NH Judge Says Girl Can Stay On Boys’ Hockey Team

Article here. Excerpt:

'CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — A New Hampshire judge has ruled that a high school girl can continue to play on the boys’ varsity ice hockey team even though her school has formed a girls’ team.

Seventeen-year-old Shelby Herrington made the boys’ varsity team at Bishop Brady High School three years ago, when there was no girls’ team.

Herrington is fighting a decision by the New Hampshire Interscholastic Athletic Association that she needs to switch to the girls’ team formed jointly by her school and Trinity of Manchester.'

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Special ed teachers defend dragging blind boy

Article here. Excerpt:

'Two special education teachers caught on camera dragging a blind 7-year-old boy 155 feet down the Gonzales Community School corridors are defending themselves and their method to move the boy between classrooms.

A mobility and orientation special education specialist with Santa Fe Public Schools told police weeks after the Nov. 15 incident that the boy wasn’t cooperating with her requests and that grabbing the boy by the ankles and dragging him “was just a way to transport the child and believed it was a natural way of taking the child,” according to the report released by police on Monday. A Braille specialist under contract with the school district also helped her colleague move the boy.

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'In Most Rich Countries, Women Work More Than Men'

Article here. Excerpt:

'In most of the developed world, women spend more time working each day than men do, if you include unpaid work.

According to the latest report on gender and employment from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, across the developed world and in other countries tracked by the organization, men spend more minutes per day in paid work than women do.

In the United States, for example, men spend 5 hours and 8 minutes working on the average day, whereas women spend 4 hours and 2 minutes.

But when it comes to unpaid work — activities like child care and cleaning — women spend vastly more time than men in every country the organization included in its analysis.'

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Feminist Professors Use Classrooms As Recruitment Tool

Article here. Excerpt:

'A women’s history class frequently offered at Chapman University glorifies Margaret Sanger while it avoids her racist beliefs, highlights the feminist revolution while sidesteps the suffrage movement’s family values, and heralds Roe v. Wade and the advent of birth control, all while failing to cite the feminist counter-culture movement.

That’s not only not surprising, it’s expected, as classrooms in colleges across America are used to recruit young women into the feminists ranks, says Carrie Lukas, managing director of the conservative Independent Women’s Forum.

“The purpose here is to advance the feminist movement,” Lukas says. “The college classroom is a recruitment tool.”

Lukas, author of “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Women, Sex, and Feminism,” says the vast majority of women studies classes do not offer fair and balanced approaches to the subject. It’s not unheard of for professors to skip relevant information, slant lesson plans, or skew lectures.'

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Michael Kimmel: Masculinity, mental illness and guns: A lethal equation?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Why are angry young men setting out to kill entire crowds of strangers?

Motivations are hard to pin down, but gender is the single most obvious and intractable variable when it comes to violence in America. Men and boys are responsible for 95% of all violent crimes in this country. "Male criminal participation in serious crimes at any age greatly exceeds that of females, regardless of source of data, crime type, level of involvement, or measure of participation" is how the National Academy of Sciences summed up the extant research.

How does masculinity figure into this? From an early age, boys learn that violence is not only an acceptable form of conflict resolution, but one that is admired. However the belief that violence is an inherently male characteristic is a fallacy. Most boys don't carry weapons, and almost all don't kill: are they not boys? Boys learn it.

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Mom of mentally ill son: "I am Adam Lanza's mother"

Article here. Excerpt:

'I live with a son who is mentally ill. I love my son. But he terrifies me.

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'What Is Wrong With This Generation of Young Men In America?'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Well, there are a whole host of reasons.  But certainly parents and our education system have to bear much of the blame.  In the old days, young men were taught what it means to “be a man”, and morality was taught to young men both by their parents and in the schools.  But today, most young men have very little understanding of what “manhood” is, and our society has taught them that morality doesn’t really matter.  Instead, television and movies constantly portray young men as sex-obsessed slackers that just want to party all the time, so that is what many of our young men have become.

How much better off would our society be if we had trained this generation of young men to love, honor, protect and take care of others?

How much better off would our society be if we had nurtured the manhood of our young men instead of teaching them to be ashamed of it?'

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When the Gun is the Boy's Best Friend

Article here. Excerpt:

'This is really about the lost and degraded role of the male in today's western society. Two generations of young men have been instructed through school and culture that they are the "useless" and "dangerous" sex, not needed for much more than sperm donation; that they are predators; that they will have a diminished role in society, as rightly they should, given their sub-human perception and actions. So the boys on the margins, those whose father is not around, or worse, around and a menace, grow isolated, resentful and psychotic.

Young men are being shoved aside and out of many areas of main stream society. They are living up to the expectations that have been drilled into them since they could toddle across a room. Those expectations are mostly negative. Men, it is insisted, must change, must become more like women...or something. But they must not be male in the traditional sense, and in American culture that traditional sense used to mean honor, sacrifice and courage.'

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An Interesting E-Mail on Young, White Males

Email reported here. Excerpt:

'We allowed our young boys to play violent murdering video games.  These types of games are the same ones the military uses to train soldiers.  But they are being played by very, very young kids in dark rooms all over the country.  You want to ban something, ban those.  We have overlooked the devastating effects on all children of not having a father in the house.  And we have ignored and not helped boys with their mental illness.  We've hyperventilated endlessly over girls and their eating disorders, image issues, self-esteem, sex, blah, blah, blah, but we have most totally ignored the mental challenges that boys face.'

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Why Progressive “Men’s Movements” Are Bound to Fail

Article here. Excerpt:

'Jill at Feministe reopens the ongoing Good Men Project battles with an excellent post and article about the reason that perpetuating rape myths is so very, very bad and not, contrary to GMP’s defensive posturing (when they aren’t fundraising on how excellent they are at pissing off feminists) about “dialogue”. In sum, when we perpetuate the myth that rapists are just nice guys who are confused about consent, rapists realize they can rape, claim confusion, and escape justice. Which is why the self-defined rapists that GMP gave voice to did, in fact, claim confusion. Imagine!

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UK: Fathers claim time with children limited by Richmond Council cuts

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fathers plan to launch a petition in a bid to save what they claim is a unique group for dads and their children.

Dads Unlimited is a drop-in activity service held at the Stanley children and families centre, in Teddington, every Saturday morning, for about 15 fathers and their children.

The group were told that the weekly service would stop because Richmond Council will cut funding to the group from March 31 next year.

Father of two Rajesh Ruparelia works late in central London during the week and the group was the only chance he got to spend quality time with his children and do a range of activities.'

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UK: Teen fathers feel 'marginalised', charity says

Article here. Excerpt:

'Barnardo's claims young men are often treated as "invisible" and some policies are actively driving fathers away from their children.

Support services are "mother centred" and leave young fathers feeling "worthless and marginalised", a report from Barnardo's and other groups says.'

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Father's death affects early adolescents' futures in developing world

Article here. Excerpt:

'"Certain negative effects of a father's death can't be compensated for by the mother or other relatives," said Mary Shenk, assistant professor of anthropology in MU's College of Arts and Science. "The loss of a father can result in lower adult living standards for the bereaved children. Not only is a child emotionally affected, but the lack of a father's earning power can cause children to get married younger or drop out of school in order to work."

Recognizing the importance of fathers to adolescents could lead to improvements in aid programs for youths who have lost their fathers. If Shenk's research were expanded to collect more data, she contends it could be used to help develop an evaluation system that would measure the degree of risk that children face from the loss of their fathers. In poorer regions of the world, a measurement tool could help aid organizations to prioritize children who have the greatest need of assistance.'

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'Time to profile white men?'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Yesterday, during a cable news discussion of gun violence and the Newtown school shooting, I dared mention a taboo truism. During a conversation on MSNBC’s “Up With Chris Hayes,” I said that because most of the mass shootings in America come at the hands of white men, there would likely be political opposition to initiatives that propose to use those facts to profile the demographic group to which these killers belong. I suggested that’s the case because as opposed to people of color or, say, Muslims, white men as a subgroup are in such a privileged position in our society that they are the one group that our political system avoids demographically profiling or analytically aggregating in any real way. Indeed, unlike other demographic, white guys as a group are never thought to be an acceptable topic for any kind of critical discussion whatsoever, even when there is ample reason to open up such a discussion.'

David Sirota on Wikipedia

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Kathleen Parker: Obama should tell men to man up

Article here. Excerpt:

'One of my great hopes for a Barack Obama administration — and thus one of my personal disappointments — was that he would use his bully pulpit to emphasize the importance of a two-parent family, and especially of fathers, to children's well-being.

Few understand better than the president the value of a present and involved father. Much of his literary work and his examined life pertains to his own absent father. By his example, he has certainly demonstrated his own commitment to parenting — and his family is a source of pride for all Americans. But the true story of fatherlessness in this country can't be repeated often or forcefully enough.

This is not a new story.

Children who grow up without fathers tend to fall into patterns of destructive behavior — from drug use and truancy to early promiscuity, delinquency and, in too many cases, incarceration. Children raised in fatherless homes are also more likely to grow up in poverty, which is no fault of their mothers but is a fact.'

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