Parents of strip-searched boy sue North Carolina school district

Story here. I'm certain sexual assault charges would be filed if a male principal did this to a young girl. Excerpt:

'A 10-year-old North Carolina boy whose parents say he was traumatized when strip-searched by an assistant principal have sued district officials, alleging a violation of the boy's constitutional protection from unreasonable searches and seizures.

In an 11-page complaint, Clarinda and Lionel Shawn Cox allege their son, Justin, was searched for a missing $20 bill by former Union Elementary School Assistant Principal Teresa Holmes in June. A fifth-grader at the time, Justin was taken aside by Holmes — who has since reportedly retired — to be searched after a female classmate dropped coins on a cafeteria floor and he retrieved them, according to the lawsuit.

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Hillary Clinton admits US material support of al-Qaeda affiliates in Syria

Story here. So, al-Qaeda is an alliance of Islamists who seek the imposition of Sharia throughout the Middle East (to start), and eventually, the world. Sharia requires, among other things, for women to be subservient to men in a multitude of ways, in particular to be subservient to their fathers first, then after marriage, to their husbands. They are expected and required to remain veiled in public and behave in an "Islamic fashion befitting a female," or words to that effect. Yet Hillary Clinton, our Secretary of State and world-famous feminist, admits publicly that the US has been supporting al-Qaeda affiliates in Syria-- the same goons that fought against and killed U.S. troops in Iraq, no less. My goodness, politics sure does make for strange bedfellows. Wonder how her Secretary-of-Stateness reconciles this with her long-held feminist ideology? Wonder how her boss reconciles it? We'll probably never know. Excerpt:

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F&F: Bring Fathers and Families to Your State

Article here. Excerpt:

'My dream for Fathers and Families is to build a strong affiliate in every state. Fathers and Families is on its way to making this a reality. Get ready. We are coming to your state.

With your gift – and enthusiastic volunteers – we are building in Massachusetts, Ohio, California, Georgia, Kentucky, and Washington.
Massachusetts, where we started, is leading the way. We secured a place for our founder, Ned Holstein, on Governor Deval Patrick’s Working Group on Child-Centered Family Law. The legislature is looking to this Working Group for its recommendations on massively overhauling family law, and Ned is advocating for shared parenting.'

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Mom, 35, 'had sex with four underage boys she met through her son, aged ten'

Story here. Excerpt:

'A mother has been accused of having sex with four underage boys she met through her ten-year-old son.

Courtney Sue Reschke, from Idaho, is alleged to have plied the teens - all 15-years-old - with alcohol before having sex with them at her home.

Police said the 35-year-old was engaged in a sexual encounter when her five-year-old child tried to get into the bedroom at her home in Kuna, Idaho.

An arrest report revealed Reschke ignored her son and continued to have sex.

The 35-year-old met the teens through her oldest son who is aged ten. She was charged with two counts of felony injury to a child and felony lewd conduct with a child under 16.

Investigators said their investigation is still ongoing and Reschke could face further charges.'

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AVFM Forums

AVFM forums are available here, just giving them another plug.

Men`s Rights Are human Rights!

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Senators: Girl power would get 'fiscal cliff' deal

Article here. Excerpt:

'Would there be a deal that avoids going over the "fiscal cliff" if women were in charge of Congress and the White House?

Female senators resoundingly said "yes" in an interview with ABC News.

"I think if we were in charge of the Senate and the administration that we would have a budget deal by now," said Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, as 18 of her female colleagues nodded their heads in agreement. "What I find is with all due deference to our male colleagues that women's styles tend to be more collaborative."
"I think by nature we are less confrontational and more collaborative," said Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo. "Not only do we want to work in a bipartisan way, we do it."'

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SAVE Applauds Proposed Suspension of Prosecutor Mary Kellett

Press release here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON/December 11, 2012 – A Maine bar association panel has recommended the suspension of prosecutor Mary N. Kellett, two years after the state Supreme Court reprimanded Kellett for unethical actions. SAVE applauds the panel’s decision, and calls for stronger oversight of prosecutor conduct.

SAVE – Stop Abusive and Violent Environments – a victim advocacy organization, deplores the fact that frivolous prosecutions harm the credibility of victims and waste scarce taxpayer resources.

In September 2010 the Maine Supreme Judicial Court rebuked Assistant District Attorney Kellett for numerous irregularities in prosecuting a rape claim against Vladek Filler. Despite the decision, Kellett continued to prosecute sexual assault cases that lacked DNA evidence, independent witnesses, and credible allegations, SAVE alleges.

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Op-Ed: False Rape and Alleged Historic Rape

Article here. Excerpt:

'When is a man guilty of rape? When he is accused by more than one alleged victim, according to one MP. Fortunately, the law sees things differently.

It is widely believed that rape is a greatly under-reported crime; not everyone shares this view, especially the False Rape Society*. As they point out, no one knows for certain how many genuine rapes are not reported. The flip side is rapes that are reported but never occurred, and the sad thing is that it doesn't take much of a search to unearth a mass of these.'

*This off-linked piece is a must-read. Highly recommended.

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New Zealand: 'Economic abuse' to be put on par with domestic violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women's Refuge says a law change to put economic abuse - such as excessive control over the purse strings - on a par with violent abuse will help to counter the view that only physical abuse amounts to domestic violence.

"Economic abuse" will be included in the definition of domestic violence in major reforms to the Family Court which will go before Parliament for the first time today.

Examples of economic abuse include restricting access to money, extorting or spending someone else's money, or preventing someone from working.

Women's Refuge head Heather Henare said "economic abuse" was an issue for abused women as well as disabled or elderly people with caregivers or other family members who had some control over their finances. She said the change would make it easier for women to recognise it as a true form of abuse.'

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Women’s Studies and the Spread of Man-Hatred

Article here. Excerpt:

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'Let's Give Chivalry Another Chance'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women, she said, "want to be treated like ladies."

Bennett and her fellow chivalry advocates have the right idea. "If women give up on chivalry, it will be gone," Sommers tells me. "If boys can get away with being boorish, they will, happily. Women will pay the price."

If feminists want to level the playing field between men and women, they should find common cause with traditionalist women, like those at ASU, on the issue of chivalry. Both groups are concerned with how men treat women. They just differ in what that means: Feminists want men to treat women as equals; traditionalists want men to treat women like ladies. Are the two mutually exclusive?

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Abuses at infamous Florida boys reform school even more widespread, report says

Story here. Excerpt:

'Scientists have found 19 previously unknown grave shafts on the grounds of a notorious Florida reform school, suggesting that many more boys died there amid brutal conditions than had previously been known, the researchers said Monday.

The Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys in Marianna, which was also known as the Florida State Reform School, closed in June 2011 after state investigators and the U.S. Justice Department's Civil Rights Division confirmed widespread abuse over many decades.

The state attributed its decision to close the school to budgetary reasons. Yet long before then, the institution had been the target of investigations and lawsuits alleging not only physical and mental abuse but also forced labor, rape and even murder of the young charges sent to its care since it opened in 1900.'

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Former teacher (Debra LaFave) appealing ruling in Fla. sex case

Story here.

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) - A former Tampa teacher convicted of having sex with a student wants the Florida Supreme Court to take her off probation.

An appellate court in August reversed a trial judge's decision to end Debra LaFave's 10-year non-prison sentence four years early. LaFave appealed to the Supreme Court in October and Thursday she asked the justices to let her remain off probation until they rule.

A three-judge panel of the 2nd District Court of Appeal also asked the high court to review its decision as a question of great public importance. The panel acknowledged the state had no right under Florida law to appeal the trial judge's decision but cited common law to reverse it.

LaFave pleaded guilty in 2005 to having sex with a 14-year old boy.'

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Opinion: Teachers Accused of Sexual Misconduct: A Double Standard?

Article here. Excerpt:

'The recent arrest of Creekview High School teacher Blake Bearden for sexual assault caused many people to come forward and heap shame on the man for his transgressions.

On Canton-Sixes Patch, several comments were left on the article detailing Bearden's arrest that called the teacher a "pathetic scumbag," a "creep," and "the most disturbed man I've ever come in contact with."

This criticism may well be justified, depending on what the investigation of the case reveals, but what I find interesting is the reaction of people when a male teacher is suspected of misconduct with a student as opposed to a female teacher.

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SAVE E-lert: Tell Eric Cantor, "the new definition of sexual assault must be removed from VAWA"

A national survey showed most people favor reforming the Violence Against Women Act. SAVE agrees with the need for reform. We are especially concerned about VAWA's lack of presumption of innocence.

Let's do what we can to fix this. Since there are VAWA negotiations already going on, Eric Cantor needs to hear from you, ASAP! Call (202) 225-2815 and tell Sen. Cantor: "the new definition of sexual assault must be removed from the final version of VAWA!"

We may not have a lot of time left, so let's not waste a minute.

Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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