UK: Women-only lists for half of London seats that Labour has in its sights

Article here. Excerpt:

'Labour will have all-women shortlists in half its key London target seats at the next general election, shadow minister for London Sadiq Khan reveals today.

Giving his first interview in his new role as Labour’s general election campaign chief for the capital, he pledged that six out of the 12 London targets will be fought by women, with men barred from the selection contests.

“It frankly beggars belief that in 2013 we still only have one in five parliamentarians who are women,” he said. “Even in the Labour Party, the most progressive of all parties, we don’t have enough women or ethnic minorities — and we need to address that.”'

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Father says he's still paying child support for 3-year-old son who died 25 years ago

Story here. Excerpt:

'DETROIT (WXYZ) - Lional Campbell's son, Michael, passed away at the age of three from acute meningitis.

"It took a lot out of me," says Campbell who is from Detroit and now lives in Kentucky. And it's that distance that is making even more difficult for Campbell to wage a fight with Wayne County Friend of the Court over child support that Campbell says he is still paying for Michael.
For years, Campbell never questioned paying child support to Friend of the Court because he thought the money was for what he owed for an older son he fathered with Michael's mother.
Campbell reached out to 7 Action News and while a spokesperson for the Friend of the Court could not talk specifically about Campbell's case because of privacy issues, they did tell us that surcharges drastically raise the amounts owed by non-custodial parents.

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Australia: "Gillard Government to act on Female Genital Mutilation in Australia"

Link here. Excerpt:

'It is often performed on girls under the age of ten. It is a violation of the human rights of women and girls and there is no place for it here in Australia. Its occurrence in this country cannot be excused by culture.

The Gillard Government today announced it would immediately implement the following measures:

• Provide $500,000 in grants to fund organisations to run education and awareness activities and support change within communities, as we know public education and awareness is key to change.

• New research and data collection on female genital mutilation will be undertaken as a priority. This will help us build the evidence needed to support women and girls affected by female genital mutilation.

• Minister Plibersek will hold a national summit on this subject early next year, bringing together community, health, legal and policing experts to discuss how we can increase awareness and support and reduce incidence in Australia.

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UK: Politicians frightened to admit fathers are vital, says top family lawyer

Article here. Excerpt:

'Marriage is as important to the future of the nation as climate change and poverty, a senior family lawyer said yesterday.

Baroness Deech said the growing numbers of families without fathers was doing more harm to the next generation than other factors such as smoking, alcohol, poor diet and lack of exercise.

And she warned that a conspiracy of silence surrounded the issue because political leaders were afraid to say married families were better for children than cohabiting families or single parent families.'

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Circumcision reduces sexual pleasure

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men who are circumcised are in for some bad news - it puts them at a disadvantage in the bedroom, according to experts.

A study found those who've had their foreskin removed as children or adults experience less intense sexual pleasure and orgasm than their peers.'

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SAVE: VAWA Bullies

Page here. Excerpt:

'Call your Representative today at 202-224-3121. Tell your Representative to say ‘No’ to the VAWA bullies….and say ‘Yes’ to real VAWA reform.

These are examples of the threats, falsehoods, and smears by the VAWA zealots:

  • UltraViolet: This is what we’re up against.
  • National Organization for Women: Press release
  • Think Progress: 22 Republican men
  • Interview with Brown University professor Tricia Rose
  • Comments posted on senators’ Facebook pages'
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Former porn star accused of stabbing boyfriend to death

Story here. Excerpt:

'Ex-porn star Jennifer Marchant -- known on camera as Scarlett Rouge -- pleaded not guilty to murder on Monday after her boyfriend bled to death from a stab in the neck.

The 23-year-old woman, who has starred in at least six titles such as "Super Sized Rides 2" and "Hot Sexy Plumpers 27," is suspected of stabbing her boyfriend, Ralph Stone, last Wednesday with a kitchen knife during a domestic dispute, according to the New York Daily News.

Police responded to Marchant's New York apartment and found Stone, 24, bleeding from his neck. The father of Marchant's 2-year-old daughter was pronounced dead a short time later.

Marchant pleaded her innocence on Monday, claiming that she acted in self defense, according to WIVB.'

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F&F: Young Marine Must Continue To Pay Child Support for a Child That Is Not His

Article here. Excerpt:

'Brandon Parsons is a young Marine who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. On January 22, 2013, San Diego Superior Court Judge Gregory Pollack ruled that Brandon Parsons will have to continue paying child support for another twelve years for another man’s child.

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Intact America Job Opening: Project Associate (Tarrytown, NY Office)

Link here. Excerpt:

' Intact America—a non-profit human rights organization dedicated to ending the practice of routine infant circumcision in the U.S.—seeks a dynamic, highly-motivated individual to fill a Project Associate position at our Tarrytown office in Westchester County, NY. Candidates must be committed to Intact America’s mission—to protect all babies and children from circumcision and all other forms of medically unnecessary genital alteration, in the name of culture, religion, profit, or parental preference. This is an exciting opportunity to be part of a team working on one of the leading human rights issue of the 21st century.

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Former mayor embezzled millions, gambled away millions in spree

Story here. This is actually really quite a sad story. I hesitated to post it. But it's these marginal cases that really challenge thinking and standards (or possible double-standards). What do you all think, would she be getting the same soft-glove handling if she were a he? Or would it be all the same given her health problems/loss of her mate, which may well have contributed to her behavior. Both extreme grief and brain tumors can be causes of manic behavior, but are men less likely to be shown mercy with these as factors vs. women? What do you all think? Excerpt:

'LOS ANGELES — A former mayor of San Diego spent the last decade wagering more than a billion dollars at casinos across the country, eventually liquidating her savings, auctioning her belongings, selling off real estate, borrowing from friends and taking more than $2 million from a charity set up by her late husband, a fast-food tycoon.

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SAVE: ‘Incendiary and Extreme:’ SAVE Deplores Vilification Campaign in Wake of Senate Approval of VAWA

Press release here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON / February 13, 2013 – Following yesterday’s Senate approval of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), advocates for prompt passage of the bill in the House of Representatives have launched a high-pressure campaign designed to portray Republicans as unsympathetic to the plight of domestic violence victims.

Within hours of Senate approval of the bill, a group called UltraViolet issued a statement announcing its strategy in bold-faced type: “If we can spread the word that House conservatives are blocking legislation to reduce domestic violence because ‘it’s not fair to men,’ we can create a political firestorm no politician will want to get caught up in.”

A press release from the National Organization for Women claims a “radical fringe” controls the Republican leadership and that majority leader Eric Cantor would continue his “shameful efforts” to delay passage of the bill. The N.O.W. statement includes an emotional claim about daily “burnings” of women.'

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Young Boys Face Serious Discrimination in Schools

Article here. Excerpt:

'Recent studies are revealing that young boys are being discriminated against in schools and being graded unfairly because of how their active nature is perceived by teachers.

It is no secret that boys tend to be very hyper active at a young age. While most girls are happy doing whatever task is handed to them, boys often can’t focus unless they are given the opportunity to run around a bit and let out all that built up energy.

While their active nature is perfectly innocent, researchers believe teachers are discriminating against them unfairly.

The problem appears to be that teachers are interpreting being active as being “bad” and punishing young boys for not cooperating or behaving well in a classroom environment.'

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Men's rights activists: Symantec branded us a 'hate group'

Article here. Excerpt:

'A men's issues website has cried foul after it was apparently classified as a "hate" site by Symantec.

Surfers visiting A Voice for Men ( were confronted by a message stating that it is a "known hate site" blocking from going any further by web-filtering technology in Symantec. A Voice for Men angrily denounced the move, which it ascribed to settings built into Symantec's Norton Internet Security software.

Paul Elam, publisher of A Voice for Men, fumed in an open letter to Symantec's senior management: "Your customers are given no supporting information or rationale for such a listing, and no immediate option to override the warning and proceed according to their own will; just the simple invective of being painted as a hate organisation."
Edwards then set up Norton DNS but that did not block the site either, and said: "[L]ooks like Symantec has updated its records".

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Obama Renews Call For Paycheck Fairness Act

Article here. Excerpt:

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Boys Are At The Back Of The Class

Article here. Excerpt:

"Boys are lagging behind girls in school; on average, they get worse grades, take fewer advanced classes and are less likely to graduate. To find out why boys are taking a back seat in education, host Michel Martin speaks with Christina Hoff Sommers, resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and author of 'The War Against Boys.'"

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