Has Title IX Killed DePaul Men’s Basketball?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Before you accuse me of being a sexist pig, might I remind you that I have a wife and a daughter. And on the surface, Title IX is a good law. It allows women access to sports (as well as other areas). But when it is clearly slanted due to an agenda, it defeats the purpose of the legislation. Look no further than current DePaul Blue Demons‘ athletic director Jean Lenti-Ponsetto. She clearly abuses DePaul’s mens basketball team while giving the girls’ teams at the school everything they want and need.
While the DePaul men’s basketball team plays in an outdated Allstate Arena, the girls basketball team was built a new on-campus arena. The softball team was built a new stadium and the soccer teams (and this does apply to the men’s team as well) has a new field. But I promise you that the field was built primarily for the girls. Practice times and access to facilities are actually slanted towards women’s athletics.

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"The Boys at the Back"

Article here. Excerpt:

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Huffington Post: Challenging Sexism and Violence in Super Bowl Commercials

Another one sided article about purported "sexism" (only against women, of course) in Super Bowl commercials. Typical feminist terms such as "objectify" are used once again. This nonsense is so tiresome. It's apparently a new topic, so here's a chance for MRA's to comment on it and present the other side of the story - the misandry against men common in TV ads. Excerpt:

'This Sunday, in cities and towns across the U.S., over 100 million people will gather in front of their TVs with friends and family to watch the Super Bowl. But the 49ers and Ravens aren't the only ones facing off that night. Advertisers will do anything to make sure their commercials are the most talked about on Monday morning, which means sex, violence, and a general disregard for the millions of kids watching with their families.

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With women in mind, military takes revised look at fitness test

Article here. Excerpt:

'If anyone thought the military's decision to allow women into combat units would lead to exceptions for women when it came to fitness and physical strength, this is one service's “gender neutral” answer — or at least part of the answer.
The Pentagon says it will not lower standards for women but is nonetheless reviewing the requirements for hundreds of what are called military occupational specialties to see if they actually match up with the demands of each job.

Some combat jobs that might open to women may require them to meet only specific requirements rather than a wide range of fitness standards.
But even for the pull-ups, the Marines are still making some exceptions. To get a perfect grade, women will have to do only eight, compared with the 20 required for men.'

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Military Suicides: One U.S. Veteran Dies Every 65 Minutes

Story here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON, Feb 1 (Reuters) - The most extensive study yet by the U.S. government on suicide among military veterans shows more veterans are killing themselves than previously thought, with 22 deaths a day - or one every 65 minutes, on average.

The study released on Friday by the Department of Veterans Affairs covered suicides from 1999 to 2010 and compared with a previous, less precise VA estimate that there were roughly 18 veteran deaths a day in the United States.

More than 69 percent of veteran suicides were among individuals aged 50 years or older, the VA reported.'

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U.S. Department of State: Women's Entrepreneurship in the Americas (WEAmericas) Small Grants Launch

Link here. Excerpt:

'Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues Melanne Verveer, Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs Roberta Jacobson, and Executive Vice President of Corporate Affairs for Walmart Leslie Dach will recognize the final awardees for $1.5 million in grants through the Women’s Entrepreneurship in the Americas (WEAmericas) initiative during a ceremony on February 4, 2013, from 4:00-5:00 p.m. in the George C. Marshall Conference Center at the Department of State.

Following remarks, Ambassador Verveer will moderate an interactive panel discussion with three grantees and a Walmart representative on how key stakeholders can collaborate and leverage the grants, resources, and regional initiatives to further support the development of sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems for women entrepreneurs in Latin America and the Caribbean.'

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F&F: Shared Parenting Legislation Submitted in Nebraska

Article here. Excerpt:

'There’s a widespread belief that our family law system is biased and unfair to fathers. Almost everyone has heard at least one story about a good, involved father who, through no fault of his own, now sees his children only every-other-weekend — just two days every two weeks. Are these stories typical or outliers?

Voices for Children reports there were 3,465 Nebraska divorces involving children during 2010. The mother received custody in 2,156 cases (62.2%), the father received custody in 348 (10.0%) and joint custody was ordered in 876 (25.3%).

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Tawana Brawley served with court order to pay man she accused of rape in 1987

Story here. Excerpt:

'Infamous hoaxster Tawana Brawley — whose outrageous rape lie 25 years ago inflamed racial tensions nationwide — yesterday was finally slapped with a court order to settle a hefty defamation case against her.

“For at least 25 years, she has been living a major lie,” said former Dutchess County prosecutor Steven Pagones, who was falsely accused of raping Brawley in 1987 and finally tracked her down, thanks to The Post.

“To me, this has always been about responsibility and accountability,’’ added the former ADA, who won the $190,000 defamation lawsuit against Brawley, 40, now a nurse in Virginia, more than a decade ago.'

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'The Incredible Shrinking Man'

Article here. Excerpt:

'This past summer I visited a group of teenage boys at a summer camp and gave them some sobering news: If you follow the trend in society, you’re going to end up being sloths and underachievers. And women are going to leave you in their vapor trails.

It’s true, and it’s unmistakable: Female is the new male.

Girls dominate boys in education, from elementary through graduate school. Women are taking over the workforce. Hundreds of formerly male-dominated careers are becoming feminized. More and more wives outearn their husbands. Fathers are fading away inside their own families, and rising illegitimate births and single-parenthood are pushing them out of the child-rearing picture altogether.

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'Every adult’s responsibility': Campaign calls for circumcision regulation following tragic Oldham baby death

Article here. Excerpt:

'Following the death of a baby in Oldham after a botched circumcision, an e-petition has sparked a controversial debate into the risks associated with the procedure.

Currently with 45 signatures, the petition is calls on the government to introduce the legal regulation of the circumcision of male babies and children.

The petition is not unique, with several other groups and campaigns developing against the practice in recent years.

One such drive was started by Glen Poole who runs Helping Men, a consultancy aiming to help tackle some of the inequalities men experience in health, education and the criminal justice system.'

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UK: Woman molests boys, judge lets her go because she was drunk (and female)

Story here. Excerpt:

'Yesterday, MailOnline reported on the case of Amanda Wheeler - a 31 year-old from Cheltenham who was found guilty of sexually assaulting several young boys.

The mother-of-three got drunk at a party before kissing and groping a 12-year-old on a bench in November 2011.

She then performed a lap-dance and straddled a group of male children, before biting a 13-year-old boy on his neck and coercing him to perform a sex act on her.

She denied the charges, but was found guilty during a recent trial and faced several years in prison.

However, in the latest blow for British justice and men’s rights, she walked free from Birmingham Crown Court with only a suspended prison term and a smirk on her face.

Why? Surely it can’t be...Because she’s a woman.'

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U.S. Department of State: TechWomen Gather in Jordan To Collaborate, Code, and Connect

Link here. Excerpt:

'Fusing technology with efforts to empower women and girls, the U.S. Department of State announced today that participants of TechWomen will meet in Jordan from February 1-10 to collaborate and connect through workshops and visits with local organizations. An innovative public-private partnership, TechWomen pairs emerging women in technology from the Middle East and North Africa with American women mentors from the greater Silicon Valley area.

TechWomen, which was launched by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2011, has brought almost 80 women from the Middle East and North Africa and the United States together for month-long mentorships. The program builds on Secretary Clinton’s vision of “smart power” -- embracing the full range of diplomatic tools, in this case technology, to empower women and girls and foster greater understanding worldwide. This year, TechWomen will include emerging women in the tech sector from Sub-Saharan African countries.

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Wear Red campaign targets better women’s heart health

Article here. Excerpt:

'The American Heart Association wants everyone to see red Friday, but not because of anger.

Instead, the organization is encouraging people to wear red – whether it’s clothing, jewelry or makeup – to support its 10th annual National Wear Red campaign, which is designed to improve women’s heart health and to save lives.

“The message is what is important for people to hear. The message and research are what saves lives,” said Michelle Alloway, division director for the American Heart Association Great Rivers Affiliate.

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Australia: Eating disorders 'nearly as bad for men'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The impact of eating disorders on men's health has been underestimated, say researchers.

Deborah Mitchison at the University of Western Sydney and colleagues report their findings online ahead of print in the International Journal of Eating Disorders.

"Researchers have thought eating disorders are the domain of women so a lot of the research has been biased towards women and not really recruited men," says Mitchison, a PhD candidate in the School of Medicine.
Overall, 28 per cent of women were affected by factors related to eating disorders whereas 18.5 per cent of men were affected.'

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Time to replace chivalry with respect for all

Article here. Excerpt:

'Chivalry isn’t dead quite yet. And frankly, the fast track to disappearing is better for everyone, men and women alike.
The problem lies in the idea that women are special: the age-old concept that we are “the fairer sex.” Some may suggest that the 21st century needs more gentlemen and that today’s culture does not respect women, but today women are more equal to men than ever before in history.

The Federal Department of Education reported statistics in a 2006 New York Times article by Tamar Lewin showing that men are less likely than women to earn a bachelor’s degree regardless of their socioeconomic status. According to U.S. Department of Labor statistics, women were the majority of workers in the financial industry, education and health services, as of 2010. In 2009, 29 percent of married women earned more than their husbands, compared with 18 percent in 1987. The ways of the world are changing.

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