Anti-circumcision activists confront pediatricians

Article here. Excerpt:

'NEW ORLEANS — Pediatricians gathered here for the American Academy of Pediatrics convention were greeted by protesters urging the medical group to rethink its position on an issue that makes most people squirm: the circumcision of newborn boys.

And although the American Academy of Pediatrics doesn’t recommend routine removal of infants’ foreskins — that has been its stance since 1999 — its report, released two months ago, does cite literature saying that the procedure can prevent urinary-tract infections, cancer of the penis and sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS.

Such benefits, the report says, justify its coverage by private insurance and Medicaid. But opponents, who call themselves “intactivists,” go beyond mere opposition to the circumcision of healthy infants.

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Domestic violence shelter also shelters pets

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman needed to leave her abusive home in Kansas City earlier this year, but didn’t want to leave her dog behind.

She couldn’t find a domestic violence shelter that accepted pets, so she lived on the streets.

That’s where she likely would have remained, if not for the opening of a pet shelter at the Rose Brooks shelter four months ago. Since then, she and many other women have been able to escape abusers without losing their pets.

Rose Brooks is the only domestic violence shelter in the region — and among just a few across the country — to have a stand-alone pet shelter. It even hired a pet shelter advocate to oversee operations.

The shelter, called Paws Place, has four large “state-of-the art” kennels built to lower stress and prevent the spread of disease. Each kennel, which is like a small room, is filled with homemade pillows, cozy blankets and chewy toys.'

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Do men need quotas and a rights movement?

Article here. Excerpt:

'As Germany fails to close the gender gap in the workplace, and a debate continues about whether quotas should be introduced to improve the mix of people working at the top levels of industry in the country, the figures generally show men way ahead of women.

Yet Schröder hosted a conference in Berlin on Wednesday to talk about what could be done to help men. She told how the share of kindergarten teachers who are male in Germany had risen from 2.4 to 2.9 percent. Yet she was put to shame by the 10 percent of Norwegian kindergarten teachers who are men.

Men are stuck in clichéd roles just as women are, she said – and pointed to the “Boys’ Day” she has set up to encourage boys to go and spend a day in a traditionally female work place.

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F&F: Ohio Service Member Is Granted Special Orders for Deployment

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Army officer who came to my office was worried. His relationship with his ex-wife, the mother of his child, was rocky to say the least. He had his orders deploying him to Afghanistan for at least a year. Was there anything he could do to make sure he could stay in touch with his son?

Because of Fathers and Families of Ohio’s work on military custody issues, Ohio is one of 36 states protecting our service members’ custody. As a result, the Ohio legislature and Governor John Kasich created a series of laws to protect Ohio service members deployed and on active duty in 2011. These laws effectively address the four biggest problems deployed service members face when trying to stay in contact with their children:'

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Book: Rise of gender and ethnic studies programs helped bring about decline of modern academia

Article here. Excerpt:

'Modern academia has gone astray and identity studies programs are in large part the culprit, argues author and poet Bruce Bawer in his new book ”The Victims’ Revolution: The Rise of Identity Studies and the Closing of the Liberal Mind.”

“Identity studies sum up everything that’s wrong with the humanities today,” Bawer told The Daily Caller. “They’re about nothing other than group identity, group oppression, and group grievance. Instead of engaging in objective scholarly study of, say, black American history or women’s literature, these departments are boosters for everything having to do with the group in question. It’s all slogans. Kids don’t learn anything other than to think of themselves as having been wronged by capitalism, by the West, by America, by white men.”

Bawer says that this has consequences beyond the classroom.

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Ohio nurses get probation in malnutrition death of teen girl who weighed 28 lbs. when she died

Article here. Excerpt:

'CINCINNATI – Two Ohio nurses were sentenced to probation on Wednesday in the malnutrition death of a 14-year-old girl who had cerebral palsy and weighed 28 pounds when she died, avoiding a sentence of up to one-and-a-half years in prison.

Mary Kilby of Miamisburg and Kathryn Williams of Englewood were sentenced to up to five years of probation in the Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas in Dayton on Wednesday stemming from the March 1, 2011, death of Makayla Norman.

Authorities say the teen had numerous bed sores and was living in filthy conditions when she died from nutritional and medical neglect complicated by cerebral palsy in what a coroner said at the time was the "worst malnourished child" his office had ever seen.'

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Verizon Foundation Launches New Domestic Violence Awareness Effort Encouraging All Men to Join and Engage in Prevention Efforts

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ted Bunch, co-founder of A CALL TO MEN, said, "We encourage and invite men to become the solution to preventing domestic violence by raising their voices and awareness through Your Voice Counts. Together, we can all create a better world for our daughters, our sons, our sisters, our mothers and ultimately ourselves."

Domestic violence is one of the most critical public health issues for women, resulting in serious, long-term health impacts and devastating effects on children and families. According to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 1 in 4 women and nearly 1 in 7 men in the U.S. have experienced severe physical violence by an intimate partner at some point in their lifetimes.

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Group asks universities to crack down on false rape claims across the nation

Article here. Excerpt:

'Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE), a nonprofit victim-advocacy organization, is asking colleges to crack down on false accusations of sexual assault, citing a growing number of false claims.

In a letter to the president of the University of Montana, a campus that had a recent sexual assault case involving an athlete, SAVE addressed the problem of false claims.

According to the letter, ”during the past year, false-rape cases have been reported at the University of North Dakota, Yale University, University of Connecticut, University of North Florida, Xavier University and elsewhere.”
SAVE tries to broaden its argument by saying all false claims, not just claims of sexual crimes, are occurring, citing an article from the University of Northern Florida’s Spinnaker.

According to the article, police are now giving students citations for false claims to combat the increasing occurrence.

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Denzel Washington's secret to marital success: Stay silent and do whatever she says

Article here. Quite a price to pay for such "bliss". I imagine another factor is that they probably don't see one another too much, an actor's schedule often being what it is. After all, how long can anyone, male or female, live under such circumstances and not eventually want to run like hell in the other direction? Excerpt:

'So what is the secret to their relationship's longevity? According to the actor, it's a two-step process: "Do whatever my wife says, and keep my mouth shut!" he told Wonderwall at the Los Angeles premiere of his latest film, "Flight."'

Imagine if a woman said that her 'secret to marital success' were to keep her mouth shut and do everything her husband told her to do? Can you just imagine the reaction? She'd be drummed out of the Los Angeles-Hollywood party circuit, labelled a traitor to her own sex and a bad example to girls and women everywhere! So what is Mr. Washington, then?

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11-year-old boy convinced NFL to use pink penalty flags this week

Story here. I see pink ribbons all over the place. At work. In drug stores, on soda cups, on billboards. It seems that now every month is BCAM (you don't even need me to tell you what that acronym stands for, do you?).

Maybe one day, there'll be an 11-YO girl who convinces the officials at a women's soccer game, or football game, or at the LPGA, or at some major sporting event where women compete, to use some kind of purple-colored somethings during the event to mark Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Purple-colored golf hole flags, perhaps. Or maybe purple-frilled jerseys for the soccer players. Or maybe a women's basketball team can use a purple basketball. But what do you suppose the chances IN HELL of that happening are? Answer: 0.00x10Umpteen-kazillion

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NCFM shares 'Transitions' magazine on-line for first time

Great to see it! Oct. 2012 edition here. What a great Halloween treat! About the release:

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It's Time To Take Steps To Reverse The Decline Of Men

Article here. Excerpt:

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A Brief History of Man-Hating Music Videos

Article here. Excerpt:

'Misogyny in music, from rock to pop to hip hop, is a phenomenon so ancient and ubiquitous that it doesn’t even surprise us anymore. Neither, in this post-Madonna era, is it strange to see female pop stars treat men like sex objects. But what happens when these artists, besieged not only by their male counterparts but also a catty entertainment press and constant political threats to women’s rights, forgo the soft blows of easy objectification in favor of mounting a full-on attack on men? It’s not necessarily that some of pop’s brightest stars are giving off misandrist vibes; they’re simply mincing fewer words to put men in their place. Inspired by Christina Aguilera’s recent video for “Your Body,” which kicks off with a cheeky promise that “No men were harmed in the making of this video,” we’re taking a look at some of the most man-hating music videos in pop history.'

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The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and the War on Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) arguably is one of the most misguided pieces of legislation ever passed by Congress. From conceptualization to consequences it has wreaked a wide swath of destruction across American society and accurately can be described as “A War on Men.” Conceptually, VAWA is based on the false Duluth Power and Control Wheel model. VAWA falsely presumes that all Domestic Violence (DV) is perpetrated by evil patriarchal males against virtuously innocent female victims. This false gender ideology has no research support.

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University Uses Taxpayer Dollars For “War on Women” Forum

Article here. Excerpt:

'The University of Michigan is defending their promotion of a feminist forum that state Republicans believe was an out-right partisan event that violated the university’s tax exempt status.
“The Republican War on Women” forum was held earlier this week and was moderated by a university employee who made political contributions to the Democratic National committee and the Obama campaign.

The event infuriated Rachel Jankowski, the president of the University of Michigan’s College Republicans.

“For a university that totes diversity and acceptance, it shows those feel good words only apply to people who espouse its shared liberal viewpoints,” she wrote. “Such hostile events have no place at a public university. Any use of taxpayer dollars to sponsor this event could be seen as participating in campaigns, which would be a violation of federal law.”'

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