Woman charged with missing husband's murder

Story here. Excerpt:

'Hopewell, N.Y. — Rose Chase, of Stanley, was charged today with second-degree murder in the death of her husband, Adam Chase, who had been missing since June, said Ontario County District Attorney R. Michael Tantillo.

Rose, 31, was arraigned this morning in Canandaigua City Court, Tantillo said. She is being held at the Ontario County Jail without bail and is due back in court on Wednesday, Dec. 19, for a preliminary hearing.

According to investigators, Adam Chase left his home after an argument with Rose, his wife of 11 years, at approximately 11:30 a.m. June 14. He was 31 at the time of his disappearance, said Ontario County Sheriff Phil Povero.'

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Stop the Violence Against Women Act’s war on men

Article here. Excerpt:

'While the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) claims to fairly protect all victims of domestic violence, in reality it intentionally discriminates against about half of the victims — men (“Progressive groups pressure House GOP to pass Violence Against Women Act,” Dec. 11).

First, social science research literature is unambiguously clear. Domestic violence is initiated about equally by men and women; slightly more women than men are physically harmed, but men nonetheless still represent more than 40 percent of the physically harmed victims; the domestic violence initiation rates for women, and especially young women, have been rising; and the domestic violence rates for bisexuals, gays and lesbians all are higher than for heterosexual couples. Yet men receive no protection under the current versions of VAWA under consideration.

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'Connecticut shooting, white males, and mass murder'

Article here. Excerpt:

'I want to say this next bit very carefully. It is absolutely true that white men have lost a lot of power in the last few decades. Inasmuch as these shooters are angry about feelings of powerlessness, their feelings are at least understandable. However, white men needed to lose a lot of power. Without exaggerating, one could say that a history of America is a history of white men lording power over... pretty much anyone who wasn't a white man. If America was ever going to truly be a land of equality, white men needed to lose their power.

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Men Who Disagree With You Are Not Evidence Of Misogyny (Or Trolls)

Article here. Excerpt:

'Misogyny is a real thing. It is a real thing, it exists, there are societal biases against women all over the place (I tried to begin listing them, but I figured you didn’t want to read a 40 page long article). It is not a made up term. And there are many ways it manifests itself.

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It's time feminists stopped blaming all men for violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'I will not bear the collective guilt of liberal homogenizations. Being a man does not make me guilty of misogyny. I reject the collective guilt implied by the radical feminist provocateurs of Dec. 6.

I did not arrest, imprison or kill Japanese people during the Second World War. I did not slaughter native people on the move westward by white Europeans in the 19th century. And I did not murder 14 innocent women at the Montreal Polytechnique in 1989.

I get the point that women are still mistreated in Canada, still bullied and discriminated against, still assaulted and killed by evil men. But I am not a piece of Janice Kennedy's collective "male as guilty context." It's not her insinuated guilt that I rail against. It's the direct attack on my gender - that being a man is somehow less worthy of the respect and dignity afforded to all people.'

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State Department: "RT Girls! Program" Launch at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology

Link here. Excerpt:

'Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Tara Sonenshine and Acting Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security Rose Gottemoeller will co-launch the “RT Girls! Program” at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology on Wednesday, December 19 at 2:00 p.m. The “RT Girls! Program” is designed to encourage girls to pursue studies and careers in the science, technology, engineering and mathematic (STEM) and international security fields, public diplomacy, and other sectors with technology applications. The program will have subsequent outreach activities in high schools around the DC metro area with the eventual goals of expanding internationally.

During their visit to Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology, the Under Secretaries will speak to 40-50 girls about their educational and professional experiences, learn about students’ STEM-related projects, share career possibilities in related fields, and participate in a Q&A session.

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Shocking footage shows teacher dragging blind student, 6, down a hallway 'because he refused to go to class'

Story here. Excerpt:

"A special education teacher has been placed on administrative leave after a shocking surveillance video emerged of herI dragging a six-year-old blind student down a school hallway.

The teacher, who has not been identified, is seen grabbing the youngster by one of his ankles and pulling him along on his back as another teacher holds his other leg, and a third staff member walks behind.

The alleged ringleader, who now faces child abuse charges, told police in Santa Fe, New Mexico that she moved the boy after he refused to go to another classroom when told to do so.

The boy, who has also not been named, appears helpless in the video as he reaches to protect his head. He complained about head pain to the nurse afterwards, but did not need medical treatment.

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Tears and forgiveness as Longview dad, daughter speak on false rape allegations

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Longview father, wrongly accused of raping his own child tearfully spoke out on national television with his daughter at his side.

Cassandra Kennedy was 11 years old in 2001 when she accused her father of rape. Now, as a 23-year-old, she apologized to her now-free dad on "Katie."

"Thank you for being a good dad and I'm sorry for my wrong perspective as a child about you," she told her dad, Thomas Edward Kennedy, on the show. "I'm glad you're here for me now."

Last January, Cassandra told police she made up the rape allegations when she was a child.

"I was just angry and upset because I felt like he wasn't around enough and you know, broken promises and stuff like that," Cassandra said. Host Katie Couric asked her if she had just wanted more of her dad, "I did. I wanted more of my dad."

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Ken Burns: Duke Lacrosse Team 'Mildly Inconvenienced' by False Rape Charges

Article here. Excerpt:

'Burns brought up the 2006 Duke Lacrosse case, in which three students were accused of sexually assaulting a stripper, during an interview with The Phoenix in Boston:

In the same issue as your interview we are also running a profile of Damien Echols. What are the similarities and differences between this case and that of the West Memphis Three?

[Burns] Basically both are instances where society deems someone an "other" and treats them as such, contrary to the actual facts of the case. And you can also compare the Central Park Five to the Duke University lacrosse players, three rich white boys who were mildly inconvenienced by rape charges that proved to be false. In no time the prosecutor of that case was fired, disbarred, and put in jail, and the three ended up getting a huge settlement.'

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Student Accepted Into Program After False Rape Complaint

Story here. Excerpt:

'VERNON — A student charged with falsely claiming she was raped by a group of men at UConn the weekend students moved onto campus, triggering an alert to more than 30,000, was accepted into a program Wednesday that could lead to the erasure of her charges.

Isabella Himmel, 20, of Chicago was arrested Sept. 19 and charged with second-degree falsely reporting an incident, second-degree making a false statement and second-degree breach of peace.
Investigators reviewed surveillance video of her leaving each bar and, eventually, walking on Route 195. Although she wasn't always in view, police never saw her getting attacked, running or taking off her boots.

Her friend told investigators that when Himmel left Ted's, she was upset he "wasn't paying attention" to her, police said.

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Could women really have solved the fiscal cliff?

Article here. Excerpt:

'If women were running the show, this whole fiscal cliff thing would be solved.

That was the essential message that came from Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and that was greeted with nodding approval by the female senators of the 113th Congress in an interview with Diane Sawyer taped Tuesday. Collins shared that “I think if we were in charge of the Senate and of the administration, that we would have a budget deal by now.” She went on to say that “what I find is, with all due deference to our male colleagues, that women’s styles tend to be more collaborative.”

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Shrill backlash to men’s rights advocate

Article here. Excerpt:

'Farrell is enormously respected for his challenge to the assumption that men have total power, and he is also controversial because he has questioned some of the statistics about abuse, rape and gender imbalance.

He supports his claims with a great deal of research, of course, but none of this matters to those who would silence him. There were around 100 of these fanatics at the university before he spoke, ripping down posters, threatening and insulting anybody who tried to attend the lecture, and explaining as only heavily funded students can do, “You should be f---ing ashamed of yourself, you f---ing scum” to those with whom they disagreed. There is ample video evidence.

They gave Nazi salutes to the police and screamed in their faces that they were “f---ing scum and f---ing pigs,” including to the women police officers.

Why some of them were not arrested is beyond me, as they were clearly physically intimidating other people. But failure to arrest violent thug leftists is now common at such events.

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'Malignant Narcissism in Circumcision'

Article here. Excerpt:

'(MONTEREY, CA) - The American Academy of Pediatrics crafted a criminally based Circumcision Policy Statement justifying male abuse and molestation. Advisory members from other medical specialties included, in part, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Urology and Family Practice as well as the Centers for Disease Control. Obstetricians perform most circumcisions. Pediatric Urologists often repair errors with some making that their entire practice.

RADM Preston’s 1970 article in the Journal of the American Medical Association stated there are over 100 fatalities annually from circumcision.[2] This prompted the Pediatrics association to issue a Policy Statement in 1971 against routine efficacy. Policy has been blandly upheld until now. Yet, the practice continued despite. And fatalities continued. In 42 years the conservative estimate of deaths are 4,200. The numbers are more likely than not from required Reportable events which occur only at the time and place of incidence - if made at all.[3]

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SAVE Urges High Court to Impose Sanctions to Curb Prosecutorial Misconduct

Press release here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON/December 13, 2012 – Following a bar panel recommendation to suspend the license of prosecutor Mary N. Kellett, SAVE is urging the Maine Supreme Judicial Court to act promptly to affirm and restore fundamental legal principles of due process and the presumption of innocence.

In its December 5, 2012 decision, a panel of the Board of Overseers of the Bar concluded Assistant District Attorney Kellett violated at least seven Maine Bar Rules. The panel then recommended the Hancock County prosecutor be sanctioned with a “period of suspension.” The panel’s recommendation now goes to a Maine high court justice for a final decision: http://www.maine.gov/tools/whatsnew/index.php?topic=mebar_overseers_discipline&id=464815&v=article'

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Sweden: Municipality beginning to address issues for fathers after divorce

Translated article here. Excerpt:

'Welfare targeted recently criticized Kungsbacka Municipality for case management in child custody disputes. She does not believe that her management is unique, but that it is a historical legacy of seeing the mother as the natural guardian in social services throughout the country.
Thorbjorn Leu, who has experience of a custody battle in which he felt unfairly treated by the social services, was one of the participants at the meeting. Today, his situation resolved well. He feels they have a good relationship with his children and his ex-wife. Now he has taken the fight to other men's rights by at their leisure to engage in the newly formed Men's and family shelter where he will impact both in Kungsbacka on the national level by courting politicians in parliament.'

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