Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2013-02-19 22:44
Article here. Excerpt:
'Recently, the article “Consent a campus issue,” which ran in The Crimson White, has been receiving quite a bit of attention, mainly from people calling for the job of Jessica Vickery, the assistant director of health education and promotion at the Student Health Center.
Vickery’s “crime,” according to many comments online, was found in a quote stating that, “Some people think there are false accusations. There’s really no false accusations. If someone feels they didn’t give consent, then they didn’t give consent.”
Readers have attacked Vickery for her conservative take on consent and sex since this article ran, with users such as ZimbaZumba posting that, “Jessica Vickery should be removed from her position, her comments are appalling.”
Some, like user drunicusrex, even see males being victimized here, posting that, “This is truly frightening. I doubt I will ever send my son, or for that matter my daughter, to a school where such fantastic, outrageous, and blatantly anti-male beliefs are espoused.”
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2013-02-19 22:24
Article here. Excerpt:
'Colleges could soon have new national standards for how they handle reported sexual assaults on their campuses, thanks to a provision in the latest re-authorization of the Violence Against Women Act.
The Campus Sexual Violence Elimination (SaVE) Act was first introduced in 2010 by Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.), but now depends on the passage of the Senate version of VAWA, which has incorporated much of its language. It's the most significant reform of policy on how college sexual assaults are handled since the Jeanne Clery Act of 1990 and the Campus Sexual Assault Victim's Bill of Rights of 1992.
The SaVE Act is not without critics. Most notably, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education has pushed against the establishment of a National Center for Campus Public Safety, citing concerns for individuals accused of assault. FIRE also has protested the low burden of proof that would be established by the bill, saying it removes safeguards for due process of the accused.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2013-02-19 22:17
Article here. Excerpt:
'Rep. John "Jimmy" Duncan Jr. (R-Tenn.) said he doesn't know if he will vote for a renewal of the Violence Against Women Act, a bill the congressman said has a nice name, and argued that men can handle violence better than women.
"Every bill is given a motherhood-and-apple-pie title," Duncan said, according to the Chattanooga Times Free Press. "But if you voted [based] on the title, you'd vote for every bill up here. If we'd all done that, the country would have crashed a long time ago."
"So this is another bill with a motherhood-and-apple-pie title," added Duncan, who voted for the reauthorization of VAWA in 2005.
But constituents would be mistaken to think that Duncan's uncertainty over whether he will support the reauthorization this year means he isn't concerned with the issue of violence against women. He said it's an especially big problem because women are not as well equipped as men to handle violence.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2013-02-19 22:00
Article here. Excerpt:
'Obama’s emphasis on “high quality” is important. Preschool intervention programs vary in quality. But, at their best, they help child to make the most of their early learning years at a time when their learning and study habits are formed.
One recent federal evaluation of Head Start, which is aimed at low-income preschoolers, found parents benefitted, too, by learning to use more appropriate discipline and spend more time reading to their children.
“Every dollar we invest in high-quality early education can save more than seven dollars later on,” President Obama said, announcing his idea during his State of the Union Address.
And there’s another potential benefit that the president didn’t mention: Prekindergarten programs can help reverse a disturbing gender gap favoring girls in academic performance that, according to new studies, is showing up as early as kindergarten.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2013-02-19 21:58
Story here. Excerpt:
'A woman who served time in state prison for having sex with two underage boys, including one who was dating her teenage daughter, is back in jail for allegedly violating her parole by possessing pornography, authorities said Tuesday.
Christine Shreeve Hubbs, 44, was arrested Friday night after state parole agents found pornography in a surprise compliance visit to her Hayward home, said Fred Bridgewater, state parole spokesman.
There was no indication that the pornography involved children, but Hubbs is not allowed to possess any pornography under the conditions of her parole, Bridgewater said.'
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2013-02-19 03:23
From Warren Farrell:
Reddit's Ask Me Anything is doing a highlighted interview with me on Tuesday, February 19th at 10:00 AM Pacific (1:00 PM Eastern). I thought you might like to ask a question. I am writing this a few days ahead of time because, to do so, you would need to sign up for a Reddit account and familiarize yourself with how the Ask Me Anything (AMA) works. To submit a question, you may go to and locate my AMA on Tuesday at 10:00 AM Pacific (1:00 PM Eastern), click on it, and put a question in the comments/questions box.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2013-02-19 02:54
Submitted by MikeJH on Tue, 2013-02-19 00:35
Story here. Excerpt:
'A teenager who put a man through two months of torment by falsely accusing him of rape has been spared jail.
Sophie Hooper, 19, told police she had been forced to have sex against her will with a man she had only just met in the pub.
But two months later her conscience got the better of her and she wrote a letter to the police confessing she had lied about the allegations.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2013-02-18 18:50
Story here. Excerpt:
'Elaine Cook and her boyfriend of 10 months went out last week for Valentine’s Day, returned to her apartment and got in a fight.
She asked him to leave. He wanted to end the argument. So he leaned in for a kiss.
That’s when prosecutors said she bit off a “large” piece of his tongue.
Now the 51-year-old Cook, of the 9400 block of Lockwood in Skokie, is charged with aggravated domestic battery.
She was arrested Friday, records show, and Cook County Judge Israel Desierto ordered her held Sunday in lieu of $100,000 bail.
Her boyfriend, meanwhile, said he has “a lot of mixed feelings.” He said he’s trying to heal after losing the right side of his tongue, and he asked not to be named.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2013-02-18 18:28
Story here. Excerpt:
'EL CAJON, Calif. - A female teacher's aide who had sex with a 15-year-old male student at a school for juvenile offenders was sentenced Thursday to probation and ordered to register as a sex offender.
Chrystina Delrosario, 25, pleaded guilty in December to two counts of having unlawful sex with a minor. She admitted she had sex with the boy in a classroom in late June at La Mesa's Reflections Central School, an educational program for juvenile offenders run by the San Diego County Office of Education on behalf of the county Probation Department.
Judge John Thompson suspended a 365-day jail term for Delrosario pending successful completion of her three-year probation.
The judge said he would "entertain" withdrawing the sex registration requirement after a year of probation and would also consider reducing the felony conviction to a misdemeanor after two years of successful probation.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2013-02-18 18:21
Story here. Excerpt:
'Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings wants 10,000 men to join him March 23 at City Hall Plaza for a rally and campaign against domestic abuse. It's part of the mayor’s efforts to change a culture of violence.
Mayor Mike Rawlings says for too long domestic violence was seen as a women’s issue.
“Well, it ain’t," Rawlings told the audience at a launch of his campaign against domestic violence. "It’s a men’s issue, and we have got to make that very clear.”
Flanked by dozens of men, including former Dallas Cowboys Troy Aikman and Emmitt Smith, the Mayor announced the March 23rd rally.
“I want fathers to bring their sons because this is undoubtedly a learned behavior," Rawlings said. "And we have an intergenerational teaching moment right here. We have a unique opportunity to change the mind set of the next generation in Dallas.”'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2013-02-18 18:16
Story here.
'Officers were summoned at 1:19 a.m. Feb. 13 to an apartment in the 400 block of South Harold Street for a report of domestic violence. They met the victim outside, where he waited in an alley for police to arrive.
He told officers that Rebecca G. Thomas-Deal, 24, was upset at him because she thought he wasn't listening to her and the couple argued, according to the FBPD. Thomas-Deal allegedly started throwing household items at the victim, pushing him and hitting his face and chest. Officers reportedly found several scratches on the victim's face and chest.
Based on the evidence and visible injuries, officers arrested Thomas-Deal on suspicion of domestic violence, according to the FBPD. She was booked at the Fort Bragg Police Department and taken to the Mendocino County Jail, where her bail was set at $25,000.'
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Submitted by GaryB on Sun, 2013-02-17 23:26
This is a really interesting story, currently popular on Reddit - and an MRI in my opinion. I just bet the girls on that cruise got ample time with princesses and various empowering females in one form or another. Good on this kid for complaining. Excerpt:
'IF AN eight-year-old kid is unsatisfied with a Disney Cruise Line experience, he has every right to complain. He's obliged to complain.
And this eight-year-old kid, Ethan, did just that, after he was robbed of the chance to see his heroes, or, "guys" he thinks "are cool" on the Disney Dream.
"I wish I could have met some princes like Aladdin or Eric, but there was no boy character on the ship," he wrote.
"I would also like to meet Jack Sparrow. It made me a little sad. I complained a lot. I'm not sure we'll go on another cruise again."'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2013-02-17 19:45
Article here. Excerpt:
'Seventy-six percent of rapists were abused themselves as children. This is true with circumcision and its societal structure. Child abuse and other types of abuse are generational. Circumcision is a type of Munchausen by Proxy.
Passing on experienced trauma by doing the same to others is a Repetition Compulsion. The act is to fill a lacking in the perpetrator’s own inner self-worth.
- 1: The cycle begins with feeling of Betrayal, whether conscious or subconscious.
- The victim tries to psychologically mediate by obtaining and exercising Power.
- Performing a power-based action on another person is to affect Control over them.
- This gives the perpetrator, whether an individual or a social force, a sense of assumed Authority. It also assumes a right to exercise influence over another person’s life personally as well as those residing within the Social Body.
- The active component is a Manipulation. Ritual manipulates objects.[4] Circumcision’s object is the genitals.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2013-02-17 19:43
Article here. Excerpt:
'Where a person is incarcerated can make or break a family's ability to stay connected — something the 4,000 children of incarcerated mothers in this state know well. Visiting far-away prisons like Albion, the state's largest women's prison, located eight hours from Manhattan, has become even more difficult since state corrections eliminated its free community bus program in 2011.
Being close to home minimizes the trauma and stress of incarceration for both children and parents, and decreases the risk of an incarcerated parent losing touch with, and sometimes parental rights to, his or her children. Keeping family connections strong also makes prisons safer (by providing incentive for good behavior) and communities safer (by providing support for people to stay out of prison after they go home).'
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