Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2013-01-14 21:37
Story here. Excerpt:
'WASHINGTON — Suicides in the U.S. military surged to a record 349 last year, far exceeding American combat deaths in Afghanistan, and some private experts are predicting the dark trend will grow worse this year.
The Pentagon has struggled to deal with the suicides, which Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and others have called an epidemic. The problem reflects severe strains on military personnel burdened with more than a decade of combat in Afghanistan and Iraq, complicated by anxiety over the prospect of being forced out of a shrinking force.
Pentagon figures obtained Monday by The Associated Press show that the 349 suicides among active-duty troops last year were up from 301 the year before and exceeded the Pentagon's own internal projection of 325. Statistics alone do not explain why troops take their own lives, and the Pentagon's military and civilian leaders have acknowledged that more needs to be done to understand the causes.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2013-01-14 21:26
Article here. Excerpt:
'Senior administrators at the University of Toronto and the University of Toronto Students’ Union (UTSU) continue to debate the acceptable limits of free speech on campus in the aftermath of a lecture delivered in late November by Dr. Warren Farrell.
The lecture was marked by a sizable protest and heavy police presence, during which a group of protestors blocked the entrance to the lecture hall where Farrell was scheduled to speak.
“We have at the University of Toronto a wide range of contentious events, in which views are expressed that are offensive to some,” said Provost Cheryl Misak in a December 11 statement. “Our primary aim with respect to these events is to ensure that freedom of speech is protected, including the freedom to protest, as long as the law is respected.”
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2013-01-14 21:18
Article here. Excerpt:
'In an article for today’s Daily Telegraph, Steve Webb, the pensions minister, says that the “complicated and divisive” pension system must be reformed to “reflect modern working patterns and modern patterns of family life”.
From 2017, the basic state pension will be set at about £160 a week and the complicated system of means-tested “top-ups” will be scrapped. Women who take time out of the workplace to care for children or elderly relations will qualify automatically for the pension.
Mr Webb said the reforms will “particularly benefit many older women, whose time at home with children has damaged their state pension entitlements”.
Iain Duncan Smith, the Work and Pensions Secretary, said on Sunday night: “The single-tier pension will mean that more women can get a full state pension in their own right, and stop this shameful situation where they are let down by the system when it comes to retirement because they have taken time out to care for their family.”'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2013-01-14 21:15
Story here. Excerpt:
'Wilson College's Board of Trustees voted on Sunday afternoon to begin accepting men to the college's traditional undergraduate program and to adopt a series of other recommendations aimed at broadening the liberal-arts institution's educational offerings, improving its facilities, and strengthening its position in the admissions market.
The decision to admit men came over the anguished protests of some alumnae and students, but with the support of others. The goal is to increase enrollment, now below 700, to about 1,500 by 2020. The college began the current academic year with 316 women in the traditional undergraduate program and 379 men and women in the adult-degree program.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2013-01-14 21:12
Story here. Excerpt:
'MK Zehava Gal-On of Meretz, which was recently described by one of its Knesset candidates as a "leftist-feminist" party, decided to pull advertisements attacking female MKs from Likud.
Advertisements against male rivals appear to be fine with her, however, according to a report in Maariv-NRG.
Last week, Meretz began running internet advertisements attacking Likud MKs Moshe Feiglin, Danny Danon, Tzipi Hotovely and Miri Regev, as well as Bayit Yehudi head Naftali Bennett. The ads target voters who may opt not to vote at all, warning them that doing so means allowing more MKs like these in the next Knesset.
However, according to the report, Galon has decided not to run the advertisements that feature MKs Regev and Hotovely, who are both women. "I decided to pull the Miri Regev ad out of gender considerations," Galon explained. "I am in favor of the campaign but I will not attack women who run for Knesset."'
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2013-01-14 16:53
Article here. Summary: single women are annoyed that single men are not interested in blowing $100 on a "date", thereby reducing how "special" they feel and worse yet, they can't eat for free on the week-ends. Though the comments are closed, they're interesting reading. Excerpt:
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2013-01-14 02:45
Article here. Excerpt:
'Anyhow, that we, PappaRättsGruppen (The Fathers Rights Group), would get one million visits on our Home Page wasn't something anyone would have believed or expected – not even we ourselves.
In any case, we are incredible proud and humble before the fact that there are people who are interested in the topics we write about.'
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2013-01-14 01:53
Article here. Is death a defensible punishment for murder, rape, and other crimes? That's a separate issue. Point is, Saudi law says these crimes are capital offenses. Next question is this: Is the "world's outrage" because capital punishment is so objectionable or is it because the executed person is young and female? I'd guess so. It doesn't seem anyone is disputing the facts of the case. If a recent MALE immigrant from Sri Lanka had suffocated an infant over an argument with one of the baby's parents, would ANYONE be raising a stink? No way. Excerpt:
'Saudi Arabia on Sunday criticised world reaction to its beheading a Sri Lankan maid convicted of killing her employer's baby, the official SPA news agency reported.
Riyadh "deplores the statements made... over the execution of a Sri Lankan maid who had plotted and killed an infant by suffocating him to death, one week after she arrived in the kingdom," the government spokesman said.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2013-01-13 20:54
Article here. Excerpt:
'Title IX was passed to end discrimination in schools and colleges. But contrary to the intent of the law, Title IX is used to impose gender quotas. Schools and colleges must equate the ratio of males and females in sports programs to their overall enrollment. When there are more women than men in college, as is now typical, Title IX regulations mandate that women outnumber men by the same ratio on its competitive sports teams. Title IX has compelled colleges to eliminate hundreds of men’s teams. At the same time, women take an athletic scholarship mainly to get free college tuition, not because they were keen on sports. Colleges are offering full-ride scholarships to women with no experience in sports that are easy to learn, such as crew.
The United States spends more on sports than any other country in the world, perhaps more than all other countries combined. But if our future great athletes have their spots taken away from them in the name of gender equality, what are we getting for our money?'
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Submitted by MikeJH on Sun, 2013-01-13 13:55
Story here. Excerpt:
'A man who discovered that the son and daughter he raised into their teenage years were not his has been awarded £25,000 in damages after suing his ex-wife for deceit.
Richard Rodwell was a loving father to Adam and Laura until his marriage to their mother Helen broke down.
After the divorce he paid regular child maintenance for more than four years, from his salary as a factory manager.
But in 2008 Mr Rodwell ordered DNA tests after hearing rumours about his daughter’s paternity – and the results showed that each child was fathered by a different man.
Following the results, the children cut off all contact with him. He claims his ex-wife turned them against him.'
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Submitted by MikeJH on Sat, 2013-01-12 21:53
Article here. Excerpt:
'In England and Wales, the biggest peacetime difference between the life expectancies at birth of the two sexes was 6.3 years. That was in 1967. It is now 4.1 years, and falling. In the early 1980s women who made it to 65, the traditional age of retirement for British men, could expect to live four years longer than their male counterparts. The gap now is less than three years (see chart), though there is still some way to go before things return to the nine-month gap that prevailed in the 1840s, when records began. Other industrialised countries, except Japan and Russia, show something similar.
A further fifth of the longevity gap between the sexes is explained by alcohol. In this case, however, the gap is widening. In 1979 two men died from alcohol-related causes for every woman who succumbed. In 2009 it was 2.4.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2013-01-12 18:11
Article here. Excerpt:
'Our culture pretends that if it represses boys’ violent tendencies, violence will decrease. Society does this by trying to emasculate boys into girls. It encourages boys to play with gender-neutral toys, drugs boys into submission at school and otherwise suppresses their instinctive rough-and-tumble, smash-and-bang physical nature.
But none of these feminist-approved techniques erase the influence of genetics and testosterone. That persistent biochemical is something every boy must learn to handle. Testosterone gives boys less impulse control, more muscle strength and, yes, more violent tendencies. Unchecked, testosterone can cause boys to explode when they hit adolescence … unless they’re trained otherwise.
It takes a man – not a woman – to teach boys how to handle themselves. Without a male mentor, boys often give in to their animal nature and become violent.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2013-01-12 17:55
Article here. Excerpt:
'Evidence of intra-firm gender discrimination in the assignment of tasks and irrational aversion to appointing women to boards of directors is fascinating to me not only because sexism is an important issue, but because there's a very clear and simple theoretical argument that this kind of widespread gender discrimination can't exist. In a well-functioning competitive marketplace, firms that don't discriminate will outperform those that do. And yet it's obvious that systematic implicit discrimination against women is in fact widespread. So it should come as new surprise that the latest reports show that the small minority of hedge funds run by women outperform the (dismal) industry average.'
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2013-01-12 03:21
Testimony at press conference in Berlin found here. His testimony is given in English.
English translation of Mr. Sadeh's message in Hebrew:
I hereby call Jews in Israel and anywhere in the world: learn about the advantages of an intact penis, learn about the disadvantages of a cut penis, and join the unstoppable movement of tens of thousands of Jews all over the world who welcome their sons to the world without violating their bodily integrity, without hurting them, and without putting them at risk. Here ends a year and its maledictions and a new one begins with its blessings. Happy New Year / Rosh Hashana
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2013-01-11 07:29
Article here. Excerpt:
'Unmarried couples who live together hold very conventional views of household gender roles, new research has found. In particular, researchers found that the men in unwed couples are still seen as the primary breadwinners even when they are not, while the women are seen as being responsible for domestic work.
"A number of these working-class men wanted the respect of being the breadwinner but were not necessarily taking on that role," Miller said. "While they were content to let their girlfriends pay at least half of the rent, they admitted that they had no plans to take on half of the housework, even if their partners were very unhappy about doing more than their fair share."
Men have a very specific reason for holding onto those viewpoints, Miller and Sassler said. In particular, men are holding onto the privileges of being the breadwinner in a household because they have lost other privileges in the workplace recently.'
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