Obama and the Women’s Lobby

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Affordable Care Act mentions “breast” 44 times, “prostate” not once. It also establishes an elaborate and expensive network of special programs to promote women’s health. Programs for men are nowhere to be found. What explains the imbalance?

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Woman murders children, blames truck-driver husband's absence

Link here. Excerpt:

'A Polish woman charged with murder in the stabbing deaths of her seven-year-old son and a five-year-old girl she was babysitting had been upset about her own father's recent death, a prosecutor says.

But what role Elzbieta Plackowska's grief over her father's death may have played in her actions on Tuesday - when authorities say she stabbed the two children dozens of times as they begged for their lives - DuPage County State's Attorney Robert Berlin could not say.
Plackowska, a 40-year-old Polish immigrant, told investigators that her husband, a truck driver, used to bring her flowers and gifts, but she resented him being home only on weekends and that she had to work as a maid, which she felt was beneath her, Berlin said.

"She felt he truly did not appreciate how fine a wife and mother she was," he said.'

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IA: Special Report from New Orleans

Last week, members of the Intact America staff, along with dozens of intactivists from around the country, attended the 2012 American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) convention in New Orleans, Louisiana. Unlike in years past, this year the AAP barred us from hosting a booth inside the exhibition hall, citing as a reason Intact America’s planned demonstration, which we promoted on our Facebook page. The real reason they barred us: They know we are right. They are afraid of us. And they want to pretend we don’t exist.

Well, thanks to your generous support, we made our presence VERY well known:

  • We staged a major press conference attended by supporters as well as doctors and people new to the cause. The event was subsequently covered by The Washington Post!
  • We spent three days protesting on the corner directly across the street from the convention center, on the sidewalks in front of the building, and on the “neutral ground”—a strip of land in the middle of the street, a spot impossible for the convention-goers and passers-by to miss. We talked with attendees; we walked and hoisted our signs and voices high. See our AAP Conference Report Page for more photos, and our Facebook page for even more.
  • Intact America reinvested the funds from the exhibition booth into running our Open Letter in both the New Orleans Times-Picayune and the Baton Rouge Advocate—twice!—reaching several million people over that weekend.
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Australia: New Grants Build on the Work at 58 Men’s Sheds

Link here. Excerpt:

'More than fifty Men’s Sheds across Australia will receive funding from the Australian Government to upgrade their facilities or buy new equipment and tools, in the latest round of grants announced today by Minister for Indigenous Health Warren Snowdon.

“Men’s Sheds offer more than just a place for blokes to catch up and work on the tools – in many parts of country Australia they give men a lifeline to a network of mates and support,” Mr Snowdon said.

“In this round of funding we looked at giving priority to towns and regions with higher than average rates of unemployment – we know men in these areas are more likely to suffer from isolation.”

“We provide the money for the bricks and tools, but it’s the men and their camaraderie that make these sheds work,” Mr Snowdon said.

58 Men’s Sheds from across the country will share in $125,000 worth of funding to assist with purchasing tools for woodwork, including saws, drills and safety equipment, as well as providing money for upgrades to facilities.

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Who are the Hurricane Sandy Heroes?

I don't need to talk too much about Hurricane Sandy at this point, but just in case you have been living under a rock the past 1-2 weeks and just came up for air, read about it here. Millions without power or ready access to food and medical help remain while homes, businesses, infrastructure are still flooded. Thousands of people also remain stranded in some places and it may take days (as of this writing) to get them out.

So, who is doing the work to restore power, and who had it going in the first place? Who are fighting the fires that have broken out in places as a result of the storm? Who are risking their own lives regularly to rescue others? Who are risking their lives to maintain or restore law and order in places that are currently still, literally, in the dark?

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Could You Have a Male Eating Disorder?

Article here. Excerpt:

'When the subject of eating disorders comes up, most people naturally think it’s a chick thing. But the latest research shows that gender is neither a predictor of—or an insurance policy against—body image issues. In fact, the number of guys worldwide who suffer from eating disorders is on the rise, according to Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention. “There’s a lot more pressure these days for guys to have a cut body than there used to be in the past,” says Ted Weltzin, MD, medical director of eating disorder services at Rogers Memorial Hospital in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin.

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HuffPost: Male Rape is Real

Video report here. The video report has no text, so here is some information on the topic from Wikipedia. Excerpt:

'Several studies argue that male-male prisoner rape, as well as female-female prisoner rape, might be the most common and least-reported forms of rape, with some studies suggesting such rapes are substantially more common in both per-capita and raw-number totals than male-female rapes in the general population.

Research from the UK suggests that almost 3% of men reported a non-consensual sexual experience as adults and over 5% of men reported sexual abuse as a child. This does not take into account the possibility of underreporting. Recognition of male on male rape in law has historically been limited; the first successful prosecution for attempted male on male rape in the UK was not until 1995.
Much like female erectile response and contrary to popular opinion, male erectile response is involuntary, meaning that a man need not consent for his penis to become erect and be placed in a woman's vagina. Penetration of a man by a woman is possible through forcible stimulation of external male genitalia or the anus, or by forced penetration of the anus with the use of strap-ons, dildos, other foreign objects which could include a tongue (inserted or external) in forced oral, forced digit manipulation, and digital penetration. A woman could also force a man to perform oral sex on her. Rape of a man by a woman could also occur when limited sexual activities are agreed upon and a man's penis is placed in a woman in violation of the limits that had been set. Rape of a man by a woman is thus possible in several ways.

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The One Picture Feminists Don't Want Anyone to See

Look at this image. If you can't download it due to volume restrictions, try later. It's that good. Then when you see it, save it to your hard drive (if you don't know how to do this, see this .pdf document; if you are still confused, ask someone for help).

This is the image feminists don't want you you to see. It's a picture of a US soldier just back from deployment whose wife got pregnant just before he left. He had never seen his baby until now. And the picture tells it all as far as his reaction-- as well as how he feels about his baby.

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"Wear Blue" movement seeks to raise awareness of men's health issues

Article here. Excerpt:

'There is an ongoing, increasing and predominantly silent crisis in the health and well-being of men. Due to a lack of awareness, poor health education, and culturally induced behavior patterns in their work and personal lives, men's health and well-being are deteriorating steadily. Society is being dramatically affected because men are living approximately 5 years less than women.'

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Men Can Get Breast Cancer Too

Article here. Maybe some of those pink ribbons should have a little blue added to them in places. Then again, ask for donations to help fight breast cancer in men and you're likely to get a dirty look. Ask for the same for women, and the wallets open up. Can you believe there are still some feminists who can keep a straight face and say that women are not getting enough attention from researchers for their particular ailments? Admittedly, the incidence compared with women is 1/100th, so epidemiologically, it's considered "insignificant". Say that to someone whose dad just died from it and see what they tell you. The denial around male health issues would be funny for its ridiculousness if it were not for the tragic consequences. Excerpt:

'The focus of Breast Cancer Awareness efforts are focused on women -- the ribbons are pink, after all. But men can get breast cancer too.

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Campaign to reduce suicide in young men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Cumbria mental health service is supporting a campaign by the Samaritans to try and reduce the number of suicides in young men.

Dr Richard Thwaites, Clinical Lead for the Cumbria mental health service First Step, explains:

“About three quarters of suicides in Cumbria are among men. I think the new campaign from the Samaritans is a great opportunity to raise awareness and encourage men to seek help when they need it.

"Men can be hesitant to seek treatment for psychological problems for various reasons, such as a belief that they ‘should’ be able to cope or that experiencing such problems makes them weak. Clearly this isn’t true - First Step receives referrals for over 6,000 men each year suffering with such problems.

"This is a normal part of life for men, even if it’s not as widely discussed as it may be for women. First Step offers a range of evidence-based treatments that can help men to understand and change the way they have been feeling.'

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CDC: U.S. Birth Rate Hits All-Time Low; 40.7% of Babies Born to Unmarried Women

As most of you might know from previous comments, I am fine with an ever-decreasing birthrate. The planet's population has exploded over the past 200-300 years, largely due to increased hygiene (including the invention of the toothbrush) and better nutrition generally, and that doesn't bode well for the future. But while the low birthrate we see in the western world may trouble some, even more troubling is the very high birthrates in parts of the world that can least afford adding to their populations, resulting in unnecessary suffering and conflict over ever-scarcer resources.

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Boys raised by traditional families ‘do better at school’

Article here. Excerpt:

'In a major study, researchers said family structures had a much more significant effect on boys’ early education than school type or even the gender of teachers.

It found that boys were much more likely to misbehave, be excluded from school and go on to achieve low grades after rebelling against “emotionally distant” parents.

The pattern is particularly marked in single-parent families where mothers “invest disproportionately less in their sons or feel less warm toward them” than daughters.

The disclosure comes amid continuing concern over the gender gap at the heart of the education system.

Data shows boys fall behind girls after just a year of school and the gulf widens throughout primary and secondary education.'

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SAVE E-lert: Outcome of the Nov. 6 Election Hangs in the Balance - Take Action Now

In a few short days we will face the most important presidential election in our lifetimes.

Will you look back on Nov. 6, 2012 and say that you did everything that you could to affect the outcome?

You still have time to make a difference. Between now and Tuesday, contact your local political party, volunteer to do neighborhood canvassing, make voter calls, and attend local rallies.

Think how proud you'll feel when we are that much closer to reform.


Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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UK: Second National Conference for Men and Boys 2012 Starts November 1

Main Index for Second National Conference for Men & Boys

Thursday 1st November 2012
Event: Men’s Rights Networking Event and Discussion
Theme: How Do We Put Men’s Issues On The Political Agenda?

Friday 2nd November 2012

Saturday 3rd November 2012
Event: The Big Man Gathering

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