Barbara Kay: Women’s Federation sells fear and hatred in place of facts

Article here. Excerpt:

'Surveys about perceptions are not science. As any expert in intimate partner violence will tell you, real physical abuse between intimate partners – both heterosexual and homosexual (lesbian inter-partner violence rates are higher than heterosexual) – is mostly bilateral. The actual intimate partner violence victimization rates for domestic violence in 2011 are 18.8% for women, and 19.8% for men. In other words, about one in five women will suffer abuse at the hands of men, and about one in five men will suffer abuse at the hands of women. And by abuse I do not mean rape: I mean everything from psychological control (bilateral) to pushing and shoving, up to flinging objects and knifings, which men and women do to each other in equal numbers. Most women will not be subject to rape or attempted rape in their lifetime.

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Gender Unemployment Shift from Previous USA Recession Reflected in Current Job Interview Statistics

Article here. Excerpt:

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New ad on domestic violence targets males

Story here. Excerpt:

'The Authority for the Advancement of the Status of Women in Israel has a new target for their anti-domestic violence public service announcements now showing on major TV channels: men.

After years of encouraging women to call the 118 hotline to avoid continuing domestic violence or to find a safe shelter, the AASWI wants men to take responsibility and get help before they become abusive.

The shift is part of a worldwide trend to force men to take responsibility for domestic violence, rather than placing the burden on the victim to seek help.
“We need to find creative ways to increase the calls from men as well,” said Vered Swid, the organization’s director-general.

When men call the 118 number and ask for assistance, social workers can direct them to a variety of different services, including support groups, anger management courses, therapy, or temporary apartments to allow a “cooling off period” that enables the woman and children to stay at home rather than deal with a shelter.'

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Women’s group: Obama’s cabinet ‘clearly’ needs to be 50-percent female

Story here. The actual goal isn't 50%; you can bet your next ten paychecks on that. Excerpt:

'As President Barack Obama finalizes his second-term cabinet picks, the nation’s leading feminist group is pushing for more female appointments.

Currently, the president, who garnered 55 percent of the women’s vote on Election Day, has eight females in his 23-member cabinet. According the National Organization for Women, that number isn’t nearly high enough.

NOW president Terry O’Neill, in an interview with The Daily Caller, explained that she would like to see complete gender parity in Obama’s second-term cabinet.'

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State Department: Recipients of Women Entrepreneurs in the Americas Small Grants Announced

Link here. Excerpt:

'Deputy Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs Liliana Ayalde announced awardees for more than $1.5 million worth of small grants through the Women’s Entrepreneurship in the Americas (WEAmericas) initiative during her trip to Trinidad and Tobago. Twenty-six grants will go to 16 Latin American and Caribbean countries, as well as two multi-regional projects, and will support women’s entrepreneurship by developing and linking existing resources, programs, and infrastructure to create a stronger entrepreneurial environment for women entrepreneurs and women-owned businesses. The small grants were made possible by the Secretary’s International Fund for Women and Girls and the Walmart Foundation.

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'Man calls 911 saying wife stabbed him'

Story here. Excerpt:

'TOOELE, Utah (ABC4 News) – Women are usually the victims of domestic violence, but in rare cases men are victims too.

Mike Sorrels was allegedly stabbed by his wife, Tiffany Buhler, over the weekend. Excerpts from the 911 call he made are below.

Mike: Yeah, I've been stabbed in the chest. There's blood all over the place.

Operator: Mike, can you tell me who stabbed you?

Mike: My wife.'

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UK: How a feminist debate was derailed by asking all men to leave

Article here. Excerpt:

'The opening night of the London Feminist Film Festival last Friday seemed like a huge success: Myriam Fougère's Lesbiana – A Parallel Revolution, about lesbian separatist communities in North America in the 1980s, was originally going to be screened at one of the smaller screens at the Hackney Picturehouse, but was moved to the biggest one after it sold out, and then sold out again. Unfortunately, the film didn't end up in the centre of the event. Chair Femi Otitoju managed to introduce the panellists – director Fougère, politician and activist Linda Bellos and anti-porn activist and academic Julia Long. But even before the floor was opened for questions, Long raised her hand and asked all the men in the audience to leave.

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UK: Women to escape prosecution under re-offending scheme

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women who commit crime will avoid prosecution by going on courses aimed at preventing reoffending under a controversial new scheme.

About 60 women a year will be assessed and referred to the Together Women project, a charity working across Yorkshire and the Humber region, which will provide support to tackle the cause of their offending and avoid prosecution.

Detective Chief Inspector Paul Cunningham, of Humberside Police, denied the initiative was a “soft option”, saying: “If somebody deserves to go into the criminal justice system they will do.”'

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U.S. Department of State Announces International Exchange with Female Volleyball Coaches from Gulf States

Link here. Excerpt:

'As part of its global Empowering Women and Girls Through Sports Initiative, the U.S. Department of State announced today that 10 female volleyball coaches from Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, and Yemen will travel to the United States to participate in a Sports Visitors program, where they will share their experiences as female athletes and coaches as well as learn about sports opportunities for women in the U.S.

From December 5-16, the delegation from the Gulf States will engage with their American counterparts in Washington, D.C., Louisville, KY, and Knoxville, TN. In addition, they will participate in discussions on Title IX, sports psychology, nutrition, and participate in teambuilding and leadership activities. They will also participate in events with the Special Olympics and the 2012 NCAA Women’s Volleyball Championships.

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War On Men: The Economy is to Blame For the Male and Female Disconnect

Article here. Excerpt:

'Marriage has become a source of conflict for both male and females in the United States. According to the Pew Research Center, the number of newly-wed adults has steadily declined from 2008 to 2011. Fox News has interpreted this data as a result of women’s changing role in society in a piece titled “The War on Men”. However, the reality is much more complicated thanks to a significant shift in societal norms. Priorities have changed for both the American male and female. The changing environment has thus resulted in the failure of both sexes to meet on common ground regarding marriage.

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Mother guilty of smothering children to death

Story here. Excerpt:

'CASTLE ROCK, Colo. — A Castle Rock mother was found guilty Tuesday of smothering her two children to death with a pillow.

Kelli Murphy’s defense team asked the jury to consider a lighter charge for their client, who confessed to smothering her two children to death in May of 2011. The Douglas County jury chose to ignore that plea, finding Murphy guilty of two counts of first-degree murder and two counts of first-degree murder by a person in a position of trust.

Judge Vincent White immediately sentenced Murphy to two consecutive terms of life in prison without parole.

Prosecutors said Murphy killed her children, Liam, 9, and Madigan, 6, by smothering them at her Castle Rock home. Liam would have been 11 today.'

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Gordon Finley: Permanent alimony unfair to so many

Opinion piece here. Excerpt:

'However, if the family courts have assigned them permanent alimony, the golden years are enjoyed only by the ex-wife, as the former husband either is required to keep working or to continue to pay generally exorbitant sums to his ex from whatever he has left in old age.

Permanent alimony today is not fair to men, and soon will be unfair to women when the current gender gaps favoring females in education, occupation, and income kick in and will make them the payers.

Incomprehensibly, while most divorced children and parents can see what is happening, the minds of Florida's state legislators and family court judges are locked into the model of the 1950's family, with dad working and mom staying at home. This is about as realistic and relevant as The Flat Earth Society.'

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Woman claimed rape because the sex was bad

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Tennessee woman was charged with filing a false police report when she admitted that she lied about being raped.

She confessed that she concocted the lie because she simply did not enjoy one of her recent sexual experiences, and that the experience was “bad.”

Lynette Lee of Clarksville, Tennessee first told police on November 23 that she had been raped in a hotel room by a man she had met through the dating website “Lee said once at the hotel the man removed her clothes and, despite her protests, had sex with her,” according to

The rape suspect told police that his sexual experience with Lee was consensual. But apparently it was nothing to write home about.

Lee asked police to drop the rape case four days later, on Nov. 27, claiming that she lied about the rape because “she did not enjoy (the sexual encounter) and it was bad,” according to police.'

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Husband not told his daughter was up for adoption

Link here. Excerpt:

'A US woman allegedly failed to tell her husband that she was putting their daughter up for adoption days after he moved to the other side of the country for a new job.

Tira Bland gave birth prematurely and allegedly signed the child over to a family of seven in Utah soon after her husband went to South Carolina for a new job with the US Army.

She then cut all contact with her husband.

A Utah judge has now given the baby's new family 60 days to return the girl, but they say they'll fight his decision.

Lawyers for father Terry Achane, who is now divorced from Ms Bland, said it was a case of human trafficking.

"Children are being bought and sold," attorney Mark Wiser told The Salt Lake Tribune.

"It is one thing that (adoption agencies) have been doing with unmarried biological fathers.

"It is in a new area when they are trying to take a child away from a married father who wants to have his child."'

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Australia: Sunday school teacher jailed for sex with girl

Link here. Excerpt:

'The 39-year-old woman, who cannot be named to protect the identity of the victim, was on Tuesday jailed for three years and one month, but will be eligible for parole in 12 months.

The Melbourne woman began climbing into bed to kiss and touch the troubled 15-year-old after taking her into her family home in mid 2009, the Victorian County Court was told on Tuesday.

The abuse continued for six months and escalated to sexual penetration when the woman took the girl for a short trip away to Daylesford.
Judge Sexton said she accepted the woman was facing an ill husband, late mortgage repayments and a son with an undiagnosed mental health problem at the time of the offending.

But she told the offender this did not excuse her crimes.'

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