Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2013-01-21 07:36
Article here. Excerpt:
'Women working full time in this state earn 84 percent of what men earn according to the state Labor Department. Nationally, according to the U.S. Department of Labor, women in 2010 earned 77 cents for every $1 men earned in full time work. In 2011 the median full-time working woman made 81.6 percent of the wages of the median full-time working man.
The number of hours worked per week varied the statistic, though. Among men and women who work 40 hours per week, women earned 87 percent of what men earned.
Under the current law people who prove discrimination in wages can get back pay to make up the difference for what they would have earned if they were paid equally to their peers. This means a successful plaintiff in a wage discrimination case is entitled to 100 percent of the back wages due.
Cuomo proposed increasing that to 300 percent of back wages.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2013-01-21 07:01
Story here. Excerpt:
'The biological father of Jodie Foster's two sons, Charles, 14, and Kit, 12, has never been revealed. However, according to Reverend Beverly Bates, 75, her son Randy Stone was Jodie's best friend and treated them as his own children.
In an interview with MailOnline, Reverend Beverly stopped short of confirming Randy is the kids’ father, while it’s heavily rumoured that's the case.
Randy, a Hollywood producer who passed away in 2007, swore to keep the father's identity a secret, Beverly told the Mail Online.
"Randy told me that Jodie said she'll tell the boys who their father is when they're 21,” Beverly said.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2013-01-21 06:59
Story here. Excerpt:
'Kelly Louise Barnes, 32, and her partner Jodie Barnes, 31, killed Barry Reeve in a "brutal and callous" attack in his home, Norwich Crown Court heard.
They tortured the retired bus conductor, believing he had a secret stash of money before turning the volume on his television up to mask his screams, it was claimed.
They beat the 67-year-old and cut him with a knife at his home in Norwich in an attempt to make him disclose his PIN, the jury were told.
After the attack on February 9 last year the drug addict couple, both of both, Norwich, left the grandfather dying, prosecutors alleged.
They returned to his terraced house in the city's Corton Road, where Mr Reeve, who was known as Titch because of his small stature, is thought to have remained alive until at least the following morning.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2013-01-21 00:58
Article here. Excerpt:
'KABUL, Afghanistan — Afghan authorities are still torturing prisoners, such as hanging them by their wrists and beating them with cables, the United Nations said, a year after it first documented the abuse and won government promises of detention reform.
The latest report shows little progress in curbing abuse in Afghan prisons despite efforts by the U.N. and international military forces in Afghanistan. The report released Sunday also cites instances where Afghan authorities have tried to hide mistreatment from U.N. monitors.
The slow progress on prison reform has prompted NATO forces to once again stop many transfers of detainees to Afghan authorities out of concern that they would be tortured.
In multiple detention centers, Afghan authorities leave detainees hanging from the ceiling by their wrists, beat them with cables and wooden sticks, administer electric shocks, twist their genitals and threaten to shove bottles up their anuses or to kill them, the report said.'
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Submitted by charlie on Sun, 2013-01-20 17:44
Story here. Canadian woman goes free after putting a hit on her husband. She makes uncorroborated accusations against the victim and the press buys her story without question. Excerpt:
'A battered wife from Nova Scotia who tried to hire a hit man to kill her husband says she was "relieved" when Canada's highest court stayed her case on Friday and is looking forward to putting the ordeal behind her.
Nicole Ryan says she hopes to move on with her life and reconnect with her daughter, whom she has not seen since her trial in 2009.
Earlier in the day, the Supreme Court of Canada overturned Ryan's acquittal but also stayed the case, meaning there will be no retrial and her long legal nightmare is over.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2013-01-20 03:15
Article here. Excerpt:
'ANDREA TANTAROS, CO-HOST: You do it all the time.
I completely agree with you. There was a report, I think it was in 1990, that said that women were short changed, particularly young girls in school, so there was an overcompensation with little girls. Now you see little girls graduating disproportionately from college, they're getting higher test scores. Little boys are being diagnosed with the learning disorders, like ADD, more in boys.
So, I think it's the young boys -- you're right, Bob -- that are getting left behind. But just in society, it's being catered to women. Women are the ones who are buying products. The movies, we go from Charleston Heston to Seth Rogen. The whole culture is being feminized in my opinion.
BECKEL: What do you think?
GUILFOYLE: I totally agree. I see it in schools and I see it in Ronan's classes. Let boys be boys. They want to play rough, don't try to overmedicate them and turn them in to girls. They're boys. There are differences in genders, embrace them, celebrate them.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2013-01-19 18:16
Story here. Excerpt:
'Supporters of Jodi Arias, the woman accused of killing her former lover, are raising money for her by auctioning artwork she supposedly has created since her 2008 incarceration.
Since Jan. 10, seven colored-pencil drawings have sold on the online auction website eBay, raking in $1,019.98 in winning bids.
The 32-year-old aspiring artist and photographer is currently on trial in Mesa, Ariz., accused of shooting Travis Alexander in the face, stabbing him 27 times and slitting his throat in the shower of his Mesa apartment in June 2008. Prosecutors allege she killed Alexander in a fit of jealous rage. The defense contends Alexander was killed in self-defense. The prosecution rested its case Thursday. The defense begins presenting its case in two weeks.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2013-01-19 07:04
Article here. Excerpt:
'My 4-year-old son, Emmett, swallows a spoonful of cereal and asks me if I know what a gentleman is. Surprised, I tell him I have some idea; then I ask what the word means to him.
“A gentleman lets girls go first,” he says, explaining that every day at naptime all the girls go to the bathroom before the boys.
His explanation, along with the quiet solemnity with which he delivers it, is completely endearing and yet it makes my heart ache. This adorable little boy, who is only beginning to learn the ways of the world, just got his first lesson in sexism — and from a teacher who, I don’t doubt, believes she’s doing something wonderful for womankind.
She isn’t the only one.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2013-01-19 06:59
Article here. Excerpt:
'In March, the city of Seattle will begin offering women-only swims at four city pools in order to serve women who cannot swim in a co-ed environment for cultural, personal or religious reasons.
For the past decade, private groups have rented the city’s pools to offer single-sex swims, drawing mostly Muslim women and some Orthodox Jews, along with some who chose the swims for personal reasons (“Women-only swims draw crowds but face challenges,” Real Change, June 29, 2011). The windows are covered during the swims, which are staffed by female lifeguards.
As grants and other funding for the swims began to dry up, demand for the swims continued to grow, and city officials wanted to find a way to sustain them. First, they had to change non-discrimination policies that made single-sex programs difficult to sustain.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2013-01-19 06:58
Article here. Excerpt:
'Women can have it all – but only if they are prepared to sacrifice some of their power in the home, psychologists believe.
Research suggests that if a woman runs her household without any help, she has less interest in scaling the career ladder.
But the reason for this is not quite what you might expect, such as being too tired.
According to experts, the satisfaction of being in charge of day-to-day domestic tasks leaves mothers with less of a thirst for success at work.
If she were indeed to ‘have it all’ – a phrase coined by the late Cosmopolitan magazine editor Helen Gurley Brown to mean women can have a family life, a love life and a career – she would need to prepared to carve up some of the home decisions with her spouse, a study suggests.
This would free up some of her career drive and enable work success.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2013-01-19 06:52
Story here. Excerpt:
'MONTGOMERY, Ala., Jan. 17, 2013 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- The Verizon Foundation presented a $20,000 grant to the One Place Family Justice Center last night to support an initiative aimed at engaging and empowering men to speak out against domestic violence.
A CALL TO MEN: The Next Generation of Manhood was founded in 2002. Its vision is to shift social norms that define manhood in our culture and create a world where women and girls are valued and safe. Although historically it has been almost entirely women at the forefront addressing this issue, A CALL TO MEN believes that preventing domestic and sexual violence is primarily the responsibility of men.
A CALL TO MEN has trained men and women in more than 3,000 organizations throughout the United States and abroad, including the National Football League, the United Nations and many more.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2013-01-19 02:36
Story here. Make sure you check out the comment section because most people think this is funny. Excerpt:
'A Washington woman is accused of using her breasts to smother and kill her boyfriend after an altercation at their mobile home.
Donna Lange, a 51-year-old woman from Everett, Wash., is believed to have suffocated her boyfriend to death with her breasts on Saturday, Jan. 12, according to Seattle's KIRO 7 Eyewitness News. Deputies, called to the Airport Inn trailer park at 12:45 a.m. for a disturbance report, found medics performing CPR on Lange's 51-year-old alleged boyfriend, who was later pronounced dead at Swedish Hospital.
Kiro 7 reports that witnesses claims they saw Lange throw her boyfriend down in the back of the mobile home. She was later found by witnesses with her chest covering the victim's face. Police noted the size difference between Lange and her boyfriend -- she was 5-feet, 6-inches and 192 pounds, he was 5-feet, 7-inches and 175 pounds.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2013-01-19 02:11
Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2013-01-18 17:58
Article here. Excerpt:
'In the 1970s, feminist critics regularly complained that the school system favored “male thinking.” Facts, dates, rote learning, and math skills that were seen as “too masculine” for girls. In the intervening decades, feminists have made huge strides throughout the Western world, and education – particularly in the training of teachers – has been transformed as a result.
That most government policy makers and academics accept this as an unqualified success has left bewilderment as to how the new, more “fair” teaching styles have resulted in poor outcomes for boys and ultimately for the men they must become.
The work of one American researcher may offer clues to the question of why and how. Professor Christopher Cornwell at the University of Georgia has found that a heavily feminist-driven education paradigm systematically favours girls and disadvantages boys from their first days in school.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2013-01-18 17:15
Story here. Excerpt:
'SEATTLE (CBS Seattle) — A Seattle woman is accused of beating her child’s father into unconsciousness while the newborn baby was strapped to her chest.
According to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, police say Sharee Seminole, 25, brutally beat her boyfriend following an argument on Jan. 6.
Seattle detectives told the court that Seminole, who weighs 270 pounds, threw her boyfriend down to the ground, repeatedly stomping him in the face, breaking his nose and leaving him unconscious, all while having her 2-week old baby strapped to her chest.'
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