'No More Mr. Nice Guy'

I don't do this too often, but I want to endorse a book entitled No More Mr. Nice Guy by Robert A. Glover. From the outset, be assured that I have never met the book's author or communicated with him in any way, nor do I have any kind of financial interest in its sales, directly or tangentially. I am simply recommending it since it does such a very good job of explaining "Nice Guy Syndrome", examples of which abound in today's world.

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Deputies: Mail carrier poisoned husband's tuna fish sandwich, tried to kill him

Story here. Excerpt:

'BARTOW, Fla. - A Central Florida mail carrier was arrested on attempted murder charges after she tried to poison her husband's tuna fish sandwich, according to deputies.

Beth Dickison Richards, 37, of Lake Wales, was arrested Friday on charges of attempted first-degree murder, poisoning food with the intent to kill, possession of cannabis and possession of drug paraphernalia.

According to the Polk County Sheriff's Office, deputies were called to Richards' home Thursday night in connection with a poisoning case. Deputies said they met with Richards' husband, Gregory Lawrence Richards, and her step-sister, Jessica Jarvis.

Jarvis said Beth Richards told her earlier in the day that she tried to poison and kill Gregory Richards by crushing up multiple Trazodone pills and placing them in a tuna fish sandwich.'

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US mum 'uploaded daughter's nude pic to Facebook'

The quotation marks are from the original story headline. Link here. Excerpt:

'A US mother has been charged with child exploitation and child pornography possession after uploading a nude photo of her 14-year-old daughter to Facebook.

Police say Indiana woman Lynda Rusk, 50, used her daughter's phone to post the graphic photo.

Rusk denied any knowledge of the photo but police determined she was in possession of the phone when it was published on November 8, 2011.
Rusk was charged and released on bail on Thursday.'

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USAID - In Celebration of Men: Stepping up for Male Circumcision

Link here. Excerpt:

'Posted by Emmanuel Njeuhmeli, Senior Biomedical Prevention Advisor, Office of HIV/AIDS

On November 19, the first ever International Men’s Day was celebrated in over 60 countries around the world. It was an occasion to put the spotlight on men’s health, improving gender relations, and recognize positive male role models who make valuable contributions to family, community and society. This year, we recognize and celebrate the hundreds of thousands of men in East and Southern Africa who are stepping up for Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) to protect their own health and that of their families.

We also recognize the political, traditional and community leaders who are leading the charge in their countries and local communities. For many communities, male circumcision has cultural significance representing a rite of passage from childhood to manhood. Ministries of Health are working closely with traditional leaders to ensure that male circumcision is medically safe while still respecting the meaning of the tradition. In 2011, I participated in one such ceremony with the Changaani tribe at an “initiation camp” in a remote area of southern Zimbabwe where adolescent boys learn what it means to be a man. Despite the cultural challenges, the Zimbabwe Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOHSW) with support from PEPFAR and USAID, and in collaboration with traditional leaders, was able to provide these boys with safe male circumcision services.

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Canada: Human rights complaint launched over girls' hockey time

Article here. Excerpt:

'A volunteer minor hockey coach in Stephenville has filed a complaint with the Newfoundland and Labrador Human Rights Commission about how girls are given an unfair league advantage.

Brent Watkins said there are two minor hockey leagues in Stephenville — a mixed league and an all-female league — but girls that are skilled enough to play in the mixed league are also allowed to play in the girls’ league.

Watkins said that extra ice time is giving some girls an unfair advantage when competing for spots in the mixed league.

"A team is picked based on your skill level. [It] doesn't matter if you're a female or a male," he said.

"But if we allow more ice time for a female player then they have more advantages than a male player with skill development."'

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F&F: Parental Alienation is Child Abuse

Article here. Excerpt:

'Recently, the Detroit Jewish News wrote an informative article on parental alienation: Parental Alienation: Children suffer most from their parents’ inability to resolve conflict in a healthy way. It features one of our members, and another one of our members wrote a heart wrenching letter to the editor in response to the article. Neither chose to be identified. Both are concerned about the potential response of the custodial parent and their children and grandchildren.

During the holidays, parental alienation is particularly difficult for families to deal with. Many of you may relate to the letter one of our members wrote in response to the Detroit Jewish News article. It is a story Fathers and Families hears all too often. One that Fathers and Families wishes to end with shared parenting.'

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Comment: Christmas advertising addressing child abuse

Article here. Excerpt:

'We have received a small number of complaints about a fundraising advert currently running on public transport in London and the South East of England (below) that portrays a father as a perpetrator of child abuse.

Our advertising and awareness literature represents all kinds of abuse and all kinds of perpetrators of abuse - whether male or female, young or old - and we work hard to find the correct balance in our campaigns.

The advert above happened to talk about a man, but many others talk about women.'

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I Only Hit You Because You Have A Job: Working Women And Domestic Violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'The study, conducted by two female researchers at Sam Houston State University in Texas (and supported by the university’s Crime Victim’s Institute) looked at the impact that education levels and employment status differences play in domestic or intimate partner violence in heterosexual couples and found that dual-incomed households were more than twice as likely to .

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Women’s athletics given stage to shine at Western

Article here. Excerpt:

'Forty years ago, a landmark piece of legislation, commonly referred to as Title IX, was passed in the purpose of ending discrimination. That piece of legislation paved the way for women’s athletics not only in the collegiate and high school level, but for all wanting to compete in an equal society.

Title IX allowed my mother, at the age of 14, to participate in sports on equal grounds. She was no longer shunned because she was a woman. Instead, she was given the right to enjoy sports, a joy she would soon share with her son.

When I was five years old and just beginning my first year of T-ball, it was my mother who was my first coach. At the time, she was the only female coach in Soundview Little League in Northeast Tacoma. That accomplishment, and my love for sports, spawned from the implementation of Title IX.'

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Nanny jailed for crying rape after one-night stand

Story here. Excerpt:

'Wealthy insurance broker Tina Greenland, 49, had sex with divorced Nicholas Mouna, 55, after employing her to care for his disabled daughter.

The mother-of-three texted him the next day saying she "had a lovely night" and that she hoped he didn't think she was "some kind of tart".

But when Mr Mouna gave a "half-hearted" response making it clear he did not want a relationship she accused him of "using" her.

Canterbury Crown Court heard how she then phoned Kent Police and claimed she had been raped after her drink had been spiked.

Mr Mouna was arrested and suspended from his job, which he later lost despite never being charged for the crime.'

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UK: Female Teachers Give Male Pupils Lower Marks, Claims Study

Article here. Excerpt

'Female teachers mark male pupils more harshly than they do their female students, research has claimed.

Additionally, girls tend to believe male teachers will look upon them more favourably than female teaching staff, but men treat all students the same, regardless of gender.

The study, released on Thursday, told 1,200 students in 29 schools to place financial bets on who would give them higher grades: external examiners or their teacher.

Conducted by professors Amine Ouazad and Lionel Page, for the London School of Economic's Centre for Economic Performance, the report said:

"Male students tend to bet less [money] when assessed by a female teacher than by an external examiner or by a male teacher. This is consistent with female teachers' grading practices; female teachers give lower grades to male students.'

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'Yet More from our Brave Women in Uniform'

Commentary here. Excerpt:

'Four women filed suit for the right to serve in combat in San Francisco today, demanding the military officially call them combat soldiers. Of course, none of them are really suited to engage in combat, but they want to be called warriors nonetheless.

Typically, by this point, there would be a chorus of feminists telling me Ms. Farrell is far tougher than I am, and could easily kick my ass, beat me in war, etc. But just look at the girl. This is a joke. I’m an out-of-shape, nearly middle-aged guy and I could kick her ass with one hand tied behind my back.

But anyone who says such a thing must support violence against women, right?

This is where they’re covered on both sides. On the one hand, you say she can’t hack it as a soldier and you’re accused of being an anti-equality bigot, and on the other you say “OK, let’s put her to the test” and suddenly you’re an abusive monster.

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SAVE: VAWA Must Respect the Presumption of Innocence

What Happened to the Presumption of Innocence?

The DV industry is telling Congress that the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) must be reauthorized during the lame duck session. We need to make sure they hear our message that VAWA should not be reauthorized unless it respects the presumption of innocence.

Learn more: http://www.saveservices.org/camp/presumed-innocent/

Let's take action!

Call both of your Senators and your Representative at 1-202-224-3121.

You can also find your Senators' phone numbers here: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm and your Representative's phone number here: http://www.house.gov/representatives/find/

Even if you called last time, call again today. Just say, "Don't pass the Violence Against Women Act until the presumption of innocence is restored!"

Call now. Call later. Call often.

Or call once.

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Good Relationship with In-laws Improves Marriage for Men, Increases Chance of Divorce for Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'The holiday season is ripe with opportunity for family disputes and blow-ups. (As Beverly D'Angelo says in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, "It's Christmas. We're all miserable.") Now, a new study may help your understand how best to handle your relationship with your in-laws.

The marriages of men who are closer to their in-laws are 20 percent less likely to end in divorce, according to a study conducted by Dr. Terri Orbuch, a psychologist and research professor at the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research and author of Finding Love Again: 6 Steps to a New and Happy Relationship. The story of her findings in regards to in-laws recently appeared in The Wall Street Journal.'

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Zimbabwe: Infant Circumcision Could Soon Be Compulsory

Article here. Excerpt:

'GOVERNMENT is considering making neo-natal male circumcision compulsory as a long-term strategy for HIV prevention.

In an interview yesterday, Aids and Tuberculosis Unit national director in the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare Dr Owen Mugurungi said infant circumcision was more sustainable than adult circumcision.

He said the ministry was still following due process for the feasibility and acceptability studies for its introduction.

Dr Mugurungi, however, said they were carrying out research on the implications of infant circumcision.

"We have received a lot of inquiries from young couples who wanted their children to be circumcised. We are following due processes for the feasibility and acceptability studies.

"There are people who are advocating infant circumcision and there are some who are against it. We do not want to force anyone and that is why we want to carry out research," he said.'

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