2012 International Men's Day

Description here. Excerpt:

'2012 International Men's Day: Helping Men and Boys Live Longer, Happier, Healthier Lives

In the run up to International Men’s Day 2012 (Monday 19th November) we’re asking supporters of the day to focus on five key challenges that will help us improve the health and wellbeing of men and boys all over the world.

Some of the universal health issues that men and boys in all countries around the globe face include lower life expectancy, difficulty accessing mental health services, educational disadvantages, lack of male role models and tolerance of violence against men and boys.'

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Stay-at-home dads on the rise

Story here. Excerpt:

'There's a lot of love and chaos in the David Nicolato household.

"I'm doing it backwards," Nicolato said. "They're upside down. I've got 15 things to do and I have to get out of the house on time."

Nicolato is a stay-at-home dad.

"It's the hardest job in the whole wide world," he said. "But, at the same time, there's nothing else I would rather be doing."

Nicolato's children, 4-year-old Jacob and 2-year-old Ian, are a hand-full.

When mom is at work and on business trips, they know it's dad who runs the show.'

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Identigene Raises Awareness of Paternity Fraud in America

Press release here. Admittedly, this is a press release from a commercial entity. (Everyone's always trying to see you something. *sigh*) Anyway, if you can ignore that much for now, the meat of the text is worth reading. Excerpt:

'Identigene, maker of the only DNA paternity test available in drugstores and supercenters, is working to increase awareness of paternity fraud in America. Paternity fraud occurs when a woman allows a man to assume he is the biological father, even though he is not. It’s an issue with potentially serious consequences for everyone involved, from financial obligations to custody arrangements to emotional attachments.

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"Don't take men's vote for granted"

Letter here. Search on "Don't take men's vote for granted" to get to the letter.

'Given the high volatility of the “women’s vote,” as if women were a homogeneous group, I can understand why both President Obama and Mitt Romney are worried that this volatile vote might go to the other guy (“Critics slam Mitt Romney on equal pay,” Oct. 17). However, if men and fathers don’t have a candidate who speaks to their interests and concerns, what makes either candidate think that men will even bother to get out of bed on Election Day?

Today’s boys, men and fathers are not the boys, men and fathers of the greatest generation. Males today are living in a gender-reversed world where they are at the wrong end of gender gaps in education, health and jobs and income in the younger generations.

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And female pols don't "behave badly"?

Feminists would have you believe sexual and romantic indiscretions are pretty much male politicians' turf. Maybe not so much these days. Story here. "Lady"? There's another word I'd use, but this is a "family site" (well, not exactly, but...). Excerpt:

'The former French justice minister Rachida Dati had up to eight lovers, including Nicolas Sarkozy's brother, in the year she fell pregnant with her daughter, a lawyer for the alleged father has claimed.

Dominique Desseigne will use the fact that Ms Dati had several lovers as one argument to refuse to take a paternity test, Le Monde reported.
Ms Dati, 46, a former minister in Mr Sarkozy's government and now an MEP, filed a paternity case in October to oblige Mr Desseigne, the chief of the Lucien Barriere casino and hotel group, to acknowledge he is the father of three-year-old Zohra.

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Hurricane-relief Guardsmen tossed out of armory - for Victoria's Secret show

Today I thought to myself: What kind of humorous pseudo-story could I come up with for some comedy relief on MANN, heading into tomorrow's debacle that will probably make 2000's pregnant-chad-a-thon look like a slam-dunk Wednesday-morning certainty in comparison? (I really hope I am wrong about this, but only a history that has yet to be made will show if it's true or not.)

So I thought and thought, then came up with this: National Guardsmen called in from wherever to assist with the many tasks needing attention right now in New York City are thrown out of their billet so some Victoria's Secret models could have a place to do their catwalk thing. Perfect! It'll make the guys laugh!

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SAVE E-lert: Your Vote Counts, Every Vote Counts

Tomorrow we will experience the most important presidential election of our lifetimes. And talk about exciting... The race is neck and neck.

This reminds me of 2000, when George W. Bush officially won Florida's electoral votes by a margin of only 537 votes out of almost 6 million cast, winning him the election.

This year, if you live in CO, FL, IA, MI, NV, NH, NC, OH, PA, VA, or WI there's a chance that your ballot could decide who will lead our country for the next four years.

But only if you vote.

Please vote. Your vote counts. Every vote counts!

There are close races for seats in the House and Senate as well.

Tell a friend. Share this elert today!


Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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Cops: Substitute teacher claims 14-year-old got her pregnant

Article here. Excerpt:

'A 35-year-old Texas woman accused of having sex with a 14-year-old boy and then claiming to be pregnant from the relationship may have worked as a substitute teacher at least once in the boy’s classroom, a school official said.

Amanda Sotelo, a resident of Von Ormy, was booked into a Bexar County jail on Nov. 1 on a charge of indecency with a child, Louis J. Antu, spokesman with the Bexar County Sheriff’s Office, told NBC News. Bond was set at $75,000.

School district officials learned of the allegations Oct. 31 after the boy's mother alerted them of the relationship, Anne Marie Espinoza, spokeswoman for the Southwest Independent School District in San Antonio, told KSAT-TV.'

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How feminism distorts reality

Letter here. Excerpt:

'Madam -- I am writing to commend Eilis O'Hanlon on her excellent article entitled 'Sometimes it's not so hard to be a woman' (Sunday Independent, October 28). It is long past time that the feminist industry, which survives by perpetuating the myth that women are oppressed, was exposed for the nonsense that it is.

Ms O'Hanlon very competently demolishes the latest silly feminist claim that the recession is having a disproportionate effect on women. It is almost as ridiculous as the other feminist claim that women suffer more than men in war, repeated by Hillary Clinton among others.

The fact that it is predominantly men who are killed, crippled and maimed in war is an inconvenient truth, but feminists are expert at ignoring truth, no matter how blatantly obvious it may be.

That distortion of reality is an integral part of feminism. Its proponents selectively look up through the glass ceiling but refuse to look down into the glass cellar (ie dangerous and dirty jobs) which are almost totally dominated by men.'

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'C*ck Block The Vote' PSA Discourages Men From Voting On 'Totally Biased'

Video here. Text:

'"If you have a penis, on November 6, it's crucial that you stay home and watch porn all day."

That's the message of a new PSA on FX's "Totally Biased with W. Kamau Bell." The thing is, women support President Obama far more than men do, and if, in a reverse-19th amendment situation, only women voted, Obama would win in a landslide. (Assuming they don't let their hormones do the talking on Election Day.)

Everyone wins: Men don't have to inconvenience themselves, and women are happy they get a president who will protect their bodies and health. And if women are happy, men are happy, right?'

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Study: Teens With Lesbian Mothers Do Better In School, Happier In Life

Article here. Excerpt:

'LOS ANGELES (CBS Las Vegas) – Teens living in homes with lesbian mothers are proving to be more successful in school and generally happier in life.

A new study has found that 17-year-olds with lesbian mothers had high school GPAs ranging between A-minus to B-plus, while having strong family bonds with their mothers, whom the teens consider good role models. The Williams Institute at UCLA, which conducted “Adolescents with Lesbian Mothers Describe Their Own Lives,” tracked 78 adolescents over a 26-year period.
The research, which appears in the Journal of Homosexuality, indicated that these teens had very close friends that they felt comfortable informing about their lesbian parents. “They teach me to be accepting of all people on this earth, no matter what differences they may have,” wrote one of 38 adolescent boys tracked in the study.'

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Wage Gap Myth Exposed -- By Feminists

Article here. Excerpt:

'If you believe women suffer systemic wage discrimination, read the new American Association of University Women (AAUW) study Graduating to a Pay Gap. Bypass the verbal sleights of hand and take a hard look at the numbers. Women are close to achieving the goal of equal pay for equal work. They may be there already.

How many times have you heard that, for the same work, women receive 77 cents for every dollar a man earns? This alleged unfairness is the basis for the annual Equal Pay Day observed each year about mid-April to symbolize how far into the current year women have to work to catch up with men's earnings from the previous year. If the AAUW is right, Equal Pay Day will now have to be moved to early January.

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Man Saves Mystery Cabbie During Storm

Story here. Inspiring and more to the point, noble. But as a man coming to someone else's rescue, he is indeed a hero, but risking his life for another person is somewhat expected, is it not? He even expected it of himself. Imagine if he had been a woman. Indeed he (as she) may have done the same, but would she have felt the same obligation to act as he said he felt? And would she also not be now lauded nationally as a hero rather than just as an ordinary fellow doing an extraordinary thing due to circumstance? Excerpt:

'Jon Candelaria, a 25-year-old who works in accounting, was in his apartment near the East River, looking out the window as the streets below filled with water. He saw the taxi do a 360-degree turn and end up in the rising flood. Candelaria, dressed in basketball shorts, threw on a jacket and sneakers and rushed down into the street.

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"Movember" for Men's Health

Movember web site here: http://www.movember.com/. From the US version site here:

'Movember is all about bringing back the moustache, having fun and doing it for a serious cause; men's health, specifically prostate and testicular cancer initiatives. Mo Bros commit to growing a moustache for the 30 days of Movember, and in doing so become walking and talking billboards for the cause. The moustache is our ribbon, the symbol by which we generate conversations, awareness and raise funds for men's health.

Whilst the growing of Mo's is limited to the guys, Mo Sistas play a vital role in the success of Movember by supporting and encouraging the men in their life to get involved, and participating in raising funds and awareness themselves.

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Circumcision Decision: Jewish Couples in Crisis

Article here. Excerpt:

'Back in the days when I was dating, before I met my wonderful husband, I would mention my views about circumcision early in a relationship, namely that I was against it and had no plans to circumcise any future sons. I figured I could marry someone with different interests or even political views, but when it came to circumcising a child, that was a deal-breaker.

Of course, not everyone is passionate about this issue before they have kids. Many people don’t give a second thought to circumcision until they are expecting. By then, if turns out there are strong views in opposite directions, it can lead to a lot of heartache.

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