A Brief History of Man-Hating Music Videos

Article here. Excerpt:

'Misogyny in music, from rock to pop to hip hop, is a phenomenon so ancient and ubiquitous that it doesn’t even surprise us anymore. Neither, in this post-Madonna era, is it strange to see female pop stars treat men like sex objects. But what happens when these artists, besieged not only by their male counterparts but also a catty entertainment press and constant political threats to women’s rights, forgo the soft blows of easy objectification in favor of mounting a full-on attack on men? It’s not necessarily that some of pop’s brightest stars are giving off misandrist vibes; they’re simply mincing fewer words to put men in their place. Inspired by Christina Aguilera’s recent video for “Your Body,” which kicks off with a cheeky promise that “No men were harmed in the making of this video,” we’re taking a look at some of the most man-hating music videos in pop history.'

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The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and the War on Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) arguably is one of the most misguided pieces of legislation ever passed by Congress. From conceptualization to consequences it has wreaked a wide swath of destruction across American society and accurately can be described as “A War on Men.” Conceptually, VAWA is based on the false Duluth Power and Control Wheel model. VAWA falsely presumes that all Domestic Violence (DV) is perpetrated by evil patriarchal males against virtuously innocent female victims. This false gender ideology has no research support.

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University Uses Taxpayer Dollars For “War on Women” Forum

Article here. Excerpt:

'The University of Michigan is defending their promotion of a feminist forum that state Republicans believe was an out-right partisan event that violated the university’s tax exempt status.
“The Republican War on Women” forum was held earlier this week and was moderated by a university employee who made political contributions to the Democratic National committee and the Obama campaign.

The event infuriated Rachel Jankowski, the president of the University of Michigan’s College Republicans.

“For a university that totes diversity and acceptance, it shows those feel good words only apply to people who espouse its shared liberal viewpoints,” she wrote. “Such hostile events have no place at a public university. Any use of taxpayer dollars to sponsor this event could be seen as participating in campaigns, which would be a violation of federal law.”'

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'NOW Can We Kick The Boy Scouts To The Curb?'

Article here. Excerpt:

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'Frightened Men Love Mitt Romney'

Article here. Excerpt:

'These are the facts you don't want to know. This is the hard data that can make you cringe, that can despoil the soul and make you wonder at the sad state of the modern world, and gender politics, and the tragically deceived hearts of (ahem) men.

All that progress! All that supposed enlightenment! All that push and desire, that evolution and that open-hearted possibility! And for what? For naught! For shame!

Maybe I was just blocking it out. Maybe I just didn't want to recall just how wide, how gnarled, how ugly the gender gap was in the last presidential election, when a strong majority of American men for some godforsaken reason wanted McCain and a huge majority of women understandably wanted Obama, and it was all tied to an antiquated idea that the modern male still hadn't evolved much beyond his own chauvinistic posturing and the hollow, old-school, might-makes-right machismo McCain so wobblingly represented.

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SAVE E-lert: Make VAWA Reform a Campaign Issue

Have your civil rights been trampled by current abuse laws? Do you want to bring the need for reform into the public eye? For the next two weeks, you have a unique opportunity to put the domestic violence issue on the political radar screen.

Between now and Nov. 6, visit campaign townhall meetings, rallies, and events. Pass out flyers and ask the candidates if they support reform.

Visit the SAVE website for question ideas, flyers, nationwide survey results, special reports, event information, and more: http://www.saveservices.org/campaign-2012/

Have a friend take photos or video. We'd love to see them. And by all means, let us know if your question gets in the news!

Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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Little Rock Shelter Provides Room for Single Dads

Article here. Excerpt:

'There are several places open across Arkansas that are waiting to help homeless women and children, but more and more single dads are finding themselves homeless and with virtually no where to turn for help.

But one Little Rock shelter is doing what it can to be the solution to an ever-increasing problem.
The shelter also helps Sean and others save their money with the ultimate goal of getting back out on their own.

"I work 40-50 hours a week," Sean says. "Once I move into a place, I'll be able to afford rent and utilities and stuff. It's just a matter of when you first move in somewhere, it's $2,000, rent, deposit, electricity; it's this big sum of money I don't have."

In the meantime, Our House provides, food and shelter for both of them, as well as daycare for Aiden, who's making himself at home.
Our House estimates around 18 people have lived in a room dedicated to single dads and their kids in the two years they've had it available.'

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What to do if she says you're the father

Article here. Excerpt:

'Inside was a letter from the Gaston County Child Support Enforcement Agency. It informed McClain that a woman had identified him as the father of her nearly 3-year-old son.

McClain, 77, read that an appointment had already been made for him. He would need to bring his last four wage stubs, verification of other child support he was paying, and further personal financial information to the Department of Social Services.

“Consider this letter to be a formal demand for support for (the child’s name),” the letter read.

There was one small problem. McClain, a Mount Holly resident, had never heard of the woman named in the letter, much less her son. And he said he certainly had never stepped outside the bounds of his marriage.
“This is just another example of a government institution refusing to look practically at its own caseload,” he wrote.

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A 5-Concussion Pee Wee Game Leads to Penalties for the Adults

Article here. So you wonder where boys learn that they're utterly dispensable? Easy enough. They learn it from their parents, who stand around and do nothing (or are complicit) while they get their heads bashed in playing a game their bodies aren't nearly ready for. After all, if a 23-YO man in the prime of life, bulging with muscles and wearing a padded helmet, can suffer a serious concussion that leaves him unintelligible when he's 40, what do you suppose happens to 10-year-olds when they get their heads bashed in? Excerpt:

'It took just one play on Sept. 15 to suggest the game between the Southbridge Pop Warner pee wees and their rivals, the Tantasqua Braves, could mean trouble. Two Tantasqua players were hit so hard that their coach pulled them off the field. An emergency medical technician on the sidelines evaluated the boys, grew worried that they might have concussions, and had them take their pads off.

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Crystal Mangum charged with murdering boyfriend

And somehow, feminists have just kept on supporting her. There's no end to the insanity. Story here. Excerpt:

'Durham, N.C. — Family members of a man who was stabbed in his home April 3 say he died Wednesday evening. Crystal Mangum, the Durham woman who falsely accused three Duke University lacrosse players of rape in 2006, has been charged with assaulting him.

Durham police confirmed Thursday morning that Reginald Daye, 46, had died.

"The case remains under investigation, and we do anticipate upgrading the charges. However, no new charges have been filed at this time," police spokeswoman Kammie Michael said in an e-mail to WRAL News.

Police said Mangum, 32, stabbed Daye in the torso with a kitchen knife during a dispute at 3507 Century Oaks Drive early on April 3.
A man who said he was Daye's nephew called 911 to report the stabbing, saying it occurred while Daye and his girlfriend were arguing about rent money. The caller said police came to the apartment complex earlier while the couple argued, but the stabbing occurred after the officers left.

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UNC drops term ‘freshman’ in favor of ‘gender inclusive language’

Article here. Excerpt:

'The University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill has removed the word “freshman” from official university documents, citing as their reason an attempt to adopt more “gender inclusive language.”

We are “committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our community,” reads a statement administrators sent to Campus Reform on Monday.
Some students, however, expressed discontent over the change in policy.

Brandon Hartness, Executive Vice Chair for the school’s college Republicans chapter, told Campus Reform he feels the university is allowing political correctness to drive their decisions.

“I feel like they are making a big deal out of nothing,” said Hartness. “Girls are not going to deem the word [freshman] as sexist.”'

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Towson University athletic department recommends cutting men's baseball, soccer

Article here. Excerpt:

'Towson University announced Tuesday that its athletics department recommended the school’s NCAA men’s baseball and soccer teams be cut after the 2012-2013 school year, according to a message from President Maravene Loeschke on the school’s website.

“Our Towson University community holds a great deal of pride for our baseball and men’s soccer student-athletes and the legacy they have established with Towson University,” Loeschke said in the online letter.
The task force was charged with increasing Towson’s competitiveness, establishing long-term stability of the athletics department, and maintaining Title IX compliance, which ensures equal funding for men’s and women’s sports.'

Also see: Towson University Cutting Baseball Is Inexcusable

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Australia: "Male teachers need special exemption from equal opportunity laws"

Article here. Excerpt:

'South Australia has the highest proportion of male teaching staff in the nation at 30 per cent, according to 2011 Australian Bureau of Statistics data.

But that is down from 34 per cent a decade ago and only a few per cent more than other states and territories.

Nationally, the proportion of male teachers has fallen everywhere except in the Northern Territory.

The Education Department does not run specific programs to recruit male teachers, prompting MPs and school leaders to call for a more targeted strategy.

Opposition education spokesman David Pisoni said the department should consider applying for exemptions from equal opportunity laws to recruit only men for some school positions "if we're serious about stemming the decline".'

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Leaders, educators help engineer future workforce

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women earn 20 percent of all bachelor degrees in physics, engineering and computer science.

2018 workforce projections show 9 of 10 of the fastest growing occupations that mandate bachelor degrees require significant scientific or mathematical training.

Science and engineering occupations are predicted to grow faster than the average rate of all other occupations, and some of the largest increases will be in engineering and computer-related fields.

Sources: American Association of University Women 2010 “Why so Few” report; The National Science Foundation; and the U.S. Department of Labor

“Engineers design things people use daily — including buildings, bridges, computers, cars, wheelchairs and X-ray machines. When women are not involved in the design of these products, needs of women may be overlooked. Consider some of the early voice-recognition systems; they were calibrated to typical male voices. Women’s voices were unheard.

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Women And STEM Careers: How Microsoft Is Building A Bridge To Future Innovation -- One Girl At A Time

Article here. Excerpt:

'Microsoft believes they need diverse teams to encourage innovation and ensure technological advancements. With women accounting for only 18% of the Bachelor’s degrees awarded in computer and information sciences and support services in the U.S. as of 2009-2010, Rane and Microsoft realize the need to grow interest at a younger age to attract more women to the field of technology. Working with their communities, governments, NGOs/IGOs, and academic and research institutions, they inspire women with creative thinking skills to pursue technical careers.

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