"To be happy, we must admit women and men aren't 'equal'"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Unless, of course, you’re beholden to feminism. In that case, you’ll believe the above is evidence of discrimination. You’ll believe what feminists taught you to believe: that gender is a social construct.

Those of us with children know better. We know little girls love their dolls and boys just want to kick that ball. This doesn’t mean men can’t take care of babies or women can’t play sports. It just means each gender has its own energy that flows in a specific direction. For God’s sake, let it flow.'

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Poll: Most women believe they should not be forced into combat

Article here. Excerpt:

'The majority of American female voters support the idea of women serving in combat, but not being drafted, according to a national poll from Quinnipiac University released Thursday morning at the National Press Club.

Seventy-seven percent of female voters indicated that they favor the combat policy change, the poll showed.

When asked about the reinstatement of the draft, only 28 percent of American voters were in support. Despite widespread favor toward women in combat, only 48 percent of females supported women being drafted, while 59 percent of men supported the idea.
The data reveals that female voters may believe that women should be allowed to serve in open combat alongside men, but they should not be forced to do so through a draft.'

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New research suggests mixed-gender high schools perpetuate gender gap

Article here. Nice to see an article on "the wage gap" that points out the obvious: major in English and *surprise*, you'll have a much harder time finding a job right out of college than someone who majored in a subject for which an employer can find a more immediate application. Excerpt:

'Two economics professors at the University of California, Davis have published a paper arguing that mixed-gender high schools are at least partially to blame for the persistent gender gap in the salaries of men and women.
The researchers found that the gender ratio of high school classmates considerably and consistently affected the choices students later made about their majors.
One obvious reason is that men and women — as groups — make substantially different choices when it comes to college majors. This phenomenon generally holds true throughout the developed world.

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Teacher Suspended After Pouring Pencil Shavings In Student’s Mouth

Story here. Excerpt:

'Marquis Jay pulls out a pencil sharpener and shows the amount of shavings inside, “She poured the pencil shavings in my mouth.”

The 8th grader at Boles Jr. High School in Arlington says it was a teacher who poured the pencil shavings in his mouth in January.

“I was sitting in class with my head tilted back and opening my mouth,” says Jay. “Teacher came over and poured the pencil shavings in my mouth.”

The 13-year-old says he immediately spit it out and was taken to the nurse’s office where he washed out his mouth.

His mother Deidre Brown was called and she is still furious.
Friday morning, almost a month later, Brown says she was told the teacher was suspended. She says she wanted her fired.
Marquis says the teacher is back at school and has apologized, “She said sorry for what happened. She wasn’t thinking right.”'

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"Rating Men on Lulu Isn't Empowering. It's Creepy."

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last week, I put out a call for more hook-up apps that are actually designed by, and for, women. Social media pro Alexandra Chong answered my call. Enter Lulu, an app so female-friendly that it doesn’t even require men to create their own profiles—women do that for them.

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Family Research Council: “Real abuse” is cost of VAWA to taxpayers

Article here. Excerpt:

'The socially conservative Family Research Council asked supporters to help it oppose the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act because, the group says, the “real abuse” is how much it will waste taxpayer dollars.

In an email alert on Monday, the FRC decried the VAWA (“which, ironically, is supported by the same administration that wants to put women in front-line combat!”) as an “abuse of taxpayer dollars” that “does more to promote a radical agenda than it does to help women.”

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Why Congress ought to ditch VAWA

Article here. Excerpt:

'Additionally, proponents of VAWA need to quit demonizing men as a whole. In fact, research shows that husbands — and marriage in general — offer the most protective safe haven for women and their children, compared to any other relationship. The Department of Justice estimates that “women are 62 times more likely to be assaulted by live-in boyfriends than they are by their husbands.” If liberal feminists behind VAWA really cared about the well-being of women, then they would be America’s biggest proponents of marriage between a man and woman.

There is a common consensus that VAWA isn’t effective. A recent national survey conducted by SAVE (Stop Abusive and Violent Environments), a non-profit victim-advocacy organization, shows 69.5 percent of respondents agree it’s time to reform VAWA in order to reduce waste and fraud within the system.'

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Zero Tolerance for Boys Means Zero Virtue for Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Alex Evans is a seven-year-old second grader at Mary Blair Elementary School in Colorado. Recently, he was suspended for throwing an imaginary grenade while pretending to “rescue the world” from “pretend evil forces.”

Little Alex, it turns out, violated his school’s “absolutes” against fighting and weapons, “real or imaginary.”

So-called “zero tolerance” policies of the sort on display at Mary Blair have long been in place in public schools throughout the country. Alex’s mother said that she thought that they were “unrealistic” for kids her son’s age. She is right as far as she goes. The problem is that she doesn’t go nearly far enough.

Such policies are indeed unrealistic, yet they are unrealistic for people of all ages. Moreover, they aren’t just unrealistic. They are at once idiotic and outrageous: Rather than enable children to become responsible adults, zero tolerance policies threaten to retard this developmental process.

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'Teen Mom 2' season 4 preview teases domestic violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'"Teen Mom 2" returns Feb. 18 ... with a cauldron full of hot mess.

The preview for the fourth season opens with a shocking scene of domestic violence. What's most surprising is that the attacker is Kailyn Lowry, the "responsible" "Teen Mom" star, beating on her new boyfriend (now husband) Javi.

But Javi isn't Kailyn's only casualty. After complaining that her ex, Jo, "put his hands on" her, she punches her baby daddy in the face.

But wait, there's more! Jenelle, who like original "Teen Mom" Amber Portwood has been arrested for violent confrontations, is seen tossing a suitcase at who appears to be new BF Gary Head's face and shoving him. She in turn complains, "I have bruises all over my body."'

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France: 'Unbalanced' woman vandalises famed painting

Link here. Excerpt:

'The 28-year-old woman, who is being held by police, is accused of using a black marker to deface the masterpiece at a recently opened satellite branch of the Louvre in Lens, northern France.

Her motives were unclear but her scrawling of "AE911" had some wondering if she was suffering from delusions involving the 9/11 attacks.
The woman would have faced up to seven years in prison and a 100,000 euro ($130,000) fine if found criminally responsible and convicted of defacing a cultural object.
In December a Polish man was jailed for two years in Britain for defacing a mural by US artist Mark Rothko at London's Tate Modern gallery.'

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The Female Orgasm, 50 Shades Of Grey, and Feminism's Schizophrenia

Article here. Excerpt:

'The flawed feminist notion that women can have it all when it comes to an illustrious fulltime career and raising children can also be applied to the bedroom. Which is it, do you want to be respected between the sheets, or handcuffed to the bed post and whipped?
Agreed. However, are we justified in mourning the illusive female orgasm and the larger concern of female sexual neglect, if we as women instead express the opposite sentiment demonstrated by the “Fifty Shades of Grey” phenomenon that has swept the nation?
Importantly, as women, we must ask ourselves who exactly is effectuating such standards of male sexual focus? More specifically, are we perhaps perpetuating the harmful standards, such as male dominance and female submission, that we rail against?

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NYT "mansplains" the parenting gap

Article here. Excerpt:

'KJ Dell’Antonia, lead writer for the New York Times’ Motherlode, wants to know why moms are so much more likely than dads to know all the nitty-gritty details of their children’s lives.

And Bruce Feiler, another Times scribe, has the answer: It’s because mean mommies won’t relinquish control to their poor husbands! “The most significant predictor of dad involvement is the mom’s willingness to give up control and allow the father to do things a slightly different way,” Feiler writes.
Are we really going to blame so-called mean moms for the gender gap at home? To say nothing of a culture that presents sharing housework as emasculating (and, apparently, a boner-killer!) and asks CEOs and presidential hopefulsif it’s “responsible” to take on demanding, full-time work so soon after having a child? And really, Bruce Feiler? You’re comfortable giving men a pass on parenting because “When a mother criticizes her partner’s child-care efforts, it causes him to lose confidence and withdraw?” That’s the best you’ve got?'

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VAWA must be reformed for domestic violence rates to come down

Article here. Excerpt:

'Neither the Democratic nor the Republican versions of the Violence Against Women Act survived the last Congress. Now Democrats, headed by Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy, vow immediate action on a new VAWA that does little to alter current flawed policies on domestic violence. The long hiatus in VAWA authorization represents a golden opportunity to get right what we’ve gotten wrong for so long.
VAWA’s detriments are too numerous to deal with here, but surely if we’re going to spend almost half a billion dollars to combat domestic violence, don’t we want a law that actually decreases its incidence?

The sad fact is that, almost 20 years after its first passage, VAWA proponents can point to no evidence of its success at doing so. True, late last year former NOW president Kim Gandy claimed that a recent report by the Department of Justice “showed conclusively” that VAWA has reduced rates of domestic violence. In fact, it’s done no such thing.'

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Male victims of violence also need support

Letter here.

'We need to protect all victims of intimate-partner violence, regardless of gender [“A second chance to protect abused women,” Opinion, Feb. 4].

The most recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report on intimate-partner violence found that each year more men (5.36 million) than women (4.74 million) are victims of intimate-partner physical violence (Tables 4.1, 4.2 of full report) and psychological violence (20.5 vs. 16.5 million). Yet here in King County, there are no services for male victims. When I called I was referred to a program for male batterers.

Too often, men are told the programs only serve women, are accused of being the batterer or are laughed at. In one survey by Denise Hines & Emily Douglas, men who phoned the police were arrested more often than the women against whom they sought protection.

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Florida judge approves birth certificate listing three parents

Story here. Excerpt:

'(Reuters) - A Florida judge has approved the adoption of a 22-month-old baby girl that will list three people as parents on her birth certificate -- a married lesbian couple and a gay man.

The decision ends a two-year paternity fight between the couple and a friend of the women who donated his sperm to father the child but later sought a larger role in the girl's life.

The ruling means the child's birth certificate will include a biological father and both women as parents in an unusual arrangement approved recently by a Miami-Dade Circuit Court judge.

The women, Maria Italiano, 43, and Cher Filippazzo, 38, had made several unsuccessful attempts to become parents using fertility clinics.
Under the judge's decision, the two women will have sole parental rights, although Gerina will be allowed to visit the child. He will not be expected to provide child support.'

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