Divorced parents should share custody 50/50

Article here. Excerpt:

'Firstly, dads who perhaps don’t have access to their children or who are spending a fortune in the courts trying to win access.

Secondly, mums, who wish dads were around, who say their ex-partners are shirking responsibilities and want nothing to do with their children.

Whichever case it is, the results are always heartbreaking. In both cases it’s the children who are missing out. Understandably, this is an issue that causes anger, frustration and hurt.

Clearly there are a lot of people out there who are struggling to get decent contact with their kids. In my lifetime things have changed. When I was growing up in the 1970s, the thought of parents taking an equal share of childcare seemed absurd.'

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The Problem With Male Feminists

Article here. Excerpt:

'I was once at a party, in college, where upon hearing someone identify themselves as a male feminist, a woman replied “There are no Quislings in the gender wars!”

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Editorial: Women in combat creates case to abolish the draft

Article here. Excerpt:

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How Menino Plans to Address the Wage Gap

Article here. Excerpt:

'The mayor’s plan is three pronged. He’s creating a Women’s Workforce Council (the first of its kind in the country, says Lusk), one that will represent the core industries in the city and that will make recommendations on policy and workplace proposals to help women in the workforce. He’s helping with access to child care, offering $1 million in low interest loans to help “family-based early education providers invest in safe, quality child care environments.” And he’s creating a program for women business owners. “It will deal with the unique hurdles women business owners face, serving to better connect them to each other and to the city,” says Lusk. “It’s about understanding what their needs are.”

For Menino, it’s the subject of equity is “very personal issue,” says Lusk. “As a grandfather, he wants to make sure he’s providing the best working environment for his granddaughters.” Cheers to that.'

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Mikulski’s ‘Paycheck Fairness Act’ Would Allow Employees to Discuss Salaries

Article here. Excerpt:

'LANHAM, Md. (CBSDC)- A ‘Paycheck Fairness Act’ introduced in Congress last week would require employers to show pay disparity is related to job-performance and prohibit employer retaliation for sharing salary information with coworkers.

Senator Barbara A. Mikulski and Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, both Democrats, said their legislation is aimed at closing the pay gap between men and women and would also address loopholes in the 1963 Equal Pay Act.

Currently, the law allows employers to sue or otherwise punish employees for sharing their salary information and women still make just 77 cents on their male counterpart’s dollar, according to Sen. Mikulski’s office.'

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SAVE: Tell Your Representative: Say NO to H.R. 11 and YES to Real VAWA Reform

The Violence Against Women Act reauthorization bills introduced recently in the House and Senate ignore well-documented problems.

These VAWA Reform Principals are vital to the creation of an effective and comprehensive domestic violence bill: http://www.saveservices.org/pvra/vawa-reform-principles
Today we'd like you to call your Representative. Tell them, "Say NO to H.R. 11 and YES to Real VAWA Reform!" 
Find your Representative by zip code here:
Please keep using those phones!  Thank you!
Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments   

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Outrage over Boyfriend Trainer iPhone game

Article here. Excerpt:

"Outraged smartphone users have criticised a game for encouraging young women to behave violently to their partners.

The 'Boyfriend Trainer' app has the users play the 'girlfriend' and asks them to advance through the game by attacking the 'boyfriend' when he misbehaves.

'Crack that whip and teach your guy a thing or two about being the Perfect Boyfriend!' it says. 'When scolding doesn’t work, just zap him, whack him and train him to be your ideal man!'"

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"Super Bowl Sunday can mean spike in domestic disturbances"

Article here.

'LA CROSSE, Wisconsin (WXOW)-- Superbowl Sunday is this weekend, and for the vast majority of people it's simply good entertainment and some fun often shared with friends.

The focus is different, however, for a local domestic violence shelter. They say they see an increase in domestic disturbances.

"We see more crisis line calls, somewhat, not a huge amount," said Ann Kappauf, the executive director of New Horizons Shelter. "Often times it's because there's the drinking involved. And although drinking does not cause a person to be abusive, it's almost like that liquid courage.'


See: Domestic violence myths help no one

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NYPD Cop's Widow Says Husband Driven to Suicide by Boss' Sexual Advances

Story here. Excerpt:

'JACKSON HEIGHTS — A married NYPD cop killed himself last year because his frisky female supervisor repeatedly pressured him to have sex or face a bad work schedule, a new lawsuit charges.

The widow of veteran officer Matthew Schindler is suing the police department and Sgt. Christine Hertzel, claiming his Feb. 13, 2012, suicide was brought on by sexual harassment at his job at the 115th Precinct.

The lawsuit, filed Jan. 22 in Queens Supreme Court, alleges a despondent Schindler, 39, shot himself with his service handgun on the way from work to his Long Island home after telling Hertzel to keep her hands off him.

It adds that he told Hertzel her unrelenting advances had left him depressed, but she refused to let up.'

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More housework, less sex for married men: study

Article here. Notice the article focuses on how much sex men are getting, as opposed to women-- as if how much of it they were getting wasn't as important, or correlated to the men-running-the-vacuum-cleaner issue the "study" is supposedly about. But in any case, I saw this and laughed. Let's assume the "study" has reached a valid conclusion. The article goes on to suggest that despite its finding, men should continue to do more traditionally female-role housework to make their wives happier. Isn't that nice. Nice. Reminds me of that book I mentioned in a previous post, "No More Mr. Nice Guy". "Nice guys" don't live happy lives. Getting "less sex" is just one of the ways they don't live happy lives. Excerpt:

'The road to hell is paved with good intentions, as they say: the more housework married men do, the less sex they have, according to a new study published Wednesday.

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Huggies Pro-Dad Commercial

This ad shows dads doing what regular dads do with their kids, without attempting to make them look like idiots.

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Brazil: Wife Used Poison Vagina in Bid to Kill Husband

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman filled up her vagina with poison in a bid to kill her husband, it is claimed.

She then invited him to perform a sex act on her during which he would ingest the deadly substance.

But in a move which probably speaks clearly of the start of their marriage, he refused to do so and was also suspicious of her motives.
The wife could yet face charges by police in Sao Jose, Brazil, over the incident.

Local Police officer Walter Colacino Júnior said: "[It is] an investigation of attempted murder."'

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Military dad reunited with daughter put up for adoption without his consent

Story here. Excerpt:

'A South Carolina soldier has been reunited with his 22-month-old daughter after she was given up for adoption without his knowledge or consent when she was born.

Sgt. Terry Achane took tiny Teleah home after leaving a Provo, Utah, courtroom Friday where a judge gave him custody.

“I got my daughter back,” said 31-year-old Achane, according to The Salt Lake Tribune. “I’m very happy. It’s 22 months too long, but the wait was worth it.”'

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Many Divorcees Are Sentenced To A Lifetime Of Alimony Payments

Article here. Sympathetically-written as it is, notice the tack it takes: Permanent alimony is bad because it negatively affects "the second wife". No mention of the patent unfairness/absurdity of permanent alimony in today's day and age. Excerpt:

'The permanent alimony trap can be especially maddening for someone like Jane Carter, 43, who is using a pseudonym so she can more freely discuss her husband's case, which will soon be hashed out in court. Her husband separated from his first wife in 2003 and was ordered by the courts to pay his ex-spouse $90,000 a year (not including child support).
Unless Carter wins the court's favor, there's seemingly no end in sight. In fact, she says her husband's ex-wife is now after her money. "I have a small nest egg for my 11-year-old son, and her lawyer is trying to find out how much I have for that nest egg because we're in the midst of a modification proceeding," says Carter.

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It Matters to the Dead Men's Families

Article here. Excerpt:

'Hillary the radical feminist whose theism dictated that men were only needed for sperm donations not only became involved with a man who represented everything feminists condemned, but she became the very thing feminists accuse stay-at-home mothers and conservative women of being, i.e., dependent on men for their advancement.
Hillary saying her job is to see that it doesn’t happen again is specious and purposefully misleading. You cannot ensure something doesn’t happen again without knowing what caused it the first time. Hillary doesn’t want to address the causal factors of why Stevens, Smith, Doherty and Woods were murdered – because to do so would mean Obama would have to answer the question of why he permitted them to be murdered as he reportedly watched the live feed of their murders from drones recording the attack.'

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