NOW Foundation Files Amicus Brief in Domestic Violence Case

Article here. Excerpt:

'On Nov. 20, the National Organization for Women (NOW) Foundation filed a friend-of-the-court brief on behalf of 10 women's rights and anti-violence organizations in the case of Khawam v. Wolfe, in the District of Columbia Court of Appeals. The brief supports reversal of an unprecedented award of $350,000 in attorneys' fees against a woman who accused her ex-husband of domestic violence. The brief argues that such an extraordinary award may chill protective mothers from raising allegations of domestic violence in custody disputes for fear of retaliation should their claims ultimately be found unproven.

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Uniting the Next Generation of Parents Against Circumcision

Article here. Excerpt:

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Economic Discrimination Most Detrimental for Gay and Bisexual Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Bisexual and gay men are at risk of discrimination and prejudice because of their sexual orientation. This extends from social settings and reaches across nearly every domain, including academic, professional, and in areas related to housing, medical care, and legal matters. Additionally, these men may be more vulnerable to aggression and harassment. It has been established that increased prejudice and discrimination can have significant mental health ramifications. In the gay and bisexual male population, the perception of prejudice and the reality of discrimination have worked together to create an elevated presence of psychological issues.

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Women recruited to join fight against prostate cancer

Story here. Excerpt:

'Former Pittsburgh Steelers player Robin Cole knows firsthand that early detection of prostate cancer saves men's lives. It saved his. That's why he's working to raise awareness among men in an unusual way -- by recruiting women to battle the disease.

Mr. Cole, 57, of Nottingham, Washington County, underwent laparoscopic surgery in 2004 for prostate cancer, which claimed the life of his 49-year-old father, Obediah Cole, in 1979. Since then, Mr. Cole and five of his brothers have been diagnosed with the cancer but early enough to prevent complications. One brother, William, did die from other cancers.

Mr. Cole helped to found the Obediah Cole Foundation for Prostate Cancer that's joining with the Allegheny County Health Department to form a local chapter of Women Against Prostate Cancer. The goal is to recruit women to raise awareness and help convince men to get early screening for the cancer.'

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F&F: Activists Are Successful: Raised Their Voices in 2012

Article here. Excerpt:

'Throughout this year, you and other activists have raised your voice with Fathers and Families. This Thanksgiving, we give thanks for your work and your activism, and the example you are setting for your children.

Together we have:

  • Secured a place for our founder, Ned Holstein, on Governor Deval Patrick’s Working Group on Child-Centered Family Law;
  • Placed a new limit on California spousal support;
  • Helped Ohio child support obligors by maintaining their driver’s licenses;
  • Continued our fight to protect our American soldiers’ custody in deployment;'
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Women vs. Men: How Females Are Smarter, Tougher, Luckier

Slideshow here.

'We're not saying we're better -- or even stronger -- than our male counterparts, but we do have certain advantages.'

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3 Ways We Need to Stop Abusing the Men in Our Lives

Article here. Excerpt:

'A holiday weekend is coming up, which means that a lot of women will be spending time with their significant others. In the interest of keeping relationships intact during this time of togetherness, I thought about the ways we, as women, take a few too many liberties with our men and think it's okay.

I mention this because day to day female interactions stresses being polite and positive, even if what a situation really calls for is brutal honesty. Consider this post an open call for change in lieu of creating awkward moment during brunch.'

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Obscene gesture photo at Arlington Cemetery stirs anger

Story here. Excerpt:

'Two young Massachusetts women have been placed on unpaid leave from their jobs after posting a photo on Facebook showing one of them at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery giving the finger beside a sign calling for silence and respect.

Lindsey Stone, 30, and Jamie Schuh, who took the photo, were placed on unpaid leave by a non-profit, LIFE Inc., based in Hyannis, Mass., which helps adults with special needs, the Cape Cod Time reported on Wednesday.

The chief financial officer of the told the Times that the company is ''appalled.''

A Fire Lindsey Stone page has gotten more than 14,000 "likes."'

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Misandry alive and well

Article here. Excerpt:

'I'm caught short by the return of the word "misogynist", thanks to Australian PM Julia Gillard tagging the term on Opposition Leader Tony Abbott. I'd thought it was a quaint old word replaced in common usage 40 years ago by "male chauvinist pig".

After all, why use one word when we can waste three?

It's true the two terms are not strict synonyms, but male chauvinist pig devoured the other's usage because its meaning was very similar, it was stroppier, and it was part of the enraged language of early Women's Lib. To its more extreme first users, male chauvinist pig was a satisfying phrase, made entirely from swear words.

And it rolled redolently from the tongue with an oink-oink here, and a P plosive there.

Pig's plosive, it may be noted, is a consonant which can't be uttered without ejecting a puff of hot air.

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Man in prison for false rape claim being freed

Article here. Excerpt:

'Johnathan Montgomery spent the past four years in a Virginia state prison saying the same thing a lot of inmates do: He was innocent.

Convicted in 2008 of molesting a 10-year-old girl outside her grandmother's Hampton home when he was 14, he insisted the alleged 2000 assault never happened. Turns out, he was telling the truth.

After the woman recently recanted her story, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell on Tuesday issued a conditional pardon to Montgomery, allowing him to be freed in time for Thanksgiving at his father's home in Vale, N.C.

"The truth sets you free," Montgomery, now 26, said Tuesday night, shortly after being released from the Greensville Correctional Center in Jarrat, Va., where reporters awaited him.

It's not exactly clear why the woman, Elizabeth Paige Coast, recanted her story, but she was working as a clerk for the Hampton, Va., police department at the time.'

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Zambia: Women Should Encourage Their Partners (to get circumcised)

Article here. Excerpt:

'CHIEF Mumena of the Kaonde people has called on women to encourage their partners to seek male circumcision services.

Speaking at a voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) stakeholders meeting held recently at Hotel Inter-Continental in Lusaka, the traditional leader called for an increase in male circumcision communication.

"Male circumcision is about survival. Women should realise that male circumcision helps prevent cervical cancer, thus women should demand for their partners to get circumcised," she said.'

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Men deserve a day, too

Article here. Excerpt:

'Oh! Such a day exists?’ That was the response of most people, when told about ‘International Men’s Day’ that has been celebrated, though in a far more low key fashion than Women’s Day, for over a decade.

There is a lot of talk about gender equality and justice but when it comes to assigning a day to thank the contributions made by the gentlemen, no one seems to care. TV channels, magazines and youth groups come out in full vigour to celebrate Women’s Day that falls on March 8, however, the day for men is unknown to even men.

“It is that phase of the world where people should realise that men are a tortured lot too, especially in the name of the so called ‘women’s rights’,” says social activist Baby Prasad, who has been championing men’s rights for the past six years. According to him, those who are keen to celebrate women’s day should also make it a point to acknowledge the contributions of the men, who pretend to be strong but are in actuality having a tough time.

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India: Men seek national commission to protect their rights

Article here. Excerpt:

'When a woman is harassed, a number of NGOs and the National Commission for Women arrive to provide support. But a similar system is not available for harassed men, who also consider it unmanly to join any movement fighting for men’s rights and relate the problem too late.

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Sweden: woman alleged to have used skeleton for sex acts

Link here. Excerpt:

'A Swedish woman has been charged with possession of human skulls and bones, which the prosecution claimed she used for sexual purposes.

The 37 year-old woman kept at least six skulls, one spine and "a large number of other bones" in her Gothenburg apartment, according to the prosecution's charge sheet.

It said she had used the human body parts "for various sexual activities". The evidence included two CDs entitled "My necrophilia" and "My first experience".
"I want my man like he is, whether he is dead or alive. He allows me to find sexual happiness on the side," added the woman, who has said she is in a relationship.

The access code to a morgue was also found in the apartment, the paper said, citing a press conference held by the prosecutor on Tuesday.'

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Obama’s ‘Constituency Groups’ Checklist Offers No Options for Whites or Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fresh off his reelection, President Barack Obama is asking his supporters to complete a survey that asks the people being polled to check off which “constituency groups” they identify with – there are 22 groups listed but not one for “whites” or “men.”

The post-election survey, distributed through to “take this organization forward,” includes the question, “Which constituency groups do you identify yourself with? Select all that apply.” It then lists 22 groups.

But whites and men are not on the list – women are, as are African Americans, Arab-Americans, Latinos and LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender).'

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