Leaked emails that PROVE the RAF is prejudiced against white male recruits

Article here. Excerpt:

'No one draws a crowd quite like Tom Cruise, and when the Hollywood star came to London to promote his new Top Gun movie, Her Majesty's Royal Air Force was handed a priceless PR opportunity.

Specifically, its 'Media & Comms' team was asked if they could find a real-life British fighter ace to join Cruise at one of the media events scheduled around the film's glittering premiere in Leicester Square. In late April, an RAF publicity wallah named 'Sarah' therefore emailed officials at RAF bases, looking for someone to take on the job.

And that's when things took a bizarre — and some might say sinister — turn.'

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My boss said ‘we didn’t need another White guy.’ Say what?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Reader: I was chatting with one of my bosses the other day about a potential new hire. He let slip that the executive team ultimately did not extend an offer because “we didn’t need another White guy.” He literally said this out loud. I was taken aback.

To be clear, the candidate was eminently qualified, had made it through multiple rounds of interviews, and was the clear favorite among almost everyone who spoke with him. Further, it’s not like he lost out to someone else — they simply didn’t hire him, and the company started the hiring process all over again! This was a position where a person’s ethnicity/sex were completely irrelevant (it is a data analytics job).

Karla: Of course it’s illegal to make a hiring decision based solely on someone’s skin color and/or sex. Presumably your boss knows that — or perhaps he mistakenly thinks it doesn’t apply to members of the majority.

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Spain passes ‘only yes means yes’ sexual consent law

Article here. Excerpt:

'Spain’s congress has passed legislation referred to as the “only yes means yes law”, drawn up in the wake of the “wolf pack” gang rape in 2016.

The legislation passed with 205 votes in favour, 141 against and 3 abstentions. MPs from the conservative People’s party and the far-right Vox voted against it.

“It’s a victorious day after many years of struggle,” said Irene Montero, the equality minister. “From now on no woman will have to prove that violence or intimidation was used for it to be recognised for what it is.”

Under the new law consent must be affirmative and cannot be assumed to have been given by default or silence.

It was drawn up after five men raped an 18-year-old woman during the 2016 bull-running festival in Pamplona. In court it was argued that video footage from the men’s phones – showing the woman immobile and with her eyes shut during the attack – was proof of consent.

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AUS: Nightclub bans staring without getting ‘verbal consent’ – and hires ‘safety officers’ in pink vests to police revellers

Article here. Does anyone think this policy will ever be used against female patrons? Excerpt:

'A NIGHTCLUB has banned staring without getting "verbal consent" - and hired "safety officers" in pink vests to police revellers.

The venue also asked clubbers not to turn up if their "sole purpose" for their night out is the meet someone to "pick up".

Club 77 in Sydney said managers will call the cops if clubbers stare at others without getting their consent.

And in an Instagram post, the club said "safety officers" in pink vests would enforce the new staring rules.

Club 77 said it wanted to be a "safe space" and updated its rules as it had recently "attracted some people who do not share our values and ethics when it comes to club culture".

It said: "Creating a safe space goes beyond implementing practices to deal with incidents after they have happened.'

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“You cannot send a man to do a woman’s job,” decries Maloney in new campaign ad

Article here. Excerpt:

'A woman’s place is in the House – specifically representing New York’s newly drawn 12th Congressional district, a new television ad from Democratic Rep. Carolyn Maloney asserts.

Maloney, the longtime representative who is now locked in a fierce primary with fellow incumbent Rep. Jerry Nadler to represent much of Manhattan above 14th Street, is putting out a video focusing on Maloney’s battles for women’s rights and reproductive rights for the last half century. “You cannot send a man to do a woman’s job,” Maloney says at the end of the ad, in a not-so-veiled shot at Nadler – and presumably also at Suraj Patel, who is challenging Maloney for the third time. Ashmi Sheth is also running in the primary but has raised little money compared to her opponents.'


Rep. Jerry Nadler beats Rep. Carolyn Maloney in bitter New York House primary

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Feminist ideologues should look in the mirror if they want to know why teenage boys are obsessed with Andrew Tate

Article here. Excerpt:

'Chauvinistic shock-merchant Andrew Tate has recently been banned from Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

Tate went viral over the last few months, largely due to his odious opinions about women.
Given the disdain for men and boys that has permeated popular culture for the past several years, and the lack of traditionally masculine role models, it’s hardly surprising adolescent boys are gravitating towards uber-macho Tate.

It’s been very fashionable for a long time to blame all of society’s ills on men, demonise their masculinity, and attempt to feminise them.

This is evident not only in popular culture, but in the education system.

The extremes of this attitude were seen at Brauer College in Victoria last year, when male students were forced to stand up and apologise to girls for the “behaviours of their gender”, during an assembly on “rape culture”.'

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Campus Title IX Offices Staffed by Ideologues

Video here.

Alexa Schewrha spoke with Teresa Manning, policy director at the National Association of Scholars, about what Title IX changes students can expect when they get back to campus this fall.

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Australia: Fatal crash accused bailed for fifth time

Article here. Excerpt:

'It was almost inevitable that a catastrophic event would flow from Alisha Jane Fagan's driving, a magistrate has told her.

Despite opposition from the grieving family of Melbourne grandfather Sedat Hassan, the woman accused of killing him has been freed on bail.

It's alleged Fagan, 22, was doing at least 78km/h in a 50km/h zone when she smashed into Mr Hassan's car in Sunshine West on June 9 this year.

She denies being the driver, but DNA on the driver's airbag is a match to her with a probability of one to 100 billion, magistrate John Hardy was told.

The charge of dangerous driving causing death is the 14th matter Fagan currently has before the courts. She was on four counts of bail at the time of the crash.

Fagan has been held in custody at Melbourne's women's prison, the Dame Phyllis Frost Centre, since June.
She wore a rosary around her neck and cried heavily throughout the bail application on Wednesday morning.'

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Women Have Borne Pandemic’s Economic Brunt, Australia Tells G-20

Article here. Excerpt:

'Australia’s Finance Minister Katy Gallagher will ask the world to not waste the opportunity to improve economic and gender equality in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, saying women have faced greater “economic consequences” of the crisis.

Gallagher, who is also Minister for Women, will say she wants her country to become a “global leader in gender equality” in a speech to the G-20 Women’s Empowerment Conference in Indonesia on Wednesday.'

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As Mental Health Is More Widely Acknowledged, Men Still Struggle

Article here. Excerpt:

'A growing number of men are speaking up and spreading awareness about the importance of other men prioritizing mental health.
As the importance of mental health becomes more widely accepted in the United States, men are still battling the stigma that it should not be discussed.

But that changed recently when famous MMA fighter Paddy “the Baddie” Pimblett delivered a moving public message after a fight, saying he has been struggling himself.

In his post-fight speech, Pimblett spoke about a close friend of his who had taken his life only days before the fight. He urged men to talk about their issues.

“I’d rather my mate cry on my shoulder than go to his funeral," he said.

The speech was an important message to men worldwide.'

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Bravely Barefoot's Laura Linmar Interview with Sean Kullman on Boys, Men, and Going Forward

Article here. Excerpt:

'The toxic term is harmful. It is linked to ideological rhetoric designed to see the worst in inherent male behavior and presence. We also see it in the term patriarchy. These terms are used to divide people and undermine the social good. The ideals of equality feminism were not meant to marginalize masculinity. But feminism has morphed into a new type of ideology that wants to promote its cause over everything else. (People like Christina Hoff Sommers and Heather MacDonald have spoken out about the ways 3rd and 4th wave feminism have become more divisive and less rooted in equality).

We’ve seen the history of oppressor narratives before, and it’s truly ugly. There are women and men who pollute the waters of life but so many more who provide the type of spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and other forms of nourishment our children and society desperately needs. Those people need to speak up much more, and they also need far more airtime and representation in higher education.'

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PM of Finland's behavior points up double-standard

Article here. There is a double-standard here all right; a married male PM recorded dancing erotically with three different women (none his wife) would have had to resign by now. Excerpt:

'In a leaked video, Finland’s Prime Minister Sanna Marin is seen dancing and singing with friends at a private party. The 36-year-old leader poses for the camera. She sits on her knees, hands behind her head. She’s entangled in a group hug. She’s having a good time.

Countless similar videos are shared daily on social media by young and not-so-young people partying in Finland and all over the world. But the leak has triggered a debate among Finns about what level of reveling is appropriate for a prime minister, especially considering neighboring Russia’s attack on Ukraine, which prompted long-neutral Finland and Sweden to apply for NATO membership.

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Getting Girls Into STEM by Improving Education for Everyone

Article here. Excerpt:

'Based on our review of macrosystem and microsystem factors that sustain gender-STEM inequities, we make several recommendations for K-12 STEM policy and practice to optimize success for all children.
Classrooms be designed to promote relational and collaborative learning. Teachers should emphasize gender-inclusive classroom norms that promote positive working relations between girls and boys.

Classes should teach the history of gender inequality and bias so teachers and students can actively work to create equitable and inclusive STEM environments.

STEM should be reframed as helping students achieve communal goals through scientific collaboration. Emphasizing socially-meaningful aspects of STEM can help stimulate STEM interest in girls, because they tend to place more value on communal than dominance goals.'

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Georgia State receives $1 million grant to support women in STEM

Article here. Excerpt:

'The National Science Foundation gave Georgia State a $1 million grant to launch a program supporting women in STEM fields. The program intends to recruit and retain female faculty in STEM, with an eye toward putting women from underrepresented backgrounds in tenured positions. The partnership with Florida International University, called ADVANCE-IMPACT, is being administered through the NSF’s ADVANCE program.

The program will include faculty mentors, leadership training and policy implementation that increases diversity among the university’s faculty. This seems to be the latest in a series of long steps geared toward making the diversity of the university’s faculty come close to that of its students. The university began serious efforts in 2018, and speakers and activists called out STEM as an area in need of progress.'

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Psychologist claims some men hate astrology because of their 'toxic masculinity'

Article here. Excerpt:

'While astrology might be in-vogue once again with Gen Z and millennials, women are far more likely to put their faith in the cosmos over their male counterparts.

A recent study found that 37 per cent of women believe that the answers lie within the stars, while only 20 per cent of men believe in astrology.

Psychologist Barbara Santini reckons the belief in the zodiac has shifted to being a 'feminised' pastime.

Santini reckons that some of the more macho men out there choose to reject astrology as they deem any sort of femininity a threat to their hunter/hero/warrior masculine ways.

"To most men, astrology is too girly or immature, which explains why they disagree with it or deny its validity,” Santini told PopSugar.

"This creates a negative perception of astrology and the women who like it."

She added: "For some men, the refusal of astrology is linked to toxic masculinity, which does not allow them to enjoy the same things as women.”'

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