The Precious Self-Esteem Our Boys Need to Survive

Article here. What a great piece of writing addressing a very ordinary phenomenon in an extraordinary way. Any POV that allows men a more expansive view of themselves or of masculinity is a good one. Excerpt:

'To all the boys who may or may not be queer. The boys picked last in sports but first for the latest in fashion, entertaining, and tasteful decorating. The boys who couldn’t catch a football but instead could clean a bathroom until it sparkles and offer serious, heartfelt care to a sick sibling.

I salute you.

I salute us. In this culture, our gifts go unrecognized or at worse, get criticized and mocked. I salute all the boys like me who were different. Yes, we are here to stay and more importantly will be leading the revolution when the time comes.

Did I mention the time is now?'

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Violence Against Women Act ignores reality

Letter here. The letter starts about halfway down the page. Excerpt:

'Beyond fraud, waste, duplication, non-accountability, false accusations and the denial of civil rights, the blatantly obvious problem with the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is that women constitute only about half of the true victims of domestic violence. The other half is made up of men, and they receive absolutely zero protections and services from Sen. Patrick Leahy’s (D-Vt.) VAWA reauthorization (“Senate passes VAWA reauthorization,” Feb. 12).
Decades of consistently replicated social science research shows that domestic violence is initiated about equally by men and women; that slightly more women than men are physically harmed, but that men nonetheless represent more than 40 percent of the physically harmed victims; that the domestic violence initiation rates for women, and especially young women, have been rising; and that the domestic violence rates for bisexuals, gays and lesbians all are higher than for heterosexual couples.'

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UK: No men allowed: The surge of the women-only club

Article here. Excerpt:

"Women-only clubs and societies have sprung up in the capital, including private members' club Grace in Belgravia (where men are allowed on a Thursday night - but for dinner only), the Sorority Club in Holborn, KC'z Bar in Soho and beer-tasting club Dea Latis, showing a trend for places where professional women can socialise in exclusive spaces.

Many of these places are seen as 'safe areas', where women can go without being bothered or harassed by men.

Speaking to the Metro newspaper, KC Gates, owner of KC'z's, said: 'There’s the stereotype where women say can’t eat or be themselves in front of a man, whereas they can let loose with their girls, and that is exactly what they are doing at these venues.

‘I know women who want a place to eat that’s just for them, with female-only staff. Women who wear veils can come in and undress, and they don’t have to hide.’"

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Topeka sperm donor mentioned in Senate hearing

Article here. Excerpt:

'A group of unusual allies gave presentations to a Senate health committee Wednesday, urging more regulation for assisted reproduction.

Researchers from Christian groups, as well as a prominent abortion-rights group, the National Organization for Women, said the United States has become a "Wild West" for "commercial surrogacy" that exploits and endangers women.

A host of ethical concerns surrounding fertility treatments were raised, including the case of a Topeka man who donated sperm to a lesbian couple.
William Marotta, the Topeka man embroiled in a legal battle with the state after answering a lesbian couple's online ad for a sperm donor, was mentioned, but Wednesday's presentations mostly focused on fertility treatments' effects on women.'

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Do Boys Face More Sexism Than Girls?

Interview here. Excerpt:

'When it comes to education, are boys the new girls? Are they facing more discrimination than their female peers, just because they are sexually different? According to recent studies, boys score as well as or better than girls on most standardized tests, yet they are far less likely to get good grades, take advanced classes or attend college. We asked prominent gender warriors, Michael Kimmel and Christina Hoff Sommers, to hash this one through in HuffPost's latest "Let's Talk" feature.'

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FreeDomainRadio interview with Warren Farrell

Recent interview available on YouTube here. The posting site is

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Florida: Alimony laws could be on the road to change

Article here. Excerpt:

'Tavares-based Florida Alimony Reform's efforts to change the state's alimony laws took a big leap forward in the Florida Legislature Thursday when the House Civil Justice Subcommittee voted 10-2 in favor of HB 231.

Sponsored by state Rep. Ritch Workman, R-Melbourne, HB 231 revises factors to be considered when awarding alimony, including how much and for how long.

Workman told fellow lawmakers that the state's alimony laws are "archaic" and that FAR's goal is to provide better guidelines for the courts to follow.'

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F&F: Judge Slams Mother, State Attorney in False Child Support Case

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Dade County, Florida judge has slammed the State Attorney’s Office and the mother it represented for pursuing a father for child support when both the state’s lawyer and the mother knew her allegations against him were false.  Read about it here (Miami Herald, 2/7/13).

It’s long been a scandal that state Attorneys General and other state level child support enforcement agencies represent custodial parents free of charge in child support cases while non-custodial parents, likely already strapped for cash, have to hire their own lawyers to represent them.  As I’ve said before, the U.S. Office of Child Support Enforcement budgets some $5 billion a year to help custodial parents (overwhelmingly mothers) but a mere $10 million to help non-custodial parents (overwhelmingly fathers).  But the inequality in child support matters hardly ends there.

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F&F: State Attorney General Goes to Court Opposing Equal Parenting Law

Article here. Excerpt:

'Like a lot of dads, Sanderson wants more and knows his kids need more.  But unlike a lot of dads, he’s not content to go hat in hand to the court to beg for a few more hours or days.  He’s done that plenty of course, but Sanderson doesn’t stop there.  For one thing, he lobbied the state legislature to change custody laws.  That failed as it has in so many other states.
So Sanderson set his sights a little lower.  He got enough people to sign a petition for a county-wide ballot initiative that was the same as the previous state-wide one.  And, lo and behold, it passed in a landslide!  Walsh County residents voted 66% to 34% in favor of equally shared parenting by fit parents.  In due course, county commissioners voted 4 – 1 to add it to the county ordinances.  In Walsh County, North Dakota, equally shared parenting had become law, thanks to the tireless work of Mitch Sanderson.

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The Emotional Consequences of Circumcision

Article here. Excerpt:

'The American Academy of Pediatrics announced in 2012 a change in its policy regarding infant male circumcision. Whereas previously they held “the procedure is not essential to the childʼs current well-being,” now in their carefully worded statement they say “the benefits outweigh the risks.” This reversal comes at a time when circumcision rates are at their lowest point in years in the USA, and when many people around the world are taking a stand against the procedure.
Just because there remains no conscious memory of events before speech develops doesnʼt mean they are “forgotten.” I can understand the general public may still believe that what cannot be remembered canʼt cause lasting damage. But that a medical organization, representing 60,000 primary care pediatricians, has chosen not to consider longterm emotional damage is nothing less than criminal.

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SAVE: Let's Celebrate our Progress

Start making plans now to join us this summer at our annual conference in Washington DC. The event will be held on June 21-22. And you are in for a treat! 
We are tickled pink to announce that this year's keynote speakers are Erin Pizzey, founder of the international abuse shelter movement, and Kathy King, a former magistrate in Hamilton County, Ohio. I have no doubt they will tell it like it is. 
You'll be shocked and inspired as Vladek Filler and Gordon Smith talk about their false allegation cases, and Sherry Warner Seefeld tells us about her son Caleb. And that's not all.  
Visit the SAVE website for more presenters, the schedule, registration fees and lodging info. Visit eventbrite to register online.

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"Garbage man rescues dog from rubbish"

Link here. Excerpt:

'A starving puppy whimpering in pain after its owner tossed it away in the rubbish has been given a second chance at life after being rescued by a US garbage man.

Indiana man Michael Upchurch found the six-week-old dog, which has since been named Garby, as he collected rubbish last Wednesday morning.

"Once I took it up here and I dumped it in the truck it was just a terrible sound," Mr Upchurch told CBS.
Garby has since recovered and is now living with Mr Upchurch and his wife.

The woman accused of dumping Garby as well as two other puppies on the same day said she thought the animals had died of Parvo — a contagious virus that affects dogs.

A medical examination found the dog was not suffering from the virus, but was starving.

Police are investigating the case and the owner could face charges of neglect and animal cruelty.'

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Mother charged for hiring strippers for son's birthday

Link here. Excerpt:

'A New York woman has been charged with child endangerment after she allegedly hired strippers to perform at her son's 16th birthday party.

Judy Viger, 33, threw a birthday party for her son at a bowling alley in November last year, CBS News reports.

She allegedly hired two strippers, who attended the party and performed lewd dances for five teenagers under 17.'

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Male Positive Media: American Family Insurance ad

American Family Insurance has a refreshingly male-positive ad about a father and son's quest to visit all the national parks in the United States. A link to the ad is here.

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Hiring should favour male, minority teachers: Toronto school board

This is an exciting and encouraging development in Canada. The Toronto District School Board, in a groundbreaking policy decision, has decided that due to the underrepresentation of men in the K-12 public education system, especially at the elementary level, they will favour hiring more male teachers to correct the imbalance. The school board is also favouring the hiring of certain racial minorities who are also underrepresented. A memo sent out by the school board to teachers and principals states, "The first round of TDSB interviews will be granted to teacher candidates that meet one or more of the following criteria in addition to being an outstanding teacher: Male, racial minority, French, Music, Aboriginal.” Excerpt:

'A Toronto District School Board memo to staff that included gender and race among qualifications that could win a candidate an interview for a teaching position has outraged some female teachers.

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