Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2012-10-31 01:00
Article here. Excerpt:
'In Baltimore, the collection of child support has been outsourced to a private, for-profit company, a subsidiary of Maximus Corp., whose website lauds its ability to "improve collections." This incentivizes a zero-tolerance approach to child-support enforcement, despite research indicating that certain well-defined arrearages will never be collected. In addition, the hidden cost of this merciless and relentless collection process on the underclass of Baltimore is rarely discussed. It results in substantial detriment to young men's lives and thwarts their participation in the formal labor force.
Let's start with wage garnishment. If you owe more than 12 weeks' worth of child support, you can have up to 65 percent of your take-home wages garnished. Let's say you manage to get a job making $10 an hour. This could leave you with as little as $3.50 an hour to pay for rent, utilities, transportation, food and clothing, not to mention caring for your kids.
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2012-10-31 00:34
Article here. Excerpt:
'CHICAGO, Oct. 29, 2012 -- /PRNewswire/ -- Fathers' rights pioneer and Chicago-based leading Attorney Jeffery M. Leving will receive the National Lifetime Volunteer Call to Service Award for his commitment as a volunteer for The Fathers & Family Coalition of America (FFCA) on November 2, 2012. This award is presented on behalf of the FFCA and the President's Volunteer Service Awards Points of Light Foundation at the University of Southern California.
The National Lifetime Volunteer Call to Service Award, which President Obama is providing through the Points of Light Foundation, is an esteemed honor as only a few have been presented. James C. Rodriguez, Chief Executive Officer and President of the FFCA is delighted that this distinctive award is being presented to Leving.'
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2012-10-31 00:22
Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2012-10-30 23:54
Article here. Excerpt:
'Three women carrying protest signs marched back and forth in front of the Hunterdon County Courthouse in Flemington for several hours on Friday morning, Oct. 26, criticizing the state’s Family Court. In particular, they objected to putting people in jail for not making required alimony payments because they didn’t have the money.
“Free John Waldorf from Debtor’s Prison,” read one sign. The protest was organized by Deb Frank of Washington Crossing, Pa. Waldorf, her boyfriend, is a former Califon resident, in jail since Oct. 17 because he was only paying $5,500 a month, while he was under a court order to pay $8,000.
“But it’s not just this judge, this is throughout the state” that in her view people are being treated unfairly by the courts, said a good friend of Frank’s, Shelia Taylor of Ocean Grove, Monmouth County, who joined her in the protest. Also taking part was another close friend, Janice Klug of Newtown, Pa.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2012-10-28 19:19
Article here. Excerpt:
'Hide what you are about to read from every man who has ever tried to blame his girlfriend's temper on her cycle. There is new evidence that suggests women will snap at their heterosexual partners more often while they are ovulating. Specifically, a recent study suggests that ladies who took, well, everyone's advice and settled down with brainy, stable guys instead of hunky irresponsible playboys are likely to find fault with their mates when they are most fertile.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2012-10-28 18:43
Story here. Excerpt:
'TRENTON — New Jersey’s government has councils to address a wide array of issues, from government records and local mandates to clean water and the Highlands region.
But a South Jersey legislator feels an important concern is being overlooked, so he’s proposed a council to promote responsible fatherhood.
“Twenty-four million kids under 18 live in homes absent a biological father,” says Assemblyman Troy Singleton, D-Burlington, who notes the proposed panel could identify “needs and priorities relating to fatherhood programs in the state.” The 21-member council also would work to attract federal grants and raise awareness of the impact of absentee fathers, he said.
“Getting them to understand the commitment is a challenge,” says Liss, who cites the club’s own Passport to Manhood weekly program for boys 13 through 18. “We get them to understand you have to make responsible decisions. They have to understand the ramifications of fatherhood.”'
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2012-10-28 18:38
Obesity is now a major health problem not just in the developed world but also in the less-developed world. Reasons are simple: People are getting less exercise by working or working out than ever before. And, people are eating more than they used to by calories per person, and the calories are more likely to come from low-nutrient or out-and-out bad-for-you sources, like soda and processed foods. The stats on developed world obesity are unbelievable, but believe it. Look at this chart for the US. The numbers are very similar in other western countries as well. Notice how the numbers climb for both sexes as people get older. But the real story is how it kills people prematurely. Look at this. Excerpt:
'Recent work commissioned by the Taskforce indicates that if current trends in overweight and obesity continue, there will be approximately 1.75 million deaths at ages 20+ years and 10.3 million premature years of life lost (PYLL) at ages 20–74 years caused by overweight/obesity in Australia in 2011 to 2050. Each Australian aged 20–74 years who dies from overweight/obesity in 2011 to 2050 will lose, on average, 12 years of life before the age of 75 years.'
There's no reason to believe the facts around Australian premature deaths don't hold true for other developed countries' populations. 12 years of life lost due to being obese or overweight. That's incredible.
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2012-10-28 14:57
Article here. Excerpt:
'NEW YORK (AP) -- Friends and relatives of Yoselyn Ortega, the New York City nanny accused of stabbing two young children to death, said she appeared to be struggling emotionally and financially recently. Few, though, could offer any explanation for what might have caused her to attack the children.
"Apparently over the last month she was not herself," said police department spokesman Paul Browne.'
"She snapped," "She was not herself," etc. Well yes, obviously. She was obviously quite "disturbed," enough to murder two children and attempt to kill herself. Makes no difference though. But wait, it may just indeed make a difference because she's a... she.
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Submitted by Minuteman on Sun, 2012-10-28 03:35
Link here. Excerpt:
'Former Labor prime minister Kevin Rudd wrote his own version of what happened when he was dumped by his party for one-term MP Maxine McKew's book about her time in politics, "Tales From The Political Trenches".
Rudd said that he felt "betrayed" by then Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard and losing the top job was exacerbated by the fact that he had supported her ambitions.
"I too wanted to see a female prime minister. So given all of that, I was stunned when the coup occurred," he wrote.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2012-10-27 20:42
Article here. Excerpt:
'The nonsensical “war on women” charge against Republicans has gone too far and may have backfired. An Associated Press-GfK Group poll last week found that women, long Obama’s strongest asset in his re-election bid, have come to favor Republican Mitt Romney 49 percent to 45 percent. If true, it may prove disastrous for President Barack Obama. An ABC/Washington Post daily tracking poll had conflicting results, indicating Obama may still have a commanding lead with women.
Regardless, all reliable data indicate a decline in his support among women.
In a pathetic effort to jump start the “war on women,” the Obama for America campaign this week released the most tasteless and insulting ad of the election season, and that’s saying something.
Most American women are perfectly capable of managing their reproductive choices without assistance from the president. Most have a vast assortment of interests and concerns beyond their sex lives, but we seldom hear that from the president.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2012-10-27 20:18
Video here. Transcript:
'PIERS MORGAN, HOST: You called me in the break a sexist, misogynist pig.
MORGAN: Can you explain why?
MORGAN: What have I said that's been remotely sexist.
COULTER: “Calm down.” Oh, it is the conservative female obligation to…
MORGAN: You were hyperventilating.
COULTER: ..I'm not hyperventilating. I'm disagreeing with you, which apparently is insulting your teeny, tiny, male ego. It is the most insulting, condescending, sexist thing to say to a female - generally conservative - who disagrees with you. No, it's my obligation to back down and accept your point, and if I don't, “You're not being calm...'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2012-10-27 00:22
Article here. Excerpt:
'Since the 1980s, women have largely contributed to the jump in college enrollment, a trend also witnessed at ISU. But some of ISU faculty members wonder if the men are being left behind.
Associate professor of history Daniel Clark said while the surge in college female enrollment is positive, it sheds light on a troubling phenomena in male academia: less men are going to college.
“The college degree is not a worthwhile possibility to men,” he said, adding that college was always an option for men, but never instilled by American culture to be a necessity.”
Lisa Phillips, assistant professor of history, acknowledged that “there wasn’t enough research” on the behavioral studies, but agreed with Clark.
“There’s a gap that’s developed academically,” Phillips said. “Studiousness has become gendered.”'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2012-10-27 00:20
Article here. Excerpt:
'Why are fewer men choosing to work? For that, we turn to the Census Bureau's 2012 Statistical Abstract. The participation rate is lower for single men than for married men, and marriage rates in the US have been falling for decades, so we'd expect a modest decline from that. Looking by age bucket, it's been pretty steady for single and married men for everyone over the age of 25 since the start of the Great Recession.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2012-10-26 22:32
Article here. Excerpt:
'President Barack Obama is straining to woo women voters to support him for reelection in spite of his sketchy record when it comes to issues affecting females.
Obama was asked during this week’s debate how he would “rectify the inequalities in the workplace, specifically regarding females making only 72 percent of what their male counterparts earn?”
The president claimed to have “fixed” that problem with the first bill he signed into law – the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.
Then there’s Julia, the fictitious character created by the Obama campaign that leads voters though an informational graphic on everything Obama has done to help women.
Julia’s life begins with the head start program for all children, that actually began under former President Lyndon Johnson, to Pell grants, also created by Johnson, to Obamacare, that will cost thousands of dollars more each year in insurance premiums, but includes “free” birth control.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2012-10-26 19:57
Story here. Excerpt:
'GRUNDY CENTER, Iowa (AP) — A trial is set for next year in an Iowa man's paternity fraud lawsuit against his former girlfriend.
Joseph Dier, of Grundy Center, seeks to recover money he spent supporting a daughter born in 2009 who turned out not to be his. Dier claims Cassandra Jo Peters enticed him into believing he was the father to get money and that he supported them for more than two years.'
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