Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2012-10-09 16:12
Article here. Excerpt:
'HOUSTON—A new estimate shows an overwhelming number of child support owed statewide in Texas. According to the Texas attorney general’s office, there is nearly $11 billion of unpaid child support to date.
The attorney general’s office says the majority of those who don’t pay, have the ability to do so, but choose not to.
On the opposite spectrum, there are a small percentage of men who pay child support for kids that aren’t theirs. A family law attorney in Houston estimates that there are more than 120,000 men in this predicament in Texas.
A new state law says men no longer have to make child support payments if they can prove the child is not theirs. However, there appears to be a loophole in that law. It does not erase back child support.'
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2012-10-09 01:42
Story here. Excerpt:
'A young mother admitted on Thursday to gluing her two-year-old daughter's hands to a wall and beating her into a coma.
When Elizabeth Escalona, 23, left the courtroom after pleading guilty to injury to a child charges stemming from the horrific abuse in September.
She told reporters afterward, 'I have no comment, and only God can judge me. That’s all I gotta say.'
The toddler, Joselyn Cedillo, was briefly on life support in a coma.
According to police records, glue and paint were stuck to her palms, with skin torn away in places.
Escalona could face life in prison if convicted.
She remains eligible for criminal adjudication, which would leave her without a criminal conviction on her record.
The girl and three other siblings were taken into custody.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2012-10-08 21:47
Article here. Excerpt:
'On Monday the Family Court dismissed the mother's last ditch attempt to keep her four daughters in Australia after she brought them here two years ago from Italy, ostensibly for a short holiday.
The Brisbane court ruled the children, aged between nine and 15, be returned to their father in Italy and they were immediately taken into the custody of the Queensland Department of Communities.
The girls' distraught mother was seen yelling out to her screaming daughters around 3:30am on Thursday as they were escorted onto a plane by police and an official from the Italian embassy.
The legal action has run for more than a year and men's rights advocates say the court was correct to uphold the rules of the Hague Convention.
Men's Rights Agency director Sue Price says while the mother is grieving, she should not have flouted the law.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2012-10-08 21:43
Article here. Excerpt:
COVINGTON, Ky. — A former Cincinnati Bengals cheerleader pleaded guilty Monday to having sex with her 17-year-old former student while she was a teacher at a northern Kentucky high school, a move that will allow her to avoid jail time.
In a tearful admission in Kenton County Circuit Court in Covington, Ky., 27-year-old Sarah Jones pleaded guilty to sexual misconduct and custodial interference in place of more serious charges as part of a plea agreement with prosecutors.
Jones said the relationship began in February 2011 when the boy was 17, saying that the two had sex, that she sent him sexually explicit text messages and lied about the relationship to police.
The teen had been in Jones’ freshman English class in 2008, and she was his peer tutor in 2010 and 2011 before he graduated at the age of 17 this year, according to Monday’s plea agreement, signed by Jones.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2012-10-08 03:01
Article here. Excerpt:
'Touted as an "icon of American culture" and celebrated as one of the most romantic moments ever captured on camera, Alfred Eisenstaedt's "Kissing Sailor" image is one familiar to most of us.
But now one website is turning our understanding of this saucy picture on its head, saying the image "unambiguously depicts an act of sexual assault " and not a romantic moment between lovers., quoting a blogger from London known only as "Leopard," argues that "far from being a kiss between a loving couple, we learn that George and Greta were perfect strangers. We learn that George was drunk, and that Greta had no idea of his presence, until she was in his arms, with his lips on hers…It seems pretty clear, then, what George had committed was sexual assault."'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2012-10-07 23:10
Article here. Excerpt:
'Dear Adriana: I'm raising a young boy and I want him to grow up to be a big, strong man. But I also want to make sure he's a sexist asshole who can't cope with everyday civilized life in these modern times. I want him to feel totally out of sync with the rest of the world's sexual politics. I want women to avoid him like the plague and for men to be embarrassed around him. What's the most important thing I can do?
Fake letter writer who I just made up, I'm glad you asked that question! I have a book for you. It will do all of these things for your son. It's called Raising Boys Feminists Will Hate by Doug Giles. Let me tell you more about this extremely useful tome.
And because honestly, I couldn't possibly put it better myself, here is the book description from the back cover.'
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Submitted by insdel2005 on Sun, 2012-10-07 22:10
Another case of women getting therapy while men get prison time. Full Article here. Excerpt:
'A unique program in New York City allows mothers to live with their children in a private apartment building instead of prison while they serve out court mandates.
Five families live in the building, all sent there by the district attorney's office for felony offenses. Some involve drugs, others weapons, and still others violent crime.
The program has been lauded as a successful, more supportive and cheaper alternative to prison. But space is running out, and it needs funding in order to grow.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2012-10-07 16:54
Article here. Excerpt:
'Richmond is getting rid of men’s soccer and men’s track in order to add men’s lacrosse, which a university committee decided would be more attractive to students and advantageous for Division 1 play. The university’s athletic director is blaming Title IX because – he says – if they add men’s lacrosse without scrapping another men’s sport, they’d have to add a women’s sport. He says they can’t afford that and don’t want to reserve more spots for student-athletes.
The university president claims the decision to substitute lacrosse for men’s soccer and track wasn’t connected to the $3 million in donations pledged for an endowment for the new lacrosse team.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2012-10-07 16:51
Article here. Excerpt:
'I first encountered the Canadian men's rights movement directly when I was in Peterborough last November.
Some friends and associates of mine and I had driven from Toronto early one morning to attend the Policy Assembly of the Socialist Party of Ontario that was being held at Trent University. Upon arriving, we were greeted by the usual array of posters that litter the halls of any university. Among them were dozens of posters for what was a newly formed campus "Men's Issues Awareness Society."
The posters were juvenile in both presentation and content. They made a variety of claims, entirely out of context, that, simply put, attempted to make the case that not only are women no longer victims of systemic inequality, but also that the shoe is now on the other foot. It is men's issues that are being "ignored" and it is men that are now allegedly facing discrimination. This "discrimination," further, is being disregarded due to the influence of feminism in our society.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2012-10-07 16:49
Article here. Excerpt:
'Two women who referred to a San Diego man, in an online posting, as a “criminal and a deadbeat dad” who “may be taking steroids” were expressing protected opinions and cannot be liable for defamation, the Fourth District Court of Appeal ruled yesterday.
Div. One affirmed a San Diego Superior Court judge’s ruling that the suit by Darren D. Chaker against Wendy and Nicole Mateo was a strategic lawsuit against public participation. The justices agreed with Judge Timothy Taylor that the suit arose from speech on a public issue, and that the action is barred by the First Amendment.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2012-10-07 16:49
Article here. Except:
'The Tennessee Supreme Court has ruled in favor of a man who was misled into thinking he was a father and ordered the child’s mother to reimburse him more than $25,000 for child support, medical expenses and insurance premiums he had paid.
In a unanimous ruling, the court said Tennessee law allows a former spouse to pursue a fraud claim against a mother who intentionally misrepresented the identity of a child’s biological father.
The case stemmed from a Maury County lawsuit filed in 2008 by Chadwick Craig against his ex-wife, Tina Marie Hodge.
The couple had married in 1991 after, court documents said, Hodge told Craig she was pregnant and no else could be the father. They divorced in 2001 and Craig became the custodial parent in 2005.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2012-10-07 16:47
Article here. Excerpt:
'Why are so many male circumcisions still performed when we all agree that female circumcision is a barbarous act? Now, the American Academy of Pediatrics says the benefits of male circumcision outweigh the risks. But, if newborns had a say in the matter, they would use the following reasons to shout a big “NO” to this mutilating procedure, unless religious or cultural reasons require it.
Circumcision doesn’t just snip off a small piece of skin. Rather, it removes a large surface of foreskin measuring three to five inches in length, about half of the total skin of the penis! Also, inside the foreskin there’s a band of tissue that acts like an accordion. Its gliding motion is needed to trigger sexual reflexes and pleasure.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2012-10-07 16:45
Article here. Excerpt:
'SPRINGFIELD, Mo. — There's not a lot of hard data about this but there are anecdotes. Courts tend to be more sympathetic towards women offenders. Their sexual crimes are rarely violent and most often statutory with older teenage victims. One mother tells us that shouldn't matter.
"Our boy is a hero for going through the court system."
We first talked to this Ozarks mother a year and a half ago when Amanda Jackson faced three counts of felony statutory rape in two Ozarks counties for having sex with a 14-year-old. Jackson's set for sentencing on two of the counts at the end of the month.
"Being she's a woman I don't know if it's going as hard as if she was a man. I feel like a man gets put in jail right away and she should have been put in jail right away," the mother tells us.
Chad Nevels got four years for sex with a 14-year-old, while Allison Peck originally got probation.
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2012-10-06 20:51
Article here. Excerpt:
'California Governor Jerry Brown has signed legislation introduced by Assembly member Toni Atkins, (D-San Diego) that prevents victims from being forced to pay spousal support to ex-husbands or wives who are convicted of violent crime against them. Assembly Bill 1522 was inspired by the case of a San Diego-area woman, Crystal Harris, who was ordered to pay her former husband monthly spousal support during the pendency of his criminal trial. After he was convicted and sentenced to six years, Harris was ordered to pay a portion of his legal fees.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2012-10-06 19:59