Australia: Feminist insists Abbott no misogynist

Article here. Get around the login challenge for this story by Googling the first paragraph text and clicking the top result link. Excerpt:

'LEADING feminist and key member of the Women's Electoral Lobby Eva Cox has declared some of Julia Gillard's policies sexist and rejected the Prime Minister's claims that Tony Abbott is a misogynist.

In an opinion article for The Conversation website, Ms Cox says the Opposition Leader is not "feminism's worst enemy", as portrayed by Labor in its attacks against Mr Abbott.

"He is a somewhat inconsistent, confused conservative with the attached sexist views on gender roles, which he seems to be trying hard to minimise," she says. "He is not in my terms a misogynist."
Ms Cox says she takes the definition of sexism as a "view of gender as the basis for entrenched discriminatory differences" and misogyny as having a deep pathological dislike of women.'

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Italy: Berlusconi accuses judges of 'feminist' bias over divorce deal

Article here. Excerpt:

'Senior judges in Milan issued a stern rebuke to Silvio Berlusconi on Wednesday after the former Italian prime minister tried to blame his huge alimony payments on the biased views of "feminist, communist" magistrates.

In the latest skirmish between the billionaire media magnate and the judiciary, the heads of the Milan tribunal and court of appeal issued a curt statement saying they "firmly rejected any insinuation of partiality" on the part of the magistrates who drew up the three-time prime minister's divorce settlement, which he claims amounts to €200,000 (£163,000) a day.

Livia Pomodoro and Giovanni Canzio added that their colleagues were "diligent professionals", and called on politicians to avoid making "any expression of derision" that could cause the public to think otherwise.'

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UK: Universities should target working-class white boys, minister says

Article here. Excerpt:

'Universities should recruit more white, working-class boys in the same way they target students from other disadvantaged groups, the universities minister has suggested.

David Willetts says white, working-class teenage boys should be targeted alongside ethnic minorities and those from disadvantaged communities when universities look to attract students.

His suggestion comes against the backdrop of a drastic fall in the number of university applications from men.'

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Dept. of Health & Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG) recruiting Auditors

Link here. Reports published by the OIG have been very useful in gaining insight into U.S. government agencies that incentivise circumcision and circumcision "research" (such as the CDC, FDA, NIAID and NIH), and in documenting the deficiencies in state Medicaid programs to help strengthen the case against continued funding of medically-unnecessary circumcision, so appropriately qualified readers might appreciate the opportunity to gain further insights and help hold these agencies and programs accountable.

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A Prime Time Abortion and a Broken-Hearted Father

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last night’s episode of a popular prime time television show, Parenthood, dealt with the tragedy of fathers being legally excluded from the abortion decision.
Drew tells Amy that he wants to support her no matter what she decides to do about the pregnancy. He repeatedly insists that he loves her enough to support their new family regardless of hardships that may come their way. However, Amy becomes like a stone wall. Lyrics in the background aptly describe her demeanor: [she is] colder than a wave in the Arctic Ocean. A baby, she believes, will destroy her life.
This is reality. This is what abortion looks like when all is said and done. Fathers have no legal rights in the decision to keep or abort their own children. They have no say in a mother’s choice, even though they are equally responsible for the child’s conception.'

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"Gender gap" in Internet access?

Link here. Excerpt:

'On January 10, at 9:00 a.m. Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues Melanne Verveer will convene and deliver remarks at the first international Working Forum on Women, Information and Communication Technologies and Development (WICTAD) at the Institute for International Education (IIE) in Washington, DC. Co-hosted by the Department of State’s Office of Global Women’s Issues and UN Women, WICTAD will bring together representatives from civil society, academia, government, the private sector, and the UN to assess the social, economic, and political implications of the gender gap in Internet access.'

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H.R. 2400 (112th): Religious and Parental Rights Defense Act dead

Link here. Excerpt:

'H.R. 2400 (112th): Religious and Parental Rights Defense Act of 2011

Introduced: Jun 24, 2011 (112th Congress, 2011–2013)
Sponsor: Rep. Brad Sherman [D-CA27]
Status: Died (Referred to Committee)
Religious and Parental Rights Defense Act of 2011 - Prohibits a state or a political subdivision from adopting or continuing in force a law, regulation, or order that prohibits or regulates the circumcision of males who have not attained the age of 18 years and whose parent or guardian has consented to the circumcision, unless such law, regulation, or order applies to all such circumcisions performed in the state and is limited to ensuring that all such circumcisions are performed in a hygienic manner.'

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"Can the ‘cuddle hormone’ also make men better fathers?"

Article here. Excerpt:

'The wonder hormone that a recent study said might stop men from cheating could also make them more engaged fathers, according to new research.

Oxytocin has been variously labelled as the “cuddle hormone,” the “love hormone” and the “trust hormone” in recent years.

Last month, it once again made headlines because of a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience that suggested getting men to stop cheating on their significant others might be as simple as getting them to take a whiff of the hormone. In that study, men exposed to oxytocin stayed farther away from an attractive woman than men who were not exposed to the hormone.'

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Study Examines Why Girls Do Better Than Boys In School

Article here. Excerpt:

'American women seem poised to make the 21st century their century as they begin to equal or even surpass their male counterparts in many aspects of society.

Researchers from the University of Georgia and Columbia University decided to look into one possible aspect of the emergence of women: why young girls earn better grades in elementary school than their male counterparts despite performing worse on standardized tests.

According to the research team’s report in the current issue of the Journal of Human Resources, the girls’ classroom behavior appears to translate into a higher overall academic performance.

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'America must stop blaming divorce on women'

Article here. Excerpt:

'A recent poll revealed a clear tendency to blame women for not keeping their husbands happy and a habit of viewing divorced women as unwanted and pitiable.

That was in the United Arab Emirates. But what about the United States of America? You’d think a more enlightened view of women and marriage might prevail.

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UN: Countries must address lack of women in science and technology fields

Article here. Excerpt:

'7 January 2013 – Women and girls run the risk of being left behind in scientific and technological fields if countries do not put measures in place to address discrimination and change traditional attitudes, the United Nations said today, warning that this gap constitutes an obstacle to nations’ progress.

“Women tend to be overrepresented in the humanities and social sciences, and underrepresented in science and technology,” said an official from the world body’s International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Bureau for Workers’ Activities, Claude Akpokavie. “Measures need to be put in place to redress this imbalance.”

According to ILO, the gap between men and women in the scientific and technological fields is linked to pervasive gender roles and attitudes in different societies – visible in both developed and developing countries – which encourage girls to pursue ‘softer’ subjects.'

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Casey Anthony's Misdemeanor Conviction Reviewed By Florida Appeals Court

Story here. Excerpt:

'DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- There is no doubt that Casey Anthony lied to detectives when she told them her 2-year-old daughter had been kidnapped by a babysitter.

But a state appellate court is being asked to decide Tuesday whether the Florida mother was in police custody when she made the statements that led to her being convicted of lying to law enforcement officers.

If judges on the Fifth District Court of Appeals decide she was in police custody, they could overturn her misdemeanor convictions on the grounds that her statements were inadmissible since she hadn't been read her Miranda rights. The Miranda rights warn suspects that they can remain silent and that their statements can be used against them in court.'

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Man sues after false rape accusation

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Wymore man wrongfully accused of sexual assault is asking for a jury trial to assess damages done by Gage County and several sheriff’s deputies.

Elliot Hawkins filed the suit in Gage County District Court on Wednesday, the same day Jennifer Valenta was sentenced to 32 to 60 months in prison for attempted prostitution, false reporting and tampering with evidence.

The suit names Deputy Brandon Schley, Investigator John Chavez, Investigator Rob Sandersfeld and Sgt. Tony Shepardson for their role in the “conscious-shocking reckless investigation” that Hawkins claims violated his constitutional right to due process.'

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UK: John Leslie opens up about how false rape claims ruined his life

Story here. Excerpt:

'Former television presenter John Leslie has laid bare his torment at the devastating sex attack claims that destroyed his career and nearly brought him to suicide.

The former host of This Morning says being named supposedly accidentally as the alleged rapist of fellow TV presenter Ulrika Jonsson ruined his life, leaving him broke and turning him into a hermit.

He has not worked in television since the unfounded 2003 allegations and says he still feels damned for crimes he didn't commit.'

Wikipedia entry on John Leslie here.

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False rape claim warrants severe punishment

Letter here. Excerpt:

'I'd like to comment on an article written by Greg Tuttle Dec. 20 concerning a false rape claim by Christina Nadine Nelson in The Gazette. First of all, I received this article via email from The Society Of The Wrongfully Accused.

I myself was a false rape victim back in September of 1995 while living in Carmichael, Calif. I was accused by a woman I never even shook hands with. I was arrested, charged and thrown into jail without any consideration and had the embarrassment of having my name and charges splattered all over the Sacramento Bee.

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