Please thank Whoopi Goldberg for her common sense and courage

Regarding the post from yesterday, please contact Whoopi Goldberg for her courage to stand up and be counted even if what she says is unpopular-- unpopular, but right. A Google search turns up no direct contact email address for her but The View can be contacted here. Of course, no guarantee The View management or staff will pass along your feedback, but it will let them know that people are watching and are as capable of rewarding with praise as punishing with condemnation when someone on their show does the right thing.

Google did turn up a snail-mail address for her via a celebrity information site, found here. I can't vouch for the accuracy though of the contact information one way or another.

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Father fights to change paternity rights in Michigan, has court hearing next Friday

Article here. Excerpt:

'GENESEE COUNTY, MI (WNEM) - A bitter custody battle has spawned major changes in Lansing and now, a newly passed law is helping a Hartland father's fight to get his daughter back.

Daniel Quinn and his then 2 1/2-year-old daughter are all smiles in the pictures he has framed. But four years ago, his baby girl was taken away right in front of his eyes.

"Now, she's 6 years old, last time I talked to my daughter was August of 2008, and the last time I saw Maeleigh was Memorial Day of 2008," Quinn explained.

This story starts in 2006, when Quinn was dating Maeleigh's mother, a woman who he said claimed to be divorced. She got pregnant and the two moved in together. But shortly after Maeleigh was born, Quinn learned something wasn't quite right.

"At the hospital, I was denied to be able to sign my name on the birth certificate, and it was at that point, the hospital said that she was married," Quinn said.'

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Bettina Arndt Interview: Modern marriage - a dud deal for men?

Article here. An interview with Bettina Arndt. Excerpt:

'Marriage has become a "dud deal" for men, says Bettina Arndt.

Gone are the times when men would be thanked for their hardwork - where leisure time was their own and sex was a "wifely duty".

Now, according to Bettina Arndt, "many men find themselves grovelling for sex or having sex handed out like meaty bites to a dog".

She says modern marriage demands more from men and rewards them less. Plus, the threat of divorce looms larger than ever with women's expectations on the rise.

"The risk of divorce is another really important issue - the fact that marriage is a really risky deal for men because they stand to lose an awful lot if the marriage goes wrong," she says.'

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"The View" Hot Topics: Bus Driver Suspended for Hitting Female Passenger

Video here. The "Ladies of The View" took up this topic. Kudos to Whoopi G. for standing up for the right of the driver to fight back-- regardless of the sex of the driver and his assailant. Predictably, most of the other "Ladies" disagreed.

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IA: Thanks to your support, we reached our goal

Later this week, members of the Intact America staff, along with intactivists from around the country, will arrive in New Orleans to protest outside the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, where the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) will be hosting its annual convention, and formally announcing its new Task Force Report on Circumcision.

Why are we outside this year, and not inside? Because we’ve been barred from the convention’s exhibit hall by the AAP.

As you know, every year since its inception, Intact America has had a booth inside the AAP’s annual convention. To get more bang for our buck, we linked up with the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers (NOCIRC). As our profile became more and more visible and our position became more and more threatening to the AAP, we fully anticipated that the AAP would try to silence us; we just didn’t know how.

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SAVE: Urgent-- Stop the Political Imprisonment of Vladek Filler

Last August we asked you to intervene on behalf of single father Vladek Filler in Maine(1) who had endured 5 1/2 years of persecution by Asst. District Attorney Mary Kellet.(2,3) Filler was facing jail when he needed to prepare for Kellet's disciplinary hearing for her procedural misconduct in his case.

We asked, and you took action! Filler's incarceration was postponed. But, so was Kellet's hearing.

Now Filler has been ordered to jail on October 17, right when he should be preparing for Kellet's October 22-23 hearing. Coincidence? We don't think so.

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AHRQ: Healthcare Quality and Disparities in Women

Link here. Excerpt:

'Introduction to the NHQR and NHDR

Priority populations include racial and ethnic minorities, low-income groups, women, children, older adults, residents of rural areas and inner cities, and individuals with disabilities and special health care needs.
Colorectal Cancer

* From 2000 to 2007, the rate of advanced stage colorectal cancer in males age 50 and over decreased significantly, from 111.4 to 88.0. During the same period, rates for females age 50 and over also showed a significant decrease, from 83.2 to 67.0. In all years, males had significantly higher rates of advanced stage colorectal cancer compared with females.

*From 2000 to 2007, males had significantly higher rates of admission for lower extremity amputation. In 2005-2007, the amputation rate for males was 4.8 per 1,000 admissions compared with 2.2 per 1,000 admissions for women.


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F&F: Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines Are Actively Harmful to the Wellbeing of Children

Article here. Excerpt:

'I believe that that Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines require extensive revisions because they are actively harmful to the wellbeing of children.

Best Interests of Children
Life teaches us that almost any beneficial factor is beneficial in moderation; and that too much or too little are usually harmful. It is intuitively obvious why too little child support is harmful to the wellbeing of children. It ought to be intuitively obvious that too much court-ordered child support is also harmful to children, but so little thought has been devoted to this issue by decision-makers that it is often lost.

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Criticising women not sexism or misogyny

Article here. Note you may get prompted for login, and paid registration is required.

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Bus driver suspended after fight with passenger

Incredible story... a female bus driver was harassed physically and verbally by a male passenger who appeared drunk and/or crazy, and after trying to deal with him verbally, and after repeated threats and assaults such as choking and spitting, she hit him and threw him off the bus physically. Then he re-boarded the bus and assaulted the driver again. And can you believe it, she declined to press charges against him for his outrageous behavior. Now, strangely enough, the bus company (Greater Cleveland RTA) she works for has suspended her and denounced her actions despite him putting her and her passengers in danger. I think this is nuts. Click here to go to to sign a petition expressing your dissatisfaction to the bus company for their difficult-to-understand actions. What you say, the link doesn't work? You're right, it doesn't. That's because it isn't a hyperlink. That's because there is no such petition. That's because the foregoing story is not true. However if you re-read the story and reverse the genders, the story will in fact be true. Read it here. GCRTA contact info is posted in one of the comments below, if you would like to let them know how you feel. Excerpt:

'OCTOBER 12--The Cleveland bus driver who delivered an uppercut to an unruly female passenger told cops that he struck the woman after she grabbed his throat and spit in his face as he was driving, according to police reports.
Video of the fight (see below) went viral online this week, prompting RTA officials to suspend Hughes, a 22-year veteran, and characterize his behavior as "absolutely unacceptable."

When cops responded to the stopped bus around 4 PM, Hughes and three passengers described Lane (pictured at right) as the incident's aggressor. Hughes told cops that Lane initially boarded the bus without paying, claiming, "I left my bookbag."

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An end to the agony

Article here. Login required, registration is free. Excerpt:

'Germany's parliament may soon approve a law to protect religious circumcision, this to counteract a Cologne court ruling last June that pronounced the practice unlawful.

This is wrong - the German government should rethink. I say this as a Jewish parent from a proud rabbinic lineage, with relatives killed in the Holocaust; I say this as the maker of "It's a Boy!" - the 1995 British TV documentary that first broke the taboo on showing the hidden toll of circumcision. It demonstrated how a rite ingrained in Jewish and Muslim culture, and said to be divinely commanded, regularly results in acute suffering, injuries, mutilation and deaths.

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Roseanne Barr of Peace and Freedom Party is honest about DV and gender

From Marc A.:

Roseanne Barr, Presidential candidate for the Peace & Freedom Party, is the only candidate I have seen who was fair and honest about domestic violence. She flat-out said women are as violent as men in relationships. That is precisely what the majority of the independent surveys show, all over the world, as opposed to the unreliable crime data. She said this in the context of the Chris Brown/Rihiana incident, in which CNN admitted the court records say Rihianna was slapping Chris around before he attacked her, but the mass media and Oprah all attacked Chris 100% without ever mentioning Rihianna's vioence.

Quoting Roseanne:

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Mom Who Glued Toddler’s Hands To Wall Gets 99 Years

Article here. Excerpt:

'DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) – The North Texas mom who pled guilty to gluing her toddler daughter’s hands to a wall, kicking her in the stomach and beating her over “potty training” issues has been sentenced to 99 years in prison.
In handing down the stiff sentence, Mitchell told Escalona that in spite of the ‘heartbreaking’ and ‘compelling’ evidence presented on both sides, “to me, it comes down to a single, salient fact: you savagely beat your child to the edge of death… for this you must be punished.”

Pleading for leniency Escalona took to the stand Thursday where she admitted that she’d behaved “like a monster” but also said she deserved to be given “a second chance.”'

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Intact America Banned from AAP Conference

Via an IA email:

Just as we were about to send you the email below, we received a letter from the American Academy of Pediatrics, telling us that INTACT AMERICA HAS BEEN BANNED FROM HAVING A BOOTH AT NEXT WEEK’S AAP CONFERENCE! It’s clear they are afraid of our message, but we’re still going to New Orleans, and we need your help. We have an opportunity to place two Open Letters in the New Orleans Times Picayune to reach the thousands of pediatricians visiting the conference!


Next week, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is meeting in New Orleans for its annual conference. Given the AAP’s recent Task Force Report on Circumcision, it is more important than ever that Intact America be there—especially now that we've been banned from exhibiting inside the Convention Center.

The spotlight is now on us to stage a major press conference and demonstration, because we must get our message out to America's pediatricians: circumcision is medically unnecessary and harmful to the babies they are bound by oath to protect.

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SAVE: DV Group Batters the Truth for Fundraising Campaign

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) has announced their current fundraising campaign, "Every Home a Safe Home." While SAVE agrees that every home should be safe, we are getting a little tired of their ongoing gender bias. Take a look at the t-shirt they've chosen to sell.

It's bad enough that the shirt only shows a mother and daughter, perpetuating the myth that only women and girls are victims. You should see the gender bias they've added to the website you have to visit to order the t-shirts!

The campaign on Charity52 completely disregards male victims, even in the statistics. No images of men or boys, other than t-shirt models. Not one word about abused men or boys (Half of all DV victims.)

Today we're asking you to contact NCADV. Tell them to tell the ENTIRE truth about DV. Demand that they end their gender bias!

Email Exec. Dir. Rita Smith:

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