Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2012-10-12 00:15
Story here. Excerpt:
'The skeletal remains were discovered in 2005 in a wooded area in central New Jersey. They belonged to a girl of grade-school age, a girl who had probably died three years or so before she was found. But there was little else for investigators to go on; her case, unlike some that were called Baby Hope or Baby Faith, was simply referred to as Baby Bones.
Seven years later, investigators finally put a real name to the girl.
Her name was Jon-Niece Jones, prosecutors in Monmouth County said Wednesday, as they charged the girl’s own family in New York City with dumping her body in the wooded area off the New Jersey Turnpike in Upper Freehold before trying to cover their tracks with fire. Officials said Jon-Niece’s sister told them this summer that she had been killed in 2002 by their mother, who died the same year.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2012-10-11 21:46
Article here. Excerpt:
'Rita Zimmer, the founder of Housing Plus Solutions, the nonprofit that runs the program, said it costs $34,000 annually to house a woman and her children at Drew House. It costs nearly four times as much to incarcerate a woman and put her children in foster care.
Some prisons allow women to keep their infants with them, and some drug treatment programs allow children, but no other program allows women arrested on other felonies to live with their children instead of prison.
The idea came from prosecutors working with Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes and took nearly a decade to get off the ground, until Zimmer came on board. The house opened in 2008, and was named for Hynes' mother, a victim of domestic violence.
"There's just a lot more to public safety than locking people up," Hynes said.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2012-10-11 21:05
Article here. Excerpt:
'Deputy opposition leader Julie Bishop accused Gillard of using sexism as a weapon against criticism and said women deserved better.
“The prime minister is setting back the cause of women decades by using sexism as a shield against criticisms of her performance,” she said.
“Instead of being remembered as Australia’s first female prime minister, she’ll be remembered as the prime minister who let down the women of Australia when she was put to the test.”
Abbott also weighed in, saying it was time “everyone in this parliament moved on from the gender card which so many members of the government have been playing”.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2012-10-11 16:33
Article here. Excerpt:
'WASHINGTON, Oct. 9, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today The Boys Initiative, a Washington, DC-based nonprofit organization, characterized an October 9 article appearing in the New York Times as "profoundly disturbing". The article examines the widening diagnosis of ADHD in children and the use of prescription drugs to treat symptoms that may or may not be related to that diagnosis. Studies show that boys are diagnosed with ADHD at two and a half times the rate of girls.
"It has been apparent for some time now that there is widespread confusion on the subject of ADHD diagnosis among parents as well as health care providers", said Dennis Barbour, Co-Founder and Executive Vice President of The Boys Initiative. "The damage we are inflicting on young brains may well be life-long as well as unnecessary," he said, "in the end we may be creating a largely male cohort of robots".
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2012-10-11 02:46
Article here. As we all know, this issue primarily affects boys. Excerpt:
'CANTON, Ga. — When Dr. Michael Anderson hears about his low-income patients struggling in elementary school, he usually gives them a taste of some powerful medicine: Adderall.
The pills boost focus and impulse control in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Although A.D.H.D is the diagnosis Dr. Anderson makes, he calls the disorder “made up” and “an excuse” to prescribe the pills to treat what he considers the children’s true ill — poor academic performance in inadequate schools.
“I don't have a whole lot of choice,” said Dr. Anderson, a pediatrician for many poor families in Cherokee County, north of Atlanta. “We've decided as a society that it’s too expensive to modify the kid’s environment. So we have to modify the kid.”'
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Submitted by fibtastic on Thu, 2012-10-11 02:01
Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2012-10-10 23:46
Story here. Excerpt:
'A 23-year-old Texas mother who beat her daughter and glued her hands to a wall told a Dallas judge on Wednesday that she was a monster a year ago, but she has changed.
"Elizabeth Escalona is not a monster," she said of herself, according to a tweet by Dallas Morning News' crime reporter Scott Goldstein. "I want everybody to know that I'm not a monster. I love my kids. I love my babies."
Escalona pleaded guilty in July to first-degree injury to a child, a felony. Prosecutors are seeking a 45-year prison sentence.
She cried as she recounted what she did to her daughter, according to Goldstein: "I hit her, I kicked her constantly and she didn't deserve that.”
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2012-10-10 20:01
Article here. Excerpt:
'Researchers at the University of Michigan compared data from four-year public high schools across the country, including schools that do and do not offer interscholastic sports. They broke the data down by regions, what type of communities the schools were in (rural vs. city, etc), and how much money the schools spent on athletics. Then they compared data from the 2009-10 school year with data from school years 1993-94 and 1999-2000.
The studies' authors warn that their findings indicate that progress towards gender equity has reversed over the past decade thanks to a false sense that girls were finally receiving an equal chance to play sports and less funding due to the recession. "One sociological tenet contends that, during times of economic hardship, social inequalities tend to grow more marked rather than diminish," the researchers explained. "This dynamic may be playing out with regard to gender equity in high school sports."
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Submitted by Minuteman on Wed, 2012-10-10 08:39
Link here. Excerpt:
'Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says he won't be retreating from his criticism of Prime Minister Julia Gillard and called on Labor to stop playing the gender card.
Ms Gillard on Tuesday accused Mr Abbott in parliament of having a record of sexism and misogyny.
The comments came in a debate over whether to sack Speaker Peter Slipper, who is facing court action by a former male staffer over alleged sexual harassment.
Mr Abbott said the attack was "a bit rich" coming from the person who was "prepared to knife Kevin Rudd, but wasn't prepared to sack Peter Slipper".
The prime minister should be prepared to accept fair criticism.
"Just because the prime minister has sometimes been the victim of unfair criticism doesn't mean she can dismiss any criticism as sexism or she can dismiss any criticism on gender grounds," Mr Abbott told reporters in Canberra on Wednesday.'
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2012-10-10 00:07
In less than two weeks, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) will gather in New Orleans for its annual conference—and Intact America will be there, inside and on the ground, demanding that the AAP retract its new pro-circumcision Task Force Report.
THE TIME TO GIVE IS NOW. We need to reach America’s pediatricians and remind them that circumcision is medically unnecessary AND harmful to the infant—and thus violates the very ethical principles they swore to uphold.
Why now? Because if you donate before midnight on October 15, your gift will be matched dollar for dollar (up to $10,000), thanks to a very generous pledge from intactivist Dan Bollinger. This match will double the impact of your gift!
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2012-10-10 00:02
Article here. Excerpt:
'Many men and women in my practice have made the above observations and asked the above questions. The subject of maternal sabotage is also one of the many common themes on the Shrink4Men Forum. It can be difficult to wrap one’s mind around this topic. What kind of a mother would deliberately try to sabotage her child’s intellectual, emotional, psychological, physical and moral development?
A bad one.
That’s a simplistic answer, but an accurate one. Sabotaging one’s own children is frequently a common trait of abusive personality disordered women and men specifically, borderline (BPD), narcissistic (NPD), histrionic (HPD), and dependent (DPD) personality disordered parents.
Common reasons BPDs/NPDs and other personality disordered parents sabotage their children’s development:
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2012-10-09 23:59
Article here. Excerpt:
'SALEM — The South Dakota Supreme Court has ruled a judge was correct in denying a McCook County man’s request to have his child support payments reduced.
Heumiller asked a circuit court to lower his payments to reflect his past overpayments. Heumiller’s monthly payment was reduced to $699, but the court refused to lower the payments further to compensate for the times he paid the original $1,238.36 payment after two of his children no longer qualified for support.
Heumiller appealed the decision.
The Supreme Court ruled Heumiller should himself have requested his payments be modified as soon as he was no longer required to pay support for one or more of his children. In addition, the Supreme Court pointed out there was no agreement between Heumiller and Snyders for any “credit or offset” as was requested by Heumiller.'
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2012-10-09 23:50
Article here. Excerpt:
'Men suffer from lack of good biological paternity knowledge. That’s not a matter of biological destiny, men’s personal faults, or men’s free choices. Legal processes of paternity establishment support false biological paternity beliefs through undue influence, misrepresentation, and mis-service.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2012-10-09 23:48
Article here. Excerpt:
'Not all men can be defined by their careers, and as the father of 8-month-old triplets, Matt Batchelor can attest to that.
The father of two boys and a girl from Warminster was the recent recipient of a scholarship honoring him for his work as a stay-at-home dad.
Selected as the recipient of the 2012 Brian Dickson Memorial At-Home Dads Convention Scholarship Award, Batchelor was helped financially so he could attend this year’s convention.
Batchelor said he was searching for networking contacts when he came across The National At-Home Dad Network on the Internet.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2012-10-09 16:43
Story here. Excerpt:
'Former WWE diva Tammy Sytch had her fourth arrest in four weeks in crimes related to "domestic violence," reported TMZ. Sytch was arrested in Connecticut on Monday after she violated a restraining order that her ex-boyfriend had against her.
Sytch was taken into custody on charges of violating a protective order, disorderly conduct and criminal mischief. Police say she appeared to be intoxicated at the time of arrest.
Tammy Sytch, arrested under the name Sunny, is currently being held on$25,000 bond and is set to be arraigned Tuesday morning.
In September, Sytch was arrested three times in three days for charges related to domestic violence. All three incidents involved her ex-boyfriend.'
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