupils and students who may need them. This Ministry of Education and Sports banned the distribution of condoms in schools.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2012-09-28 17:43
Article here. Excerpt:
'A task force in Nyanza wants women to encourage their husbands and boyfriends to get circumcised.
The chairman of the task force on male circumcision, Jackson Kioko, told a stakeholders' forum yesterday that women must be incorporated in the programme for better results.
"Now we must reach out to men who have been slow to embrace medical male circumcision despite being aware of its benefits. HIV peaks after 24 years. Therefore, those men at 25 and above are at risk and in need of VMMC services. Reaching out to this age group will require women," said Kioko.
Kioko said women will be key driving forces behind the attainment of the targeted age group since male circumcision involve their health as well. He said the success achieved in circumcising over 500,000 men was due to the influence and role of the women in inspiring men to go for the cut and called on the women to continue with the campaign.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2012-09-28 17:40
Article here. Excerpt:
'It didn't sit right with Lawrence E. Adjah that there were a lot of women standing up during their Caltrain commute, so he decided to take a stand. Adjah, a media and entertainment entrepreneur in Palo Alto, decided to make an announcement, asking for seated able-bodied men to give their seats to standing ladies. Passengers complied and Adjah posted a picture of the standing men and seated women to his Facebook page with the caption, "We did it! All the men agreed to stand! There are no women on this Caltrain standing. Small victories family, small victories." Gathering dozens of likes in minutes, the post stood as a testament to chivalry not being entirely dead. However, nice things rarely go rewarded, and a vocal minority of disapproving men, presumably Adjah's friends, voiced their opinion on Adjah's activism, claiming that chivalry should be dead, citing gender equality as the basis for dismissing Adjah's efforts.
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2012-09-28 01:50
Our nation’s system of laws is rooted in the notion that rights are God-given, and these rights cannot be revoked at the whim of government bureaucrats.
The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), advanced by then-senator Joe Biden in 1994, assumes the opposite: that fundamental protections and guarantees of the Bill of Rights are subject to negotiation and “reinterpretation.”
SAVE has just released a report, “An Assault Upon our Civil Rights,” which documents how VAWA has rolled back a broad range of civil liberties that most Americans take for granted: Equal protection under law, the presumption of innocence, due process, the right to freedom from undue government interference, and many more.
For 12 fundamental rights, the SAVE report identifies the relevant Constitutional amendments, pertinent Supreme Court rulings, and an estimate how many persons whose rights are removed each year. The SAVE report can be seen here:
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2012-09-28 01:48
Schedule of films here.
"Saturday, November 3, 2012
Room 156
5:00 PM
This American film looks at the everyday issues of stress, family, struggle and suffering that families experience when they are put through the detrimental maneuvers of the family court system. This shocking documentary shows how fathers are forced to pay exorbitant amounts of money for child support and how many fathers lose access to their children."
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2012-09-27 04:57
Article here. Excerpt:
'It’s not unusual to hear pro-aborts say that men don’t have a right to speak out against abortion. They don’t deserve a seat at the table. And now one pro-abortion advocate is going so far as saying that she wants to silence the voices of all men on abortion. According to this writer, who blogs at a website called Abortion Gang, because men can’t get pregnant, they shouldn’t be allowed to express any opinion on abortion whatsoever.
I want to silence all the male voices in the abortion discussion.
...The main anti-choice voices for the U.S. are also all men. In fact, the majority of persons in government who are anti-choice, are men. And none of them can get pregnant. The people who are making decisions that affect the lives of women, CAN’T EVEN GET PREGNANT!
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2012-09-27 02:43
Article here. Excerpt:
'More than 40 years ago in Ontario, University of Windsor law students began volunteering their time to assist those in need of legal counsel, if the accused met certain financial criteria. The program continues today, under the banner of Community Legal Aid. Not that those first student defenders would likely recognize their creation in its current, grotesquely prejudiced form.
...But it still gives the students real-life experience handling real-life cases, while providing a service to those in need.
Not all in need, however. Community Legal Aid will no longer take on any domestic abuse cases, it announced in an email, “unless the alleged offender is a woman.” In that case, it will work to find a lawyer who will take the case for free, or failing that, take the case itself. Men are on their own.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2012-09-27 02:30
Article here. Excerpt:
'At the Clinton Global initiative conference, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in her speech on Monday, "Violence can never be justified."
Domestic violence, sexual violence, and stalking -- could also be defined as bullying -- are not issues exaggerated in crime dramas on primetime TV in the US. Here's the painful truth: domestic violence is spreading, and destroying the lives of millions and millions of people. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found in a 2011 survey that "these types of violence affect the health of millions of adults." The CDC added, "On average, 24 people per minute are victims of rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner . . . Over the course of a year, that equals more than 12 million women and men." It should also be kept in mind that these statistics are based upon survivors of abuse who were willing to share their stories. Unfortunately, not everyone is a survivor. Many people remain silent victims, and their stories go untold.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2012-09-27 02:24
Article here.
'The Chicago teachers’ union is citing poverty, violence, and homelessness as reasons for student failure, problems they maintain are beyond their ability to solve and are the responsibility of society at large. But here is why the teachers’ unions deserve disapproval, despite having some right on their side: They do not cite the main cause of all of these problems, fatherlessness, and the veritable culture of single-mother families in the areas their schools serve.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2012-09-27 02:22
Story here. Excerpt:
'Several campaigners for fathers' rights and shared parenting after divorce have been arrested or summoned for questioning in recent days and a Knesset member who sides with the fathers' movement says a "militant feminist crackdown" is under way.
One activist father, Guy Shamir, has been held in jail for 21 days. He was arrested when Haifa Family Court Judge Esperanza Alon's clerk claimed that he used a threatening phrase in a telephone conversation with her. Shamir says he told the clerk: "The judge should mind her own children and I will mind mine." The clerk claimed that he told the judge to "mind her children" in a threatening way.
An attorney who heads the Coalition for Children and Families was questioned and placed under three-day house arrest regarding alleged threatening statements on the internet. His computer was confiscated. The organization recently organized a study day in Tel Aviv's Municipal Library regarding anti-father bias in the Family Courts.'
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2012-09-27 01:29
Hang onto your lab-coats, STEM educators! You are about to feel the same righteous wrath of feminism that has been inflicted on the liberal arts lo these many years. Hell hath no fury as feminists with some kind of study decrying female victimization paired with the enabling power of The State to come up with new regulations and enforcement units to make damn sure that there are AT LEAST as many women in a given field as men (but not the other way around). Soon college-aged men will be blocked out of classes like they are from sporting opportunities because there aren't enough female students taking Physics in some given year. Don't believe it could get that crazy? Really, you'd doubt that by now? Mark my words. Article here. Excerpt:
'Science professors at American universities widely regard female undergraduates as less competent than male students with the same accomplishments and skills, a new study by researchers at Yale concluded.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2012-09-26 21:06
Video here.
'One of the most alienating messages that schools send to boys is the idea that they are inherently dangerous and predatory. This is especially true in the area of sexual harassment. After a few decades of one-sided reforms and increasingly punitive reforms to education policy, schools now face fines, investigations, or lawsuits if female students suffer any kind of discomfort which can be defined under the broad umbrella of harassment. Schools are hyper-vigilant toward any kind of misbehavior on the part of boys, to the extent that boys who exhibit quasi-offensive behavior (or behavior that would be inoffensive or non-threatening to most people) are being labeled as predatory - labels they inevitably internalize -- and being punished for it. I'll give numerous examples in this video.'
Part Two is here.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2012-09-26 17:59
Article here. Excerpt:
'ST. GEORGE — After months of investigating an alleged rape that happened on a public trail, St. George Police have charged the alleged victim with fraud and filing a false police report.
St. George Police Capt. Kyle Whitehead said the fraud charge stems from money Rutz obtained from the Utah State Crime Victims Reparation fund. Whitehead said Rutz received more than $25,000 from the fund.
Rutz was booked Tuesday into the Purgatory Correctional Facility on $12,500 bail. She has since posted bail and been released.'
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